DAILY HAST 0?.rCO!?L"N. PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 0, 1921. TWELVE PAGES Heels Over Heaa ! I I AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. - Publlabd Daily and S-ml-Vo-kljr. Pendleton. Oregon, oy in EAST .OREGOXIAN PUBLISHING CO. Entered t the post office t Pendlc. too, Ortiua, &a sruunU cIubh mail mal Ur. , ON SALE IN OTHER CITIES Imperial Hot-l News Stand. Portland. ON r-ILK A1 Chicago Bureau. SUS Security Building, Washington, 1). C, Bureau Sul Four teenth Street, N. V. Member ( the Anaclnte Pre. The jtsaociated Preas ia exclusively entitled to the uae for republication of a.U news dispatches credited to it or mot otherwise credited in this paper and also tlie local news published herein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE Dally, one year, by mall . $? 00 Daily, bix montha, by mail Daily, three months, by mail 1.5' luily, one month by mail . .50 Daily, one year by carrier 7.50 Daily, six months by carrier S.75 Daily, three months by carrier., 1.95 Daily, one month, by carrier , Semi-Weekly, 1 year by mall... 2.0a Semi-Weekly, six month by mail l.oo Semi-Weekly, three months by mail .50 Telephone HOMRSMK 'I &: if ... ti 2 . . Hi. mi KM ! arcade The doctor loolipil me over. "There Is nothing wronp," wild he ; "You 'haven't any fever .'iini you're Hound it h sound can be." "Put I'm nut myself," I nnswered. ''Oh, there Must lip snmi-i liihR wvunuf Thei tell me," ild Hip iloitnr, "to what town do yon lii-lnns'." "Oh, I am frum Detroit, from Dt-truit, Mlihiwin. It's there my liny Is waitlni;, there I'm going whi n I can. And It's there that lli'ddy's iniithi-r Keejin a nine limn' iiii uii'. Anil U'h there are numy iieiiple I am h ii n(.;i'i'i i if,' to hop,' , (Ciiiyi'inlil, liy I-MKiir A. lineal.) "So yon nre from Detroit," said the doctor, iteeiniiiK bored; "The town of automobiles and the town of Henry Ford, I wiih there myself last (dimmer wilh some friends ,1 little while I'll hi t this very minute Ihat you'd like to see lielle Isle." "Then tell me, Doctor, tell nie, what you think aliniit my case." And he answered: "It is simple, I can read it In your face, I!ut I have no pills to cure you, fur It's only this tint's '.vruiii; There's a thousand miles between you mill the town where you lielnniv." TRUE ECONOMY CALLS FOR THOROUGH WORK THERE nre some who raise a question, as to the amount of money called for in the septic tank proposal on the city ballot November 21. The explanation is that no one knows exactly what this improvement will cost. If the land to be pur chased has to be condemned there is no way of knowing what the price wi'l be until the jury gives its verdict. In constructing the septic tank there is no way of knowing what the cost will be until the bids are opened. The city has estimates from engi neers on the subject but some time3 these estimates are inade quate. Therefore the city officials wish to be safe. They want suf ficient authority that they may be able to complete this job and do it right. They do not want an unfinished task on their hands. They do not want to have to do inadequate work or to call a sub sequent election in order to get further funds. They will con nerve the city's money and will get the work done as economic ally as possible, consistent with good work. Rut it is necessary that.there be some leeway in the matter if we are to get results and get them without undue delay. While providing a septic tank Pendleton could make no graver bUinder than to get a "half way" job. We need an im provement that wilj suffice for years to come as well as for the present. It must have a propei location and must be so built that it will work., Naturally such results cannot be expected unless sufficient funds are provided. Pendleton is now being penalized because at times in the past public improvements have been made on a too parsimonious Lasis. When the sewer mains of the city were laid years ago the city officials were ultra conservative. They did not provide as