East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 29, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    "tweEVe t'SXiLS"
'iVJw iVotes of Pendleton
October 24 to 29. National
Laundry Week.
H November 11. East End Fair
and Apple Show.
November 21, special city elec-
tribute to their former comrade. Jo-iopening of the new Imperial Billiard
soph V. Stephens, l'endleton soldier jpat lors there bv Hary Lecdv end !.
who :is killed in France. The t'u- Estes today. Harry is putting on a
neral will be held at the Presbyterian j real opener with an orchestra, reccp
church. tion line and ever' thing that goes
- . (with it. J. Winer of the Kootery also
lns to Have ltodco. lopenod an exclusive shoe store in the
The First National l!ank ot this jriiion county town this morning.
city is in receipt of a letter irom me
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 73
Service Men, Attention!
All ex-service men whether mem
bers of the American Legion or not.
are requested to meet tomorrow after
, noon at 2:30 o'clock in front of
Brown & Brady's undertaking par
lors. Post Commander Perry Idle
man hopes to have a large number
of the servicemen out to pay a last
r..h..,,! vrrwlon Cnmimnv nf Graham
Texas, askinir that Penlleton boost Will Build Kile-walk,
their show. They say they are
hivv a wiM west show November
, ,i. . ...... t l.l.,.,!. ,11
,i nn.i wimt r.-inintis rulers aiul .suuiu oiue vi iui owvn, n uiuin m.
ropers who have performed ut the
Pendleton show.
to Clark Dunlay today received a per-
'mit to build a six foot sidewalk on the
Opens Store in La Grande,
Ii Grande papers announce the
Drunks Arrested.
A. James and Big Jim forfeited bail
today after being arrested on a charge
of drunkenness. James forfeited J'ift
and Jim $10.
1011011011 01101101-
The Children
of today are the grown-ups of tomorrow. Edu
cate them to Quality, teach them Thrift and
. Economy,
. When your time is occupied let the children
do your shopping.
We pay special attention to the little one's
every want.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 E. Court Street
Phones 101 Private Exchange Connect
Both Department
William Calilll Arrested.
William Cahill was arrested last
evening on a charge of Illegal purse
!s:on of liiiuor. 11 R sentence was $r.O
fine or 25 days. He is doing time in
'the city jail.
-101 101 TOT 101 101 101 101 IOT-T0I
Clear Weather Predicted.
Clear weather is predicted by Major
Lee Moorhouse. weather observer, for
the next few days. The maximum to
day is 66. the minimum Is 37 and the
barometer registers 29.85. Rainfall
yesterday was .02 of an Inch.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 528
Other Depts. 78
A new pump in black
kid, brown kid and tan
calf, with la inch mili
tary heel, welt sole, one
strap. Excellent ser
vice low shoes $8.00,
$9.00, $10.00.
Boarded Russia Calf
Oxford, co-ed last, very
smart, welt sole, low
heel (1 inch) .... $8.00
Silk Duvetyne $6.50 Yard
Arrive front La Grande.
Mr. und Mrs. G. W. E. Curtis arrived
today from La Grande. They will have
charge of tho music for the special
meetings which will open at tho Chris
tian church tomorrow morning. Their
homo is In Vancouver, Washington.
Xu,mlicrs Aro ClMinged.
The new telephone directories are
being distributed ly the Tacific Tele
phone Co. to their 2000 subscribers.
About 60 numbers have been changed
because of the lack of facilities. The
change of numbers will be an aid to
better service, the company believes.
The finest of quality 40 in. wide.
tyakes up into most stylish dresses,
suits and coats. Offered in sap
hire, jade and brown.
Plain belts, fancy belts, trirdles, etc., shown here
in a wide range of colors and styles. Some leather,
some gold and silver, girdles of leather cords, braid
and ribbons. Some plain colors, some fancy colors.
Belts 25c to $1.23
Girdles $1.50 to $3.50
Is Adjudged Bankrupt.
