East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 03, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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il ! it.
t-he later takes the -vvor! hl'-s s.ui o:
a rich man and roforuis him. iist a
j The story required that a complete
three-riii" circus with all the fixings
i li.oii ct pli tnts to peanuts he created
at the world's film capital. The audi
ence, t'illij!',' the circus seats, was
, laively composed of visitors to L'ni
Iversitl City rom all owr the country,
; w ho availed tii 'inselves of the tinitiue
i opportunity to witness and participate
I in the miking of a pictul-j with one
lot" their fuvo.i; ftara.
she breaks the spirit of snarling beasts
Rives the Hiory an unusual twist that
brings it to a forceful cluu-ix.
1 Ilex Itoselll, who plays the role of
the girl's father, is the dean of Ameri
can animal trainers: It. Murphy,
who appears as M.ss Walton's assistant
in her animal act, was for years a not
ed master of the arena. Poseoe Karns
plays opposite the star as her leading
num. William Welsh, Parker J. Mc
Onnnell and C. Xorman Hammond
also are in the cast.
Am: Mahay am Monday
idys Walton will be at Hit' Arcade
itre oa Sunday and Monday in tho
piest screen story of her specta
r career. It is culled -The Man
As Mary ( iTnen, daughter of an
old animal trainer, the star is seen in
the lion's cimp with her father. How
I er", and waswrittun bvj 4bii Har
j Oxford. Harry M. Harris directed
5 1
Children, 5c
Adults, 20c
i i
' ALTA Today I
Children, 10c Adults, 35c I
I I-- I .?:
I ' vr
J firing "-5c-
f- -1 j TJL-' rrrrz
v I V' vi
-i ATS i k . 5
ivfOf;.v It r?
Directed by
Harry B Harris
S:arrinj! the
i'Pink Tights-
IF you want one delightful hour of
perfect entertainment, see this
eye-opening story of circus life from
the inside and a Girl who couUn't
be bluffed by Men or Lions
Athotiith "I.iltle Italy," Alice Brady's
latest picture play, is the story of life
in a t pieal Italian community of
thrifty, hardworking truck farmers
near a preat city market, a community
in which the woman usually lead very
s'niple, restricted lives, the star is
nevertheless given excellent opportun
ity to display her versatility.
In the opening scenes she appears
as the belle of the little colony, the
daughter of the wealthiest farmer in
the neighborhood, u tfirl hish-spirited,
impulsive, crude, overdressed. Next
she is shown as the bride of her weal
thy countryman, and an elaborate
hi'idal MTovn emphasizes the fact that
no money is being spared to make her
wedding the most gorgeous that has
ever occurred in that community.
In another scene Miss llrady mas
querades as a man, aad finally, ns a
young mother, agonizing over a very
sick baby, she reaches the very pin
nacle of tense emotional ifting.
"I.ittlo Itnly'' comes to the Alta
Theatre Sunday for a two day run.
Few pictures have been produced
with a belter or more carefully selec
ted supporting cast than "Scrap Iron,"
the Kit-Hi National attraction, starring
Charles itay, which is the feature for
one day at the liivoll Theatre, Sunday.
Kvory character, from the princi
pals down to the extras, hundreds of
them at that, was picked with the
greatest care. There were real pugi
lists, real timekeepers, relVreui and
fight fans.
Vera Ktedinan plays the part of
Midge lis few oilier girls could play
it, and she looks the part to per
fection the slim, tigerish slip of a
girl who has fought poverty all her
life and uses her wits to keep up ap
pearances. Tom O'Hrli'ii 'was a well-known
nmateur fighter some years hack and
is the embodiment, of the scrapper
who forges his way to the front hy
ehucr Htrenglh and absence of fear.
Slanton lied;, as the owner of the
Athletic Club, would convince anyone,
while his henchmen, as played by
Charles Wheelock, makes everyone
believe he Is the type of man Ire im
personates and ho isn't!
Tom Wilson, as the tin-eared ex
pugillsl, gives a reinaikahle perform
ance, Claude llerkely Is a natural boy tak
ing the role of Charles Hay's young
r I 1 H i I I I h"
! I 1 12 I h t X H-
K 4 - j
-v TVf.
tk. A, 5tlt.i
C3LAW V.ALTOJU75f Zi5fl8l
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 3. That old
saying "the early Mrd calclies the
worm" doesn't always apply, i. II.
Shaw, an ice peddler, will "tell the
Shaw drove his ice wagon through
the exclusive South Side residential
dislrict at 1 o'clock in the morning
loudly shouting "Ice."
More than ihal, witnesses against
hini in court testified they had been
awakened front their slumbers during
the stilly hours by hearing him shn'lng
in lusly voice "Cool off the corner
where you are" to the tune of that fa
miliar hymn "Krightcn the corner
where you are." Between stanzas
came the reverberating cry, "Ice,
hero's your ico man."
The Judge, while commending Shaw
for his "early bird" Idea, released him
with a warning not to start ice peddl
ing until breakfast time.
