DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1921. PAGE NINE WANT ADS. CLASSIFIED For Rent, Etc, Classified for Easy Reference, Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found J TEN PAGES 4 CliASSIFIKn ADTERTTJUla RATES Bet 1b l-polnt Counting six ordl- . nary word to the lis. F"t Insertion, per lint (.10 Kach additions.! eoneecutWe Insertion, per Una .IS One month, every Usue, cadi Insertion, per line ,ii Blx months contract, ever? la- S SUA. Mih in-rtinn nn tin. Bl a. j Twelve months contract, er- ery Issue, each Insertion, a per Una .01 Ada not run consecutively, each Inst-tion. per line J No ada taken for less than I a) lines. Minimum charge. .15 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , USED CAR EXCHANGE ,2000 buys a s roomed house and lota. Phone SltVW. FOR SALE 'Well furnished house -cheap Phone 027-J. Ait i FOR SALE Nice resldenc. property, I north side and other locations. W. H. Morrison, Phone 1003 or 1145. ROOM AND BOARD or board 309 West Coi-t. FOR SAI-S-'iOne Howard heater. &15 Raley St.. or phone 795-W. FOB RENT Pleasant furnished room o'i'Xorth Side. Fhone 283-R. FOR . RENT Furnished sleeping room gentleman preferred-fl'hone E54-J. Ift'OMAN with son 18 years old wants position on farm where boy can go o school. Phone 0F3 or Address P. P. Box 179. 'OK RENT Sleeping room for re liable gentleman, reasonable, 2 w from Main St.. 315 W. Court, FhODQ iDS-j FOR SALE A well improved 10 acre, (bearing orchard and alfalfa), fine home for retired farmer, 114 miles from Hermiston. Or will trade for bonds or other good securities. J. J. Casserly, Hermiston, Ore. 31 sr. LOiAL electrical firm has opening in I its sales force for three aggressive ( 'j ' u!.men Pravmna rata m nnpicAA. 'll not necessary but would Se helpful. J Call between 1 and 2 o'clock or & and o'clock. Milne Electric Co., 110 E. Alta St. FOR SALE A Ford touring Phone I'll 4 3. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1920 truck J. M. Bryan, 810 Tustin Street. FOR SALE Best bargain in town. Model Jf, big 4 Hupmobile, $400.00 Phone 756-W. A Real Buy One 1919 Ford touring car in good condition. Ellis-Schiller Co. ,CST Between Pendleton and Free- water Sunday, new tire and rim, prunswick-Scripps Hooth tire cover. ultable reward. Notify Freewater rimes. OU RENT OR LEASE 5-roora house, hath, electric light and gas inter fuel already in-5 minutes walk rom business section of town on South Iain street. Address "F.: L. B." this ffice or call 378-R after 5 o'clock. For Sale 6 room furnished house; will lease rooming house, monthly payments; city and farm properties, all kinds. Earl A. Williams, 11 9 W. Alta St., Phone 501, Res. phone 230-J. For Sale Houses In all parts of the city. Come and see our list. Wheat and alfalfa ranch. GEO. W. ELDER & SON 818 Main St. Phone 993 FOR SAIJ5 Two Hudson touring cars, $350.00 takes both Inquire Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood St. FOR SALE FOR SALE Two Blewett Harvester Phone 14F11. HANDY BUSINESS 111 OF PENDLETON 10 111Y This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of re sponsible businessmen who represent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS FOR SALE Wicker baby carriage 219 W. Court St. FOR SALE Wicker baby cart In good condition. Phone 6 IS. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED, $1.50 at RIDD'S, 107 W. Webb, Phone 6S5. FOR SALE Four foot cord wood, (5.00 per cord. Phone 2F5. WE REPAIR anything electrical an automobile. W. K. Chase Co. AUTO TIRES FOR SALE Wicker go cart and childs bed, cheap. Phone 250-W. FOR SALES 1-ton Republic truck, good shape will take Ford In trade, asy terms on balance. Oldsmobile Co, FOR SALS Ford worm drive truck, recently overhauled, good tires and wen punt Doay. This is a snap. simpaon Auto Co. FOR SALE Portland property $6000 terms. Seven room house, paved street, 4 lots, garage, barn, chicken coop, and run, berries, fruit trees, fine shrubs and roses. Address 709 Gerard St., Portland, Ore., Uni versity Park. NOTICES 'OR RENT 950 acre wheat farm 17 miles from Condon, 400 acres seeded i Fortyfold and Turkey Red, 400 'res stubble. Will rent furnished ir one-half crop or sell outfit and int for one-third crop on farm. $6.50 tT acre for seeded, acreage. A-l con tion. Farm outfit approximately 4000.00 including 16 head horses. eferences required. J. S. Burres, kondon, Oregon. I I: By H. D. GARRITSON, International News Service Staff Correspondent. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 3. There is tendency toward' lower rentals in Jdianapolis. On the contrary, rental tes for apartments and residences doperties shows an upward trend. For one voluntary reduction in rents tlere have been six notices of immedi- 5 increases and tenants have been enfronted with the alternative ot p ying more or moving and there fa place to move to. I have had two notices from prop- ejty owners of decreases in rents and al least a, dozen notives of increases. tie mater of one of the city's lead- it rental agencies told the Interna tional News Service. His statement is rjpical of word from rental offices. . Unother said: "While labor is slchtly cheaper and prices of build material are lower, these indica toits of lower maintenance for rental proierty are more than offset by the eioraous tax rate In Indianapolis." The tax levy here Is $3.42 per $100 of valuation. The housing situation has eased somewhat in this city as a result of Ue erection of perhaps a dozen new apartment houses and the construc tion of many new homes. Neverthe 1' ss, apartment dwellers and others a e hard puf- when confronted with tl ie question of moving or standing ip- eaRed rents. Th(JLverage rentals in Indianapolis i waitated by one real estate man, a -e $50 a month for half of a modern d uble house and $70 for a five-room stp&rtment. iln some apartments the monthly te Includes Ice, gas and electricity, wtll as heat. No organized effort has been made re toward forcing a reduction of ents. Notice There will be no hunting allowed on my premises without my consent. J. 8. Todd. WB HAVE several good used Fords and the prices are right. Call and see them At the Home of the Ford. Simpson Auto Co. FOR RENT APT& AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. ROOM AND BOARD tor men only us is.: webb. FOR SALE All kinds ot Insurance. J. H. Estea, 614 Main St., Phone 604. FCR SALE Cedar telephone poles and fence post. Chas. Lovegren, Scappcose, Ore. FOR SALE Furniture in eleven rooms, rooms and apartments, terms. Phone 657-R. FOR SALE 8 car loads Rid Spilt Ce dar fenoe posts 7 ft. 8 cents each, f. o. b. cars. Frank E. Blair, Lowell, Oregon. PENDLETON CI CLE CO. AJax, Re ,vere and Savige tires. 228 K. Court Street. L. S. BKNTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alta and Garden Sis. GERTSON & MAF1TT Oatis Super--Tred tires 639 Cottonwool. Vul canising and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY CO. Harney Oldfleld, Goodrich Stl vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup. 805 K. Court. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. K. Chase Co., 320 E. Court St. Telephone 209, Pendleton. CATERPILLAR WORK FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STORE It Will pay yon to come and see Fisher be fore buying new and second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St., Phone 198. LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In your town. CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garasre, Troy Laundry. 