TEH PAGES R2 rcrs CkI30!OAK, TZSZUTCX, OHECOIT. FP.H3AY EVENTS 0, OCTOBSS 21, 1021. 'Hie New "Merry Widow1 .a !, I iRasfHmfOreAonions 2. an ivi.::iTMrvT x::'.Vfi'U i:t strscri:rTix rates iv vivawi; n. r tv f i-! Ji t- r-t( It til . . ; mi, it 1 v I . inoB' V r.arr -c . ":- s r t r r? .- r . . 1 ' !. . Ut. 'v t.ir iv th::5: hth s 1 ov t iu: AT k. . . . !-.! . UrgiWf f the Id lTiw. i fi!i!l-i to If" w f'f r-p'Jf-f-'-i J ! H w f input' h rrt!i"i ( tt r ( English Walking Coats (A .V: if'lA lii r ... - sty s TAV-J 3U tiik p i;ty ll mar t m oM fahivnt an my irty! in Mthr pixm lul I'd likf to nMf lb- irt s of my M didn't b'vr m offn, aa' thf lacked thr Mirij a" tttf f Ihr gay an hrtlliaut X ith'-rtru But thrid aUtrt Vm, a a Whatvrr folks m.iv s:iv hn th tujN m iaa5t-J Our nofWn "f a rty wa tnuiK affair, With all the auM'st ariii tjjiii J An' the jr'.unt fol! mtkin' mtrrry an" tk lover hlfvrii Aa ch Mm- iiBii" By u;-l-r an 4 T vr!;.init a-ifituiirt'tnu ""Cairfiw M?t.fcLI t i;a.. T.ni'thl, oi'l it w.'-Ji ii-n iiv Aft I -:,l!L'l ftlji "nil K'ub,,!)- Mtna-f-y; ..ir T Im vti -1 ;.Blii V ff.t IJJifi 1,6 git ffH aiit-A irtr (ill avciiiiwli'n ati nnir '-il . : i .,. i f r: .5,:-. 'iiiiv, O S1!- o. : 4 -i V- vr - - Made of smart tweeds and mixtures with broad belts and pleated lines are one of the season's "best sellers." We are showing them at ...$36.50 to $52.50 Salts Peco Plush Coats with large collar and cuffs of black opposum fur, semi-bell sleeves with silk linings and storm shields, a specially good coat orfered at a low price, each $57.50 Attractive Style in Silk Dresses arrived today. We like them very much, so will you when we see them. Most ly black of soft crepe back satins. As you know our prices are always low, quality considered, frcsn $25.00 to $45.00 'h' We the haw. The crr? , , "y 'KS Hoyt. It is of pirl; paver JH. ifcaiKnJ, Vilh iae new jouna awn lopjU by ha! 01 tuH o A l'.Vwnht. t:.'t. h KlarA ':w;.ii ........ THEY KEPT THE SHIP AFLOAT T times like this it is natural th; t all s,rts f tlmr5es, many of them mistaken ones. shcuM l advanced to account for ' this or that situation. The the ry iHJvaucetl by s-nw thati the federal reserve system has btt'a ri-spvnsibl? for busissj depression is in this class. The man who Hiutte Vw TiVvne' system for the depression U in the same category as the man ho, threatened with illness, censurvs the ducter wto puts himj to bed and restores him to health by giving ai'tNttctKe the ialsemt may not tike. The depression was the result of worhi wMe condttions di-! rectly traceable to the war. Konmte trouble is sthvsys a by-j product of war. Those who ilm't like it shouhl he"p fJop vr.r iare. In the present instance the trouble was jpreally jtjrsra-j ated by the adoption on the part f ur cwK(r" of a farvign j policy that instead of helping ttabiliae cotwlttioms has anlnSoc! Ho the instability. There has ben a breakdown ia foreign tradx1 f nd that breakdown has placed agiicuUstre on am wmprnnfili.t'jille basis. With the buying power of agriculture thm restricted the whole commercial and industrial lite of the nation has beem depressed. This will always be the ta.se when agricnlUnre is crippled because it is the basic itiutL-ury wf the nation anii.t the world. The federal reserve system was net responsible for the war; nor for the international policies of this wr amy her cnwimtiy.i Therefore it could not be resonsibte for the depression. Thej rcsene system deals with banking and with fact as they exist.! not as they should exist or miht exist. Bankers believed the heated war prosperity and iuL'tation would have a kkk back.' History justified them in. such expectation and they pre pared, as was their duty, to meet tlu,e situation. They bad a bard task and an unpleasant one. They were m sotae ways in