DAILY EAST OREG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9, 1921. PAGE ELEVEN WANT ADS. CLASSIFIED For Rent, Etc, Gassified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found TW2LVS PAGES 1 CLASSIFIED ADVEUTISIXG KATfcS. Set in S-poiiit Counting six ordi- i nary words to the line. First insertion, per line $.19 'Each additional consecutive ' insertion, per line '. .05 One month, every issue, each insertion, per line .05 .Six months contract, every is- sue, each insertion per line. .04 Vfwelve months contract, ev. ery Issue, each insertion, t per line, .03 Ads not run consecutively, each insertion, per line .10 '"Wo ads taken for less than X - lines. Minimum charge .... .25 i . ( SALE Iron bed ?et. -125 Johnson . SALE ter St. -liood dry wood. 61! RENT Two mo 367-W. room cottuge.- RENT Furnished Apartment. ne 514-J or 75. TED Furnished Apt Pall Mrs. 1 W. Niemann, Hotel Pendleton. -Portland real estate Ford car. Address Box 23, Oregon. ".ENT Large clean front apart unfurnished, reasonable. Call Room 12, Falling Bldg. '.EXT Steam heated, furnished Intent, two blocks from Main f-Address 'AV this office. LES. A. BATZON Pevine and metlc Healer cures all sickness tseases. 621 Willow or Phone ILES per gallon made with new .ented gasoline Vaporizer. Write Particulars. Stransky Vaporizer 1'uk'wana, S. D. N'TED Information as to the adit-esses of the following parties or )lr heirs: John Lalng, William T. femtr, Geo. W. Kennedy, Solon S. Ties,, Elam T Jones, Richard A. nes, Edward It. Irving, William Jtilt , Patrick Horgnn, Marshall Itnlock, Andrew Henley, Alonzo J. U'ward, Jnmvn M. Hardwick, Geo. i; Hurrl Frank Hanna and Mary ijler. Address E. W. Spaldinpt, Na nal .Metropolitan Hank iihlg., Wash It on. IX ( REST EXPERIMENT o maintain the vast forests of hli'gton, Oregon and Alaska, nnd Study and apply methods which will jure continued forest growth and ) ent the disastrous lumbering prac bs followed in eastern and western jests, tho Pacific Northwest forest perimcnt station,1 now very Inado ately manned, should gradually be larged, declares the Forest Service, lltcd States Department of Agricul te, in a circular1 just off the press. A fy of Circular 'o. 183, Forest Ex fiment Stations, may be obtained, ie of charge unon application to the fcmrtment at Washington or to the They. Deny It i Miss Anne Morgan, sister of tho trellJjnown J. P., says she isn't go. IhgfO marry Myron T Herrlck, am. bassador to Francs. He denies the rumor, too. This picture merely (hows they are asqualnted. A rVg .M.4 n ! COMPOUND COPAIBA CUBE 66 J y ildH&lSl B LA DD E R FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 3 HOUSE FOR SALE Cheap if takn at once, cull at 612 Thompson St., after 3 p. m. )jUO.0O DOWN, balance on easy terms gives possession of a good home. Wheat, alfalfa and fruit farms to trade. Phone 501, Res. Phone 2S0-J. Iff Sale Houses In ll parts of the city. Come and see our list. Wheat and alfalfa ranch. GEO. W. ELDER & SON 818 Main St. Phone 993 FOR SALE rortiana property 35000 terms Seven room house. paved street, 4 lots, garase. oarni chicken coop, and run. berries, fruit trees, fine shrubs and roses. Address 709 Gerard St. Portland. Ore. Uni versity Park. FOR SALE Reasonable price 750 acres stubble nnd straw in stack, 200 acres good bunch grass, all In one body, with water for stock lo miles west of Pendleton 8 miles north vi of Pilot Rock suitable for sheep. inquire casteei & Stanley, Pilot Rock, Oregon. A Long Walk 4 , I fc Miss Theresa Trouip hiked 3000, miles from Fcmdale, Wash., to. New York to enter Columbia Unl-I verslty She cooked her own meals over eampflres. hopped freight trains and slept with Indian squaws en routs. She says It was fun. Forest Service at Tortland, Oregon!, The Pacific Northwest experiment station would be one of the 10 ulti mately needed to meet a timber situa tion already growing so critical that the United States may in the future face the necessity of dependence upon a foreign supply, with drastic allow ances as to amount and resultant high prices. "With the exception of one census year," snys the report, "the State of Washington has stood first in lumber production since 1905. Oregon, tenth In 1907, had reached third place In 1918. No other state can compare In total stand with Oregon, with Its total of nearly 500,000,000,000 feet, al though Washington la hardly a bad second with more than 330,000,000, 000 feet. Lumber production In the Pacific Northwest has been one of the greatest Industries since early days; in fact, the prosperity of these States is