PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OSEGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1921. TEN PAGES A LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN S CIENCE c-nip- Inwry Entitled Christian Science : The Voice in the Vildemes3 Rev. Andrew J. Graham, C. S. 15. Mcmbrr r,f U.e l' of I.v-!nrfshi .if Th .Mu'iur rimrcli. The Knst Chiin !i of Christ, h in l!nUn, Miss. tut. hta'i i:.mi:.t M:iry Vnkir i: li.y. " p.'iK'' riST.ft Seienee iiinl Ih-.ilt U.wi:ti-Ktj-Io the Seriitiin , Kivi-s :i cuminim sene anil -iiu-lailiys,'riil definition i f the word wilileni" TliiH ' ''" f.itri 1h. is onllfurillillK to ttic led live exiorienee of mini, us hp from durkni'Hx to Keht. Unt s 10 freeiliim. from ftnr of con tlmi to thi- joy of snlvntion the two-fohl ilel'inition of wililerness: 1 'l.iineliii liarknons." This is th lef nition. CI) Hiioiitaiieity thought ami itli-ii; the vestibule in which tt ninteriiil sense of tliiiina iIIk iiinifnirR. mill Hiirlttnil sense nnfolils the facts of existence the Christian Science th" word. In niieakins to the suhject: "('liris tlmi Science: The Voice in the Vil ilei nesst." w e lire Kccklm? to cliioiilulo lllo fact that Christian Science, ,K..,.ri it nntliorizei! literature, anil treatments, raises a voiuu of Imiio confidence In nil periods darkness mid depress on u voice i f Kiatitinl Hence and harmony one's experience. I' it will he Christian churches claim, the reply while other In the i nly davs or Moses and the treats known as trie monasteries into H'direw lironhetH as nr. Halation was 'which men betook themselves from j:;.ii,!f on lor the establishment of the that those , of Truth and ' Hi.'.h o l :.s t r tne i r.;.h -Iit. rhi.r faun r. of h. nu n iuriy as coiimiiiiicd man now disi. A' linn: ia : ami tin pari i f the in n t In li,e dav.i while tin; l.'ejta reused, I v.;is a reality Jew : ( me a 111 I II.' t ra. lu Uii.!ii., 11 ' with Ci'll- L on s. '.I' ll i" vn: of Ji-mis 1 "lil'it:an tile pl'e to men. Here is the word ss; doiilit; .of a lie land U.e up j church ace of 'Ii land f ence and power were ever pre 'suit, and were manifested in destroy-' Av.g sickne-s and Mil. AKUtn thcru' went up a- mist from the earth, the: 'mist of human iloininaiioii and mater-1 'la: It ami then tiie Christian church' joined its Kroaiiinss with those o its. ncdi'ccssor. Axaiti we say, the fundamental panacia for unrest is to know Cod. ; Ami now alter fifteen hundred years j their fellows, and this, contrary to .Jesus' prayer ill John XVII: ' I pray not that thou FhoukP-st tafco them out of the world, but that ti.ou ih.eieli st keip tin in from cv.l." In eoiiiiecMoii wall this pictaro of ft ir as a iin-ans- t.f s.iK'a-.iiui there are.-e .i!:-l .ie known ill Jii.-ti.iy as th" .Morality i'ii.vs, the main or Science" '.' Tills, namely who know .s..methini of earnestly seek to itv.lue it in ttie.r daily iiin are taking the more direct and pl'.asaut path, through Science, ihe K..r.len cf salvation, vhieh tilose w ho see of Th" Tl .til .1:1 1 al".' disi liei'.ie.-.l to ii are w iiki::.' in the f snfier'n-' and foieiM;;;; til-- -'ami- corrse that 1-1 the ih;Idr-:: of of j I r iel, for forty year. thro'uh the a worn-oat garmer.-, Who shall say how ath thourht was ntie and bums Discoverer "del if Christian Science. Tor this De nt., h nf the . einniiiL' of the destruction ol iieaui the: and the tittle ' understandine ot me and ' that has come to me, 1 am ever over many tit'.n'..a of Founder of Chr i he passed on ? tilose who !om ed with her sh. :stian The were c ws to Science, hef re testirn.'iiy c. f lnselv a;.-OClat- h it remark- -.-tee ,"t 111 tile case omie.a!.. 1, di with hrr, a f .Mrs. Kddy .ivye.l mat in the ease wild. morfil mind I of theological of liumaii mind, nniil, comes This is definition of lid darkening the Christian Sci ence, to this as'e, teaching men how to know Cod, by d.spellinif and di s troyiiiK the veil of evil beliefs which obscure. 