DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9, 1921 TWELVE PAQZI OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE THE LARGEST CHAO DEPARTMENT I 'STORE OKGA.NIZAJION IN THE WORLD" DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Fandlstoa Prlcu and AiaocUted Pien Eport ' PAGE TWELVX ij :1 ttavlpt at Portland 1tof Very IJxht (From The Oregon Journal.) .Two loads of cattle formed tola! new arrfvula at North I'orilnnn Tuesday. All lines IniMcated a steady tone. Cattle were the only carload arrivals at North Portland Tuesday. Only a small supply of fresh stuff put In hp petranca In these alleys. Demand ap peartd steady with former Bialntulned. General cattle maritet range: Choice tteers Medium to good steers. . 4.75 f Fair to medium steers . . Common to fair steers . . Choice cons and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cmvs heifers Common o fair cows and J.7Sj3.:5 4.10M 500 3.71 8.508 g.00i 6.00 0 5.00 4.50 9 00 8.50 8.00 6.00 4.T5W i.-.Mil 4.50 heifers Canners Bulls , Choice feeders Hair to gcod feeders . Choke dairy calves . Prime light calves . . Medium litiht calves . "leavy calves No carloads of hogs came forward prices j to North Portland Tuesday. Demand Indicated a nominally steady tone, with price unchanged generally. Cieneral hog market range: Prime light I 9.2.'. fi Smooth heavy, 230-300 pounds 8.75 Smooth heavy, 300-lhs., up ".OOff Rough heavy 5.00 in Fat Pigs 9.00 9.50 Feeder pigs 9.25 9."6 Stags v 4.00 6.25 2.75 9 ' With a lack of fresh offerings, Tus- 1.50f 2.75 i day's sheep and lamb market at North Portland was nominally steady, with former prices, generally continued. General sheep and lamb range; East of mountain lambs (.50 0 7.00 Best valley lambs - 6.00 0 6.(0 fair to cood Uimbs .... 5.00 W &.50 3.001 4.00! 6.50 4.75 5.00 4.005 4.50 3.50 TD 4.00 9.75 9.00 8.00 7.25 Cull lambs reeder lambs 4.50O Light yearlings 4.50 0 Heavy yearlings 1.50 Light wethers 3.50 O Heavy wethers 2 50W Ewes 1.00 ft i.vu t.ua 4.50 4.50 3.50 3.50 THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley t V1" ''Wji HiSwitwW fOf TJVST ( WfS AlfcA i IT OH 6Vtf)Y. IN SUIT- JB yi t 1J f MONwa AM'ftPltl M " Wheat Iries j iliglicr On linitu Ilenuuvl. CHICAGO, Nov. 9. (A. P.) Hull Ish sentiment became more apparent In wheat Tuesday than for a consider able time. Home renewal of trans- Atlantic buying of fnited States nreausturts. together with u falling off tin receipts, helped us a stimulus tow jard confidence. The finish, although 'unsettled, was 1 3-8 ff 1 8-4c net lilgli er, with December at 11.04 l-;r 11.04 5-8 and May 11.09 l-2?f l.Oii 3-4. i.orn gained 1-8 to l-H'l-4r, and outs l-8'?il-4o. Provisions varied from 17c declino to 5c advance. With Holland reported as having purchased hard winter wheat at the gulf or Mexico and with Sweden suld to have taken a liberal amount of rye, wheat moved upward readily, subject only to moderate occasional setbacks. Gossip was current that Italy would be a buyer next week and the market was unaffected by reports that an Itulluii firm was In financlul difficul ties. Country offerings proved small and this circumstance, when taken In connection with the much smaller re ceipts ut all points, wus deemed of es pecial significance in some quartern. I Much attention wus ulso given to complaints from the southwest that prolonged dry weather was Injuring the outlook for the winter crop. Corn and oats were firmer with wheat. Kxporters appeared to he after corn as well us wheat and rye. Acute weakness In the hog market carried lard and ribs down to the lowest quotations this season, loiter, however, the provision market show ed something of a rally, owing to the strength of grain. UHCLB BOB RE5CY WAS PEEVBO WHSN HC LEARNED "ITT HANK BUWWOWS HAD TAKEN HIS HOME BWEWttj whisky to use as a rub down. 13! THE WORLD ONE