1 i x A iRO -'rUi i :
x a i &i -s we-', .i : .fcnj" i i mt a
! IN
Oct. 3.-Xevada cattle i I 1 "ii B l I "V '
it .
KLKO, Nev.
have not yet become used to airplanes,
which means that the Southern Pa
cific may be compelled to move Its
shipping pi as at Klko, whence thou
sands of head start for market.
The pens are adjacent to the land-
in:, field of the United States air mail ;
service and the cattle ra.sed on the
mountains mid having never seen a
'plan?, go wild when the big flyers
cou.e zooming down. The two-inch j
planks of which the pens are made tiro
no stronger than are needed to re
strain the frantic animals.
The greatest trouble is experienced
when the herds are being driven .n tit
the same time that a huge Lihntty mo
tor comes roaring from the sky. Cat
tle once inside the pens usually
come accustomed to the noise it
few days that thev remain.
How Rosa fought with her own soul to win her
right to happiness with the man she loved, a man
of the rival family, makes a story worth the tell
ing, a picture worth seeing.
be- X
lb ViL,. t ."
fit. W L
Willi ijjmmvtiMu w - ii..' . iimxmwiiiii'f u J ' tr'iiWM7gTBrowwMlwi!wri a tv A M". IV I m. i w i "i iu(rnj.mL.in nHKwaKnMiBRinHnaaaiMHManaMaMaH
I ..: , t.v., h. ' I r -n r -i - . -!,: I x v i J t'Zr v 1 Mil
f j:j.-C f - O .. ... - j. , 1 -z
--.'..'.-:.. .- " . : ' I 1 , L ' yiur-i-'- TfTOX? 1
eler, becomes hnohed in a Oe,s aol . - V, ' ".' " . : VlCyZ? "T'P W,PXS Of 00 "
w.-.ile .. T iiii aad her lover wen
to the In-other of I'tud a the. culprit. ' I ; ' '.,! ,
. . ....... i
' e , '. :' -' ... . " , i
i .
i v-,..' . ' '. .; '
: . ;;...
c s i. : li ' i r- - -
-Z'-- 1 i .a iy l.s
a J
( ... . . . i a . a
i:isier ,vca:l:e ;n t'l" Ji.-m of lat'l- per. T'
i-ru-e Trent, a s rail .:! n r.-'o. Mar r' d
to. in ill I'.n ..u :tv a:'i! d ii-:..--.
I '' ti t :C 4 . . -s il.lli i.l!t'i,.it
I ii a:i -''''
"The Road to London" -Grace
Darmor.d "Mr.
Barnes of New York" -"Nobody's
Wires"-" Appec ranees"
RKX KUWIANl) (I'.ryanl Wash
burn), an American in London on
business, vees a pretty girl i" n
car lu Id up by the trail!.-. 11. i
syes Hash him an S. n. W. call, and
he answers by balling a tai and fol
lowing:. Plie is tin- I. rely Kniily. and
ho Is being toned by her guardian,
the Duchess, to marry her cousin, th...
Ilex kidnap Lady Kmily in a bor
rowed cnr. They are pursued l!:r.ni '.li
London's busy stnels, ihrour.ii beau
tlful suburbs, iind Into the country,
many novel adventures bcl.tlliiis them.
They abandon tlie car for a motor
canoe and ride down t lu Tliaiucs, ect
tlng out at fd Windsor fustic. They
make their way to the village ot Wind
sor and axe married.
The Duchess catches up with them
In London and pays the marriage will
be annulled beraie-e Ladv Kmily Is un
der age. Put timid Lady l'mily das
aught BOtiio of Hex's nerve, nn.l she
finds a way to accompany her hus
band back to Aincilca.
Cirace Darinoinl
Miss Darmond halls froia the df iu-
Hnosler state, and her first, m tit' rr ex
perience was received as a member of
n dramatic stock company at the Kc.g-
Ush Opera llause In Indianapolis.
ter played Inadlnj Ingenue roles In
.(ml lourinif productions. Iler
ro vork has all bn In lea ling
i . , and for tho r.n' 'Car sl-e has
featured In nil ).r .-lt. Tli r
(':( st prcduct'on is ".Tno Ilea at ii ul
' .ml.ler.V
Mr. Barnes Of Xctv York"
i i the Htorv. which 1s a rhotoplav
w ifiuii of tin pluy of Ilia tamo name,
liariua. aa Ann r; au world tr.iv-l
eler, beeomes ImolM'd in a I'orsi. -no I
blood feud. It seems that a beaut i: ul 1
Bill has taken a vow to kill her bio'.'.i- j
er's murderer, lnvumstanci s ponii '
to the brother of 1'nul us the cubrit.
and Mr. hi r.i, s l.a's all l.e cull do to
i prevent l.'.e t orsi, an maiden troiii
j kiiltn.-; li e tirot.ier ot ilu'i irl lie loes.