1 1 mi, (11)1). Christian Science is the realm of definitu knowlcdKC Kcelcsiasticul tlieolony is the realm of Indefinite be lief. .Now. as we have Indicated, both ; in the Jewish and Christum churches, ! theology Kiadually came to teach that which was to friuil'.en men away lromi h- 11 and frith'en them iutu lieav n. , and Within tiie pest twenty-five i:us an attmfit was made in the 1'nited lai-s to revive Morality l'lav;; and one recalls the rendition in vari ous cities of a play known as "j.;v(.ry mnu" with all its m-hastly iimi horrible scenes. The ai-'e, however, had ad vanced too far in rijrht thinkiiiK to tn courae this sort of teachitnf. The ap peal of that play was altogether to the element of fear. I In the later middle at-'cs some J-.u-ropean artists were busy with the ibrush, puintimr, in various places, pic tures known 11s the lance of Death. In the old covered bridge, crossing the iSw iss river at LuccriM', one finds ncar lly half a hundred such paintin'-'s, 011 'the iarne triangular panels;, and these ! represent the most notable of all the ipaiiitniBS known as the Dance of I Death. Their purpose w as to inspire !r,.ui. ;. tiie thoncht of all who saw 'ihcm. I'eKiiinimr wit It infancy, pnss- inir throiiL'h youth and niiiiihood. and embracimr every business able .Mind 1 rne-s. on pa -e 1 ; 7 ,f "S.'i. ave 1 of St. S'.cphe:!, Siurit brrk tniouisu. Ii tilth with Key ft the Scrip- the veil of flesh, pn.vins the noth-, lures.'' Mrs. Kddy writes: "Our pro-' in.mass of death u:id the allatss of; : portionate admission of th" claims of l-ie. I.? I or ot evil determini s the linr- j THH IMTKUUNa CAUSE I mony of our existence, our health, I feet that I had neglected a our loiu'evity, and our Christ an.ty." privili ,'e and a duty w ere 1 to close j Christian Science is exact. We may this lecture without some allusion tu 1 trust it absolutely. If today we add 1 my own physical healing and to my one per cent to our stock of love and mental release from the old theology, obedience we shall experience so much that Is, the beginning of my releasn the less sufferim; and so much the 1 from the mortal mind wltuerness. 11: mure joy. Always as we- add to our! 1871 stock of love and obedience we lire 1 dux thereby forsaking the corduroy road and gaining the gravel -walk. Or as Mrs. Kddy so beautifully teaches, we are things. There are mul titudes of people who in times or i.reat n;-ed have turned to . Christian Science and found relief; then, either afraid or ashamed f acknowledge the Truth 1 penly, they continue to .nit al. tii under the influence of old i'-ieoioi'y and m it-u-ia niedica and find themselves 111:. King no "ptOi-Tess with perhaps discordant couditiuus recur- n ny na:i ye in tne vauey ot' In 1 iackaHine i a saying that MistreKS Coinmon Law brook- to-leth no l-eiirello.v." It is equally true I and every ..f ,,.ntnl .mil exlil'i'HS- (Capable of and love, when have come Into of laid that nil iniiko the same to which i '"at l'cliKioiis bodies promise the solution of problems utter iieinn, Christian Sc'enco says that these so lutions may be found on this plane of existence here and now. Let this bo Hourly understood, that Christian Hclenco rests Its claim entirely upon lireHctit ileinonuttatioii. It neither mdis nor expects liny one to accent it on nny olher basis. It Is known and Justified by Us fruits. A 11 11 Imost innumerable throng men and women thioiiKhotit the world testify that Christian Science fulfills Its promises; that In loneliness, doubt, darkness and tlcprcsKlon It: has Klven'a hope when all other hopes were deud; that Its unfohlitiK ot spir it mil Truth has been the vestibule or puthwii.v lending U the apprehension nnd understanding of infinite, ever present Uivc. To this restless, hungry ni, christian Science proves to he "the world's great nlliif stairs which wind through darkness up to tloil." At tlio very outset of this ledum permit me to say snmd hln about Chi'lstlun Science treatment nnd Christian Science healing. Christian Pclenee treatment nnd healing pra nupposu Hint sonic members of the human race have reached a compar atively clear undorstiiiidhnr of the initiira of Cod and m ill, and through that utulerstiindlni; me able to realize to some extent, the omnipolency of ind and therefore the Impotciicy of evil. JJitry linker Kddy wan the first member of the human family In re ceive Christian Science treatment nnd heallmr. under licit specific name; practitioner. (iod is a mysterious I'ersoii remaining iinrevealini to a large extent, and in- ! profession of man, the panels repre- being known clearly by Hl,ut varions individuals busy and hup linen until after death. The Hlhle I passage which says: "Clouds indeed and darkness are round about Him," I was taken to mean that Hod wraps Himself in an inipeiietrablo cloak. All 'these texts in the Hlhle which seem jto indicate that 1 bid cannot lie clearly known and that He is shrouded in i.i. .. .,rr..l,. ,.f I In win o near ov won me iiiin'if ...v, - - at hand unseen by them, is peering the ghastly feature of a skeleton. These came to he regarded as a series of religious paintings, intended to lay a pall of fear over every human scene and to remind