4w n People Here and There - . ; . , xioxundpr Thompson, W-ll knowotyeon received. They air ,chunged 'ortland hum is a visitor in Temlle-j Kpiiio In form from Ifoifc year: . ton today, i O. M. Rice and Frunk Curl aro ren alotun men who wont to Portland ye terduy onl Wo. 17. V " V Kennedy IMcadH :Nit Guilty . . ,; Kenneth Kennedy, ; chursodT with grand larceny, entered i-1 plea of .not trulity this morning In circuit court. Jle Is-oHorifed with hnvlng taken some hwneii from an!' Indian,. Kennedy 'vratr a eoiiteatarit ; In ..events 'i In the Bound-Up. , 7, Harry .IVairner, who sells Apporsop automobllex and who U wu)! known in I'endleton is in the dlty. a m, 1? w -Vun lff t-iln'mrtrnlnir fur Fttiurllcs Iuy line Carson, WdHh., whero ho will spend f -eor-fre French f and. ; ; Stolhi .French the winter with his daughter, Mrs, C, H. Stewart. D. K. tlllliiBH, Inspector , for the Etna L,lfo( Insurance Co., Is '. taking care of business for his coitlpkny hore today. Ie was a spectator .'at the Hound-Utf Saturday. . .. , 8 , i .;. ? Bill Haplcy, the snue f Harney county, was n I'endleton visitor dur ing the Round -Up and remained here until last 'evening. He Is one of the best known men In Kastorn Oregon and has a largo stock ranch In Har ney county, ; ' 4 . 1 flEWS OF THE COUNTY ' 1 OFFICES AND OFFICERS 1 ' : r , 'i Indians, entered plea of guilty to a charge of larceny this morning In cir; cult court and were fined $1(11 each by Judse G. V. Phelps. , They paid. The Indians were the: centra) char acters in a Saturday night drunken fight several .weeks since, and the po lice finally shot French's horse from uflder him after a chase in the out skirts of the bity. - - ... Schools All Kuplicd. The schools of the county are an supplied Lwith ttsachcrs, a statement from the county superlntenoeni 01 schools indicates. New registers for fhn ime at the teachers have been re ceived u the office.' The annual and the monthly report blanks heve alxo Many Manor, Canes. ' As a result of the activity of county and federal officers during Round Up week, severa) lliiuor cases were up for trial-today in the office of Jusltce Jo H, IYrkes. Edwin Iavin was fin ed $200, John roe Hertford JfiO, Hen ry Kaufrman 1 40; ' Charles kramcr, 50i'4dhn Doe had homebrew on his pluce which coHt him $75 and John Dbe'fcmlth paid $150 because the of ficers -found - homebrew and whiskey in his place Marring Iilw-nscs.' v During Raturday of Hound-I'p, the county cltrltfs Office was besieged with the. usual number of applicants for marriage licenses. Among thpse who secured the poveted permission of the state to marry were Jtalph Bumner Mullory, telegraph operator, Portland, and Klsie Stone, telegraph operator, Pendleton r Fred Higgle, mechanic of Pendleton, and Kleanor Mildred jv -AFTER EUERV j t j j 1Efir WRIGLEVS ybT Newest ( ,, A.:.. Creation f ? 5c JiW dcl.dous peppermint flavored susar Jacket aroend r : permint flavored c1gvv ln2 UQ1. Will aid your c? petite and dige&lon, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. pL-. gL B129 ,i,n,.. .-.. - . LS TheRajUotiasts Morgan, a stenographer of Frecwatcrj Allen It, Wheeler, a farmer of Walla Walla, and Nellie Eylln Dillon, a stu dent; Loreu Hule, farmer, HeppneK and Deona Rhodes of Pendleton; Uu fus Ornduf, farmer of Holdman, and Winifred Marlow; William Leban dour, laborer, of Portland, and Helon M. Troy, Pendleton. If If Permitted by Court, Prose cution Intends Going. Into Accused Woman's Past Life TWIN FAI.LE. Sent. 26. IV. P.) The trial of Mrs. Lydla Southard, the alleged feminine "bluebeard," opened today. She was specifically charged with the murder of her fourth hus hiinil. Kdward Mever. but the state alleges she also poisoned three previ ous husbands, as well as a stepenua and a brother-in-law. She has plead ed not guilty. Life insurance is held by the state as the motive for the al leged crimes. At thn tlmn of her arrest. Mrs. Southard expressed the belief that she was a typhoid carrier, the baby, hrnthnr-ln-law and two husbands hav ing died from such disease, according tn the death certificate. Southard, the woman's fifth husband petty officer in the navy was with itta swifchhoard. including' all fixed pluTvincent nd opert,n.B CT?ClT ?' a per ceiii, in i:tiiiivc- - t for primary and $8.60 for secondary a petty officer in me navy for .80i000 horsepower; $11.65 his accused w.re as m. vr.a. 0pe..cu. .atv . for geconda FEMININE 'BLUEBEARD' ALLEGED MURDERER OF HUSBAND GOES ON TRIA! 