EIGHT PAGES Thirteen No Jinx for Him Social and Club News 23 V'.A S!HTHIAY I'HM-EftliATED. ' Linn chapter of Westminister Guild at I'auline, the daughter of Mr. pnd a imrciing of the chapter last evening Mrs. i. M. Traylor, 1108 Kaley street, at tnc noine oi .Mrs. rc. K. tjeist. utn- s. was honored ut a birthday party es- r ottii-ers chosen were Mildred Kbivl. tenlay afternoon from 3 to 5, the or- vice president; Louise Hayden. treas casiun b-ir.i? her .wiinth birthday, urer and .Mary Hampton, secretary. .-.i....,., .'r iv, .!.....,.. ,.t The house was decorated in pink, pink A social evening was enjoyed after of Dul'ili'c welfare carnations being used. A cake with the business session. The organiza- Pondleton clubwomen, who in the Pin vnndles was a feature. -Juests tion is under the auspices of the Pres past have been active in the sale of the were Evalyn Kmb.isk. Elizabeth from- , byterian church. nealK. will with other clubwomen of melin. Mary Hov.land, Sue Winters. ' Oregon be asked to co-operate this Eleanor Fletcher, Uarbara iner, .L'-A E For roi.T JND. eicncviove Young, r lora jirwinani, ..un. jmn- Franci3 Kobertson, Uoris Mabie. Jane man- Mrs- Thompson. Mrs. Wil- Mabie and Wilina Peterson. llar1 l1na an baries Bond left . a jby motor today to spend the week-end 1I) M EFTS Portlun1- Thy w111 beat Colum- f The il'dies- Aid of the Methodist S;i' hf'lel tonlicht and will Ke church was entertained yesterday aft- l" " .". uw. iney ... lernoon at the home of Mrs. It. U OI- ,f " a ,1,w,tre 1 urat "Aphrodite." liver with Mrs. Oliver. Mrs. 1. H. ... ,. , f.rroni'.t;..no h,n' L.w.ti llm l ir.i- : t -.. M... W I 0 1....... M .... t ,v..i.l 1'J n .moters and supporters of all m eat 'stoe kman and Mrs. Louise Kini? ns movements for advancement of the hostesses. A Thanksgiving program AID IS AKED The aid of clubwomen of the Plate of Oregon in selling Christmas seals. through which medium funds are rais ed to prosecute the battle asainst tu berculosis, is asked bv Mrs. Sadie Orr- year. Mrs. Dunbar, in her appeal to Clubwomen, says: "Theie lies before every woman's or ganisation in the state an opportunity to perform a duty that is a privilege that of tuking active and etieeuve part in the great fish: against tuberculosis. "It is history that women and worn welfare of our nation and its people. 'was given and arrangements made for The war on tuberculosis is one of the ln aploii and fancy work sale on De greatest and most vital of the modern cember 3. educational movements to save and ( protect our nation and our people ftETllltX TO PENDLETON, from the misery, destruction and ( it(,v. and Mrs. J. T. Ijx Rose have re death Of that greatest of modern turned after a vls't to Saskatchewan, scourges tuberculosis. Tncy ilavp 1)e(. ln Canada for the past "Your organization owes a duty to . ls,.v. Ul Uow lH pastor of the Itself and to the community to he ac Niiz.ir.ne chrch of Pendleton, tlve In protecting that community . from this disease. The opportunity is MOVE TO NEW" RESIDENCE yours to do a work that will bring ( ' "Mr "aml j,,;. E. p. Ave'rill and fam lastinit benefit, not only lo your com- My wh(, h.ive ,.,.n re.si()iK ,lt 214 miiniiy um to tne nation. I Perkins lAvenue, will in future be domiciled at G 10 Kaley street. Members of the Delphian Club will enjoy a luncheon tomorrow ut the Elks' club. The uffair is under the di rection of Mrs. K M. Mrs. Fred Lieuallen. IS IS SPOKANE. W.'hs Lot la Llvermore Is visiting rel . atives in Spokane. OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN. Isabel Maey was chosen president of UOl'F'S Ul'kf AIRS SHOP DELIGHTFUL NEW MODES IN . WOOL FROCKS i , Wonderfully Smart and Chic These new arrivals in wool frocks for street and afternoon wear are develop ed in materials (Jf Poiret Twill, Duve- tyn, Tncotme and r rench Serge. You'll agree with us they're smartest styles shown this season. Your Inspection Invited. the i- . -T; - s ' i t. it v- ' t: : -.