READ THE EAST OREGONIAN SPORT PAGE AND RECEIVE THE NEWS THAT IS FURNISHED BY THREE SERVICES, A. P., U. P. AND LN. S, SIXTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 16 SIXTEEN PAGES J SECTION TWO V PAGES 9 TO 16 ( DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1921'. mm ir " 1 ait il!. . ,. .. . . . , , , , ... , ., , in very good physical condition. Coach Dick Hanley has his gang righting now about every minute of. the play. The fight spirit was partic-' ularly noticeable last night when the! varsity and the second string nitn met, but for the first 15 minutes, the corner on fight was hold by the scrubs who nmdo good yardage against the regulars. re u of Luck and Support to Win is Way Chances Look Now. i I The back field men are working J much better than JO days ago. Knud- Locals Will Have to Have Best -t fullback1 is rounding into Jawn Started as Ra-v Busher: .-ua,'v, v upturn iviTaiitcr is carrying the ball in a way that promises sonic good things for retidjoton. and (,'ahlll and llayden are in the fight all the way. The lino has been materially strengthened by the addition of Hog- local els t0 tne re5u'ar 'ineup. This husky juu is a uearcai on ueiensne anu co ers a lot of territory. Lawrence may be replaced by Lang at center for tlio nana vtana game, ine lanay center i ., , , , i.,... it, , .. I ''Taw bus succeeded iiujiru u 1 1 wic gidna hini nielli iui u lAJUUl U1LCI I1U II1IU UVlll )JU IIIPIICU III , , . . , , - round. ng Into shape and with son.u more practice on passing, he will be available for use Friday if Coa'li Hanlcy finds it necessary to use him. There is uneasiness In tho camp of the Pendleton Buckaroos. It is caused by the prospects for the com ing contest Friday which the pigskin artists stage with Walla Wal la over there. Tho locals havo easily Improved 100 per cent over the condition tliey: displayed against Kennewick here1 more than n. week nlrn hut Pnnnh ' Kan lev 1 not'xv-er i.h ,u" COUplfl of epd runs. O t- timism over the prospects for a vic- torjv The Walla Walla team will have the advantage of more weight, an item that does not necessarily mean any thing, but In addition to beef, the Washington team is also made up of more experienced players than arc Included on the roster of the I. II. S. squad. ' Heavy scrimmage was the order Monday And Tuesday nights, and this work left Bom,e of the players with bruises, but the squad as a whole is Has Been Both Player and Manager During Long Career From the rawest sort of busher, when he drew Ivs first salary as a ball player lack hi linn, John Mctiraw has risen to the position of the highest salaried manager In baseball. Always aggressive and ambitious to fight his way to the top of his profoss'on, ,Mr- In making him self one of the best-known men in the Carpets after being well brushed with salt should be rubbed with vine gar and water. This freshens them. Alcohol was first distilled by the Arabians, and when we talk about cof fee and alcohol we are using Arabic words. nacious sp rit he has kept before the public much of tho time. The (Viint leader was born at Trtix ton, .V. y., on April 7, 1)17,1, am: shortly alter he graduated from short trousers he became a professional ball pluyer. getting h's first real en listment with the t ilean team in the New York State League. This was In the spring of 1K90, and Mctlraw sign ed his first contract at the age., of seventeen. He drew 160 a month with Olenn, and to him the salary seemed a fortune. 2L QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION $1.00 One Dollar $1.00 8 LBS. RED CHINOOK SALMON. 5 LB. PAIL LARD ! 5 LBS. LAMB STEAK 12 LBS. BOILING BEEF 5 LBS. LOIN STEAK 4 LBS. ROUND STEAK 4 LBS. VEAL STEAK V ' ' , ...... 5 PKGS. ASSORTED EXCEL LO CAKE FLOUR. es Winter Appl All varieties including Wincsap s, Arkansas Black, New towns, Pippin, Rome Beauty, Black f wig, Yellow Iwig, Jonathan, . j .! Greenings. SEE OUR SPECIAL DOLLAR DEALS in Groceries on display in our s tore. "MAKE YOUR DOLLAR GO FURTHER" PENDLETON TRADING CO. If it's on the market we have it THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan is the favorit family car, scats five comfortablvi While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may M a minute be changed to a most delight ful open car with always a top protecting against the suii. ' In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered. . Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rims with 3-inch tires front and rear. A real : family car. Won't you come in and look at it? car with the economy of the 'SS-S I'ord. ? SIMPSON AUTO CO. After playing a- year with olean Xliliraw went to Cedar Rapids, la., He played shortstop, and performed so well that he was signed by the Bal timore club in the fall of isl. After fin shing that season as a liench wurm er ut Balt.more, MeGraw got his chance the following spring, when Ned Haiilon became the Baltimore manager. After playing h'.m ut second h.ise for a time. Hanln shifted young McUraw to third, which proved the making of him a a major league star. I'nder Hankm he soon became one ol the greatest players in the game. Ilu was a .vizard as a fielder and his bat ting average seldom fell below .3Dn. When the old Orioles were dis banded in 1 SOU McCiraw was sold to t-t. luiiis, along with Wilhert Itobinson. hut the sale displeased both players and both refused to report until mid season. The same year the American League invaded the East and Me Uraw joined hands with Van John son, finally landing a backer in Sonny Million, at iialt'inore, where he was made manager of the club. Finally Mcliraw and Johnson split in lstii:;, and us Mctlraw received a spike wound that ended his cureer us a play er, he announced he was through with the game forever. At the time Kred Knowles, then sec retary of the (Hants, induced Owner Freedman to gve Mctlraw a trial as manager. The berth wan offered and Melliaw accepted, lie has been filling It ever since. Taking u lull-end team in 1IIUL', Mcliraw built up u club which won the National Ijenitue pennant In 1904 and again in l'.w:, after which, for a period of live years, he failed to finish In the big money. Ill lull, 1 n a and 1913 tho (iiantH came back, winning three successive cliampliiusliliis, but falling to capture the world's series. two of which were won by the Athle tics and one by Hoston. In the world's series of, however, Met '.raw's team came oft victorious, iiud that year the Athletics were tho victims. In uii tne mams ugain entered a world's series, only to lose to the White Hoy In four out of six games. For the past three years the tllunts have' gone pennant hungry, hut the team which Mctlraw has built through trades and purchases proved itself the class of the National League this year, and that It wil have it share of fol 'owers in tho world's series Is a cer tainty. . T ' Prince Albert's a new note in the joys of rolling 'em! Talking about rolling your own cigarettes, we'll tell you right here that Prince Albert tobacco has 'em all lashed to the mast! You've got a handful-of-lappiness coming your di rection when you pal it with P. A. and the makin's papers! For Prince Albert is not only delightful to your taste and pleasing in itsrefreshingaroma,but our exclusive patented process frees it from bite and parch! And, for a fact, rolling up Prince Albert is mighty easy ! P. A. is crimp cut and stays put and you whisk it . into shape before you can count three! And, the next instant you're puffing away to beat the band! Prince Albert is so good that it has led four men to smoke jimmy pipes where one was smoked before! It's the greatest old buddy smoke that ever found its way into a pipe or cigarette ! Print Allr It M In tim rf txif a. tiiy rU Mw, ml half pand tin humtdera nnd in thn pound erytot f fM hnmldtr with p1ff MMfatflfMT I the national joy smoke Copyrtiht Ittl by R. J. RarnM( Tobacco Co, WtMton-Snum, N.C 4 I t. 1 s.n Fiuyist'o, .oyt., i -.f r. ;x, -TT-T?oTnily'iave some of lrncle Sam's ex-soldlers had occasion to call him ungrateful, but soma of his pres int soldiers feel they havo a, big kick coming. In recognition of the'r work a large number of men were elevated to ser feantcllps from the ranks some months igo. Washington ruled this had been lone without proper authority, and inl (inlv m'di.riirl I hrt liioii fwHilf'nrl till! llrected that they should pay hack to' he t lovernmt'iit the difference be wecn a private's pay and that of a ergeant for the period they had re eived it. The case of private Perry C. Curtis, inartermaster corps detachment at Tesidio, is an example. lie received us a private $:);! a month. The order directs him to pay 'lack tS3.35 a month, lie has a wife tnd two children to support. The war amily allowances have been discon lnued. As a private he docs not even nive quartern lor his family. A point has been strained to permit the wife iml two children to titay in their itiar '.ers. That Curtis mlslil provide food for his family (leneial William II. Wright, coinnuiiidlng the Ninth Army Corps, directed that he. be fiirlotlghed for Miitb months. Curtis wifs unable lo find outside employment, but has been 'oilig some work about the army ciimp whli h enables him to eke out a few dollars. There are many other such cases, It Is Minted, although only a few have families. Congress will bo asked to remedy the situation. eiN JIILES LIVE E THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE rhuue 408 Water and Johnson St 1A When you purchase a pair of VV. L