-TWELVE PAGES AUTO SECTION PAGES 7 TO 12 TWELVE PAGES section TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 29, 1921. RepresentsAmerica in Race li !::: I California - Pullman Game Awakens Excitement; O.A.C Plays Stanford Today The Washington State-Callforn'a gamer in Portland and the Stanford Oregon Agricultural college contest at Palo Alto are the only Pacific coast conference football struggles today. However, several other games of Im portance are scheduled In the Pacific coast area. Among others, Idaho plays 'l'Aah at Bait Lake, and the University of Ore gon freshmen play the University of Washington babes at Seattle. The list follows: Salt Lake Idaho vs. Utah. Portland Washington State vs. California. Los Angeles U. 8. C. vs. Pomona. Montana Bpokane Qonzaga State. vs.' Iteno-Davls Farm cs. Nevada. Missoula Montana vs. Whitman. Salem Willamette vs. College of Puget Sound. Los Angeles Southern branch Uni versity of California vs. Occidental. Stanford Stanford vs., Oregon. Ag gies. Seattle Washington frosh vs. Ore gon frosh. Denver Denver University vs. Uni versity of Wyoming. - ' Colorado Springs Colorado Aggies vs. Colorado college. Pocatello Pocatollo Institute ; vs. College of Idaho. Whlttior 'Whltler " i. California Tech. Fresno St. Mary's vs. American Le gion. ' ' t Stanford Stanford freshmen vs. College of Pacific. . . Sunday, October 30 San Francisco Olympic club vs. Ninth Army Corps. 'If t i ;8 .4 1 . j mt, i "fc-" ir inmmt-rn-i , winj immirfiiiiniiiii)i 1 The fishing achoonei In ilu m,.. .LV... .'l "" 'v" IV-Mi wUo oltoted the EsoeranT' IVZL 1 '1 ta,,laln"1 Murtt Elstp u-itl . . r ' America against im i.i'. In last year's contest OLDEST TWINS IN COUNTRY . CAN PLOW WITH YOUNG BUCKS LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Oct. 29.-r- (J. N. S.) The oldest twin brothers In the United States, according to all available records, are James and Joel Cheatwood, of Fairmount Township, Leavenworth county. The twins re cently celebrated their ninetieth birth day anniversary with a family reunion. The twins still boast of being able to handle a plow and to cut as straight a furrow as any of the young "bucks" still In their teens. Neither of the brothers looks his age. Both have the agility of the average man of fifty and are examples of the rugged pioneers who settled In Kansas during the days of the Civil war. 'I urn, not old; I was just born a little sooner than the rest of you," drawllngly remarked one of the broth ers. The two brothers for fifty years have lived within a mile of each other. When they desire to visit they never crank up the 'flivver." They simply "hoof it." In appearance they can hardly b ALrm SERVICE SANITATION We Want TO BUY YOUR i TURKEYS, DUCKS AND GEESE and will pay you the highest market price. . , i Pendleton Trading Co. A. Ui Sign C . ScttU, "If It's on the Market We Ha?e It" Jem, II FORD OWNERS ami There has been a drop of from 20 to 30 per cent in the regular Ford labor schedule of repairs. This will mean quite a saving on your repair jobs, both large and small. Let us look your car over now and attend to the necessary repairs to carry you thru the winter. The motor or rear end might need some care, or possibly it is just the radiator or windshield. We can do any thing with a Ford and do it right. Our men are always on the job and are expert mechanics, They have been trained for years in the Ford way and know what to do. They never have to guess. As the Simpson Auto Co. is the only home of the Ford in or near Pendleton, why not let them look aft er your wants? Our stock of parts is complete and are genuine Ford manufacture. They give service and we always strive to give the best. Your for service, Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson 5t. Phone 408 read distinguished apart. Both can wtnout the use of spectacles. Jool and "Jim" Cheat wood were born in Stokes county, North Carolina, October 11, 1831. Joel located in Kansas in 1857. He remembers many Interesting Incidents of pioneer days. Delaware Indians were on reservations here when Joel first came to Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Clieatwood cole brated their sixtieth wedding anniver sary January 20, 1921. The couple have seven children, and among them are twin daughters, both of Kansas City, Mo. They ure fifty three years old. Jim Cheatwood located in Kansas ii 1856, a year before his brother. BY SCOREOF 21-ZERO Opponents Crippled Through Loss of Four Good Men; One Man Hurt in Tong War. THIv DAU.KS, Oct. 29 The Pen dleton high school football team yes terday afternoon defeated The Ialles on the local gridiron in a hard-fought contest. L'l to 0. The Dalles went in to the game minus four of Its regular men. Hob Sanders, star quarterback, is in the hospital with a bullet wound In his hip as a result of the recent tong shooting here, while three other play ers were barred from participation In any more football games this season when the school board voted to remain In the State Athletic association and abide by its rulings. Despite the weakened team, Coach Murray's warriors put up a game fight, but could not penetrate the heavy Pendleton line. The Fendleton backfield performed like clockwork. All three touchdowns were made by Pendleton In the first half, two being indirectly caused by The Dulles' fumbles. LOCAL VETERAN IS HONORED UPON HIS 82ND BIRTHDAY (East Oregonian Special.) UMAPIXE, Oct. 29. ,At the regu lar school meeting held Tuesday aft ernoon the budget for the school year of 1921-22 was passed unanimously. The amount voted this year will ex ceed that of last by about $1000. This s necessary on account of a