-.-4; if Spalding nnd Following the luncheon, the club will be guests ut jthe home of Mrs. R. D. Sayres for an afternoon of bridge. ARE PENDLETON VISITORS. M.ss Mary Dakera, George Dale era and Mis. Al Schott of Walla Walla, were Pendleton visitors yesterday. They motored here from the neighbor ing city. WILL LEAVE FOR EUGENE. Miss Uuth Montgomery, who has been 111 Pendleton conducting tests in local schools, will return to Eugene this evening. She is a member of the Llnlversity of Oregon faculty. IS GUEST IN WALLA WALLA. Mrs. Thomas Fit Gerald Is in Wal la Walla us the guest of Mr. und Mrs. T. A. FItz Gerald. Bhe went to Walla Wallu yesterday. LEAVE FOR PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Cook left yesterday for Portland to attend the PacifJu International Livestock Expo sition. HERE FROM ATHENA. Mr, und Mrs. A. C. Mulntyre of He lix, ure Pendleton vlsitdrs today. ' LEAVES FOU PORTLAND. Miss Julia Cook left today for Port lund for a week's visit. AltMISTK'U DAY (Continued from pag.1 1.) v-y v k. m i 1 PENDIUTON'S I'OI'llIiAR ( A It M K NT B II O P WHY DO WE OFFER YOU Eaton's Highland Linen Stationery There is a very good reason why we offer this pa per in preference to others. YOU are the chief rea son. We offer it knowing- that it is of the quality you will like because it reflects the tests in style of envelopes and choice of tints YOU would approve, and it is back to TRE-WAIl TRICE. :v PER BOX at "Try the Drug Store First" Lang Ranges With an unassailable quality, and economically priced, on display in our store. v. r"-, -i ft X SJEZTl i i Prices ranging from $30.00 to $110.00 Yours for Service Riley & Kemp Qiutlitj Diir Wnti liword 4 8aUsfaotliin Our Aim season, and the locals have been play ing a fighting irame. The game -will bo called ut 2:30 o'clock. The grund Bland will be used to scat spectators. The field will be enclosed with wire so that fans may see the game from the sidelines, but the crowd will be held back far enough that those souted In the stand behind them can nee, over their heuds. Following is the proclamation is sued by Mayor G, A. llarlman for the day: w hereas, The eleventh day of No vember marks the cessation of the greatest war known to mankind, und Whereas, the anniversary of this ivreiit event has been well chosen as tne time or opening the international conference called by the President of the I'nlted States to consider the prob lems of disarmament und kindred uuestions which have long since threatened the peace, happiness and prosperity of all nations, and Whereas, it Is iipproprlalo that we panne In our labors on that day not only to express our gratitude for the blessings of peacu and as a mark of respect for the ex-service men Who made it n reality, but also that we may consider ways and means for ob viating tlie necessity and burden ol future wars. Now. Therefore, I, G. A. Hartman. as mayor of the city of rcndleton, do hereby proclaim Friday, November eleventh, lu::i, to be a holiday in this city and urge that all citizens join in an appropriate observance of that d: which is so full of promise for the tut ure. Haled this ninth day of Novcmbe lDill. G. A. HARTMAN, Mayor. Darlvn Stutz won 13 ribbons at seven snows, lei ne s a luciiy uos caressed by Mrs. Louis Ottmann, of Freeport, L. I., nt the annual show of the Boston Terrier Club at the Waldorf-Astoria, Xew York CATTLE MAKKI.T KTIWOY PORTLAND, Nov. 10. tl'. P.) Cattle ure steady. Hogs ure 23 rents lower, prime light, $s.5 to IS. 75. Sheep, eggs