Douglas Shoes; you are getting the best shoe value for the price that money , can buy. Fur Sale by A. EKLUND 131 UHa 8C I liTSini I tJJ CAlaVtRT (1 fm uwt of tmimh f A VITAQAAPH SPECIAL ) IV, aODUCTION BY FRANK K. MASOf (International News Service Staff' Correspondent.) BKKMN, Oct. la. Knuallty, at least the outward inanifeHtattonft of eipialily us evidenced by tho domo :artlo ConHtltutlou abolished orders ind titles," writes the Herllner Tuge latl, "but the stroke of a pen was u li able to remove the vanity of humanity .n general and the weakness of the Clerman in particular for flue-Hound-;nx, hlghfulutln titles. "Titles ure Inseparably connected with the monarchical form of govern ment and have no place In a republic. Nevertheless, more value Is placed on a title today than under tho old re iime. Scarcely a day passeH but what ome group of (iovernment officials petitions for the regulation or the ad justment of the title peculiar to their posta.' - ' llnvp "Modern Titles." Herman orderliness required that everyone have some sorl bf designa tion or title, ho that anyone could Im mediately be placed In exactly the proper pigeonhole In th" social sys em. Thus one finds In the telephone Jlieetnry; under Kebiulill: "director." "factory owner," "merchant," ''pub lisher," "barber," "farm owner." These illlen are Used much more fre Client ly than given nsnies. Tho Kaiser's Uovernment awarded professional men of proven merit such titles as "Justice Councillor,'' "Sani tary Councillor' and "commercial Councillor." Artists, sculptors, mu sicians and great Burgeons were given the highly-coveted title, "Professor," which had no connection with the teaching profession. , The chairmen of the lierlln phy Hlclnns' society and bar association have protested that the abolition of the honorary titles has worked a great hardship on the professional men, who now can't get titles from the Tte puhltcnn Administration. The patients anil clients ai'o under the old title hypnosis; the man with the biggest title Is tho best doctor or lawyer, and they are flocking to the offices of the men who retain their titles from the old regime. Thrills I 'or Many "Put the rush for titles Is in no small degree due to the vanity and Influence of the weaker sex," con tinues the Tughlatt. 'Tor the deslB natlou 'Fruit Stcllvertretender Ober kriinkenkiissenlnspector' is still not without some thrills. "Inspection tit the list of titles shows several hundreds of official des guatlons for I loveriinient em ployes, These titles, even under the Republic, are as min li a pari of the official names of the civil servants as the title of 'colonel' or -"general' bi the army. . ,' ' j- . "Tho list of novsrnmtnf employes begins with 'ferryman' and ends with the 'Kelchskanaler,' which Is probably not without a symbolic significance. In between comes a confused aggrega tlon of more or less bold names." The Tugeblatt, which Is one of the lending organs of the democratic group, urges Its readers to fight th fight through, hard through It be against the big odds, until Germany realizes that the measure of a man Is not u piece of ribbon or a title, but his actual accomplishments and pe'S"ti-allty. 13 IS HIS NUMBER. MTTLK HOCK. Oct. 12. Arkan sas' youngest murderer . has entered I the "city of silent men," The super stition of "thirteen" Is upheld, Roos. I volt tleorge, thirteen, negro, convlc' jd of slaying his grandfather, Hope 'itiuorgo, will reside for thirteen years 1 behind tho grim wulls of the prison hero. Between South America and Aus. Iralia. are a number of islands seldom visited by ships; on many of these stores of food are placed tor the use of shipwrecked sullors. Klglilcen gigantic fossilized turtles of an unknown species have been un- e irthed near Valencia, Spain. GeftourShareofBains -j-cf i-7o C2l3v zlLLj The prices lifted below will convince you that our ttore it fea turing wonderful' bargains for' -DAY $ Th plcturljintlon of David Be. lasco'f famous stage play, 'The Heart of Maryland," was made. In the South oo historic locations. Catherine Calvert was engaged for the stellar role. She la supported br an alt star cast 1UVOU TODAY $1.00 BUYS 12 barrel shaped Glasses $1.00 BUYS 12 thin blown Tumbler, etched design $1.00 BUYS 6 Gold Band Cups without Saucers $1.00 BUYS 12 heavy white Oatmeal Bowls $1.00 BUYS One pair of Ladies Pure Thread Silk Hose $1.00 BUYS 3 pair Ladies' Mercerized Hose ' $1.00 BUYS 5 pair Children's Buster Brown Hose $1.00 BUYS 4 piece Glass Table Set $1.00 BUYS' 1 box Star Brand Crochet Thread $1.00 BUYS 1 box Coats Crochet Thread $1.00 BUYS 10 Wash Cloths $1.00 BUYS 4 Individual Loaf Bread Pans THE ABOVE IS ONLY A SMALL PART OF WHAT WE ARE GOING TO OFFER ON $ DAY $ : THE BEE HIVE "MORE FOR LESS" is