EIGHT PAGES -'AGE F0U2 f DULY EAST OREGONIAH, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1021. - s 1-. 5 . "I ' '. .j -T '" "'. U 28 M AGO 1 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. ull'-h1- Dny an Beml-Weekly, at i codletoa, Oregon, bj the .AST O FIEGORKIAN PCBLISHINQ CO. Eatr- tt th. port .me. at Pen"' lon, Orf on, u lecood la., mall mi lu, ON SALE IN OTHER CITIES ater!U Hotl New Stand. Portland. ON FILE AT l!,k-0 Bureau. 09 Seeurity B-iildlxfc w!Vto. D. C Bureau 101 our- UK'ntb Btreet. N. W. The Associated Preaa la excluaielj ..tilled to the - for republication of a.i iP'i dlapatchee credited to It or Jt oiuerwli! credited In thle paper and '. tii local newe p-uu--- -- - SUBSCRIPTION RATM (IN ADVANCI) . J.o . 1.10 . .m . 7.60 . 1.76 . Lit .66 Dally, one year, by mall - lally. aix montha. by mall .... Daily, three montha, by mall Daily, one month by mall Daily, one year by carrier Daily, i- monina oy carri-r i..ju nwkntha hv carrier uatij, .,,... - - - Mnik In. cirrifr unity, "ii- j . Semi-Weekly. 1 year by mall ..... 1.00 Bcml-Wei-kly, fix months by mall.... l.wv Beuil-Wet-kty. three oinutha by mall .if Telephone - 1 Ki urn Mr. th.- Imily H-tiilitr li nut irrtfVf'iAfl f1TfH. ,ff.-ftj-frrriiiiii'r:7rr- 1 1 ?JflWr. Lr 1I TV V.'l,ut"er be my duty thriniKh Hi'' 1'y (ii tut me to niert It calmly, -; frald; T" i m from plciisines ami Hc i oolins shade v h. re I jerhapa prefer awhile to May: Jt me from comforts boldly walk iway, ..,r ask the hour for wrvico to b I tyod; 'ir'BlB ;;riui tempulion Id me lie ...... A nd mve myself to labor when I rimy. Whe n I nm siimmiin.'l to the fields of si l ife 1 would not wait till others iiree nie cm Nor KindKO Itn cost In pleasure, 1ml us one Who is content to meet tho needs of life, Tlioiit'li 1 rorsiike all that 1 Ireasni'e . most a I duly find me, ready, at my post. and .Mrs. AiiL'u--t AsumM h-ft o this inoiiiirif h train lor linker City, ; .vlili-h place they will ,l:iy lor.iuh From linker City they tu t h .and on Kast. lt-v. I-:. l'otwjie h;is irone to Ij. 'Iianile to meet liishoj, M.,rns and ;ts I sist him in his miniMiation to tile mis i:don points in Kastei n oi,n. Tliey I will retoin on Friilay evi iiini; and l!ihop .Mollis will, on next Sinnlay. ! cotit'er the rite of continuation unon a clas of vtiuiit' netlde. W. Hers has conslruete,l a staloe -lx:10 fe-t in dimension on tile south east -orner of his mill properly. It will he a two story structure an, will make his plant mure than ever support I lie claim that the Pendleton Itolhr Mills are the best and most complete ly eipiippeil of any in Eastern reon itr Washington. Captain Humphrey n turne.l to Pen dleton this morning and h has been kept busy Kiectiiitf friemls since his arrival and ;:erms to enjoy the plea sure of settinx one foot in IVinlleton once more. Mrs. C. A. Ilani tl. of Athena, was in the city Tuesilay. S. A. Iiwell 'went to I'nlon this mornini; to take testimony in the Siiel- tlHl C.'tHC. ANOTHER WOMAN ESCAPES ; Mrs. KcCcmber Avoi-ed a Scrioa? Operation by Taking Lydia L ! Pinkhara's Ve.eta'-le Com ! pound in Time r.,.n-cptoTvn. IU. "After m7 first bab-.- v.a born 1 suffered so wilh my leu sine, uiai i wuu I'll Sis or ri-uoviiuht. I'l.l. liy Kilwar A. duest.) r r p. M PAN IJFDIirE COSTS aiHE railroads are striving to reduce operatintr cost by cut- B tin": watres. It ih the only way uiey t t - M The lirsl sti lanth; was tin Savaiiiih ill I K I !l Chaihs K. maris, S7jr.il, in Sec. LT,. Tl tine" waifes. him mv umj vj - . r . ..... , . ., Ling wagen. IfuVi Piimmttis aW.'of XW 1-4 He cent prom wmcn ' ' l"r 7VMr. it I which print they nave not enjuy-u um..., v.. v. . fact the carriers assert their earnings at present are but ont- h!,lTherilroads should also devote thought to a cheaper fuel nip.ily. Coal and oil using roads pay out colossal sums each vear for fuel when in this northwest 8ion .P""". TM.wer is available. The Lewis report on the Umatilla rapids d oiect asserts that 100,000 electric horsepower would serve to (.Pf'rate all the present railroads in Oregon. 