the plight of a captain of a ship in a storm. He may have to rough or cut away some of the rigging r dump, wm of tine cargo adrift but his main duty Ls to save hk ship, and if he does this even with some sacrifice it Ls better than to let the boat g down with all hands and the cook aboard. The reserve system, whatever its defect way be. has jncmw plished the main purpose. It has saed the ship by keepwjr he financial institution! functioning, pethai.s wilder sllow speed, bwt going just the same. There have been practkaMy no bank tMU ures and in spite of the depresi:o and swift stunt p. in prices f-w individuals or companies have been eiosed owl. Vhere we would have been without the reserve system and it prnHeetiive hand may be left to the imagination' That i not a p-leasanjl thing to contemplate. It is a very safe assumption that washout I in u il lull mm mi TO WASHINGTON r UAL fact that the Koieun 'lucstion is soine wh;it. ilifjt-reut from the domi'stio isiits if othtT liowers. K'iroa, at pii'.it, is an Inland of Hourly lin, iioii.iiimi i.ooplo and no I'lsior. Iro l.uiil lias never hail an umliviilod kin" (iooi, hut Korea tins had lira for 1,300 years and knows what iioleieiideiico moans. The Koreans have a eiviliza lion ns Rt-oat as China's In many ways ami Lireater than Japan's in most. Conference Will be Asked to Probe Situation Says Secre tary of Korean Mission. i 1.. nrial 'Hie WASiaiivisToix Mji.trv lin'leTiisiii sinfl'i ir IK'omoa lo 'Uv Fair i:.isl," IV(i asf f 'Ihis i iow iK'i'We.imi JWision is nou' it .iiilssiioCTi H'i'i !ii;i.-f 1 ho iron li'iil'i'i itliM li'i'i it-r ii ; 1 1 ioiki ! coi went wi'oiiilu, n'he followlii 'nn'iieir-osit ; diH.'l'ViTS eoll- Jn land at the nil lier-alise a seeking per 'lesoiiie issue tolenee lo re ; at'l iele is of .laps KstalilNIi Sclvrs At the le"inniii of the Kiissn-.Tap-anesr War Japan and Korea uvro iillies. In a treaty concluded on Feb ruary 2.'!, 1!HM, Article 111, reiuls: "Tho Imperial ;ocrnmonl of Japan clel'inately Riinrantees the political ln-d- per.denet and territorial iidprity of the Korean Kmpiro." Jn return for this guarantee Korea, allowid Jamn to use. her territory a a hase of military operations against i liussia. However, as soon as the war "was over Japanese troops remained j in Korea. ; At the time of the establishment of ! the Japanese ulleped protectorate over I Korea the Japanese ('.overnment as- !sured the outside world, and especially the Korean people, that the protec torate was more or less a temporary measure to insure peine In the Orient I and to assist the Korean Uovoriiinent unlil the latter should lo more staMe. IVrfidy of St row; i Further, it was explicitly provided VI d'e' s it was a com- the Japanese (iovet'ninent should p'i -.miv. 'iy siiri pie mat .el' for Ja pan to ; "guarantee lo m:in'.ain the security ,1:;iiii;iii H'l'i ir 'Coii'oessioris in the iT'ieut, asi and respect the dignity of the Korean liie ihio'l 'fMHIhin:. lu'c-arranped l.jr i impi rial household," hut these pledges oonniti M?;'..evtif !ils miil'i llir I0nroiea n ' were swept aside Viheii Japan forced oli.i'A' ii nni'i'irls itoi support her claims, j t he uhdiction of the formtM' Korean AW liuri .--lie Ti 'id in s ai to insisi i ''.aiperor in V.HI7, and finally annexed i.wn !'ii H' 1 Jilt it lii! evil of iiivnnises made (!'