NATION Wills, tlio givut English (lUnUcr a.ict wriiw, ailvo. rate tlio ob'.IU-ralliMi of boiuuliiricN and fusing of ui rcpUblli-H, kliigdonw and cinpUcs tnio onu irrwit iu. Vtn Uurn luliir uuiiy Willi tariff, instoiim, annles and iiaviin and lulling only one niwirtary system and a world's polirc. A mem ilrcuni now. yet this mny monlually bo tho uiinwit to llie lii(rl-ulc prolilcnvs coming up bHoro tlio disuriiiiimcnt eoiifcrciira to be held ut Washing. Um (luring; tills mouth. A saving nivount hi this nirmxg hank stands for Iho liiaki it f Bod i lll.ensliip Hnl It Is ptwsililo for everyeme to liuvc such su ummut. The AmericanNalional Bank Pendleton, Oregon. 'ass, 'Strongest Sank in Eastern Oregon" I-ower Price Itttall For Livistock OMAHA, Nov. 9. (t-'nited States Iturenu of Markets. Hogs Kecelpts, 6500 head. Mostly 26c lower; bulk medium und light butchers, 16.7&W 7.10; top, $7.25; bulk packing grades, $0416.50. Cuttle riecclpls 7600 head. Beet steer and she stock steady to 25c low er; top yearlings, $10; bulls und veals, weak ;, stackers and feeders, steady to 26c lower. Hheep Kecelpts, 6000 lioad. Tjirabs yearlings and light ewes, steady; top fed lambs, $8.00; light ewes, $4.35; heavy ewes, dull und weak; feede,r strong; top feeding lumbs, $7.tiQ. Buy Your Range and Heater Now Easy Terms We'll take your old stove as part payment Hit Coal Healers from IIP $69.75 SPECIAL Value Wesoo Itaugv lias all IIm newest and most dcslraMn rialuns of it practical st'l ltuiigt. Twin fluo ctHistniclliHi Insures ixrfot luikliur am! a lHrfivt ilriilt. TIki Value Wcsoi will H.iuully say,. -2 ,0 (iH- over inilliiaiy ranges. FREE-Bicakfast table with each Range or Ra dium heater sold during this sale. RADIUM HEATER For Coal or Wood More lientliiK Mil fair Iiimiii-s inrtre heat. This heater will heat your house ls-der und glw V mere -nmfiiit than the eld stk round Moves. I. i t us Miow jeu this heater. UP Wood Heaters $4.73. Cruikshank & Hampton "Quality Counti" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Vour Old I Wnlluro Taken In KxcJinnge as 1'nrt Pnymcnt on New ISiclOirfve Atcents Lu 1'einlli'len fur MelHmgull Kitelicn Cabmen Ti NEW YOnK, Nov. 9. (I. N. 8.) Mrs. Lewis I,. Delufleld holds that the movement to control the population of the world Is the most Important move ment In the world toduy mid In ftirth-t-rt'iico of that belief Is actively engag ed In the labor of helping prepare for the First American Iliith Control Con fereuce, which will be held at the 1'lnza Hotel, New York City, Novem ber 11 und 12, and w hich will close its sessions with a mass meeting at the Town Hall Sunday, November 13. "Tlio birth control movement has greater bearing, i.ot only on the lives and happiness of women today than liny other movement, hut It is ulso connected with the disarmament prob (em, whl( h Iho statesmen of the world are considering," said Mrs. Delufleld. their fight for the auffrage movement and the next great movement for them to become Interested In In at hand and crying for their attention birth control. Woman has been re sponsible In the past for tho exploitive populatW ns of the world, and her re sponsibility has been through Ignor ance. It is now up to her to acquire knowledge und to do so obstacles that have been put In the way of niakina the communication of such knowledge legal must be removed. "The limitation of population bears ci rectly on the problem of national i defense and disarmament. It is safe I to aay that with proper Information communicated to the women of the j world half a century ago (he world j war would and could have been avoid- , in New York. "When 1 recovered my breath," writes the business man, "1 told him that that was something that had never happened ,to me before In the post office and I appreciated It." It has been suggested that a contest be