S. C. Kilgore of Helix, 1ms been ad
judged bankrupt by Judge Wolverton
of Portland, according to word re
ceived here today by Judge, Thomas
Fltz Gerald. Kilgorc's liabilities are
S41.014.44 and his assets 524,575. A
meeting of his creditors will be or
ranged for at some future date.
f t ft
How onio, Judge?
Judffc Stephen A. Lowell of Pendlo
Inn io wnrriprt for fear Governor Ol
cott may accept a salaried position
with 'the government and resign as
chief executive. It would seem that
tho Judge is unduly alarmed. No one
Is giving any "inside" information
about the matter. La Grando Observ
Bad Check Artist In Town.
The city officers are on the trail of
a man who cashed several bad checks
on local firms the past few days. The
man who issued three checks signed
W. E. McNally or Le Roy Whitney,
cashed checks to the amount ot (11.65
each, on tho West IBnd Grocery,
Milne's Grocery and tho Bungalow
Pool hall.
Prest-O-Lite Does It Again!
HERE'S a genuine
top-quality, power
packed, long-lived
Prest-O-Litc Bat
tery for Fords, certain
models of Ovcrlands,
Chevrolcts, Buicks, and
27 other cars and trucks
to sell at the unheard
r l f
or trade-in price or
It's a Prest-O-Lite
backed by the Company
and our service. Come '
get yours. Tell your
freinds. $24.85 actual
ly less than the 1917
price. Better battery.
Si; 1 1 AG I INCH'S
Unliable Kiipnlr Sl .p. Weston
Fipcr-lllcka Garage, llolix lirlio AiilO Co., Kclio.
llciinlstoii Auto Co.. llermlston.
Umatilla Garatc, Umatilla.
riioy'ro Higher In Hawaii.
Living In fair Hawaii is highc
than In tho states according to letters
received by Mr. anl Mrs. C. S. Jcr-
ard from tholr daughter, Leura, who
is teaching In Hilo high school, Ha
waii. Miss Jerard says that ogjfi sell
at $1.10 a dozen, that meat sell 4 for
forty cents a pound and picture Bhotvs
arc 60 cents. IMncapnio and Immna'i
abound and are cheap.
Pull up wher
you tee this Ngn.
Other Prtst-O'
Lilet in torreet
tilt for tiry
mailt of cat.
START Right with PAAt O JUe!
Every watch bears our guar
antee. Wc are going to offer
one of the greatest values in
Ladies' and Gents Watches for
the next 30 days you ever heard of. We have an im
mense stock of the latest styles of wrist watches which we
are going to offer, 15 jewel, 20 year cases, small size, for
$14.00, 14 K. solid gold, white or green, ..15 ..jewel for
$20.00 and $25.00. Gents' Watches are going at the same
values. ,
Can you afford to overlook these wonderful offers?
Come in and select your Xmas gifts. We will gladly lay
them aside until you want them. Come to
The Home of Gifts That Last.
Ullllon Defeats Athena -'"""'W
By a score of 26 to 13 the Milton
footballl team defeated tho Athena
team at Athena yesterday. Milton's
scores were all made In the last part
of the game as Athena led 13 to 0 at
the end of the first half. After John
ny rinkcrton, Athcnas quarterback
was Injured and removed from the
game, Athena seemed to loose heart
and Milton scored four touchdowns In
the last period of tho rraine.
Will Visit Athena.
Athena women will make dress-
forms on Monday afternoon under the
tutelugo ot Mrs. lidith G. Van Dcu
Hen, homo demonstration agent. On
Tuesday she will give millinery les
sons at Athena and will continue, them
on Wednesday afternoon. On Thurs
day she will go to Rieth and will give
millinery lessons at the homo of Mrs.
Allen Kemd. Drcssforms will bo
made at Columbia district on Friday.