. coii , t r v to I he Japanese Knipire In hfr In i 1 1 f Allies. The ..i;h of liet j jhiii. II is a clear case of the perfidy 'in 'Tn.rl w success n't VashiiiKloii will ,,f ni. stroni,'. ; l. .?is sitioi'I ii as il M as at rai is. j The Korean people know this. They j kv- In Ivhuh- IssMe 1 have i-ndnred the nlien 'olt with pa ll ne iof "t lac iincsiions !liai is hound j 1, nee and toleration until finally the jl n.i'i '.i.c il'iivuiiilil iii lor discussion at the I whole nation revolted ae.ainst Japan ese rule in the Spring of I'll It. This r. wet v::s or'" tied out hy the Japau- ir you m:i:i ax i Miiiaii.i.A you couldn't he! wanting one of these new ones in the worst way. They arj for rain or shine in nay. red, Ri'een, lirown, sray, wisteria and black made up with I'akelite handles, ferrule tips and rod ends, in colors to match or contrast, dans I'ros. make 'em, that stands for .puality, the "Horn in 1'altimore and raised everywhere," 'nind. Won't you just look at them. Prices S'l.H to Sltl.l'-I l uy one for a gift and have it 'aid away. ISl'tck Spnuisli Allovor Iju'o, really hexotiful in! fashionable as well, for wa'sts, ovordrapes and party drosses. The i-ualitv ia wonderful and it's priced In our usual way of "quuliiy merchan dise at lower prices." Tiu "irl . SI.'J.I t'h:lilri-n's AVaim "Coinfy" Coats for the colder weather that is sure to come. Attractive styles in good colorings for the little tots up to the miss of lii years. The pricci) ranee from $..0tl to S21.50 ScnlloiHtl Sntiu Jlaellli-s Ii'(lsiT:iils or plain hems if you pivt'i r, in a mrst excellent -uulity, and pretty raised patterns that will improve the entire apeparance of the bedroom. We are of fering them at $0.19 TIiom-1 line ilat'stei Night imn made in flesh color, stitched in blue smocking effect, are not goluK lo be hero long ut this price. Get them to morrow. Each $1.19 Our small expense and cash plan means a saving to every purchas er here. The store of Quality Merchandise -at Low Prices. !.:V JIKMIV i-riVM? SJ'-crpi :t?ir' 'of Iho Koi-eau .Mission kVi mi'iin-m I'cir Jho '1 i terii.itioiial News .Scr ice. 1) Tl'ic II ':R'i riit'ialn. 11 1 and "Pacific ioil ii'd'Ciiiu'ic lr, iii 'I'lM'Ve a tar more imporl a nl ;hi 'iirt'liin c ii'j .1 ilhe ail'airs of Hie Far 111! Lilian hut tttv l''.u is Ooiiferencp of !HK in i.'fl-s .a it y on the Korean (pit'stirm. Koreans still c'onsider tho Korean-American treaty of 1SS2 us liinding, in which America pledged pood offices in case Korea is oppressed by a third power. In view of all these facts it will be interest ins? to see what President Harding and Secretary Hughes will do with regard to the Korean question ut the coming (lisarniatacnt confer- the reserve svstem the cou itrv c .it have end..iivd the fii-i J -cv'Ti't'eiiie'iihie 'is 't'he "problt m -of what Is J I' t. ,'!.,- .,','., v ii'li koi.i. .i.ii'iiM'S' tiip- ' V. 'I'H'i .l.'iiilit . hi ill pal up th"ir fa- j ""ni'liar irrciitfh'til 'bit it is a dollar I ic .'1't'li.ii IT ;l.-t l.c selt-ie'i o-.t.eell KTolvu and I .lhifeni 'P::'!, in Miis d.iv" aial ,'i;e. 11a- Tl"ll 1..ICC Jl I I ! 1 1 10 ill-l-I Oil I'.. It' sel- l.i'-'iH'Kf"n"t io!f tlie .'lilt si ions that disllirlii i Ilhe i.e,!oe -,1 The n ,. l,"l. i 1 Cneln ha." air. -o'lv Jhnv TtfriiTieh To to-r apt elliii eutl nancial strain of the war nor the sttak ctmnectc-d with read justment. Naturally some people object to the reserve system ansd l methods. Some times those methods may be wrMtg. tint tame thing applies to castor oil and to thoise who aJininiimiister at. 'CHI'! 1'H.i !i'h'.'ll '.Ic tin lurid. ' 'should no"! In e-':' liiililary t'onas. l'o'.""a's e:irei!o;' for political fret- d..in is eoople.l with th" sudden set- the confer tins? off of all tho aecttiniilateil hate I'l'ii'llv, tMaiiuv and injustice of Jap anese domination that have been prac- j t'sed during the ten years since the il th-' I annexation, lire- 1 So boo,' as there is a Korean left i iie.''- th. re will be a cry for independence. ARMAMENT DATA IS COMPILED BV U. S. FOR USE AT PARLEY l'.V W. IT. ATKINS ('intcrnatinniil News Service Staff Correspondent.. 