008 Garden Si. rarks Nebcrgnil, 219 West Webb.! iUUAlEHTlC LAUNDRY 401 E. Court St., Phono 80. We maintain a com-. CARPET CLEANING pl.eto mending department. AUTO TOPS FOR SALE OR TRADE Four 100 bu. bulk wheat boxes for common wheat rack Phone 1F4. O. H. Hampton. FOR RENT Two rooms downstairs. Phone 294-R. Notice I will positively allow no China Pheasant hunting on my place during the hunting season. ' H. C. DUNN. Tho Empire Dairy Dealing direct with the people. Good carefully handled milk with courteous treatment. Buy .tickets and save money. Phone 8F2, Sain Bittner, Prop. Leave orders Oregon Bakery or East End Grocery. Notice) Mrs. Lee's pleating works which ha? formerly been at 306 Post St., has been moved to 120 Lee St. and will be known hereafter as the Pendleton Bteam Pleating Works, Phones 5S8 or 1028-J. Notice Cozy Bus Autot Line, Walla Walla to Pendleton Walla Walla to State Line FREE State Line to Pendleton ..$1.60 Return Trip Pendleton to State Line $1.50 State Line to Walla Walla FREB3 Positively no charges made In the State of Washington or for any run ve make therein, as our competitors have barred us from the Washington highways on all "For Hire" vehicles. Otherwise our regular time schedule and fares will be observed. A. HOHCH, JR, Manager. LOST AND FOUND LOST A fur chpeker Saturday night, suitable reward offered. Leave at this office'. "' 1 LOST 34x4 4 rflivenowij Corfl tire, tube, rim and tire cover, between Pen dleton and Pl'ot Rook. Reward. Leave at E. O. Office. LOST An English pointer pup, black cheeks, black spot over right should er and a few black spots around tall Reward Address this office. Fiance 1 1 'l ll '.II I ll SEETHES WITH IlEVOMJTION. MEXICO CITY, Oct. 3. Appeals are coming from many sources for ac tion by the Mexican government to put an end to the upset condition In Yuca tan. Delegations of leading citizens, Including publio officials, have arrived in the capital from Medina and other points in Yucatan to present to Presi dent Obregon the facts In the situation. II is asserted that Yucatan has been In a state almost of anarchy for a year and that no man is safe unless armea. Among other things, the govern ment has been asked to Increase the number of federal troops in Yucatan. Although radicals are blamed for the present plight of the state, it is said that near famine has caused per sons who In normal conditions would be orderly to take part in tho frequent robberies from that section. Murders by members of radidl fac tions, it is asserted, are still frequent. FOR RENT Good 2 room apartment Call 401 Aura St. FOR RENT I suite office room ouire Penland Bros. In- FOR RHNT Sitting room, bed room and board for two. Phone 284-M. FOR RENT Four room apt., $1J per month for 2 months. Phone 730-W FOR RENT Nice outside sleeping rooms price reasonable 209 W. Webb St. FOR RENT Room in private home for ladies only. Phone 384-W, 315 Logan St. FOR RENT Oct. 1-215 room house also furniture for sale. Inquire 517 College St FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room with hot and cold water, close in. Phone 248-M. WANTED WANTED Furnished Phone 676. ApartmenL- BOARDERS wanted. Phone 662-W, 604 Thompson St. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonian office. WANTED Office safe. What have you to offer. Peoples Warehouse. WANTED Someone to take care of a 3 year old boy for a month, Phone 262-J. WANTED Two experienced wait resses at Railroad Boarding House, Rieth, Ore. WANTED Salesman for outside Sell ing See Mr. Pnlmer, Sunday a. m.; Warren's Musio House. WANTED man and wife or 2 ladies to room and board also will care for children. Phone 260-R. WANTED to lease or rent for 1 year, 5 or 6 room house unfurnished Roy Temple, Phone 614. TEAMSTERS wanted on highway at Holdman, $3.60 8 hours stage right to camp. Newport Const. Co. WANTED by widow, position as housekeeper in first class apartment or hotel. Best references. Address Box 606, Echo, Ore. WANTED Two ladles to travel, $30 week and expenses; 3 to work city and outside towns, $3 day. Room 15, Golden Rule Hotel, Mrs. Jones. WANTED Address of Mack O'Brien, last seen in Pendleton In November, 1929. Of most importance to locate him. Dady Mack answer If