'nibfi.Durrell Cannon, Sat. time, 4:06; total 12:16 8-5. Second. Hob Lee, Sat. time, 4:15 1-5, total 12)88 3-6. 3 " Third. Paul Landrum, Bat. time, 5:12; total 13:35 1-5; , f , ; ; Iloiind-Vp ixny. ' ' First, T,ce Mink on Mysterious Girl. Second, 15111 Mandors on Our Leader. .Third, Darrell Cannon on Grayson. ' Wild Ilrsi; Itacc. First, i?ob Krickson. Second, Darrell Cannon, Third, J. H. Strickland. Steer Itulldoggliig. First,' Jaklma Canutt. Total two steers, 52 1-5. . Second. Jim Mosscy, total two steers 5. Third, Frank McCarroll, total two steers, 66 S-5. i Stwr lcnp.ng. First, Tom Grimes, time two steers. 1:14. Second, Ray Eell, time two steers, 1.28. Third, Johnny Judd, tlmo two steers, 1:35 3-5. Pony rapntth Fimt, Harry Walters, Saturday time 2:06; total 6:20 1-S. ' Second. Darrell Cannon, Saturday time, 2.07 3-5; total 6:21 4-5. Thlry, Shorty Hall, Saturday time, :09 4-5; total 6:30 1-5. Quick Cliange, First Rradcn Gerking. Second, Vernon Wade. Cowgirls' Pony, First, "lorcna Trlckey. Second, Kitty Canutt. Cowboys' Standing Juoo. First. Harry Walters. ; Second, Kenneth Kennedy. IVnnln are crowding into the city to hnr the irial nroceedlngs. The pros ecution, if permitted by the court, In woman's past life, showing In aetan how the death of each husband oc curred. '' ; , ' ' WIX.VKItS IXll ItOUXU-lT (Continued from page 1.) EXGIXEEirS ItEPOKT (Continued from Page 1.) for nrimarv and $7 for secondary pow er for 250.000 horsepower; $11.40 for primary and $6.85 for secondary pow ecution, If permitted Dy tne court, in- ,- - - horBenower; $10.95 for tends going deeply into the accused fr fJ GATES HAD LITTLE '; HOPEOF RECOVERY Oregon Man Suffered for Five Year Now EaU, Sleep and Work Fine. "I eat better, sleep better, and work better than I have In years and Tanlac deserves the credit," said Theodore Gates, It. F. V. No. 3, Box 113, Port land, Ore. "I had stomac-h trouble in lta worst form for at least five years and for the past two or three years was In such bad shape that half the time I wasn't ablo to do any work at all and was scarcely able to drag myself around. 1 d hmv.lv onnuirh to sustain life, and even then I suffered tortures at times from indigestion. I was so nervous 1 got very little rest either day or night and in the mornings 1 would get, up with a splitting headache. "I had very little hope of ever being well again when I started on Tanlac and It certainly is remarkable the way this medicine has rid be of all my troubles and fixed me up so that I feel better than I have in many years. Tanlac has certainly done a good Job 'or me." T..-ion I. nll In Pendleton by Thompsons Drug Store and by leading druggists everywhere. concluded the semi-finals with a spectacular ride on John Day. In the Indian squaw race there were two. spills, one ffirl falling the first time around, and another beiny spill ed on the next lap. Neither one was injured, and the crowd gave tnem a rnn-j nf nuiil'iuKp as they lumped up following . their falls. The riderless steeds kept in the race. Stage Coai'h Itaee Joe Cantrel driving for Minthorn duplicated his success of Friday in this spirited event and took the honors from Jim Koach who was the winner Thursday. There was a spill when the off wheel horse on the Roach team fell, but there was no damage result ing and the horse finished the race. Time 1:20 4-5. Cowgirls' llclay I lace Interest in this event was particu larly keen. Makcl Strickland had the best total time for the two previous iiv with 7.65 3-5:' Lorena Trickey u- ond with 7:57 3-5: Kitty Ca nutt hid time of 8:22 2-6 for her two races run Thursday, ana tTiaay ana wus third. I At the start ; Trickey got tire lead by her maneuvers, Canutt was second Strickland tnird. in xne primary and $6.60 for secondary pow er at 375,000 horsepower; and $10.25 for primary and $6.15 for secondary power for 500,000 horsepower, if th cost of imDrovement to navi gation is borne toy the government to the extent of $3,940,000, the capital cost will be reduced to $12,100,000 for 180.000 horsepower and $27,9b,uwu for 600,000 horsepower with the inter mediate figures In proportion, ine cost ner horsepower would also be pro portionately reduced. Market for 10 wcr A market for 130.000 horsepower of secondary power may be developed by pumping to the 150,000 acres of irri gable lands adjoining the power site. A profitable market, for- .,uuu hnracunwer nf nrimarv Bower and 130,000 horsepower of secondary pow er must