men constantly of the one enemy tnat an leureu mm oitlil become clouds and darkness, ik'Serve special ,t r,n that eventually he attention; for in a sense they all are t)ler master. The great movement true, by which it is meant that (Jed known in history as the Reformation is indeed behind a veil; but that ciir-i(1, nway with the worst tain of cloud and darkness is not mane practice, and yet it hy Cod. rather Is it the result of mor tal-mind ignorance and sinful thought. in oilier words, the mist that seems to spurato man from (lod rises from the earth. It is not a curtain lot down from heaven. Now to Hie sick and sinful and troubled, brooding over the thu thought of an unknowable Ood, Christian Science comes and says: "Your sores and sicknesses and sins and broken hearl may be healed here and now. The veil which seems to shut 0110 from (lod may be destroyed through the aid of healing, coming di rectly through Christian Scieuco treat ment or through the reading of Its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The only Comforter in the universe Is Cod, sinil Jesus Christ said; "This is life eternal that they might Know Thee the only Iconlrihution to the element of fear ex features of survived in hymns, poems, sermons nnu iiinei.u orations of the Iteforniation period; and these are still accompaniments of 11 great many services aim sei inons m 'modern orthodox churches. What in spiration, for Instance, can one find in a hymn beginning on this wise: Soon as the infant draws its breath, At once spring it) the seeds of death, or (his: There is a time, we know not when, A point we know not where, That marks the distiny of men To glory or despair. One docs not care to advertise some modern preachers by mentioning names, hut they should certainly cense from making these terrible word pic tures and claiming them to be effica cious ns mentis or spiritual growth. ! Materia Medlca has also lidded Christ whom true (lod. and Jesus Thou has sent." The puzzle to the human mind has always been this: Since Cod is in finllely grout and man seeniH so small, how can man expect thu oninipolent , raced by Olio to take nolo of him'.' The psalm- n1(, piedii 1st voiced this when he exclaimed: "When I consider the moon mid Iho stars, which thou hast ordained, what Is man that thou art mindful of him." Kor his comfort, and encouragement is capable of understanding, and this ciiiicrcteness we find in the teaching of Christian Science. Mary Taker Kddy 1 ..1 I.... iiivn .. ,.r ,,.,ii,,i oinilv I mail needs something concrete, hull I lirilllgll IllllUi .ic.ii.t 01 i-.v" , ,, . , , , , 1011 ,1 i,a in I', ni she had 1 vldiinl. He tieeihi soiiielhing which hi ,U Hie 1 .inn: .1 11. 1 1 ; . 1 1 1.. lliis iiiidersllllldlllg. In llH '"'l'" process or time through her writing.'. 1 1., .11, 1, licit t .'iii'tit nr.'. many , , ,. ,, ,i,,.,,t ii,., world pained in using the abstract noun, "good Hlliocilin 1 in . nth . .-.-- sufricietit understanding to begin to bull themselves and others. These men and women are known as prac titioners. Mis. Kddy tells us 011 page 177 i f "Science ami Health heal 1 w!th Key to tiie Scriptures" that Jesus' cor-eli.u- of mini heulpil the Hick." Christian Science practitioner sickness mid sin I view of Cod nnd 111-111 Is eiiunlly true touching every phase of error. A discord In addition of ntimbera, discord In music. In the family, In business. Is overcome pari piisii, as one lias the correct view of addition, of music, or the family, ol' hus'.ness. Jesus' correct view or man healed the sick. 'What is your view of u 111 ti V Do you believe that the man (lod made is a bundle ol' flesh with two opposing inlnihi Inside? If so, you .ciiit not heal anybody until you change your view. The mini whom Cod nuule is in His image nnd like ness; he Is spiritual, not inalerial. Now a treatment an'l healing In Christian Science consist In seeing and know'tig the supremacy of Truth and I hen fore know ing the inipolency of error. Healing In Christian science brings with il an awakened sense of the dominion over sin, sickness, and doulh. and tills dominion Is the legacy which every child of Cod from Ills heavenly Km her ipposllioii with the word Coil, Ita he- iltteathed to mankind an illiimiuatiii:;' thought, lly it she enables usto make active and real a religion:! expression which had been to a largo exletit a dead letter for practically fifteen liun- idrrd yenrs, namely, "to love Cod." H'" ; aft or a diagnosis declare that Individ pulpit has preached that to love Codju.s al0 .mufrrim; from such diseases. II proportli. 