measured in terms of the prosperity of the lumber industry. "The Alaskan Panhandle with Its water power. Its numerous mill sites on protected water channels, and Its 70.000,000,000 feet of excellent pulp timber, now stands at the threshold of a pulp and paper industry which' in a comparatively few years should rival that of Scandinavia. This region can be made to supply in perpetuity at least one-fourth of the present total pulp requirements of the I'nited States or one-half of our present news-print requirements. Alaska offers a great BRINGING UP FATHER I'LL HIDE NE an ticVet to Ok . SISSw L "TsVB TMlt oi UNTIL. NACIE Xf t OUT - bAFE TX rRT . I- C USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE-t-Two Hudson touring cars, 1360.00 Hakes both. Inquire Motor Inn, Uarage, "-- Cottonwood St. FOR" SALE--l-ton Repunlic truck, good shape will take Ford in trade. I easy te'm o,i balance. Oldsmoblle o. FOR RENT APT8. AND ROOMS ALTA aPTS ROOM AND BOARD tor man only 403 fi.: Webb. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house. Thone 378-J or 407. H KJtN'l i suit, mire Penland nro FOR RENT Apartment, call 216 Wil low St., or 614 Cosbie St. FOR RENT Room and board for two, $10 each per week. Call 176-J. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms nlso board. 211 W. Webb or Phono 276-R. FOR RENT Sleeping room, furnace i heat and bath close In. Phone 378-J or 407. FOR RENT One partly furnished house and one furnished apartment at 614 Cosbie St. NOTICES MISS WURTENBERGER Private Art Class will meet at the Library at 10 A. M., Nov. 5th. Phone 375-M. NOTICE You are going to have photos for Xmas and to encourage you to have them taken early we will give you this week a 20 percent discount. WARD STUDIO. IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of the I'nited States for the District of Oregon In the matter of August Norcen, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of August Noreen of Pendleton In the County of Umatilla and District aforesaid Bankrupt., Notice Is hereby given that on the 2nd day of November A. D. 1!21 the said August Koreen was adjudicated a Bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at tho of fice of the undersigned Referee In Bankruptcy at Pendleton, Umntlllni County, Oregon, on November 18th at 10 o'clock A. M. of taid day at which time and place the Creditors may at tend, prove and file their claims, ex amine the Bankrupt, appoint a Trus tee, and transact such other business as may properly come before such meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore eon this 7th day of November A. D. 1321. TIIOS. FlTZ GERALD, Referee In Bankruptcy, LOST AND FOUND LOST 34x4 H dhvertowu Cord tlrs tube, rim and tire cover, betwsen Pen dleton and Pl'ot Rock. Reward. Leave at E. O. Offloe. FOUND On South Main St., above high street, 32x3 Goodyear tire. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this ad. opportunity to develop an Industry which will go far toward making us Independent of Canada and other for eign supplies, but as yet no work has been done to develop methods of cut ting that will assure a permanent tim ber growth. "The lines of work for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska with respect to fire protection, three planting, silvicul ture and timber management must parallel !under different conditions and with different species those al ready outlined for other forest regions of tho United States." Here are some of tho things the forest experiment statlbns should do, the 'detpartment says "Determine what kind of trees ca-t and should bo grown. "Find out how to plant. "Determine best methods of cutting and slash disposal. "Answer many questions concerning forest management. "Ascertain growth and yields. "Establish the basts for Improved methods of firs protection. "Cooperate In forest management problems closely related to wood Utili zation. "Furnish the scientific basic for for estry." NONEy niNTvi MUbT WEKH TWO TONj iJ-K S-T) MOVE. IT- . 4 WANTED LADY wants work by day or hour. Fhone 30S-K, city. . WANTED Girl for general house- -work. Phone SS9-W. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAQg AT ins fc&sl oregunian office. WANTED Boarders and roomers. 