be developed to make the pro posed first unit installation' of 180,000 horsepower economically successful. A profitable market tor .,. horsepower of primary power and 250,000 horsepower of secondary pow er must 1)0 found before the proposed installation of 375,000 horsepower can be pronounced feasible. If all the railroads in Oregon were electrified it would require only about 115.000 horsepower to operate and for Washington 190,000 horsepower, or about 35 horsepower per mile of track. If existing power companies now operating in the principal cities of the Northwest were to connec. wun im plant when constructed, it is believed n. cons iderable nart of the secondary power could be used to replace power . . . Cltalolrln nA " -C1 TI.-1 . second lap, nuwever, . power could be used to replace power ed up and after the urst cnange Bi;noff generated 'by the steam plants ahead of Trickey but lost her lead by ..i.jmateiv much of the primary a length, Canutt dropping back several coud b absorbed the power icngins. iiij market in this section grows. again. After the last change Mabel . bHc , Strickland's horse went through tne ted , the UnltttHla project for .........4 ha nrana nilfl ttlA tlODU- ' rum e iiiuumu " . - - .fh fniiowlnsr reasons: lar favorite lost her race after a nara , lirincinal tiea of the North- ride. Iw.st which are the present markets for hyydro-electric power, are locaieu Saturday's Uesulls l'ony IIwd First. IXirrel Cannon. . Second, Dttve Hearn. Third. Harry Walters. Junior Cowboy Itaee First, Elwood Kirkpatrlck. Second, Carlton Luck. Third, Lewis Real. Mag ta -li Itacc First, Joe Cantrell, ! U I 1 Second, Jim Iloach. Cowgirls' Hdny First, Lorena Trickey, Saturday time 3:66 2-5, total time 11:54. within a radius of 200 miles of the proposed plant Portland, Salem. Ta- coma, Seattle, Spokane, vvaua nana, Lewiston, Pendleton, Ontario and Burns. The plant would be constructed at annroximately the center of the pres ent constructed railroad mileage in the northwest, with two transconti nental lines passing the power site. The electrification of these lines wouiu go far toward financing the project. The plant would be located at ine function of the railway lines leading southeast enormous shipments of phosphate rock from the rich IJaho dcoosits may be required for tne mak ing of fertilizer. Surplus power would pump an tne water needed for Irrigation. Aid) to Xavigatlon. v.viiraHnn would l)e improved by drowning out Umatilla rapids and af fording a slack water pool above tne dam nearly to the mouth of the bnake river. Another dam below the first is suggested as an ultimate possibility, the- entire output of power to De uw- ,A in tho manufacture OI fertilizer. Cheap barge transportation to the In land Empire would thus be made fea sible without cost to the general pub lic expect for locks In dams bunt pri marily for commercial purposes. As the Columbia is in flood at about a time when other Northwest streams are low the project might prove inval nohiA tlen In with a suner-power line connectine all existing hydro-electric .,-,.),., in tho Northwest. Power could be sold at cost, and the rates of existing companies reduced in propoi- tion to the saving made. In the introductory statement by John H. Lewis, these paragraphs oc- n ire issuine millions of dollars in hnnna for the construction of nign ways which will be a burden upon tne .,v,c,,.a- and which roads may ul timately have to be repuilt before the hnnris are naid off. We are expending millions of dollars for the improve ment of our rivers and harbors, with h,, uttift nrnftnpct nf a. sudden indus- tirnl cvnansion unless we have avail able some form of cheap power, it, therefore seems high time that wc heirln to lnuuire It some new poncj on mint he wiselv adopted, such lnanine- the nuhlic credit for the con struction of water power projects whlnh will hp self supporting and ul timnielv return the entire Investment, lor perhaps the subsidizing of private capital which will undertake tne con struction of the first few large power -m lust as we subsidized the con LinMinn of tho. first transcontinental railways. Or, perhaps, some form of tinn with orivate capital may be considered a better policy for the people of the Northwest to pursue than the present policy of restriction nnlv. "In the absence of such a policy this great natural resource is going to waste, while we are shipping in from o-rent distances, coal and oils to run nur