11 11s their 1 Is absolutely necessary to salMil'on 'ThiA is ,t wilderness of fear lroui III in Is correct. This laud the pew has silently answered: nuiny fail to emerge. Christian "How can I love Cod unless 1 know-;-l,il,lu,t, M practically the only church Him? 1 can love a friend because 1 Iwliii-li is ctimluitiiifi this evil tmlny, nml know I1I111; this is concrete experience i , S(1.V(,H n,,, ;l j,i f all fathers and preaching and entering the won derful garden of Salvation through Science instead of through suffering; the wilderness gradually blossoms as the rose, and blossoms abundantly. This gravel walk is that "spontaneity ot thought and idea; the vestibule in which a material sense of things dis- 1 appears, and spiritual sense uiuouis 1 . the great tacts ot existence, t. i-cieuce and Health," page 597.) I'KltSt iNALITY AND 1 lXDlVIDI'AUTY. Who has not heard the phrase, striking personality? In the sense in which it is generally understood, per sonality is a deadly bane. It lends to hero worship ot the bnser sort; it is of the earth, earthy. Those who are acknowledged to have striking per sonalities are the same who dominate over other men and women either through wealth, position, voice, eye, feature, attire or some other physical manifestation. Such submission is nnihimr less than slavery. Sir Wil liam Hamilton speaks of it us the "sign of a feeble mind." I would rather say it produces a feeble mind; for many otherwise noble men and women have been drawn into this wilderness of drought and serpents, through admiring or fearing and fol lowing personality. The basic law for tho guidance of Christian Scientists in this matter, Is found on Page 4 of the Manual of The .Mother Church, by -Mary linker Eddy: "Neitlir ani mosity nor mere personal attachment should impel the motives or acts of the members of The Mother Church. In Science, divine Iaivo alone gov erns man." l'erhaps Mrs. Kddy has stressed none of her teachings more emphatically than when she warns against following personality. Per sonality is material and temporal; individuality ia spiritual and cler.ial. I'eisonalitv vatinteth itself, is puffed may bei..., i.huvcth itself unseemly, sceketh !iu 1'"'' alvvavs Its own, is easily provoked medlca in thinketh evil. Individuality "vatin- neither so niinier- tetli not itself, it not puffed up, doth 1 fear-Inspiring as those ludiave itself unseemly, seeketh theology. This is because i m.r w1, it not easily provoked, il men in the middle ages, thinketh no evil." To admire ex-' while familiar with the outward tortn pensively, personality ends 111 uisas of miiii. had not yet aciiiired siifl'i- (,.,. To love Individuality men 11s life clently iiecuralc knowledge of nnat- luul p,.;u.e. The reflection of Cod, omy and physiology to enable them to good, in men and wo. lieu continues paint the horrible picliires of so-eall- their individuality. Such men and ed diseased organs of the body, which women we love and in loving Hiein we descriptions tire found, too often, in love Cod. What we Christian Scien nuigazines, papers, and charts of mod- tisis love in .Mary liaker KSddy is lK-r oni ,avH. individuality, she manifested so much A medical diagnosis of nnv so-called good. Increasingly she strove to take dc-eisc riven either verbally or in; her personality away from thuught. writinr' is a mental picture which the The greatest reformation ever known frightened human mind, unaided, in the realm of teaching was begun rinds it impossible to cast out. It is when Mrs. Kddy eliminated the per lilth, less than a crime againUt ehil-, soniil preacher, and instituted the Hi dren and even older people to display lde and "Science and Health with Key i ,1,.,,,. il... horrible condition of dis-! to Hie Scriptuies" as the only pi'eiich- eased organs of the body and then I became a member of an ortho- hurch. The six years following re passed in preparing for the min istry. Heginning in l!77 and for thirty-four years thereafier I preach ed and ministered in that church, standing sincerely and loyally by its doctrine, discipline and worship, a clergyman 1 was bitterly and grateful to our Leader. Miry Faker Kddy is not the savior of mankind, but she is leading us out of the wil c. : n. s of confus.on buck to that Savior. THE WORLD-WIDE rP.OBLE-M. .o religions le.uner can eiii-i'i-j ' rntlv remain silent concerning the' universal social and business unrest orev.-iilln.? throughout the world d.