J llow lie does, and the I'.nal tun :u'elo'. ;
j of the sUein of plots In w hl.'h V r.
iiarnes is li.e eeiilie, make tUis oae
come,; thrills el' t lie viason
I'or. ullhoi,t!i laetory oiecu boub-:
on tragedy, t!;. uhiniieal manner in
wliieii Tom Mo.ue pl.iys (!,e
ln-urtC'l Amen. all. w l: l .-cues in
volved in t'i vemlelia. k. c; s IVe stor..
oa a coiuei!,' I'.-i
"Noloih's K'd"
.Marv t a ry I .Mac .Mai ttin
quaint li'lle oreliall w no I . vl ul ,
orha ia:".'. w l.eie I.V v r; i :i e..v.
cralde ,r li r Si ; a.! ' .
bell. S't to a hell. uait. sli . a i
drink to a u-ll. 'I ,:e ,rst I.., o. .-.
shine which ever ea:ne into ( ie Lie
of tllU Kill, Wiioeo iuieiiiu,,e a.- u
1 uia;or d e.l v. i: '
Ul .I'.'.U r III i. at l :.e
i. is. .M.i.-y er. .!..:
oi i .:a.ia .e. i: -r l:r, Ie. I ie
.v no i:n; ar'.-'a I rs p.e. e o: ,;ee
.. 1" AM "ii. a w.al'.-.v i e .
iiiul - AoiK'. -r L.E H...I.1VIS- .e ; .,
' v irv 'le.l''.' ti er a d !e Ai'-.ri ie,;
' r I i. lie v, o. t.i n V . . i i ;i . ,.
' ' .a.e lll.il n.'l , 'i ;:. - t' ' . j . : t
I ''' d uiM a:e. al'..' a"l eee,': s::o,,-r line .,e . .
ose fmaer wu a .Vi.iry v. a. taken u.ay to a tojj i.oaiv
" ;iin ai aiu cs'
M:t..i:vi.. priva. sc.ret.iry o
a. u ;;..au r!o d, a weallhv
e. t. 1.....-...S t:i' jeaiousy
1 -cr.'ord in
I'liia-as to hvr. l;lty is mi
a'. '!; .'..aa.a se.r.'.ly lovxi
s... d' v-'dv bt liert.vrt Sea.
ar :..levt. a: 1KO'. ;o;;s ll'ol
1 1 r'..eri is In in,; f.i:
en is it; an eilorl to I.e.',
a.,ia.'es aitu vv.ieti ite ta-t r. r
o.i.:L..-.-.e i to t.utid u i-iK aK.si
, a .d a Ci'.u.a o:' tneacre.. tl" ;".-e-s
to i.t:y and llie.r m;i::lk4 fu.
to prevent Kitty from oasning t he Harding property and two crooks
I'hei'k, i-.e raises tlie amount thereof. ! g-it an option from Bob's mother for
T;,e check falls into the hands o.' a a small cash p.lyment. Almost im
si.ai'i.er who cashes it. Kitty, whoj mediately afterwards the R. IU
!ms left her lius! and because of hi j agents offer a bis price for the prop
drinking, confesses M Sir Wilii'im j erty and liob rushed off to buy th i
o: ,! '-lt he raised the check, in order to j option from the promoters. They ;
luse of her has- , '.er ih.m.iihi. ana iu mii.-r.aavr; agreed II Boo would throw the college
i.uo i.i s ine v. un o.i oi.it.ioi " , loottall game, as thev had bet a mall
vltnin he is insanely jcaljs. kanis fortune on the opposiu? team. Bob
of his wife's sacrifice. He be-s hrr is ,isulted at this and a fight follow,
forgiveness ami the two. aided bv Sir T).0 rr(lo!iS Kidnap Uob to prevent kW
W i;:;a:o. So to Canada where one need claying. He taps the telegraph wtr,'
not Keep up a ;;, ran.-es as Km- ;0R1 g i touch with Rna Bhe
on- do.:., .in hoit-ft J;V work. Lmv.d f,,ct, hi, ,De aRd .., . thrm.
o) ntol Mary Ulyr.ne uiijr l.,ii,. .... .i,.. .i .
tfiacipl perls. ; htl! field in time to t.l..e.ii '
Johnnie Walker 4
1 h.v
:l. c.
a i
th" Cuu, le l.ve
...'i ford is k i ' 1 - .1
! i t rit.d St V ii
H'C!. for her las;
1 I vp Wire,"
.jo', 1 'r-i..i7 ati.i ut vuet arc .lUrph e. te aas.
in love. He Is n noted football player' l ockiliffe FrKe ' ,',
at cohege. and s!,o is a telesntplt op-' When some a-ltnirei dLt"- Rc
era:.--. I;.','. f-it'-or il.es a:.d. doe. cKffe Fd!owv ti-Cave-nsn Cavalier,
t::p2ivrest. he or she. had tin in;.i;ation. for It la
ce niith !cr colics t':;pairea, h
week s s... it-.- lucn lie .:.ud negle. t,e.i , so Lion lool.s for v. ork. 1 in roles of Just this character that Uk
- lo ;ay. Her'uvrt t'ecooiva jealuuu uud ' A railroad u auuut to run throush' popular leadin; n-.an, U at hit bcji.