small In crease in the general running expenses of the school . and provision being made to retire some outstanding war rants, and interest on school warrants. The Vincent school Is progressing smoothly under tho supervision of Principal J. D. Harnih, no friction of any character arning. The rooms are all filled to capacity and the directors have been obliged to supply more fur niture In the primary grade to take care of tho children. Henry Speiss, athletic coach, has his boys Interested In the various athletic activities, but is handicapped this year on account of the small number of students. The boys, however, are making a wonderful showing in foot ball, considering the material avail able. F. U Armstrong, special adjuster for the Northwestern Fire Insurance As sociation, with headquarters In .Spo kano, met with If. J. Kirk of the Hud son Pay Hall Company last Mouday and after a full Investigation assured Mr. Kirk that the policy of $3000 would be paid within ten days. Mr. Armstrong stated that if trio hall com pany desired they could proceed Im mediately with . the rtfnstructlon work us tho insurance would bo paid in full. . . Mr. Armstrong made a flying trip from Spokane driving the d-'stance In a little more than five hours. Kince July 14th he has adjusted 105 fire losses and driven his Uu'vck car more than 000 miles. M. II. Hice Is the local agent for this insurance company and the prompt service in this matter by both himself and the company he represents is ful ly appreciated in this instance. 1 V- f- i Buick is the Pioneer Builder of Valve-in-Head Motor Cars i Twenty years of service have given Buick valve-in-head motors i unequalled reputation for power and dependability. Saying "valve- in-head" today means "Buick" as much as it did two decades ago. Buick Sixes Duick Fours 32-Six-44 Tnree Pasa. Roaditer 22Six-45 Fiv ". Trurm . 2i-Six-46 Three Pais Coupt . ll-Sn-47 Kiva Peta. Sedan 13 Sii-4tl Four Pam. Coup. 3-5ii-49 Seven Feet. Touring JJ-Sii-JO Seven Paet. Sedan IfJS ins 343S 3J2S I73S 3S3S 27 Fcur-34 Two Pan RomdHer 3 Four-35 Five Pan. Tourint 22-Fnur-36 Three Fau. Coupe Jl-Faur-37 Five Faae. Sedan All Pries. F O. B. Fl.nt, Af chijan Ait about Hit O. 6!. A. C. Plu.i I m 97 i I47S 1650 (C12) S. P. Hutchinson,' Tendieton's G. A. K. commander and senior vice com mander of Oregon, was an honored guest at a notable dinner party on Thursday. The occasion was Mr. Hutchinson's 82d birthday, he having been born In Indiana on October 27, 1839. Mrs. Allen Khodcs and hnr daughter, Mrs. Peters, were the birth day dinner hostesses for Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and the crowning feature of the dinner was a mammoth cake adorned with 82 lighted candles. The whole affair was a surprise to Mr. Hutchinson as was also the presenta tion of a beautiful bouquet by a rep resentative of the Daughters of Vet erans. "To ino It, will bo n bright and memorable Mpot ill my life to be so kindly demembered by those dear friends." he said.. Oregon Motor Garage, Inc. Phone 468 ' 119, 121 W. Court WHEN BETTER AUTOMOP.ILES ARF, HUIIT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Coming to PENDLETON DR. MELLENTHIN A KI CCKSKFI L KPIOCIAMST FOB THE FAST FIFTEEN YF.AHS. Last Picture AfJ ? j f i "-"9 " 4. -.', ,,' .tP , i Saves Time and Labor Albert Knoepkc, Moccasin, Montana, says: "I would rather quit the ranch than do without Delco-Light. It saves at least 14 hours per eek in In hot at a cost of ap proximately $1,115 per month." Ihnlcr Write for Catalog ACKERMAN & . ZURFLUH Golden Rule Hotel Building. DELC0-L1GHT "Electricity for every Farm" Always Ready to Operate. HOES NOT I SE sritKKltY Will bo at PENDLETON HOTEL, THURSDAY, NOV. 10 Office Hours: 10 a. m, to 4 p. ni. 9jt DANCE AT LIBERTY HALL WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY M i r ONE DAY ONLY No ( barge for I'uiniiiiiMlon Dr. Mellenthln Is a regular gradu ate In medicine and surgery and Is li censed by tile state of Oregon. He visits professionally the more import ant towns and cities und offeis to all who call on this trip consultation and examination free, except, the expense of treatment when desired. DANCE TONIGHT Union Hall Payant's Orchestra Some Dance All Welcome UNDER AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION MMI1MMMIMHIIMIIIMMIMHMIIIIIIII''U 4) 4) According to bis method of treat ment ne noes noi operate ior niruim: i appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of ! stomach, tonsils or alenoids. He baa to his credit many wonder ful results In diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed welling catarrh, weak: lungs, rheumatism, sci atica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you have been ailing for length of time and do not get any bet ter, do not fall to call, as Improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of ypur long standing trouble. j Hemembcr above date, that extml ' nation on this trip will be free and that his treatment Is different. any i 4 Tju ohotograph of Senator Phil ander C. Knox Ukcn on his return home from EuroM two days before his death. John Dorfman Tailoring;, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing llooms 1, 8, V, Dcttpain Ilhx k: I'lione 982 Address: 336 apolis, Minn. lioHton Block, Minne- DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE Chroma and Nervout Ulseuei ant DtMMMa of Women. X-RaT Electrir Therapeutic. Tempi Bldg. Boom 11 Ftaona til Stormy Weather brings in ducks and gecse. Do your hunting; now and get the good shooting with Western Shells THE SHELL OF GOOD QUALITY SOL BAUM Sporting Good Store "A- Phone 646-702 Hotel Pendleton Bulldinsr : 4 ' ! '4 I