-.v Durimr ihe last f:ftv yenrs dis-1 ..f Christian Science. One cannot ad- tance and time have t-een destroyed J vance in Sea nce t,, a ich mi extent hv inventions and' old theology and discoveries, that the peoples of the ; Christian Science earih are now one family for weal or 1 I rod and man. for woe. A discordant nation in any; latum of every problem. As we study ipiarter of the glote becomes a pro ' It and are ol-edknt to it our capacity blem which all other nations must j for receiving and understanding in hl.. to heal or suffer inevitable con- creases, and the confusion of thought oo..,,.,oU Tk. in-nrM nt the I nnd infirmity of body which have present time is in Just this condition. ! held us in the wilderness of lonelt Tho si-eat homicidal war in which the luss. doubt, and darkness, gradual- .nd still hold to the material medicine. is the truth about U is equal to the so- peoples of the earth, recently have been engaged, has thrown into view this illuminating fact that the nations of the earth can no longer dwell a- Asrnart as senarate entitles. Cod is the un-lone Father and all His children are its ercised over mankind; but it said, and said truthfully, that tares drawn by materia the dark ancs were mis nor reasonably opposed to Christian Sc-j ence and frequently denounced both! Christian Science and .Mary Baker I Kddy, publicly and privately.' Dur- ing the three years prior to 11)11 I suffered increasingly from indiges tion, liver trouble and as diagnosed by one physician, chronic appendici tis. A so-called nervous break-down ensued and an horrible, never absent fear came on which filled my thought with distressing pictures day and night. At that time, being in Ox ford, England. I was led to receive treatment in Christian Science, which resulted in instantaneous physical healing, and what proved a still greater relief, the destruction of the beliefs in old theology. Through the Truth of Christian Science I was, in one moment, transformed from the Poignant sense of tear and pain to a state of relief and peace. There was only one thing I could do and that was to follow the light which came to me as I sat in darknens and in the shadow of death. A few weeks be fore. I was to take final leave of the churrh and the loving people to whom I had ministered for eleven years, T was suddenly awakened at midnight, out of a sound sleep and in the dark ness I seemed to see an interrogation point a mile high and it said to me: "What It it is all a mistake, and you nwake to find you are giving up your long ministry, your ample sal ary, your church and your loving peo ple for something that proves itself to he a lie'.'" My heart was so full of love and gratitude for my healing that I was not taken unaware. I in stantly said to that midnight spectre: "I will answer you by applying Jesus' rule, 'fly their fruits ye shall know them.' " Then I said to myself: "Do you love Cod us much as in other days?" Answer: "There Is no com parison." Quest ion: "Do you love mankind as much as of yore?" Ans wer: "I did not seem -.o Know uni versal love for mankind until my healing in Christian Science." With that the midnight s.iectre vanished forever. Other trying problems have arisen but they have been uniformly I knnwledged. destn.ved throiieh the spiritual law a few thing included in His family. The loving ecognltion of this fundamental fact hi the only solution for the world's problem. Some one people must be first in setting an unselfish example rising above the greed of territory and coin, patiently and irrestibly drawing to its own ideals the olher nations of the earth. Opportunity is waiting at the door and we have good hope that the ly disappear and "spiritual sense un folds the great facts of existence." ("Science and Health." g. 597.) To the Christian Science thought God is a reality everywhere all the time. No incident is too small to reveal His presence. Permit me to give an Illustration. Late one afternoon as I was leaving my hotel to keep a lec ture engagement in a New York su burb, I found there was not time for an evening meal so on the way o the station I purchased a sandwich, eating it as 1 proceeded to the sta tion. When the sandwich was almost consumed, two friends confronted me whom I had never seen before a Anglo-Saxon nations, notwithstanding man and a dog. The dog stopped alio their internal difficulties will prove to looked up into my faee: and the man be the rallying point for a disunited stopped also. Supposing the dog world-wide "family. This hope is thel wanted the remaining morsel o more radiant because among this peo-! sandwich, I gladly offered it to him. pie the modern Star of Bethlehem j He did not take his eyes from