and butter (ire Heady. sti:i:Ii toxnam: ii:c!m:asi:s NF.W YOKK, Nov. 10. (f. P.) The Cnited States steel corporation announced u decrease of 270, ooo ton iii unfilled steel tonnage for October. DKMOCKATIC ATTKMPT FAILS WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. (A. P.) -Democrats in the house failed today in un attempt to force un Immediate vote on the acceptance of ihe senate 50 percent surtax amendment to the tux revision bill, the house voting alter a hot debate to lay on the table a resolution of acceptance offered by Representative Garrett, of Tennessee, a. minority leader. IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATION Atlest: THOS, Fl'IV, c.iciiAr.n, t'lty Recorder. AFKO MAIL IX FGYPT LONDON, Nov. 10. (I. N. S.I A pnstul air service has been organized across a tract of desert 375 miles wide in Ki:vpt. RUT Local IMdciico Evidence that can be verified. Fast Is what we want. opinions differ. Here's a Pendleton fact. You can test it. P. ( Herman, 301 S. Aura St., rays: "When 1 was living In Kansas u year and a half ago I suffered from lame back, caused by the disordered condition of my kidneys. At that time. 1 had a dull, heavy ache in the small of my back and I could hardly get up when I was down. My kidneys acted frequently, causing me to get up many times during the night, I heard about I'onn's Kidnev Pills and several boxes cured me of the attack. The pain left mv hack and my kidneys acted like clock-work." - SOl'P MIXTl'ltKS. While you arc canning do not forgot the jars of soup mixtures for the hot lunch for the school child. Prepai'at on. Select any vegetable mixture that you think desirable such as (varrol, cahhufc, onion, tomato) (carrot, calory, clems ami tops, onions), (cabbage, turnip, onion, carrot), (cooked macaroni, car- rot, onion celery), (cooked rice, onion, celery, tomato). Prepare vegetables: dice; and blanch mixture the time for the vegetable in the mixture requir ing the longest time. Pack into hot sterilized tested jars, add a teaspoon salt to each quart of vegetable. und fill up with boil ing water, adjust rubber and cap, serening down in the case of mason jar, tiht tliem back about 1-4 to 1-2 inch to permit steam to escape. J'ul j kettle with false hot lorn with boiling water one Inch over tup of jar and prncess for length of time given for vecretablo requiring the lengest time. Ueinove j;;r, heal, test, ioiht and bihcl v' n' Fo clear, full and forceful exposi tion of the Scriptures, Evangelist Hen sbaw is of the fi'-st rank. He sets fort the Uible teachings in a way so adequate as to meet the acceptance of every reasonable person. His sermon nt the First Christian church last night on "The Power and Philosophy of Faith," was a masterpiece in clearness and simplicity -f Gospel teaching bas on the text: "Heine justified by ed rnith, let us have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Chris!." (Rom 5:1). He ppukc In part us follows: "The doctrine cf faith Is a great unity doctrine. Justification by faith is the hope of all evangelical salva tion. The object of fallh is supreme peace. Faith is not bt'nd and unrea sonable trust. Faith is the substance of :hlngs hoped for: the evidence of tbln,:s not seen. Faith is based tn :-tioiony. There is no faith witlont tesi:mony. no belief vithout a wltnes;. Faith is always active and positive. Its vehicle !s tho Wc"d of God 'Faith coa'.'S by bearing the Word of C5o.l (I lota 10:17). No i ne was ever r in verted who never beard the Gospel." iT u-re was one conftFtdon at the cl.? of I he sermon. A .' pedal solo by Mrs. Curtis and a lively song servile !cd by G. K. Cur:s were .basing feaupts of last evenings service!!. A doie..:cllon from ilia t'brh'- i.n church in La Grande attend ed t'.e meeting las: night. Ohililien are to meet at 4 p. m. tn-c-iy te practii'e songs lor their par In the meeting Friday night. T'ae nijjbt will also be one of patriotic bntiire te which all sold.'ers i rv. invited. Tonight Evnnge'.;!t Henshnw will preach on "The Itc'isnuuhlcncsM i f Re pentance." The ordinance of Ch''l.