1 hereiore the pn niaiy power possible of development under this project would more than move all Oregon trains. During 1 1 months oil ot tho year the primary power available from the project would be ttitvV times as much as the railroads would need. Nor is it hard to see that use of this power would ellect a va.t saving in operating costs. The experience of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul proves the economy in operation ot trams by electricity. Should the O.-W. 11. & N. system secure power from the Umatilla ripids it would have power lrom a cheaper Hource than the Milwaukee. Power could be secured at a co.-t ot f: 1 0 per horsepower a year or thereabouts. Now private nidiis t'ri. s in Perdleton are finding that electric power at $51) per horsepower a year is cheaper than coal. If $50 electricity beats co'ii think of the economy that could be worked by operating O W. It. & N. trains with $ 1 0 power. It is easy to surmise that ( li'.-trification of the O. W. H. & N. system would effect a slag-- -ring reduction in fuel cost. The change would also involve other operating economies because an electric locomotive is credited with doing the work of three steam locomotives. That DW:ans fewer locomotives, fewer employes and lower rates. ' One of the biggest problems in connection with northwest railroading will be solved when Columbia basin power is jjener tited and used for transportation purposes. The O. W. II. & N. Co should take a particular interest in the Umatilla rapids pro j'H'L because there are signs the pathway may soon be clear so that the project can be put over if the right intluoiices gel hlrongly bi hind the move. WHEN TRAVEL IS LIGHT !F you are going on an automobile trip ami want to avoid all possible traffic you should go on Tuesday or Weilnesdio . Such is the conclusion reached from a study of a traffic cen sus taken recently by the bureau of public l oads, United States department of agriculture, on one of the most traveled roads in th.- United States. If you want to go at an hour when there will be the least traffic, start between 2 and ;! o'clock in the morning. (But when is one to sleep.) Traffic increases in amount steadily from Wednesday to : ;i urdav. the census shows, and then jumps into big volume on .... . . , . i t ... i j i. ... n1 1 .. .. Sunday. 1 lie volume on Minciay is aooui tw ice mat on i iumii, or Wednesday. On Monday there is a decided drop from the i 'i inlay figures and on Tuesday the lowest ebb is reached. There is less traffic i n the road between '2 and :i o'clock in tho morning than at any other time of day. From : o'clock to ; there is a slight increase; then a steady climb until 11. I.e tv i ;n 11 o'clock and I there is a slight drop, and then an in t rei.se again until the peak is reached between 2 and ;. After -i clock traffic drops slightly until 7 when the decrease be t m ert more pronounced. Hy midnight traffic has almost ri. ached its lowest point. NTinofv nir cent of the dav's traffic, the census shows, rolls over the road betyveen 7 a. m. ami 'J p. in., ami 52 p,ir cent be tween 1 p. m. and 8 p. in. THE MASTER OF THE HOME rp"IIE rule laid down by the Michigan supreme court that a I husband is master in his own home may be good law but its validity as covering an actual and existing condition is open to question. The decision was given in a case in which a tisband had been held responsible tor the action ot lu.s wile m o a king liquor at home and selling it, says the N. Y. Vorld. Is not a married woman a free agent uuuer die laws estab !i .hint? the political equality of the sexes? Are