they should have provided for the city's growth. The mains nre generally too smu'l, the grades are often inadequate and on many streets the mains are not deep enough. As a consequent there are basements from which there is not proper drainage unci building work has been hampered. That "cheap sewer system" has provrn a very expensive affair to Pendleton. It was not good business for the city to build a sewer sys tem on a parsimonious basis. It was a blunder and that blunder has cost the city thousands of dollars. It will cost many thou sands more before the error is corrected. The same thing may be said of the old iron pipe used when many of the water mains were placed years ago. That pipe was cheap but it has proven very costly to the taxpayers. The city has been busy for years replacing those old mains with good pipe and the expense has been heavy. With the.KO cosily experiences in mind, how can anyone ad vise that the funds for the septic tank be so restricted as to en danger the work. If we act in a niggardly spirit when money is provided for the septic tank will we not run danger of a botch.' . job and of producing a situation that will mean more expense to the city rather than less! THE LEGION ANSWERS COL HARVEY A leap froc race was a novel stjnt at the Women's Internation al Championship in Paris. Miss Edith Jeffries, of the English team, Was a champion leaper. OF RiETH ENTERTAINED '( Kast OrcKiuiian 'Special.) KIItTir, Nov. l. (leorse fienacopo lus had quite a serious accident Inst week when he pit his left thumb pull ed off of his left hand. While tryiiiK to bridle a Imrso it became uiinianasalile and in some way Mr. ',enucuptiliis not his thumb fastened in such a way that he could not remove it which resulted III the accident. J. C. LunKley purchased a Hupmo hile lust week. Mr. and JNIih. Anderson of Pendleton were, tfuests of their daughter .Mrs. Fred I'eiers of Lone Hurst one even ing last week. The ladies Hewing cluh met at the homo of Mis. Allen , Kennedy lust Thursday and enjoyed the illustrated talk which Mrs. Van Deusen nave them on Heveral subjects, iinioiiK which were the do's and don'ts of mil linery. The ineetinir was will attended, those present helm; Mrs. .Me.Veal, .Mrs. Uasstiiusscn, Mis. Neilson, Mrs. Kay llutsell of Pendleton, Mis. McCiary, Mrs. J. M. Harrison, Mrs. 1 Farley, Mi's. Throckmorton, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. JenniuKS Jr. Mis. F. Duke. Mrs. J. ('. LatiKley, and Mis. W. W. Holder, llefn'stmienls consist In; of sandwiches, cake and coffee Were served. Mrs. Grace Ilot-'B and children of I.a (Ininde are visiting her sister In law Mis. Win. Post wick. liesidents of the uptown district nf Kieth lire reJolciiiK over the fact thaj electric liiilits are an established fact, as they have them In all the residences and places of business at last. Mr. and Mrs. Win. White returned Tuesday from Baker City. Ports- for the railiim' alimi? the high way nre on the mound now and are lieliiK set up as fast as possible. The P. T. A. Is planning te give a cuke and coffee social and bazaar at the school house Friday evening Nov. IS to raise money to equip a rest room and buy n stage curtain for (lie audi torium. .Miss Hai'oliline Morion spent .Mon day night as the guest of her aunt Mrs. Draper In Pendleton. Mrs. Peterson, .Mrs. ltoss, Mrs. l'M tniinds and Mrs. llaunan, all of Pen. illetiiii silent Friday afternoon at the Itcinie of Mi's. I!, .1. I'hlgl'sh. TODAY Adults, 20c CHildicn, Sc MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE Chapter 5 THE STORM IN THE DESERT Thrills Perils ART ACORD IN rHE WHITE HORSEMAN The concluding chapter COMEDY WHIZ BANG! Mr. 'uml lira. i. C. Langley auj daughter Lois and Mrs. and -Mis. Fieii Peters and son Uichard of Lone Hurst, motored to Pendleton Sunday after noon and were giu sts at the home of Airs. Peters parents .Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. H.U'.F.RSTOWN, Md., Nov. 0. Constable Charles Harnhiirt, of Han cock, considers himself the luckiest man in the world today. Ho stoutly maintains that he owes his life to his watch, which ho reverently caresses, perhaps unconsciously, every time he relates his narrow escape from death. Constable Parnhart was patrolling his "beat" recently, musing abstract edly, when he discovered two men loitering in the rear of an automobile concern. Their minus being suspic ious, I he constable decided to arrest them for tresiKissing. Approaching them, Barahard in quired what they were doing. In reply one of the men drew a revolver and fired Into the ground. "When I started after him he aimed and fired at ine," Harnhait declare. Ilut fato Intervened with the course of the bullet. Aimed so true that fa tal damage would have occurred had its course not been interrupted, the bullet struck Harnhurt's watch and was harmlessly deflected. Ills assail ants escaped while he was arousing himself from his daze and getting his feet hack on the ground again. 28 YEARS AGO i (From the Maily K:ist riregonian, November !, vn. f'harh s White has gone to Portland. Mis. F.liaauu'th llailey is seriously ill at her home oa Water street. 1. T. llarr is partially recovered fever. VNl -. j';eUS.. U III I SMlJllln I .11 - t : rsnr 1 " -it--i.fijrii ism -n We Are Thinking About Christmas. Are You? About six weeks more and Christmas will be over. We suggest that you be gin your CHRISTMAS WORK NOW7. Here are a few ideas for you if you shop here. Silk Mignonette, tubular for undervests, needs only a hem at top and bot tom with shoulder straps, the total cost to you is about . $1.50 Sunlight Knitting Yarns, the finest of wool and best of colors in knitting and four-fold yarns, at ball 30c to 45c Book on Knitting Sunlight Yarns. 25c Kloster Silk Crochet Cottons in white and colors, a brilliant finish high grade crochet cotton, the ball : 121jC i). m. c. str.nt i:Misnorni.i!Y COTTONS ill all colors, the kcin , "' I Ililti: LMItltOiniJlY SII.K, a full runge of colors, H'r skein iUi HICK TOW! I.INti, rigtirtil design, linen one way. IK inches wide. fir scarfs etc., aril. . . . 59ir WHIT!-: AKT I.INI'.NS, soft i-ouiul thread, pure linen : :t(l inch Is $I.8.- ...4" Inch is 2.5 54 Inch is $2.S. ItKOWN A XI) CKKAM AHT I.IXF.XS. 18 in. Iiroun anil cream linens ,V.r uml Cic :tll ineli is. the nril $1.1!) II WIHvl IK 1111 F UNIONS, SO Inches wide, white, gni-n, lavender, rust-, pencil anil yellow, the) j aid $1.50 l)i:.V. St;l'AlH"S or this linen 20c, :t for .Mil- UM N NQl .Utl N. while with iiuilnl borders, a new novelty to lx- ili eloped tin- way you want lllem. each .'illi- KIMONA Kl l'i:s in pie.ty palleiiis, ,i, ;i:,c COKDl'KOY for making dressing gouns, tli jar.1 $1.15 and $1.50 CHKI'I-: 1)K CHIXi:s, flesh color pink and while lor making; gowns and underwear, the yard SI. 4!). $1.80, $1.98 anil $-2.93 PINK I'ON;i:E l OIt I NI)i:nwi:AR, very popular, the yard Sl.."..ri CA.MISOl.K LACKS, new designs, new i-rrtvts, the yard 25- to 4.rc HANI) MADK I'll. I V 1.ACI.S, the lval tliiiiR for making Xmas gifts, tin- yanl. . . :!." to $1.30 l'.KAITII'bli NIAV WIDK HIHllOXS, light pastel shades as well as the darker colors, in a brilliant array for making camisoles, gai ters. Iialr Imiws, lingeiic, sashes and the nuuiy humlriils of things, ribbons arc uilaplill to. Illustrations to show you how. The yard fx- to $1 ..'( SI.IPPCH TKKi:s to he coveiixl, pair 15c ( I.OTilllS JlAX(ii:HS, wire and enanit-lttl l()c and 15c, WIDi: Cld XKY LACKS for milking up lxil spreads, pillow cases, dresser searl's, t-xcellt-iit val ues at the yard iUc anil 35c A New Lot of Party Boxes Special $1.98 Boston Bags of Split Cowhide, each $2.45 ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine , Warning! Unless you see the nam' Bayer" on package or on tablets yo pre not getting genuine Aspirin pie- scribed by, physicians, for twenty-om j years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only ns told in the Payer package fur Colds, Headache, Neural-1 Bla, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, J Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin j boxes of twelve Payer Tablets of As- j pirln cost few cents. Druggists also j sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of ; Monoacelicacidesler of !Sal:cylicacid. j at tho Hotel Pendleton Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. C. Leasure, who for two days 1. T. llarr is partially recovereu .mis. j. c. i,eusurc, wuu im r l, i ,i.i , .iiii, .I.