? I iWILVE PAGES DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9, 1921. PAGE FIVE People Here and There YOUNG VISITOR BREAKS PROVED TO BE JUST IN ON THE SENATORS WHAT HE REQUIRED f Tll - yea w. ed W. Falconer Is a visitor at the, townsman of Weston, Is registered at Ific International ftn in Tortland. Livestock exhi- tho Multnomah. Oreson Journal. lenry V. Collins will return tomor- morninjt from Portland where he inded the Pacific International tstock Exposition. . rank Byrd. vice president of the it Bank of Tilot Rock, and a tiinent cattleman of the south end (he county, was k today. fcy K. Ritner of Umatilla county, I known politician and wheat farm d former bank clerk, is taking in tights of the big stock show. Ion Journal. COUNTY CHAIRMEN FOR ANNUAL RED CROSS ROLL CALL HAVE BEEN CHOSEN t W. Paulus, cashier of the First k of Pilot Rock and L. C. Scharpf, er of the American National I 1, left this morning for Portland t business mission. R. Taylor, at present the town thai of Pendleton, is in Portland tuelness. Mr. Taylor served out, Unexpired term of his brother. Til lor, after the latter was killed by ing prisoners. Oregonian. homas Thompson Is a visitor at the national Livestock Exposition. He te the trip to Portland by motor upon his return will be accompan by his daughtef, Mrs. Guy Boyden two children, who will visit at the mpson home. Finul plans for the opening of the fifth annual roll call of the Red Cross in I'matilla. county will be made at a business visitor j luncheon to be held In Pendleton to morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. The meeting will be held at the Elks din ing room according to the announce ments which have been sent out by Roy Ritner, county chairman of the organization. The roll call will open Friday, Armistice Day. Following Is a list of county chairmen who w-ill be In attendance at the luncheon tomor row: Mrs. Chas. Dupuis, Adams; Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Athena; Dr. W. H. McKinney, Weston; Mrs. C. W. Car penter, Vmapine; Mrs. Cora Dralman, Fruitvale: Mrs. Fred Evans, Free wrater; Mrs. Lucy Ray Reed, Ferndale; Mrs. S. S. Shields, Milton; Mrs. T. M. Johnson, Echo; Mrs. Thos. Campbell, Hermiston; Miss Juanita Randall, No- lin; Mrs. W. C. Connor. Stunfield: Mrs. Stella Paula, I'matilla; Mrs. H, H. McKeynolds, Pilot Rock; Mrs. J. A. Matters., Meacham and Gibbon Mrs. Roy Penland, Helix; Omar Pissinger, Holdman; Albert Peterson, Uklah; Mrs. Chas. Ely, Gurdane; Clarence Dick, Albee. m J. Cully, known all over Eastern ron, with E. M. Smith, a fellow- YJ.Q. SOMERVIl.LE, Mass., Nov. 9. (L. P.) Fifteen men narrowly es caped death, and one fireman suffer ed serious injuries when a fire parti ally destroyed the Y. M. C. A. build ing. The loss is estimated at $100, 000. ' rORTIiAXD WHEAT PRICES. PORTLAND, Nov. 9. (A. P.) Wheat is 96 cents to $1.03. .Kill i Music in the Home Is Thrift j An economical aid to Contentment Culture, Edu- j cation and Enjoyment of Home life. It is an essential jj contribution to the family well being. . 1 MUSIC will serve to keep within the Home that I which might be frittered away otherwise in outside diversions. i A Talking Machine or a Player Piano will be the means of satisfying your interest in Music. p Come to our store today and hear The Victrola f The Edison jj "The Bush & Lane line of Pianos Player Pianos and Reproducing Pianos." (No better instruments are i tnade than the Bush & Lane, no matter what the g price.) I ( :" ' J Warren Music House 'EVERYTHING IN'MUSIC" Pendleton, Oregon 1 M BIG SPECIAL TWO DAYS ONLY WE WILL GIVE YOU One Gallon of Golden j Marshmellow Syrup AT ABSOLUTE COST I .. ... j Now is your time to grab a gallon of high grade syrup at a real bargain. $1.35 Per Gallon Phone 187 THE Tfl BLE SUPPLY 739 Main Street Pendfeton CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS, W. GOODYEAR Proprietor f?"f ?f ff fff ff???f f f f f ffffff f ffffffTtf tf'i ft , .. dyCagh Receive More Pay Lesi )espain &Lee Cash Grocery & E. Court r . " Phone 880 Let .YoiDollars iVork fmiYou SAVE WLY ON YOUR EVERY Mil GROCERY, PURCHASE. FROM 10 TO 25 PER CENT CAN BE YOURS JUST AS WELL AS NOT. TAKE ADVANTAGE-- START. BUYING NOW, ' '' )espain&Lee Cash Grocery CHICAGO, Nov. 9. (A. P.) The rates of pay of virtually all railroad employes of the New Orleans and Great Northern company were cut to day by a decision by the Vnited States railroad labor board to the scale ex isting March 1, 1920. VKTKltAX 99 YKAKS OI.1) GENEVA,. N. Y., Nov. 9. (I. N. S.) Samuel T. Lawrence, of Rochester, doubtless is one of the oldest, If In deed, not the oldest living Civil War veteran. He is ninety-nine years old and served from 