r ; PAG2 TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMEEE 12. 1921. TWELVE PAGES Af fEDLCY -V .cr.m (a , to Voufta 6oiNiG,To 6UW ft NE CNftf ' to BU one um- I Htxve on . L "I Luke McGlook, the Brainy BEAN Boy ifcTo Pu i ft.- It:, ..m ''-f0Z'Afo . i 5& By Carl Ed IltneuP r curios. to Krtovi rWm H0RRoto w feC,N Cmy- iMKRe S: ( "ifm QjPATE A Very Dark Mystery Is Cleared Up By a Little Probing! BV LOUIS RICHARD tfk &tHs'' nLC?E jfW7 $ ' Wi this J TS HtiSL f V bu ,cN i;'' r I DRAWING LES5QNS .FOROUR KIDDILS A STAKTFI7 PICTlIRr CAN YAU CAMPLCTE IT ? ' - true to life 1 tmmi lsJIMMYBOB PENCIL PICIUHBafe , . . zf i I JiihI glou anil Kliiclv HiU ..n.,, . ..... . .... .( nnlnn niluuliifw r r.m t k j .. ",,n i"uir jiuh nu cniy two finct'rs on each Nb.nd, there nothiiic but (he solea of l,ls ahd jusi look at hi d ' m..,N"." .wl",, !' ''on vnt'1 ' ,l0S' Can you make all' IhosJ (unny UUI rtaihMjiito t han ; Tall Mr. VoWmkI! i,-. , Jack Dliln't , " "ms R il llmsolf? What mo tlie host things to put In an uppln )!(?-Tcptli. What name reads both ways tho same'.'--Hannah. When la the best tinip to rp a nw lairt rgfe at sea?- When the ship "lays I cur e-ggpi I rjnv ic c ini- UJVfcl.lE.'bl HAIW TWC " 7 Ky of that Lost Jim's Address yesterday! saw you twice Jacqueline I never notice people In that condition. Klddltw for the Iteucli. What bell will never ring? A di nib bell. ,0 ,(l0' spending connidorablc time returned. What is tho cheapen breskra-rt you "No'.v. Mick." usked. the plater, can nave?-A roll on the ground. "what size is the plate?" Ti C' '"iVoll," replied M tk. with a grin of Mwurcmrnis. atUfaotlon. "if the length of your A twn-f,,t rule va jjivea t ) a la- n.le and t,i thumbs over, with this b.'i'.M- In n Cly.le btyard to tr.casu.o piece of b-ic'; and the breadth of mv an ron plate., Ti e !alo er. nnl bens hand and n,v nn from here to there well up the use of the rule, after bar a fln-or " Ooiny to the Knot, The An:;'oAme;'ican Congress Historians are of the ouinion English history text-books are warned by prejudice. There is some talk cf history being abolished. . Mil) be Auntie Made Jtim, Henry (to druggist) Give me a box of Dr. Green's pills. Druggist Anti-billlous? Henry Xo; Uncle. . o BEH IS SOME BROKER LOOKOUT KfALL STREET ! - i i The AlttTinitive, SheAnother man might. 03 fn -' s i- 1 ' 7 .... it ST ff- rutliii!; Him In His Phino nA t..-.. h.n i tni li . -,s He (making poor headwav)-vill bridegroom' 7J nienuoned the Prohibitionist (sipping . suspicioul nothing induce you to change your the weZg aCCUnt f ,y)-1 wder wbat caused thi. cid. mind ami marry? r ' to turn ' -,es,' you 11 Hud him Old Soak (maliciously) Perhaj amongst "Those Present." there was a worm la the apple, Drawn for tin's paper By Carl Ell r- I HEftT T Duo iu I I I I ' w ' '"M i I 1 v r Just fs hoa.js.rv , ,.,, iov much for. this ? 1 ftb Vou ftjr 0 fiDtrs) Full, blooded Li SHf M M , A1" : '" fiFTfSMOTuI JfctsZ 1 ".. " ! I TU'MEANEST GwomEaiitiI 1 I i t j i tMMMT 1 . "'.'.- ( ill 7 c V r 6 on ii i