Gets Iconic Telephone Call
Arnold Koepkc, prominent Athena
fanner, who is in l'endleton today re
ceived a telephone message recently
from Claude Hill, one of his formor
college mates at Louisville, Ky., tell
ing Mr. Koepke of his marriugo to a
southern girl. Mr. Koepke was able
to hear Mr. Hill very plainly. The two
men were members of Kappa Klgnia
fraternity at the University of Oregon
and 'both men are well known to
many l'endleton people.
funeral to lie Held.
The funeral of the late Mrs. G. W
Cox of Walla Walla, formerly of I'llot
Rock, vlll be held tomorrow at 2 P
in. at pilot Rock with Rev. Love offi
ciating. Mrs. Cox, who. was 28 years
of age, died Hfter an operation for ap
pondicitis. She was formerly Miss
Elsie Ogilvy and well known here. Ehe
.is survived by her husband and scv
.eral brothers and sisters, among them
' r T 1 1 1 (,.. A DBnli.lnn Til.
.II n. XT;ill ucun jk iciiu'i - "
funeral cortege will leave the Brown
& Brady chapel at 11:45 p. m.
Fancy Ribbons 25c to 75c
You know you can use so much
ribbon novvfor trimmings of all (
i . tit t -i : -
Kinus. we re snowing a wiu rauu
of color combinations, also two
toned effects. You can make your f
selections easy here.
Special Value Women's Handkerchiefs
3 for $1.00
You'll like the quality,
the finish, the style and
the colors; some real
values, worth more but
our price on these fine handkerchiefs, 35c or 3 for
" Women's Handkerchiefs $1.50 Box
A special assortment of women's fine handker
chiefs of 3 to the box. Splendid for gifts. Buy sev
eral of these boxes and save them till Xmas.
Specially Priced
Toiletry of highest stand
ard, powder, cream, toilet
water, etc.
Good Wear Umbrellas
1 You use Tassels for lots of things. We're showing
a wide range of styles and colors, also gold and sil
ver. Each 5c lo $1.50
Ecru Cluny Lace 50c
Special value Heavy Cluny Lace in ecru for scarfs,
center pieces, etc.. To appreciate these laces is only
to see them. You'll like them.
Durable covers of excel
lent quality and all ; fash
ionable handles. . Comes . :
in all silk covers in black ,
and colors. Best of qual-,
ity ....... $3.50 to $13.50
Laces of all kinds now in for
every use. Many with insertions ,
to match.
XMAS WORK. You know you'll use lots of Laces,
yard 5c to 35c
! On Our Dry Goods Counter ORDERS for PLEATING, HEM-
is found the latest and most authentic STITCHING and BUTTONS receive
STYLE BOOKS. Come in and look them over. attention. No extra charge. ' j
They re here for you. 1 l , i
: -JL .
! Make This Store Your Headquarters
Meet your friends here, use our phones, use ' V ,
our rest rooms, etc. In fact if we can be of ser
vice to you let us know, '..v
ISad Itoad Caiifwn IK'luy
No, the smoke curling up Trom the
Illue Mountains does not come from
a forest fire. It comes from a num
ber of tourists who were caught on
the bad stretch of road between l'en
dleton and ji Grande by the p"esen1
break in the weather and they are
floundering in the mud with everv
make of car known to the automobile
Industry. The smoke is very blue In
appearance and might be ca'iied by
streams of profanity as the wheels
spin in the mud and the car sinks
deeper and deeper, llepo-ts from tho
mountain state that quite a .amp was
established last evening by tho trav
elers who could not turn a wheel to
help themselves out o! .he mud. 1.
Grande Observer.
8AN I'KIMIO, Cal.Ocl. i'i (U. V.)
Three people bad a narrow escape
from drowning -in the outer harbor
when tho I'nitcd Btutos submarine
chaser rammed a civilian ferryboat
plying between the shore and the war
uhlps. The" collision turned the ferry
boat completely over, hurling tho uc
cupants into the water. Admiral Kb
crle and several members of his staff
nnHHinf? In the admiral's barge, res
cued those in the water and landed
them at the submarine base. A naval
tug towed the ferry to safety.
-Five room furnished
-I'hone 664-K.