my arose. Here Christian Scientists, clear face, moving his nose over so that it and t can .understand it, but to love j mnthiTS who should know that the Cod without know ing Him appears to tll(.,Dl c;i 1 profession has no more right be inipractici'lile. Now Christian Sei-;t() jrighten their children with pictures ence Individualizes Cod, good. St. nf ,i:;,.ase than theology has to fright .laines says: "Every good gift and PM (iu,m with pictures of ghosts. Fear every perfect gift Is from above, and , i, ., i,r,.n,lieil the eternal dam- conicth down from the Father of j n;lti,m f a lat ke part of (ho human lights." AH absolutely good .motives, 1 rill.,, aspirations, thoughts; all kind, gVntlc, i THE DETTKH WAV. loving words and deeds come from christian Science teaches with log Cod. There is nothing in the whole i lc-; t and spiritual exactness that it Is universe which is loving, protecling, MU(,,.lv impassible for any one to be savin;:- or cotnpiisslonnle but comes 'jlft( ,.' ,.rii:illy ; that nothing but error from Cod and centers in Cod. Any f j si,all b" cast as rubbish to the-heap, these qualities manifested in men and 'pilj(1 .salvation has been the universal women lire posllive proofs of the pres. ' , ,n 0M f mankind, and its realization Is ence of Cod. Therefore, wo repeat, I fn.shailow ed ill the Old Testament that when Mrs. Eddy employs t he : w,,, ,.,,, t s written, "the earth shall word good In nppesltli. n with the word ;,,0 fl,u,(1 wt)l ,, Knowledge of the Cod, she causes ns to see at. once how 1 , v r h , i ,.,) .1!4 ,), t,.rs cover Inherits simple and practical It is to recognize ; , .ml j,, tMe New Testament by luiid to know Cod; nnd therefore to' ...a! .',.,,,,,. as "Hie last enemy that t l.e destroyed is death." and, "he In Chrisfan Science we proceed to the 'of anything which Is true, honest, Just. I 1H, r(ij,n ,m ju, ,,lU .,n ,.emies in thuught, patient in love and calm in endeavor, are influencing and moulding the national thought. With unerring prophetic Instinct Mary liaker Eddy has written concerning distressing times, in these words, "those who discern Christian Science will hold crime in check." ("Science and Helath," Pago 97). Christian Science thought is doing this very thing today. Tho learners and doers of Christian Science, unlike their ances tors of tho elder dispensation, when trouble comes, do not sit down by the waters of Babylon and weep, nor do they hang their harps upon the trees therein, but singing and making mel ody in their hearts they look to the ever present Christ as they sing, in the words of our Leader: I will listen for Thy voice, Lest my footsteps stray; I will follow and rejoice All the rugged way. (Mary Baker Eddy, Poems pg. 14) WHY HALT YE? The regnant thought of those who are suffering is not, "How can I learn more of Cod?'' but, "where can I find a path out of this wilderness of trouble?" Jesus did not condemn such desires; lie was compassionate; so al so Is Christian Science; it begins by relieving men and women . of their sense of human suffering. This ini tial help though Christian Science schould he gratefully received and ac tio that is faithful over shall be made ruler touched tho bread, but he would not take it Into his mouth. After a mo ment his companion spoke up and said: "He will not take food from any hand but his master's."' Under my Dreath I said: "Oh, I thank you," and proceeding to the train I said to myself; "When will I learn to be as obedient to my Master, Christ, as that dog is to hia master? If I would refuse to take food from any hand but my Master's I would not be poisoned any more with shi and sickness." And so through the obedience of this hum ble creature of our Father's (for God made the real dog) I had learned a lit tle more about Truth and I had pro gressed a little further out of the mor tal mind wilderness into the Christian Science wilderness that is blossoming as the rose and blossoming abund antly. You have listened to a lecture on Christian Science. If your thought has been at all responsive you are now a little more awake than before. You see something about God a little more clearly than before and perhaps aro experiencing an increased sense of peace and courage. That means that some of your sick and sinful and troubled thoughts have beert cast out and are replaced by the Christ thought or Christian Science thought. This is the beginning ot Healing. Bo not disobedient to the heavenly vision; follow it. It will provo to be the pillar of cloud hy day and tho pillar of fire by night, leading from Egypt to the