Indiic.tries. Our country Is sparse lv settled and we cannot hone to offer special advantages such as cheap coal or oil to attract new industries, it we are to secure the increased taxable wealth to share with us the cost of roads, harbor improvements now un der way, we should carefully consider ivhnt wb have to offer such new cap ital, and the conditions which we must compete with in other places.' QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION We Thank You - for the patience shown during our rushed days of last week and hope that you all were pleased with our service; but should therar be; anyone who has a complaint to offer we will appreciate your letting us know and you will find us ready and willing to make good. Now that it is all over and we ire again down to good solid business, you will find here the best mer chandise and best service possible and we solicit ,- patronage. it PRIME STEER BEEF QUALITY GROCERIES FRESH PRODUCE DAILY t Pendleton Trading Co. FhOne 455 the Sign of Serrlc "If It's on the Market We Have It" B. . . - - it. .. ul anrl anti t n on hi . HTlim Second Mabel Strickland, Saturday iu mo hu. - Hecono, Mauii , come o. nnd many (penalized , total t ine .M U . I. commo(mie8 essential to Indus- Tnira, iuu ui, , , develonment while from the 4:09 1-5, total time is:-- -. - . mey're Wearing Combs in Hats! I IN BED EIGHT MONTHS If Cause Change of Life. How Lydia EPinkham's Vegetabk Compound Got Me Up Afton, Tenn. "I want other suffer iTifr vntnpn tn Irnov whnt. Lvdia E. Pink- niMii"iuiMPii nam s vefeuon Compound has done for me. During the Change of Life fwas in hen for piffht months and had twe good doc tore treating me but thev did mt no good. A frieno advtsed me to take Lydia E. Pinkham'f Vegetable Com pound, which 1 did, and in a short time i felt better. I had all kinds of bat spells, but they all left me. Now wher. I feel weak and nervous I take the Vege table Compound and it always does me good. I wish all women would try it during the Change of Life for I know it will do them good. If you think it will induce some on to try the Vegetable Compound you may publish this letter. " Mrs. A. Keller, Afton, Tennessee. Women from forty-five to fifty years of age should take warning from such symptoms as heat flashes, palpitation of the heart, smothering or fainting spells, or spots before the eyes, and pre pare their system for this perfectly na tural change by taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It has helped many, many women through this trying period, just as it did Mrs-keller trrn ktraordinaiy Values in DIAMOND RINGS 18 K. WHITE GOLD MOUNTINGS $5oe2 T5-2- iooes aJ The LargMt D-unoo'. uelen Thanks to You We are going to take this time to extend to our many customers a hearty thanks for tne spirit you displayed in putting your orders in early. It has convenienced us a great deal, ana we appreciate it. THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 739 Main Street 187 Pendleton CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor , I , ' , Fords Fords USED CAR AND TRUCK BARGAINS 11918 Truck ....$275.00 11918 Truck - 11920 Roadster, starter $320.00 11919 Touring, starter $300.00 11919 Touring JJJJS 11919 Roadster $175.00 11919 Roadster 8K5 11918 Roadster " 1 1917 Roadster ia.w These are the lowest price- ever quoted on used Fords. Come In and see them. They are worth the price asked. . YOVRS FOR A FORD Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson St. SERVICE Phone 408 QU ALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department ; mm Where do ym think they are wearing Spanish comb this season? , In their balrt Vcs, but not only there. In their hats, too! Suxanne of Paris has sent over a purple velvet toque which has a big tortoise s.ielt Spanish comb thrust in It at Just the same utle Signorita Sevllla weara It in her hair. Another has a big Spanish comb made ot velvet at th back treii which falls a veil like a mantilla. Surely, tt la to itaral Pay Cash Receive More Pay Lesi Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 Florence Avery Rice Dramatic Soprano Pupil of F X. Arena Voice Placement Master Diction Studio Phone 408 Terklna Av. 791-W If you have it in you to save, you are already a success. If you haven't cultivate the habit you can't afford to fail. Start trading here pay cash cash pays. You will be forced to save we do it for you Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 9AQ V. Pnnrt Phone 880