1 WAKIIIXOTON', Oct. 21. Old man FiHmrs will hold tho whip hand at the arms parley no:t month. The mathe matical wizards are the midgets upon whose calculations the diplomatic irianls will rclv in their maneuvering. Kiuures, m tittge sihcks, j.n......h the financial and econumic effect of a particular course of political action with respect to armament are to be at the fin..'.er tips of the delcsatis. The American "Itig Four" will enter nee with the most eiai'or- aie set of charts ever compiled by tno tiovernment. The charts are now he lm; prepared under the direction of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. Sec retary of State Hughes, co-operating wi'h the Treasury, has asked that the classified taldes lack nothing in com lose so'.h! of the America is net without responsibil-1 pleleness. They will lie so arranged DQLNCS OF TEE DUFF? THAT'S HOW SICK SHE WAS. BY ALIMAH THE PACE THAT KILLS SOME artist once painted a picture which he called ""The Tace That Kills." His conception showed a speeding amtcmiobile wnth a grinning death's skull as a figurehead, the driver, throttle open.'! with the recklessness of guv abandon pertraved in everv le f face and body, and his companions the devils evvsn triauty wine women and song. Somehow or other that picture is drawn from the etHscusav iv cesses of memory and is Umnevt in sharp line Mfonii the c.ito-j KMeusnes a one reads the story ot the trage.tj ot joiiemSAjr morning as told by one of the vvntitn ti isurvnk'irsv Two women and three men, were tit a rish-rwered esr. They had been drinking, according to. the pritiitenl version e.f tfce tragic tale, and they dashed upon Cue Lew is tlj.rke brt,-o ' a high rate of speed. Too late the driver saw the open Jr tw jmd fie re I'-yl ef ; warning bidding him beware. Hi lrues, comEd ret s;i5 t'w ikidding car from taking the plunge bio the river Kw.'" The! result two drowned in the chill waters of nhe s .rears ;"!,! ' three saved only through the tltuelv prvsen.-e of resn'uers. 1, I.. !l . . . i t ' . 1: . ...... ... .. . il 1.1 uvcuic.-s, i i itiorau :e upo- ktio nappertn-c. lime ;ai.u 70M, AFTEfJ Y)VE FINISHED I PiNKEft Mxep PETTER Go 1, Ol'.RKl3 i-'EE HOW WILBUR'S WIFE US TON loHT-.SHE'S PEEsI m, ULjUNPF-TAMP 16 That Co; I 'iX GO Rlt?HT OVER! I I -.l. If. T U. . vi-t:" s- - is:' ... " . . MO M ONCER DORIS Wt''M IS SICK. WITH THIS KWPfi'sftUM OF WEATHER! ; f' vrj.'.wj3arf?' that America's delegation will havo dcttviled comparisons available upon almost ever coitceivablo proposition that may be presented. Dig'iliig l' llcconls Secretary llcllon's experts, the best, the (lovcrnment could bring together, are digging into the records and liiinging forth every vital figure or fact bearing upon military and naval programs of all principal world pow er. ' Some of the charts resemble bill boards posters, (.irent columns, run ning across in parallel rows, carry numerals indicating the billions of dol lars spent in cost of war making and war planning. There is to be shown in minute details all of the varied groups of war costs, together with other expenditures 'which are directly or Indirectly caused by war plans. Also there will be columns of figures revealing the results of cuts In war expenses, and how a given percentage of reduction in armament would affect all the powers participating in the conference. Kicrt Co-oiHTHllftg Militnrv and naval experts, and others equipped to figure the ec. effects of certain lines of aeti volvlnff armament reduction, are co operating with the Treasury Depart ment's staff in rushing the data to a complete stage. Alter all 111 the hack of the fore most minds statesmen will always have as a central idea tho cutting of excessive taxes and of lifting, if possi ble, that form of oppression from the hacks of peoples whom they represent. The economic phase is bound to stand out in the big picture. A large part of the deliberations may settle down to a battling with dry statistics on outstanding political questions inspir ed by the Idea that hy solving them, advancement in fields of finance and commerce, and greater happiness for all peoples will be attained, 28 YEARS AGO 1 (From tho Daily Kust Oregonlan, October 21. 