1861 to 1865 in the lnlon forces. This old veteran an nually attends the reunions of his old regiments, the 15th and 50th, Army of the Potomac. He recently attended the fifty-first annual reunion held in thig city. 10 PARIS. Nov. 9 tT. P.) Con fronted with the possibility of a seri ous outbreak In the llalkans, the am bassadors council today prepared a dispatch to demand that Juao-Slavia evacuate Albania. WOULD IlKSTIUCT AITOISTS PARI.S, Nov. 9. (I. N. S. ) M Georges Lemtirchand, Municipal Coun cillor of Paris, has written the Prefect of Police requesting that strict mea sures be taken to prevent the noise made by automobiles either with their engines or horns, also smoke from the exhaust and mud splashing by the wheels. "Why not suppress automobiles completely In Paris?" wrote a Pari sian when he read of M. Lemarchand's letter. PRINCE COLLECTS A ZOO LONDON, Nov. 9. (I. N. S.) Prince Wllhelm of Sweden has arrived at Bothenburg from Cairo after a year with a zoological expedition, during which was collected a thousand ani mals, including fourteen gorillas, bi son, elephants, Hons, crocodiles, 2,- 000 birds and 6,000 Insects. It is the largest collection ever brought to Europe . SVSPKXn NAVAL coxstrictiox WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. (U. P.) Suspension of all naval construction by the United States during the arma ment conference may be advocated by President 'Harding In the conference opening speech Saturday. WOMEN OX JURY. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. (U. P.) Thirteen women are subpoenaod to appear in the superior court as pros pective jurors in the Arbuekle trial, to start Monday, November 14. WASHINGTON', Nov. 9. (I. N. S.) The sacred Senate chamber, stamp ing ground of staid, disnified solons, was invaded recently by one to whom tradition made no difference whatever. The intruder was a little four-year old child, who strayed from his moth er while she was absorbed in the in spection of the Capitol with a party of tourists. The little boy, evincing no interest In the guide's oratorical explanations, be gan a little inspection of nis own and calmly toddled into the Senate Chamber in the midst of peace treaty discussion. He stood unconcernedly In the cen ter aisle for a moment, gazed around him wonderfully, and spying the door of the Republican cloak room open, he made a Decline for It. He was soon surrounded by a group of Senators from whom the cloak of dignity had completely disappeared, each trying his own method of baby lingo to as certain the intruder's name. The im promptu reception was cut short by a messenger, who led the unannounced little visitor back to his mother, who had frantically searched for htm while he was on h;s exploration tour. Portland Man Says Tanlac Did Him More Good Than Change of Climate. AN TRIBE "For eight years," said John Nelson, well-known carpenter residing at 874 Montana Ave.. Portland, Oregon. "1 had all kinds of trouble with my stom ach. I had to keep myself on a light diet, and even when I suffered terribly with indigestion. I used to eat my dinner every day under a dread, for this indigestion often got so bad 1 turned so weak I could hardly keep on the Job. In trying to find something to keep me I even took a trip to Cali fornia, but I kept going from bad to worse and suffering more and more. "At last some of my friends put me on to Tanlac and it proved to be Just what my stomach needed. My appe tite is fine now, and I eat my dinner and then go ahead working in the aft ernoon just as well as I ever could, for nothing I oat hurts me the least bit. My wtrole system is stronger and bet ter in every way and I feel full of 'pep' and energy. Tanlac is simply splendid and I am glad to let others know about I it." Tanlac Is 'sold In Pendleton by Thompsons Drug Store and by lead ing druggists. EDMONTON. Alta, Nov. 9. (I. N. S.) Indian tribes of the Far North have formally ceded 372-000 Bquare miles of territory to Canada as a re sult of the work of the Government treaty mission during the past sum mer. The commissioners paid treaty bounties to 1.900 Indians who had nev er lief ore taken part in Treaty Day celebrations. Treaty Day has been observed an nually for more than fifty years, fol lowing a treaty made with the tribes In the reign of Queen Victoria, when Canada took over all Indian lands and agreed to pay yearly bounties "forever and aye." Oil Treaty Day each chief receives a silver medal, a flag and $25 and every third year a suit of clothes. The head man receive $15 and ordi nary members of the tribe $5. Every Indian receives ammunition and fish netting to tha value of $1. Each mother gets $15 for each child. Indian lands