promised land, fa Willi this brief statement of henlhig ' e Him. To lovo the manifestation consideration of the wilderness, I'NHKST. The human mind Is never at pe.iee. It In always in ipiest of satisfaction, seeking rest and finding none. This Is because mortal lit i ml can not un derstand tho saying of Jesus, "in the world ye shall have tribulation, but lie of good cheer. I h ive overcome tho world"; "my peace 1 leave with you; my peace I give unto yon." The Apontle Paul, understanding this sit uation, Btnteii the need for peace most clearly when he writes: "the whole creation groitneth and Irnvaihth to gether In pain wailing for the adoption, to-wlt, the redemption of our body." The way-side flower per ishing for lack of moisture, the help- pure lovely and ot good report, is to love Cod. Hence, 111 the wilderness of darkness and fear wherein one feels that be is without Cod In the world, comes the voice of Christian Science, and through its treatment, Its services, or the reading of its authorized litera ture, one is assured of the wonderful fact that he ran know Cod here and now with ns much certainty ns he can know the truth ot mathematics, and 'knowing II km, can love Mini. EVIL NEVER BENEFICENT. The only chance that evil ever his to succeed is by simulating good. Fu ller this pretense of good for man kind old theology nnd materia medlca have been busy, for ages, in making pictures, the main feature of which ers in the Christian Science congrega tion. Every Christian Scientist knows that Mrs. Eddy's teaching lends from personality to the Christ Truth; and that is the reason why we all love her and are safe in so loving. DEATH: I am going to discuss here briefly a phase of error which is tho greatest impostor of the whole brood of evils. It claims to hold all men In a fatal grip from which there is no escape. .Mortal mind names this impostor death, and while men flee from it and : seek to avoid it, yet they are apt to ladmit and declare that filially they must submit and that death becomes ! the master of Life and the master of ! man. This is the supreme lie; be- ! cause it is the greatest pretension I that evil ever made. For after all 'death is nothing but a shadow. The j Psalmist culls it the shadow of death, I that It, the shadow, the shade, the supposition, that is called death. That j it Is only a shadow is proved by the words of Christ Jesus: "110 mat oe- licveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever llv )eth and believeth in me shall never Idie" shall never seo death. "When mail awakens one hundred per cent i to spiritual truth lie can no more 1 under bis red." puss through the experience called ! Human language has endeavored t'1 1 aytni; than could Cod. To this won ! picture this stale of salvation dl-rfiil fact St. Paul alludes in First I many ways, and probably no picture j Corinthians wherein he writes, "we Is more beautiful that that given In , s,.,n n Heep" -the literal trans I tho closing chapter of the Itevelation i;Uiim ot which is "we shall not all lot" St. John the Divine, wherein the;(i(1.. sCow lirit inn Science teaches state of salvation is likened to a bean- i ,,Klt m.m n;lft tll0 rig)-,t to be immune : til'ul garden. Now let us for convenl-1 from tnis physical episode called : ence do what is perfectly legitimate. ; ,lM1u Tlu, fjrst ,,ffect of Christian uppose salvation to no represeuie.i o , science treatment or enlightenment is to hesin to destroy fear in human thought. As the Christian Science Truth enfoh's to one he thinks more ai .1 : ion- i.' I. fe and less nnd less ii'ijut death. That is, death is lOin; uaily in his consciousness. Let us here employ a simple illustration Cinnt for the sake of brevity that there are fivo so-called causes, any one of which may produce death. beautiful garden, "which all men at i some time desire to enter, and which all men eventually will enter. Let lis say there are two ways leading to Ill's garden, one over a corduroy road, the : ether by a beautiful crawl walk. The , corduroy rend piesents much suffering and much cleansing by the wayside, less bird amid the wintry blasts, the has been the claim that good can be . i,,,,,,,-,, , enters the garden; the i beast of the forest seeking his meat born out of evil. One of the Christian '..,..,, i .. .,1k i.s a direct and more beau-1 Horn Cod. inori ii num. sinning aim ciuucues nns a iijmn oegniiiiug , ,jlui ,v.,y nrcouipnnlcil by less pain aim T.,t us say these causes, are, tuber-slek,-these all are evidences that the "O" fclix culpa." "O! happy fault;" sorrow. The children