FUll KE NT-apartment.
whereabouts of the heirs and next of
kin of Gertrude Hlehartj also known
as Gertrude VVuhlraf. also known as
IJertrude , Decker, who emigrated to
the United States in 1892 and who, In
Heptember 192 at l'endleton, Ore.,
under the name of Gertrude Klchartz,
declared her Intentions of citizenship
to the L .S. at which time she was
supposed to have a brother living In
Eastern Oregon. Address B. I. La
Helle, 504 Phelnn Bldg., Han Francisco,
Colonel Charles II. Warren. Tho two
recognized embassies to which an am
bassador is yet to he uppoiuted are Ar
gentina und llelgliim.
With thn ratification of tho peace
treaties President Hardline "will he en
abled to nominate ambassadors to Ger
many and Turkey. The latter post has
by unwritten law always gone to u
member of the Jewish faith. The dis
memberment of AiiHtrla as a result of
1 tho war will probably mean the lower-
, , I log of nnr post at Vienna from an om-
Among Remaining 'Plums Arej ,.imy l(l a u.gution. Tim upointmont
Ol ail ainuiiHMnior i" fflMi'u wimlb ui
nii the recognition of the Ohrocon Gov.
eminent thero by the Culled Mutes,
and no one run predict when the em
bassy at Petroj;nid will be restored.
The legations that, have been filled
and the appointees of tho Harding Ad
ministration are: Belgian, Charles W.
Wllnson; China, Dr. Jacob Gould
Hchiirninn; Czecho-Hlovakla, Lewis
Kinsteln (promoted); Denmark, Dr. J.
D. Prince; Finland, Charles U Kagey;
Guatemala, Hoy Davis; Nicaragua,
,Ii)hn K. llamer; Panama, Dr. John O.
Hnuth, Rumania, Peter Augustus Jay;
Salvador, Montgomery Schuyler, Slam
Two Embassies and Twenty
Legations to be Filled
(International News Service Btaff
WASHINGTON, Oct. . Half of
the mueh-sought-for diplomatic plums
have now been given out by the Hard
ing Administration. Of the forty-six
positions listed under the heading,
"Embassies and legations of the
l.nilM bui me r..... . "'.i Edward K. Brodle; Switzerland, Jos
far designated twenty-three appoint-1 , rr
Of the remainder there are still two
embassies and twenty legations to be
disposed of, and, as one high official
recently remarked, "there Is no aearm
of material from which to draw."
The ambassadorial posts which have
been filled are Brazil, where the Wil
son appointee, Edwin V. Morean. was
retained: Chile by Dr. W. Miller Col
lier; France by Myron T. Herrlek
Great Britain by Colonel George Har
vey, Italy by Blchard Washburn Child,
Spain by Cyru Woods, and Japan by
eph C. Grew (promoted): Venezuela,'
Willis C. Cook; the Netherlands. Wil
liam Phillips (rotalned); with thin-pout
goes also the responsibility of Minister
to Luxemburg. J. Morton Howell' has''
been named as diplomatic agent and.
consulur agent at Cairo, Egyft.
The remaining plums to be shaken J.
fromfthc legation tree are th ptmtai
In Bolivia, Colombia, Costa IUca.'t
Cuba, Dominican Itopubllc, Ecuador;
Greece (when tho Government Is tec,-'"
ngnlzed), Honduras, Haiti, Liberia,!
Montonogro, Norway, Paraguay, Perr
sia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Klng'lorn,
of the Herbs, Croats and Slovenes, Swe
den and Uruguay. There Is also b post,
as diplomatic agent and consul-general
available at Morocco. ' '
Home of the positions will be filled
by transfer or promotion of men who
have been In the service of the1 State
Department for a number ot years, its
it Is the avowed purpose of President 1
Harding and Secretary of State "
Hughes to reward merit and faithful
service In the department; but there
still remain enough "Jobs" to keep the
President and his State Secretary busy
listening to the "backers" of aspiring
Sale UUllc fcr r; fasts &ihvauds ,
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