that the Government has taken over in the Far North are today much ns they were when all Western Canada was ruled by the Hudson Pay Company, now selling its lands In the fertile prairie provinces to farm settlers. They are still trapping grounds for :the old fur company's men, and the Indians rove over thein as they have always done. The Government pays out about $100,000 in $1 and $ bills to the In dians every year. The small bills are used because the Indians In their store purchases have little use for money In larger denomination. UVIHiKT PROVIDES (Continued from Dag 1.) for the construction of the Beptlc plant: For the purchase of the site of 30 acres, together with the Improve ment on the site, about $30,000; engi neer's estimate of cost of plant, $61, 000; alterations of sewer system grade to avoid pumping of sewage Into plant, about $8,800, In addition, the exten sion of the lovee along the property Is a necessary piece of work, accord ing to the report of the engineers. , Favors Budsct E. J. Murphy expressed his opinion In favor of the budget of taxes which is being asked by the city council. "Our Improved streets require more attention and more costs, our fire de partment costs more," the speaker de clared. "I think the budget is Just, Girls Would "Man" Trains IS n- Evelyn Lai- end Lillian Lcai y of Prrl i'.lror. N Y . hnv voiur. teci-ed their help It trainmen strik". Here they '' IciTlru what to Whw a car develops a "hot box." Hitting the High Spots Only 09 E. CoorF Phone 880 M 1 ' ' n- ---' honest and necessary and should be voted." He also called attention to the de ficit of $10,000 which has existed at the c1ob of every administration for several terms and declared that to wipe out this Indebtedness the voting of this increased budget would be good business. Dr. J. A. Rest opposed the construe ion of the septic plant on the ground that it costs too much. He declared that several years ago when he was mayor estimates proposed ranged In cost from $28,000 to $56,000 not In cluding site, and he advised voters to kill the bond Issue ut the election. About four men applauded his state ment. The doctor had the floor sever al times during tho evening. Between five and seven acres of ground would be necessary as a site for the plunt, he declared. J. L. Vaughan, ex-mayor, spoke ln( favor of the bond issue for the spoptlc tank. Two committees were named by Judge Fee who presided. One com mittee of five men consisting of Dr. I. IT, Temple, E. T. Wudo, T. It. Hamp ton. Marion Jack and Douglas Pelts will visit the site of the proposed sep tic plant and make a report to the club at its meeting Monday evening. A second committee consisting of Dr. F. W. Vincent, E. J. Murphy and E. J. Kommerville was appolntod to lend Its assistance to the county court today In adopting tho county budget. Henry Taylor was also a speaker at the meet ing last nlcht. Another meeting of the club Is to be held Monday evening and all tax payers are invited to attend. HEALTH HOARD (Continued from page 1.) sue of $25,000 for purchase and Im proving parks and park sites, the speaker declared that he was neutral and had no recommendation to make. MOTION PICTURE NEWS nnoM TODAY "DANGEROUS TOYS'' HAS ALIj-ST.YR CAST "Dangerous Toys," a Federated all- star production, with William Des mond, Margaret Clayton and Frank Losee, will be shown at the Rivolt theatre, beginning' today. It is the story of a wife, who becomes a fash ion model, bo she can wear the expen sive clothes her husband cannot afford to buy her. During her working hour she makes the acquaintance of tho banker for whom her husband works, and ho proposes that she accept his offer of a limited time during which all of his wealth shall be at her disposal. At the end of the time she shull be free to continue the life or go buck to her husband. With the most honorable of mo tives, the wife accepts tho offer, at the same time telling her husband that she Is going out of town for her firm to a fashion show. The hunband over hears some men at his club telling that his wife Is at the apartment of tho banker. He rushes there and finds her. From that point on, the drama maintains Its hlgh-water mark of sustained action Events follow, one on the heels of tho other, sensational situations develop, up to the smashing finish. "Danger ous Toys" Is a tense picture, which will Iwiep spectators gripping tho sides of their seats. tmnmHimdrnm in in n nii '" That'i what Miss Marian Jones, of Warrensburg, Mo., does when the rMea the blue ribbon winner. Midnight. Hera thev are UUIn broad frmaUie International Horse Show is Tf lea, Okis. This will fix my cold I ALWAYS keep Dr. King's New Discovery handy. It breaks up hard, stubborn colds and stops the paroxysms of coughing. No harmful drug), but just good medicine. Ait druggists, 60c. Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Stubborn Bowtls Tamed. Leav ing the bowels unmoved results in health destruction. Let the gently stimulating Dr. King's Pills bring to you a nf jar, normal bowel f .motion ing. 25 tents. All drufcfcista. D PROMPT! WOHT GRIPE r.Kintfs Pills inn FOR THE THANKSGIVING TABLE Dinner ware of distinction is found at Sawtelle's, and at prices that will encour age you to start the new set which you have postponed buying. Thanksgiving Time Is China Time because nothing does more to enhance the holiday table than beautiful, correct china. We carry most patterns in open stock so you can purchase just what you desire and are able to secure matchings in case of SAWTELLES FOR CHINA aw tolled Fjndteton OT9. Hie Largest Diamond Dealers In Eastern Oregon ALTA TODAY I'CTKltS HAS DIG HOLE IX U1U1 PICTITIE Possibly no other player in ull film dom was so Ideally suited as House Peters for the character of John Cul bertson In J. Parker Read Jr.'s adap tation of Stewart Edward White's nov el, ""The Leopard Woman," starring Louise Glaum. Mr Peters was en gaged by special arrangement to play the Important role in this Associated Producers' release, which comes to the Alta theatre today. Mr. Peters is familiar 'with every bit of the African locale described In White's book, and was of great assistance to the Head research department during tho film ing of this production. ' AltCADK TODAY Chapter V, TIIKSTOHM IX TIlMDRHERT Boh Hathaway. In the prison stock ade with Tom and Zeda, had- 'bor rowed a cigarette troiu toe Aran guard. Then, concealing his move ments, Tie burned the cord binding, the arms of the others, and soon they were all free. The guard dozed; tne put him out of commission by hitting him over the head with his own rifle, and Marion, from without, aided them in opening the prison door. Then they discovered that Helen was missing, and set out to hunt for her. Through the jungle thicknesses, Zedu leading the way, thoy followed her footsteps. Then Zeda quickened his paceho saw the footprints of tho strange beast tuke up the journey. In a clearing, where the gorilla-man had put down the swooning girl,' the Party came upon the monster. With a cry of rage, he leuped upon them. Their combined strength was hardly able to'.cope with the beast, but fin ally r well-directed shot put an end to his career of terrorism. ' How Yeast Vitamon Tablets Put On Firm Flesh n laM liiirr Quickly InWaas Your Energy end Biautify the Complexion Easy and Economical to Take. a -j Thin or run-down foltal Tsker Mastin'i VITAMON two UbUtrt wlth every meul. Then weigh and" measure yourself esrh week and cob-'. . tinue taking Mutin's VITAMON ' regularly until you an satUfiad with vour gain in weight and energy , Mm tin's VITAMON contains highly concentrated yeasUvitani:3S as well an the two other still more important vitamines (Fat Soluble A and Water Boluble C). It is now being used by thousands who appreciate its con venienoe, economy and quick result. By increasing the nourUhing power of what you eat Miutin'a VITAMON' supplies utt what your body need to feed the ahrunken tissues, strength en internal organs, clear the akin and renew shattered nerva (ores without ; upsetting the stomach or causing gas. . Pimples, boils and skin eruption aeem to vanish ai if hv magic and tha bl com plezion bocomea radiantly clear I rvma -j,d bmmtiful. IMPORTAUTI While the amaj- I Injhealth-building'value of Miutin's VITAMON has been clearly and positively J tjaroonstrated In cases of lack of energy, nervous troubles, anemia, indigestion, j onstipation, skin eruptions, poor oompleiion and a generally weakened physical s and mental condition, it should not be used by anyone who' OBJECTS to having . their weight increased to normal. You can get Mason's VITAMON tablets at j all good druggists. Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase r tin T-i usui. wnitltt TILlilaLrfe) VEA$T synergy mini aua v-.ua Tuia dlulri 'VITAMIN 1? Wl Jt D-..1, 11 I rv "A 111 i. -WltT if If WAIST 1 1 vl m Travel via the Northern Pacific Railway THE PIONEER' LINE Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars of latest construction are in service on through trains. Automatic Block Sig nal protection on most of the line. THE BIG BAKED POTATO 1$ again a feature ot our FINE DINING CAR SERVICE Alxay$ Hot id tor it$ Eicellenca SAFETY COURTESY PROMPTNESS Northern Pacific ticket agents will cheerfully answer your questions and give you full information. WALTER ADAMS, Agent Telephone fcO Trndlcton, Orf. 4