- nf tvnhiilil v!i dniii-i'roimlv ill. has recovered suf n. .!.!.. .... !..., ..1.., it. finuliliircl nilt III ll'HIIJ lll.lL fllli: in LIF11...1...1.U W. Hunt and son. !uv Hunt, were ' of ilaiiuei DOINGS OF THE DUFF? HELEN HAS AN OFF DAY. B7 ALLMAN AMBASSADOR HARVEY .summed up his version of why the United States entered the war when he told the people of England that "We were afraid not to fitrht. That ia the real truth of the matter; and ho vc came nlonjj toward the end nun. ncipcii you aim your allies snorten the war. That is all we did nnd all we claim to have done."' After scrapping one red-hot resolution in reply to Mr. Har vey and making a determined effort to moderate its lanKuape in order to preserve its appearance of courtesy toward an import ant official, the convention of the American Legion states its contrary version, ns follows: "That the sentiments expressed by George Harvev, United States ambassador to Great Britain, in his Pilgrim Day speech petting forth the reasons for America's entrv into the World War and the cause for which America fought, do not represent the true American attitude as interpreted by the American Le gion; and let it be known for all time that America fought not only for the maintenance of Americ a's rights but for the free dom of the world, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the president of the United States." These are only the words of the American Legion, and the Legion is composed, to be sure, of men who walked in ranks rather than of men who sat in at important councils. It mav be that several gentlemen and nffii-tM-e of n.,,.,.,,.', .,:... ,, , , , v ... llilH,l ,-l C'l'llllUII Eathered somewhere in an office and decided among themselves early in 1917 that the war was to b, fought not to save democ- iavy urn. iu- ic um iwn sKins. n so, the decision was never published and nobody boasted nboul it at the time. The countrv End the boys who went to France were under the impression that me v. in " cto i .ii ui taif ui'inocracy ami a war to end wars I did save the democracy of France: it did overthrow lh lUr, zollerns. What influence it may have on ending wars is yet to ue seta, There would have been little enthusiasm in 1917 for n wai which the country fought because it. was afraid not to fight Was that, after all, why the young men volunteered or R.ii,mif' ted cheerfully to the draft? Not if those who did the fiirhtinc jwie w v iuw "v.: ugnuuK ana inev seem to know a Col. Harvey can ascertain for himself by reading the Legion res' plutions. New ork World. NOW VOU GO OUT AND plan bv yodrself mother has a headache! I I if. I i'iiii. ..'m gee.moTHer's! "THLRE GOES THE TELEPHONE! 1 KNEW IF I'DTRN TO LIE. DOVJM fORAEVN MINUTES EiTHEii that or. the door&ell vOUl-O C1MG! Alta Today Children 10c Adults 35c THE ALTA ORCHESTRA Prof. Galgano, Director VAUDEVILLE The Paramount i no Clare Heath, Duke Gilkison and Don Smith Singers that Can Sing J. PARKER REED Presents House Peters And All-Star Cast IN "The Leopard Woman" COMEDY "TWO FACES WEST" RIVOLI T ODAY Children 10c Adults 35c Loges 50c "GENSEL on the Wurlitzer" hello.helen! how's LITTLE. WIFEV TOPAi? WOULD V0U CARE IF I STAVED COWM U. fey A WHILE THIS EVEj)mG V NO, I DON'T r-CAi?E- VOU CAN 5TAV 0?rW ALL MIGHT IF VOU WANT TO. GOODBVEJ I Ji . v.' ''- J.- GEE, MOTHER'S CkOSS TODAY ' Ii William Desmond In "Dangerous Toys" A Federated Release w h y ? Why did Louise Gray forget that she was a wife and go to the apartment of Herman the banker who thought all women were playthings? A fascinating answer awaits you. Comedy -MONEY"