you see this. Mrs. H. J. C. WANTED A few reliable agents to sell our Automatic farm gato in THIS and surrounding counties. A snap for the right parties; will bear in vestigation. Address Walla Walla Automatic Gate Co., Walla Walla, Wn. WE ARE OFFERING a big reduction on rugs and stoves for one week only. Stevens Furniture and Repair Shop. 901 Main St., Phone 1158. RAM EARGAIN Pure bred yearling Lincolns, $7.50. Two year old Lin colns, also Colswolds, $10.00 crated. Shadeland Farms, Amity, Oregon. FOR BALE Seed wheat, Hybrid 2c, seed Fall Barley 2 hi a and Hulless Ball Barley 3MiC per lb. Address St. Andrews School, R. F. D. 1, Box 55, Pendleton, Ore. GADWA'8 AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Side Curtains 201 East Court St. WE WASH and clean tho finest rugs satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff rugs from old carpets, Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1677. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Cull at Sturgls & Storle's Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO TRANSFER C, E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Grlgg' Cigar Store. Phone 1075. . S'OR QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 82, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1059-R. For Sale at a Ibu'sruin One slightly used Vlctrola and one Brunswick. Terms to suit purchaser. We will guarantee these phonographs the same as the new ones. Economy Drug Co., Phone 711. FOR SALE 1 span gooa work mules, weight about 2250, one span good work mules, weight about 2150. Also Ford truck, 1918 model, flat rack with stakes on side, good condition. In quire Roy S. Neal. Bowman Hotel. MISCELLANEOUS MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella corsotlere Phone 324-W. Address 514 June. CANDYMAONQ business Start at home, everything furnished men, women, $30.00 weekly Boo Bon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. PLEATING Box pleated skirts pleat ed and made, also other pleatings, button hole3, and buttons covered braiding, embroidering and beading 120 Lee St., phones 588 and 1028-J. Hiiidcrman's Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Roock 8 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock 1 p. ni. Leaves Pendleton 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pendleton 6 p. m. French Restaurant, Pilot Rock Hotel. We carry anything. TIME CARD ' ' Pilot Kock Stage Evan Cameron, Prop. Leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 11:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. Leaves Pendleton 6:00 P. M., Leaves Hotel Pendleton and 4 French Restaurant. Pendleton-TJmatUla Auto gtge Leave Pendleton 8:00 11:00 4:00 Echo 9:15 1:15 5.15 Stanfleld :30 1:3S 1:81 Hermiston 1:65 1:56 5:55 Ax. Umatilla 10:16 1:15 1:15 Leave Umatilla, 1:00 12:00 4:00 Hermiston 5:20 12:20 4:20 Btanflal4 S:45 11:45 4:45 Echo 9:00 1.00 5:00 At. Pend. 10:16 1:16 1:11 Two Trips Sunday Leave Pendleton 8:00 a. m, and 4:00 p. m. Leave Umatilla :0 a. m. and 4:00 p. ra. Office Motor Inn GauaM 722 Cottonwood Bt, Phone 808 ' PELL ft DAWBOS Parcels delivered ta all war point, , ATTORNEYS GEORGE) W. COUTT3, Attoraaj Law, Room 17, Bond Bldg. at , M. SCHANNEP, Attorney at Law Office In Court House. KEATOR & RANDALL, Attorneys at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER & SMYTHB, Attorneys Law. 224 E. Court St. at FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law, flees In Dcspaln Building. Of- C0NTRACT0RS & BUILDERS PARKER & BaNFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con siructlon. 01 E. Third St., North Port land, Oregon. CLEANERS AND DYERS LIGHTING PLANTS DELCO Lighting System, Ackerman and Zurflub, Golden Rule Hotel Bldg. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING Mall order Mrs, Ralph Hassell, 417 Bush, Phone 916. PANTORICM PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 804 W. Webb St. Phone S21, Pendleton Ore. DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU is Just as lmpor ant as where you move. We aim. pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 339, Penland Broa. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. DRESSMAKING S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Dospain Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Federal Building. Kilte Dressmaking Gowns made to order. Evening gowns a specially. Hand embroidery. braiding and beading. Phone 242-M, 310 Aura St. Pearl Emmngene Smith EYE SPECIALIST PETERSON, Bishop & Clark, At torneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor IMu-dware Company. RALEY, RALEY & STEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Office in American Natiouid Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. TIME OAIin Wceton-Ptndlcton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. rn. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. a Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store( for Weston at 10:00 . a. m. and 4 p. m. a) O. H. McPHEHRm, Prop. rim cozy auto stage Pendleton-Walla Walla Faru $1.50 Leaves Pendleton 7:30 ft. m., Arrive Walla Walla 9:15 a. m. Leaves Pendleton 10:30 a. m Arrive Walla Walla 12:15 p. m. Leaves Pendleton 1:30 p. m., Arrive "Walla Walla 3:15 p. m. Leaves Pendleton 4:00 p. m., Arrive Walla Walla 6:45 p. m. Leaves Walla Walla 8:00 a. m. Arrive Pendleton 9:45 a. m. Leaves Walla Walla 10:30 a. m., Arrive Pendleton 12:16 p. m. Leaves Walla Walla 1:30 p. in., Arrive Pendleton 3:16 p. m. Leaves Walla Walla 4:00 p. m., Arrive Pendleton 5:45 p. m. Sunday Schedule 10:30 a, m., 1:30 p. m. and 4:00 p. m. From Pendleton and Walla Walla same running tlins as week day. Pendleton phone 463, Cosy Billiard Parlor. Walla Walla phone 24, Dacres Hotel. BWIlfflS FARM LOANS SNOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St., Real Estate, Firs Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. New and Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer In new and eo- ond hand goods. Cash paid tor second hand goods. Cheapest plaoa to buy household goods, Hit E. CoVt Phone 27 1-W. FURNITURE, repairing, ; packing, crating, upholstering, carpet clean Ug 7 years experience Grand Rapid Mich. Furniture Co. Att work guar anteed, 812 W. Webb St OSTEOPATH DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic), physh clan and Surgeon. J add Bldg., Tele phones, Office o08; Residence 88J. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. 3. MCAtec, the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros., Paint. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All maksa ot radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, C. Blasberg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good placa to - SHOE REPAIRING PENDLETON SHOE SHOP New method shoe repairing. We re build, not cobble. The best work xor the least money. 120 W. Court St., Pendleton, Ore. TAILORS SUITS AND O'COATS mado to measure 847 Main St. Phone 1008 Hubbard Squash, pound ... . . . ... . 3c Sweet Potato Squash, pound . ... . . . . 3c Prunes, box .., ............. . $1.00 Tomatoes, box . . . . . . . . ... . ... $1.50 Sal way Peaehes ;. . . . . ...... . . $1.50 Perfection Peaches . $1.65 The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. QC Phone v Grocery Dept CQQ Phone 000 Henry Lehrman. movie producer - ...o vi urginia Rappe, ac tress wfto died In a San Francisco hnfinltnl , . , - v., .uuowuig a uooze party in .the rooms of Rosroe 'Fatty) Ar buckle at a San Francixo hotel. BRINGING UP FATHER Reg. TJ. B. Patent Of floe THlb Nw CUY I'VE C I WELi. I -tA,w mr; I f WELL OlD YOU J2 &UT 1 HOALON, HIPED PER A COLLECTOR ECXtoi THt3 I CIT HIM TCjPY J, V,TH H1Nl . . HADN'T COLLECTED MOWNINC, ' 1 W e"LL' C 'J YU J 5 . L 1 By George McManus ftrCAUE. HE bMD IT woolo ee. A. colo Dr IM OA.MUAfii,Y CiFORH i i r--r -rot) i ' V .J