wornoul pre t c'.ents to prevail over statutes and constitutional amendments y.iniranteoing a wife's rights even as a distiller of home brew'.' Champions of the Cause will find a new call to battle in this i.i'bitrary decision against perfect feminine freedom. But it would be interesting to observe the effect of an at tempt of the learned justices to sustain the ruling in their own homes. It may stand as law for other men's wives but applied a.i ; n argumentum ad feminam it would certainly be overrule'!. The theory that "the husband is the head of the family and has the right at common law to regulate his household ami to ex ercise general control of the family management" may prevai on the bench but in the home it is a glittering generality the t'd l; ty of which is subject to daily disproof. There is a higher au thority in the household to which ovm judges must bow. Have the railroad men or their olfieials fully considered the (vychological aspects of a strike at this time? Have they rcnl- ii d that agriculture has made no money during the past year and that farmers as well as all men whose business is based on . .!(.... .,- c . 1..., .... 1.. I.,..!,,.!;.,- I. ,...;t . ' l I it. UltUl C CIIC Vljlllfc lei v HIV lliuiil IV i w lull rates? There are no doubt two sides to the rail dispute and the employes may have grievances, but if' comments freely offered n;ay be taken as an index of public sentiment the public is go ;h;t to be against the proposed walkout. If this proves true the strikers will lose their fight. The union officials will be wise if they settle the dispute without a strike. A lot of people have had to hedge during the past year ana usually it pays to do r !i 8FAt.TYMN.TOS 1 ii:i:is. , not walk across tiie floor unless 1 was till humped over, hold ing to my sine. 1 uoc rored with several doctors bt found n relief and they saa. I would have tohavt an operation. M mother insisted or my taking l.ydia fc.. I'mkliam's Vegeta ble Omiound and 1 win found relief. Now I can do all my iwn work and it is the Vegetable Com H..un,i that has saved mefromanoiera ion. I cannot praise your meil'cine too ifThlv and I till all of my friend.; and eit'hhors what the Compound did for ip." - Mrs. Margaret McCcvhkk, 7 S. Frazifr St., Georgetown, Illinois. .Mrs. McCumber isoneofthe unnum--red thousands of housewives who riiogle to keep about their daily tasks, hills suirerinR from ailments peculiar . women with baekaihe, sideaches. i laches, bear'mtf-down pains and nor-tisne--s,-and if every such woman . .uid i rofit bv her exf ricnreaiid five Mia li. I'inl'.h.im's Vopetab!- Cum i.i u trial they would t;t well. I leniaris to A. 1,. I -.Mete ami lioiiml Irnt'l f,, N. It. ?.r,. ami Lot 1, . :iu Tti. r, x. n. :tT. M K. Iiemaris lo lioiwy W. $i-7.ri, no'to ami hountl lUock X, original tou n of Chiul. lieiiiaiii Irart in Milton. Warren M. Waller to Harriet Wilier $50(1. S 1-2 NW 1-4 aiid N -l KW 1-4 See. 9, Tp. 4, X. li. 3 6. Charles Lono to .Mix ft Weher, $10. Mete ami honiul liact in (iraml View ( iroharil Tracts. FROM 1 PEOPLE r.ov scoi ts Til the liHl'el I '( thlleton, oi" any in v.ilnal lull rest "il in " ai'iieal is maile l.v tin AI'I'I AL I ttll lll l.i' Is ol tiie Toy Seoul.-'. "1 :litn!ion or inili- lelli r pos-," I'.lit I w u spoilt m:i st - eis, II. .1. kirliy n In fixlim up 'he mectilli;' place ful city hall we have ml J. M. t'onielisun. hea.hpiarters anil (lie scouts in the foiiml it nec"ss;ir (. C. l.iinir to Henry ('mil, $10. Lot 5, hlock li,, I'ciiillrliui. Zocth Homier, hheril'f, to Oliver T. I lli'Ki'll KH, $S!I.1M. Lot II, IlliirU ti, Itlcliarirs All.l to Alhena. Itaehael Kirk ial l ick to 1sl Xat. ! Iim"' ni1 l"'":'!" 