1 Phone 652-W, 604 Thompson St. WANTED Two ladies to room: and I board. Address "4V' this office. WANTED 2 or 3 good milch cows, Must be" first class. Phone 8F21. WANTED TO RENT Furnished sleeping room. Address "42" this office. . . WANTED To rent furnished apart ment or small furnished house. Phone 94. WANTED Salesman for ouulde sell ing see Mr. I'atmtr, Sunday a. in., A'arren's Music House. WANTED One or two good milch cows to care for through the winter, good pasture and feed. Phono 1065-J. LOCAL electrical firm has opening iu Its sales force tor three aggressive salesmen. Previous sales experience not necessary but would be helpful. Call between 1 and 2 o'clock or 6 and o'clock. Milne Electrlo Co., 110 E. Altu St. INFORMATION WANTED of ths whereabouts of the heirs and next of kin of Gertrude Rlehartz also known as Gertrude Wahlraf. also known as Gertrude Decker, who emisl-ated to the United States in lt92 and who, in Septemuer 1892 at Pendleton, Ore., under the name of Gertrude Rlehartz, declared hsr Intentions of citizenship to the U, S. at which time she was supposed to have a brother living In Eastern Oroiron. Address B. I. Tji- Selle, 504 Phelsxn Bldg., Sun Francisco, California, FOR SALE FOh SALE Two Bis watt HaxVMtsrs -Pbone 14F11 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED, 1.M at RCDD'S, 107 W. Wsbb, Phone B8S. FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estes, (14 Mala St., Pbone (04, FOR SALE Cedar telephone poles and fence post. Chas. Lovegrsn, Scappoose, Ore. FOR SALE Good milch goats, all young, all bred. Address M. Mont challn, Carson, Wn. , FOR SALE Telephone poles and fence posts. Prices on application. Chas. Lovegren, Scappoose, Oregon, FOR SALE I car loads Rtd Split Ce dar fence post 7 ft. S cents each, f. o. b. cars. Frank E. Blair, Lowell, Oregon. FOR SALE 10 head work marfg, 8 .with foal by pure bred Perchron stallion and 5 geldings. Phon 627-J, Pend.leton. RAM BARGAIN Pure bred yearling Llncolns, 37.50. Two year old Un co'.ns, also Colswolds, 310.00 crated. Shadeland Farms, Amity, Oregon. ONE HOLT 75 "Cat" with new track. drive chains and babbit throughout, $2500 cash will take good horses or mules in part trade. Glenn E, Scott, Helix, Ore. FOR SALE 40 head of stock hogs. They can be seen 1 mile west of Mission bridge, north side of Umatilla river. Address B. F. Marlln, Routt 1, Pendleton, Oregon. 'iH SALlf. i spsn good work mules, weight about 2260, one span good work mules, weight about 2150. Also Kord truck, 1918 model, flat rack with stakes on side, good condition. In quire Roy S. Neat. Bowman Hotel. MISCELLANEOUS PHONE-Trvlng Snyder for "chimney sweep. I have no pointed bat. MRS. ADA FIELPspirella eorsetlere Phone 324-W. Address 614 Jane. DONT FORGET Funk ft McLean In sure anything, 839 Main St, Phone 83 WILL DO sewing In your homo for. 32.60 per day. Mrs. Brown, Phone 395-W, FOR STEAM pleating, dress forms, buudin.fr, and braiding. Phone 1028-J, 120 Lee St. CANDYMAKINO business Start at borne, everything furnished men, women, $30.00 weekly Bun Boa CO., Philadelphia, Pa Reg. D. a. Patent Off! as Be MJRE TO HAVE. US POT TMIb VHERE VOU WAjst 1 1 IT1.U TA.KE THREE MEN To MOVE. IT- g I HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON ID I1TY This Directory Is especially handy (or the out-of-town reader who may want ths name and address of re sponsible businessmen who represent ths following lines. AU are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt ser:c. AUTO TOPS ADWA'8 AUTO TOPS. Piste Glass, I,. Packs. 81ds Curtains HOI Est ourt St AUCTIONEER .1 F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, XII at Sturgls & Storle's Implement Co., for sals dates. , . AUTO TRANSFER hrvTLUAMSON Stand at Origgs' 'gar Store. Phone 1075. ip .jl'ICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phons 52, Crescent Cigar -tore Residence. Phone 1069-R. ATTORNEY GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorns at lw, Room 17, Bona lung. I M. SCHANNEP, Attorney at Office in Court House. KEATOR & RANDALL, Attorneys at Law. Uoom 24, SmitU-Crawford llullilliiK. CARTER & SMYTHE, Attorneys at l,w. as. rc. torn ni. FEB ft FEE, Attorneys at Law t' flees In Dospaln Building. ' ' S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office in Uespaln Bldg, S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law IVderal Building. PETERSON, Bishop ft Clark, At torneys at Law. Rooms a and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law Office over Taylor Hardware Com- i TIME CARD Pilot Rock Stasre Evan Cameron, Prop. Leaves PUot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 11:00 A, M., leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. Leaves Pendleton 5:00 P. M-. Leaves Hotel Pendleton and French Restaurant. TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage t Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m, and 1:20 p. m.- Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store ( for Weston at 10:00 a m. and 4 p. m, O H. McPHERRIN, Prop. THE COZY AUTO STAGE Pcndlcton-Walla Wnlla Fore 31.75 Including Tax Leaves Pendleton 9 A. M.-l P. M.-4 P. M. ' ' Leaves Walla Walla t A. M.-X P. M.-4 P. M. . Sunday Schedule Leaves Pendleton JO A. M.-4 P, M. t Leaves Walla Walla 10 A. M.-4 P. M. Pendleton Phone' 463, Cosy Blllnrd Parlors. Walla Walla Phone 24. A. HORCH JR. Owner. Pendleton-Umatilla t 8tg Leave Pendleton :00 ti:00 4:00 Echo 1:11 1:11 B.16 Stanfleld :10 ' 1.8 Hermlston 1:66 i.fi 1:51 Ar. Umatilla 10:15 1:16 (:ll Leave UmJlla 1:00 11:01 4:00 HenulstoD 8:20 12:20 4:20 4 Stanftela 8:45 11:41 4:46 4 Echo 9:00 1 00 1:00 Ar. Fend. ' 10:15 Ml 1:11 Two Trips Sandny Leave Psndleton 8:00 e. m 4 and 4:00 p. m. . Leave Umatilla 1:00 a. m and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn' Garage . 721 Cottonwood Si 4 Phone M8 f PELL DAWGOlf Parcel delivered la all vat points. LOOK AT Tl-'C. --J 1 BEAUTIFUL rsTA.'UE' J ( " -- n't RALET. RALET A STEIWER. Attor neys at Law. Oftlc In Americas National llnnlt liuililiug FRED H. SCHMIDT, AtOni at Law. Room 14. Smltli-Crs frd Rldg. AUT0 JLECTRIC WORKS We REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. t'hase Co AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CI CLE CO. AJax. Re ,vere and Savs tires i r tnH Street. L. S. BKN'TLEY k CO. Goodyear anl Diamond Tlrss Tire nsrvlce oils and aoceeoor'fs. Alta and (inrtlon Sts GERTSON & MARTY flatus 8uper--Trod tires 639 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER A BUPFLYA CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich Sll vertown Cord anl Pennsylvania Vacu um Ct'p 805 V.. Court. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Chase Co., 820 B. Court 8t. Telephone 209, Pendleton ' CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacMmithing. Raund-Up Gangs, Parks Nehorgall, 219 West Webb. CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and cloan tho finesc rug. satisfactorily Reference!! gl mi We make fluff rugs from old carpets Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ir.g Co. pbone 1(77. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER ft BANFIELD. Designing, Engineering. Constructing 1a vain xper'nce In cencrete and brick con duction, n i rc. Third St., North l?orU land, Oregon. CLEANERS AND 0YF.RS "pwrnrniTTM PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS ft CLEANERS Pressing and renolrlnir nj ' xr Webb St, Phone 821, Pendleton Ore. DRESSMAKING. . t Elite Dressmaking Gowns made to order, ttnnimr gowns a specialty, Hand embroidery, braiding and beading. Phone I4I-M, ' aura St. . Pearl Emmngene Smith Grape Fruit, 'Florida," extra large. . 20c Grape, 2 pounds 25c- New Crop Filberts and Brazil Nuta , , . .. ... "Eatmorc" Cranberries. - The Dean Meat Dept. Q Phone 00 T fAV -w. mmy II II. I 192t Ink! FfAiuat "VICf. INC.' DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU Is Just as Import ant as where yon move. w also pack or store goods. Ws do country hauling Call (39, Psnland Hro. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. FARM LOANS ,-. ... SNOW DAYTON. 117 E ' nun St.. Real Estate, Firs Insurant- - ro i.uun see us about a loan. LAUNDRY SVERT Article Laundered Perfectly There's ud agent In oui -iwt. troj l.nundrj. fins Garden i DOMESTIC LAUNDRY-4S1 b. Court St., Phone 60. We maintain a eovn piele mending department. , LIGHTING PLANTS DELCO Lighting iiystem, Aekonnan and Zurfluu, Golden Rule Hotel Bldg, HEMSTITCHING HE.MSTlTCHlNG--MaU ordere-rMra Ralph Hassell, 417 Bush, Phone &Y New and Second hand Dealers V. 8TROBLE, dealer In new and see . ond hand gnoda Cash, raid for second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods, 11 E. CoaTI Pbone 871-W. FURNITURBi, repairing, Jacking, crating, upholstering, carpet clean l4g 7 years experience Grand Rapid Mich. Furniture Co. AU worli guar inteed, 812 W, Webb St, Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Plcturs Fram ing. U I. McAtee,- toe Prsstlea) Paint Man. ljowe Bros., Paints, RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes' ot radiators repaired. Work guaranteed C. lUaKbcrg, Prop. . RESTAURANT w-m.... -,ir...,ii....i ne THE- QUELLE A good place to eat SHOE REPAIRING PENDLETON SHOE . SHOP New method shoe repairing. we1 re build, not cobble. The best work lor the least money. 120 W. Court SC. Pendleton Ore. TAILORS SUITS AND- WZnwTnZ 64TMalnSt. Phone 100 Tatom Co. Grocery Dept. ggg By Georoe McManui DINTV - isFun i t- THREE OF TMP CTontji- -jiAiut A'i ei; 3 Aw OUARRY