1S!C.) It. X. Stanfield, the Butter Creek rancher and stockman, Is in the city today. V Dr. J. A. Morrow and wife will leave for Kansas City, Mo., where they will take up their permanent residence. Tho doctor recently received un ad vantageous offer from his brother who resides in Kansas City, to enter into the practice of medicine in that city. J. C. Stewart, of Umatilla, ls in the city today. 1). T. Mitchell, of Butter Creel;, Is In the city. C. A. Fra.ler is sorry he was not at home Friday evening to entertain a momic ! Kentleman who called. It was about on in-I 11 o'clock, and Mrs. Frazier was alone in the house with her children, when somo one came up to the front door which was open, struck the screen door, breaking the wire netting. He then opened the screen and came into the front room. Mrs. Frazier asked the intruder what he wanted and re ceived no answer. He looked very much like an Insane person so she took the iw children and went to a neighbor's. The man stayed hut a few minutes and then joined another who had been standing at the gate and both went away. Marshall Me' Brian was sent for and found the cul prit whom tie' locked In tho city Jail. At thi writing the other one had not been seen. The arrested man will be charged with house breaking. 'if, ..! e. .-ji' ',J: . ? ; ;., ;';; '' !- l;' VAX -Ii1 !.,." ' ;y W ?',' Wlli!f III!, f ident varies only in its details from scores ctf t emphasizing the ott-repeated axiom th.vt fU'or a: are dangerous traveling companions. .. . U 1 . . . it mil, nappeiiej to ire party o: eatiy rertixjr trsof t:.s Ik':il yesterday night have been the fate of manv kvther: "ii'.y j 3 .-.H rs ih tnj-ni 'is. Let these who engage i-.t f-.K'h feloe bvr that irt rtbd. Tley Jave taken the chance perhaps t::any tut'.es witeut ill -nd". ' ing but when they ridj. with mcLry thecrv - tr.tvc Is ;-er; ly close to the bt ihk of etertuty. ."Astoria Uudvi. The Portland Journal U peeved because ea:w his k ;i5 Portland a hog. That is nothing to get mad aWutt lveva;s- v ' reference to selfishness Portland i not differer.? (cvn "5er places. There is one thing however that is jihvsxs wor .e-' menibering and that is hog feed comes t'rotn the coaKliry 33 is a mistake for any pi'ivinj t t.-nugine his pes is- rr'.'tY .a-per;.',rj than his pasture. HtvtC.VvlVrM'ie WOW is rwis ThiS rx'EMiwo T CM HELLO.TOM-1-WHV SHE ISN'T FEELlNo vERV WELL' tfh" LVIMci DJWM RlfHT NOW If those foreign anarchists think they can dictate to An:.' can courts rejranlinsr the har.dimg of murder cae ihey s. tome to this country and try it; they can be jssurvxt ij.e. 1 t 1 t .. a i fay s- mk ib-.r IS IT AkjVTHimi? SERIOUS ? Vv'Eu,LAc5T Evening SHE wA5 FEELING SO Dl HAD TO OO TO A MOVIE ALONE ii Jiiip " ( 1' Si f'l ."f'T.VV'fwM- JK. N.-v :rc This is the start of a better day There's satisfying comfort and che;r in a breakfast cup of Postum, and there's no aisturb ing element to irritate nerves or digestion and leave mental energy lagging before the day ia done. Thousands of former coffee users have found that Postum meets every demand for a delicious table beverage, and brings steadier nerves, clearer mind better health. As many cups as you like with any meal no after-regrets. Postum comes in two formst Instant Pogrom (in tins) made insuntfjr in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Poatum Cereal (in packages of larger bulls, for those who prefer to make the drink while the uif-al is beisg prepared) made by boiling (ot 20 mine ten. There's a Reason" for Pcstum Sold by all grocers