1 I'ank of I'enillelon, ?l. SW 1-4 SH j1'1'" lltTS "" 1-4. Kim' II. mini I r... .if V T. V V I emit llliul ions will in iiuiclm.'c :ir s.jls. Wi1 ale s.cur iic; the s-":its 1'n.m the olil oi -ia house. When I'lnehcil the cost will ! a Utile over $r,n. The hos neeil your li if tlii'se organizations are to con- II 11 1 1 e.Nott their in clm raeters. Any lie ulaiily reeelM'i ih 1-4 Sec. II, VV 1-4 SK 1-4 See. 14, K 1-2 X W 1-4 Sec. IT., Tp. . X. li. :i:i; XW 1-4 K 1-4 Sec. lilt, 'I'n. I, ,S. It. ;!.-,. XK 1-4 HI'J 1-4 ee. Ti. I, ,X. li. :ir,. le.vilo. a Harrett to M. K. t uriliva ni, $1400. S 1-2 SK 1-4, NW 1-4 Si: 1-4. N 1-2 W 1-4, nnil S 1-2 X W 1-4, ee. !i, and XIO 1-1 1-tlC 1-4 ee fi, Tp. S. li'. III. l,islii lo cross iiiicr'caii so the Al-'amshiii liy llii' scout master, or it' (tven any scout will he tiifiH'il in to hea'l.pi.ir- lel-:l. My old friend, diaries Colcsworthy, of li.iy niid i-.-r.iin leeit fauie in lYiidlo loll, used lo say when I could pay him only pal t of my hill, so I repent les kind words with .Inst as kindly a smile, lo all Hume lielpintt the hoys in itils einl.iiM i- of theirs: "l.itrue fa vors lalefilMy reeeived, sllUlll OIK'S III iroiort on, U uolly." S.uiei-. ly .votirs, . J. M. t 'ornelison. 1NIAJN Y rOKEKxN f 'LAYERS l.LE(TEI) rl () VISIT DNITKI) STATES DUIilNG WINTKU TO J'AIITICII'ATK IN TL AY i, Billiard Tournament at Chicago J also Is repol'ifl Proves Attraction to Many of Best Shots of Europe el'tllil on. hip event, that Anton I' of II. .Hand Is :.nd it is, the llllln:;; ' ,lllC .!( hill lilt Colli I, the twenty year old sensation whom Klenchni.oi is a second V f;n: UN w ill it to ihi.s i oiiniiy In nd lake par. in I lie lt'if,el lliaid claim as a make his hi si the f' niiiiH fall is. 2 halkllne I'lcuiiieoiMhip touin.i-mi-iit In he held in Cluci;o in Xinciu- I. Unite a.iv Ik :i t lie has iirr.M.s- inp l.oro d aiual nin to ini.ke the Irjp The v.k.ils 11 thise I'ut'e.i'.ll cievls will make .'c.-ann an unieeecilenlcd oni' from national slaiulnoinL Auiiintr nil (he professional ennd"- 'i ld lioiii.rs, less is k now n ' of ('ouli liinn of rinv lloreinans, ilurlni; hs pi-aised ihe youcic a sure ce mi r. and it II loin e lallKilile eVi-l-uUlh's pluwess ill the r I'roiii It li. Pensinace, em d ues I'm in this e of lb" iii'nels, fir i visit hi t l-'ien, limau :i I here la ii" deuce of the I'm m of a let i ! l.i-r live, led the li I. il lea i At ih ncc Ved tl r.lna; i l l'lllll I '.O il a ri i e some c coniiei ,i :i i it until the I. t time he w :lx weeks prior I i , ifeia,c,l lo .-lay lieu i l(, I l i .... . . I lie twenty on.. .'. I..' I, III!- a 1,1 r iililita', ex.ii.i- ceiii, s win d f um the Hcl.uinin who I. if. la- Hid i pr Hi;. .11 tie il !-v:n; I lain yi'ii . s of ai:e an 1 in ret mi lo l' - ncc li illill.in A, I 11 ' same 1 i me lOdoiiard llo:em:ii.s, creiicd a Inline with his spi wo.-k iiciv l;.s w ider 1 luo he w ill ai rive seen C Hit I ,s eSieeli d. a 1,1 ah. aaine time Koji Vaiua.la will from a summer siein n .1 II all three of the e men ill 'he hh; i elu . 1 .1 inn Ih-;;i I he l-ilizahei h i n nmni ..f 1 1 Rl-e.'.. lintel Chie:cii. on N II. ill add i on to t he V t i . ; i . Ili'l'l'e, S. h.H ler f,.,-. i - ,n : h ln S.'it.ui a nd .Meriiln '.i! of conn .Hauls w ill he I I'epi csciaaliv c thai cm "I v eul cm.' w here liel'inile a niiuuneeineiit eoiiie Hum Paris lu ihe ell i:,,,.,ar,l linn, III iliampiun, will a pi nm cent lull ai d of I'ieia I, wh i (Went lo Kma pe fur the ev'pla ss pur. pes,, of necol'atini; lo Iiiiiik: Ihe l.cst of Knrope in talent here . Mr. l eii sini;er ! uits thai he saw f omI i lay in li lympia, Paris, and "was lin- il alcl' impress, d w I h his work -uhke st j f play". He saw foul; hunk In a spec al .imc, ami fi-mi liiespui. Th he fol or Willi l:.', and cniniileied nla in I.: inuiu;.:s fur an is il-1 :i, t lie form 01 Ihe I In 1" Con elllh, - i,'i:i a nr; and .er ! tile f . I I. the ;ii,i..T k p.Ot ill III, UK W ill ' run lowed ! hie Mill :iM-r.'im oi ,, . -1 . . tiie