of Israel coming 0sis anger, liver trouble, drunken- whole creation is reaching out tuiiui- that is. i am so rtait that i nave stnneit ly for help. Like Frankenstein, it as pires to satisfaction and finds no way to attain unto it. Now the funda mental panacea for this unrest is to such apothegms know Ood. In nn early Christian century, the Tinman nristocrat, Augus tine, after trying nil material plen- for by repenting of It I have learned how sweet forgiveness is. Out of wrHcheil teaching like this comes i ness and cancer. Mipposo now. is the following, ":! young man must sow ids wild o.t's." Is th-it true? Must one be dishonest ami hateful before knowing how to Bttres, cried out thus to the cod ol he honest and loving. I aul sass: peace: "Thou hast made me for Thy- 'shall we do evil that good may com.' .' self, 0 (lod, and my soul can never ;,.d forbid." find rest until it rests In Thee." i Beginning with about the fourth In the first chapter of Cencsis, man century of the Christian era the Is recogniied as being at one Willi te.ii h'.ng thatJlie only way or moth" i Cod, niinlo in Ills linage and likeness, dwelling In peace and harmony. In the second chapter of Cinesis, it is said: "There went up a mist from thp earth." This mist niarknl the bc fciniiing o( I lie vroaning creation, by wh.cii man could securely attain to holine.'s w is to wlihilraw himself from the lest ef riitikiT'". teeamc uv. ti ed; that is J;,. sti.ed in IV.n- ..; ... elating with others, and so there grad ually appeared those abodes or re- out of four hundred years' bondage in Egypt marched up to the border . often happens, that a man is healed of the promised land In the brief j - tuberculosis, that means that! one peiiod of six on what may bt ! ( (iK, fixe causes of death is des- ealled the travel walk and they might , troyed: in other words that twenty then, had it not been for their coward- ; p,,r ft,Mt dvath is Then let liiiess. crossed at once over Jordan , him he healed of the vicious habit into the fatherland. Being d'.sobed- ( ( anger and another of the so-called ieiit. however, they t imed back and ; causes is eliminated. That means w andered forty years in tiie w il.b'Vness i (, ,( f,,uy ,.,.r yvnt of death is des ovcr what we have designated as tin tiwe.f. This progressive destruction corduroy M.iry liaker in f ,,..,th Is what Is taking place in "Science and Health with Key to the .ho consciousness ef each active, lov S.'t 'iitiii-. s," in speaking of release ' ),. christian ScientW: and on this fro. a d scor.l. uses the expression. , p; f existence he may destroy "'sering or S -.enec." Now Science j Sll much of the dedth thought that if star..!-! for what 1 have called the j the change failed dvath d-'es cenie "i i ,cl walk and sufferim: for the cor-1 h, may have scarce any fear at all In duroy road. What specifically is comic, t 'on with it and it may be as incut by this expression, "suffering jaiuics8 au operation us the layir. eff Ckarm of Motherhoo ysrs. m -zzgnsd THERE are many homes once child less that now are blessed with healthy, happy chil den, because Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored the mother to a healthy, nor mal physical condition. The following letters give the experience of two young woinen and prove the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in such cases. piuoagii, 111. " I was nl trays tired, my head always ached, and my back y ached until I could bu'dly stand the pain. I doctored for years, and the doctor said nothmpr but an operation would help me, and that I could not have c aid ten. A friend asued me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took six bottles of it and it helped me wonderfully, and I now have a fine baby boy, thanks to what your medicine did for me in re storing mv health. I can highly recommend the Compound to all women who sutler from female ilk"-Mrs. Wjl Keiss, 304 Willow St, UifcagoK A f arinette, Wk-I was in a very nervous condition, was irregular, and A 1 could not have any children. I took doctor's medicine without suc cess and he advised au operation. ..My husband brought me one of Tour I Kn, I f ,at'id ashdf t-0 try Lydia E- "Cham's Vegetable Compound I soon lelt benehtted by its use, became regular, and now we havea tina n J v? HaSlven married nine years. I am always glad I to recom:, mend Lydia h llnkham s egetable Compound to my fr ends who suffer from such troubles."-Airs. II. 1. Held, m Jefleiw)nsCiIattefwS! These letters should induce others to try T.Jt V T5 m. m kh ams ompoun LYDIA E.PINKHAM. MEDICINE CO. LYNN MASS,