held to determine the city whose letter carriers ure the most polite. OFFICE CAT ed. "Illrth control Is a problem for tho race and the women must help solve it. Tho next step In the movement will be to make It legal to liuve clinics where the Information can be given women who desire it. It Is also Im portant thut physicians be granted greater freedom in communicating this Information and, while discretion should be used In giving It, it is the right of every married woman to have it." An Impressive array of speakers has been assembled and a worth-while program has been prepared for this conference, under the siineivislou of Mrs. Margaret Hanger, the leader of the birth control movement In Ameri ca. The chief sneaker of the confer: ence will bo Harold Cox. former mem ber of tho Dritlxh parliament nnd ert- , The fellow who whistles mid sings ot Itor of the Edinboro lievlew. He will his work mav he hunne hi h. nr.i... n,TOn u.i i iu fpiesunn ut -over I'opu- murder in the hearts of lation.' Ho Is held to be the lendlnir around him. ttutnnrity on economics and population BY JUNIUS. I Kxcept a silk stocking, nothing in I this world can go faster when It starts than a public Idol. everyone in the world today. He reached Mon treal last week and will come to 'New York City the latter part of this wee. COUTH I'OSTAI, CI.KRKS WASHIXliTON, Nov. 9. (I. N. R.) Will Hays' postal dorks ure becom ing so Imbuded with the chiefs "m, A dollar will go us far as it over did; if you mail it. We cull It "greed" when wo speak of Rockefeller, but when we refer to ourselves it is "genius" or "ability." Women have been successful In stumps ut the The kind of man who has to Sn out nvuM . fun. u .. . . - . manning" doctrines that they're liable ' nnV,'0 nV!? ." , to he Jerked Into court for searing J1'0 ? "w ' wknd look someone to death. ' A business man writes the I'ost Of- That sin. .... flee Department that the Herb Si"K .h c"m U t who a purchased I ed tha vn Z V "'m' ,. 1 i'n--.u mime nitn troin torging right ahead. "thank you' clerk when he Hudson Terminal station THIS BEING FATHER AND SON WEEK A f?M. Off Go Home ano I vff!ilff . W oh 5oMe old lofts anoTak.5 HIS CLUB Pooms r f 5 LlOs Pfi5ocAu Troubles- Ir- Xjk Pigskin awhile" L--r Z. m60 VJiTnrtiM- BV Golly ! lpK:pL f5 AKr PoP is Trte Wfr ) yoJl- BE 5UCP8IS--D BesTesTDAO Af AT homj good iTll make Yoo feel W T e T 1 J t-i0Mr ITS A SftVALL TritNs5 for You ' JL. Z1ul. ; 1 ' 1 Delightful Winter Coats $24.75 Thia attractive price would mean little to you were it not backed by richness of fabrics and becoming, au thentic styles which only Penney buying power and rash selling methods can offer so reasonably. Fur cuffs and collars lend an added touch of luxury to many models while embroidery forms the highlights of others. . . ; . " Review the different models now on display in our large center window. 1 : Clever Coats for Wee Folk $5.90 to $14.75 Another assortment of cozy coats for the young sters. Good looking and practical materials. Some are fur trimmed. . Ages 5 to 12 .$3.90 to $14.75 NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS ! STORE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY ARMISTICE DAY " 1MH .in 1 1 ud, 312 DEPARTMENT STORES1 QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-) East Oregdnian Printing Department. ; l Are You One of the 3rd? Every third family in the United States to day owns a motor car. Anybody today who really wants an automo bile can find a good one within easy reach of his means. . Among these families who own cars are all kinds and conditions of people. But they are all alike exclusive in the enjoyment of the greatest privilege science and skill have given to man the ability to go when and where they want, Oregon Motor Garage 119-121 West Court St. Phone 468 ' GOODYEAR AND GOODRICH TIRES 1 J