-'-lian bapibnn will be administered be fore the evening sermon. Meeting be gins at 7:30. In order that we may help to fittingly observe Armistice Day, the day set aside in memory of our heroes, both living and dead, we will be closed all day Friday. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phew 28 Only 1 Quality the Beit Lorene King, and a mock trial. "The State of Oregon versus the Four Verb llrothers Messrs. lie, See, Do and Go." Persons in the play were: Judge Goodl'orm, Paul Puncher; Clerk of rhe Court, Dorothy Straughn; Sheriff, Frank Modstrom. Defendants Kelwin Sharp, Ki:gene Gray, Neil Knglish and Norris Gra ham. Witnesses for the people Mr. Smoke M. Out, Carl Moll: Miss Class Criticism, Lorene King; Miss Cultured Person, Iluth Taylor; Mr. Hi-siness World, Vern King. Complaining witness, Miss Mother Tonsue, Vivian Estes. Jury of twelve goud men and wom en. Court stenographer. The four verb brothers were charg ed with the crime of feloniously, mali ciously and murderously ussaultins Miss Mother Tongue. The four wit nesses testified to the bad reputations of the four defendants and Mr. Nice I'sago cleverly brought out the fact that these four brothers have caused considerable trouble in Pendleton high school. Although the attorney for the defense made an eloquent plea for the gray haired prisoners, who were mov ed to tears and sobs, the judge decided n l . . is Almost Unbelievable You can hardly realize the wonderful im- Jff ft provement to yourskm ft and complexion your we mirror win reveal ro you after usingGouraud'sOricntal Cream for the first lime. Send 15c. for Trial SUa V'ERD. T. HOPKINS 8c SON New York it mmmm Catarrh i. s local disease greatly Influ Miced by constitu'i'Tia! conditions. BALL'S CATAUltll iuiiUiCINE is 1 Tonic and Elood Puritier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System, IALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores f normal conditions and ullows Naturfc to lo its work. Ml Druggists. Circulars free. V. il. Chefney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. that the death penalty should be in flicted and ordered that the prisoners ue hfcnged about the neck until dead, sometime during the week of Nov. 14. Court was then adjourned. 'Ihe assembly program v.lrch will be given te.morro is ill char re of the seniors and freshmen, under the direc tion of Miss Koss and Miss S"verance. ASK FOR and GET Horlick s The Original halted Milk for Infants and Invalids A.voiel Imitations and. Substitutes NUMJiFJt CH.VNGFJ) Phone 887 John Dorfmau Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Rooms 7, 8. 0. Iispain lUewk Pheinc 032 I! mi i YOl 15 Price tiiic. at s'liiply ask for a Poan't Kidney PI Mr. Dorman had. Mt'rs. Murrain. N. all dealers. Don't Kidney re-medy ,--t Is the same that Fosier-Milburn Co., Y. JTOO JTETOLASSIF Y l-'iMt Kl;'r -i'leasant sleepiiuT room fur uentieman. furnace heat, phone C;C-W. "i'lt IJ i:T--Om- room, steam beat. and one roetn uparttnent, stoc I'.eat. - Ino'.iire Vi'l Thompson St. I'l'R KLNT Lai'iK front bed rcoin furn ice heat for two gentlemen. Call DotnoKtlc Luundiy vr TiJ-J, what is tiii: voi, oK iH MLOOI).' Pendleton, Ore., Nov. 10 I'Mitor I.'art urefronlan: is the blood of all Americans red, or is there some of us with .-i liitn! .venow mivture. This is the r,iw.n.. that confronted the boys of the Amer ican LeKloli last .Monday evening at Iheir reKiiiar monthly meetins at a discussion of the action to be t,,i.