lorni of e.ame I'ein- is. 2. After the unme Mr I'e.nrlinr r.inc. d with Cmiti .. cuine to tips I ( uuett c and lake part in the Interna- j t oral to'll nnllletll, after having oh-j I i ci d t lie cms. -nt of the youth's , f..:l"T who les In Ihe II. tic (ml n ( r I I'll'ea n v. p'-t (,'ltside , f par s. j h-is i li.it the to take part m ('rent h a rn.i sit the I'nil, d M l hit: internal Ml.ll foul 's I'l.fV. !l .t '.III. llol 1. Ml Wi irirscr, 1.. ..il - it n P'div name, I c :.c Pi: V style' of pi similar 1. "Man-. I. d lo he in th ' IM": -e well mid pi It as I. iv is sanl to I,.. that of the I , :-l-c the 1. liter, he al-M-luuslv profic shut ami a K''"d n v, ell crun id, ,i fc.l on I: dual '.: will Id ,1c., 'f- V ill I, il that I aeliial'y .lecid ' in th.- Chi. "is f I" i point , a, ile i ". in w ! i n il c ent t O ;,ini j.nint . Shove- so v,i-.t.' -. V's "1 1 : - ..-.-a 'v S--j.-'.t A v . l -ri '. t ' V ' ' t? ' If You Are Needing a Pair of Good Shoes - . You could not do Better than inspect CUE justly famous line of C. P. Ford shoes for women. They have an excel lent reputation for fitting extra well, giv ing entire satisfaction and having that fash ionable look that wo men of discriminating taste admire. Pumps, Oxfords and boots in the ' various shades of brown and tan, also black at prices ranging from $8.25 to $11.6") A new noveltv is the three strap patent leather pump with a French heel, just ask to see them. Ault Williamson's line of comfy shoes for house wear and for elderly wo men, cannot be beaten for service and real comfort .9 $3.49 to $6.19 ItOlililtTS. JOHNSON' AN It HANDS poi.i, r.Mtu'oT shops ("They SH'iik fur 'riienisehes") For children are made of solid, sfurdy leathers which will (jive the iiiasiniiim of service to ehil i i-ii who ine hard on Ihelr shoes. $."1,110 reward is offered for any mhslitiite for-hat her used in any pair of shoei with the -Star P.rand" stamped in the heel. Try a pair next time the children n' i'd shoes. Tim prices are indeed riKht. iiAMi i, (.1:1 i.vs "(omi v" 11 1, r iioisi: SI.HI'lilJS are (he hest in construction and style of any felt .' lipl" r nitiile. For women and children, in the various colors ilemaiid.d, at juices much less lhan last car. TVI-:i:ill-: HOOT TOPS have a reputation sec ond to none. Yon will need a pair for wear with our low shoes. Price per pair $.7.1 if Y01: N :: A v THI NK, 1IA; OK SI IT CAKC it will jiay you to investigate ami comjiare our hiKli Kiade, well made, standardizeil luggage Willi those of other makes hefore imrchasing. All of them bought on new low price markets. Trunks from $l.00 to $l.9.-i A l.eautifiil Wanlrohe Trunk fully )iuijiie(i with all conveniences for $5tt.ft0 We sell lor Cash bet ter merchandise at I-owest Prices. Don't you know you can Save by paying Cash. Try it and see. The Mystery of the Cook's Pet Parrot A FUNNY paper recently. SLIPPED ME a good laugh, WITH A wheeze about. A FAMOUS ventriloquist. AND WHY he had quit. THE VAUDEVILLE stage. IT SAID he discovered. HE COULD muko more jack. SELLING WOODEN parrots, t SO WHEN I got home. t I PASSED tho joko. It TO OUR cook, who owns. BOTH A speechless parrot. AND A sense of humor, BUT SHE muffed it, BECAUSE SKE diuVt know. WHAT A ventriloquist was, SO I had to explain it, AND ON tha way out. I BLEW Just a whiff. OF CIGARETTE smoke. AT HER amusing old FOOL OF a parrot. t WHICH NEVER talks. AND I said, "Poll. HOW D'YOU like It?" AND TO this day. ITS COT me guessing. WHETHER IT was coot ' OR THE blamed bird, t WHICH SQUAWKED back. "THEY SATISFY." -ii-L JLi CHESTERFIELDS speak for themselves. They let you know you're smoking. They 'satisfy" and yet, they're mul An impossible combination, yo say? Sure everywhere but in Chesterfields. The blend doe. it and the blend can't be eopitdl A iiester. CIGARETTES if field Virrrrr fc Myers Tobacco Co."