-,, in the observance of Armistice Day in Pendleton em Nov. 11th It was plain to se'o that tlm ca,.i. of 1!U7 was ramnant in in,. ,.,.,.i... which more limn three ,.,. r I'matilla veterans were in .-iti..,,, !.,., ill Ciller and willintr to ben. I 'ti,i.l lust effort toward maUlns Armistice ia in l-. ndleton a day worthv of ti. h.v.u principles throimh which it re- ns nirtti as a National n.oi.i.,,. All cimer tj nick no in., ind march thioueh the streets f pi,.,. dleton not for personal jfain or for no toriety but only to conmn morale the me.ii ias,i mat was three vcars apo brought to a successful termination to be written In history as the great est achievement of all uses, with all Klory to our dear old Stars and Stripes To march aCTin that in our inarch m,t we might ln a small wav com. memorate to the millions who died in that great struggle, and to acclaim or the millions of others who todav ImgeT In the hospitals of our land a wreck upon the reccdinB tide of life the consideration due ihem. When the Flair passes you in the future or you chance to pass m.i i:i.,. just lift your bat anil show the col or of your blood. Tomorrow you will have a chance to display Muir patriotism ami for the sake of those boys that march only in the silent procession of the Past, to those boys that have answer ed sick call and are in the hospita's .... .oi u.e wis t:., march e.iiee as uiey marched in cause just i: ft your of votir countvv The ex-set vice men win ,e escorted "J eae i on, Helen I.mii.I Due hinnlred and sixty posters em hoi'.yir,;; the idea of better speech were luadi hy hili se'hool pupils atiel placed on the walls of the hallways where thee- have attracted a. a real deal of at tention. Twenty of the very Rood posters are now exhibited in a window of tho Haer hardware store. A prize will be awarded to the pupil whose poster is Judged the best. Special assembly programs arc be ins ttiven this 'week in order to stress the Kiuiil fpcei h e-umpaiKii. At one as sembly Uev. W, A. Gressman spoke Intere'stinuly and forcefully on the subject, "Making the Meist of It." He showed how spi ech is an index to cul ture mid character and urged every j Kernel American to look well to hisi speech. Tho sophomores had charge of to day's program which consisted of a speech by Vern Kins, original story by a !i rj i i IB Dishes for Thanksgiving Now is the time to begin to think about such things. For no dinner quite right without the proper kind and plenty of Dinnerware, and Glassware. You want this big feed to be just right in every detail. Don't overlook the most essential thing. Our stock is very complet at present. A large va riety of designs, all of them good, and pleasing to the most discriminating tastes. It will pay you to come here when in search of such goods, for ours is fully guaranteed, and strictly first quality ware. Special White Cups and Saucers 6 for $1.50. (First quality) The BEE HIVE PENDLETON OREGON y M i I i 3 i DANDERINE Steps Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautifies. aaam in War for a to the flu- A 4 as a f'ttinc 35-i-ents bus a bottle of "Pan-' erine" at any drutr store. After one pplicatien ou can not find a particle 1 " l" "'C great cause for -hl... ' .' .Umlruff n Wlm,. hair. n.l.!. we celebrate. h,i, .i i.,- vi... brishtuciS, uiu.ei culor und abundance. CHAS. D. DJJSrALV. Free Only Two More Days Free One set of dishes jriven with each Seller Kitchen Cab inet. Sold on EASY TERMS. SOLD ON CONVENIENT PeYMENTS SEE OUR WINDOW iCHSSSSSS CRAWFORD FURNITURE 10S T COVm ST. riinne 496 Ileliant:e jour old furniture for new. Highest prices paid for jour ' tAil furniture.