EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING,; SEPTEMEEB 26,1921., PAGE TUtlES , Newsotes of Pendleton CAfiKNDAn OF EVENTS ' Oct. 4.- Entertainment Umn- , tllla County Druggists' Assocla- Hon at dinner by Pilot Hock Commercial Association. October 7- Seventh Annual Dairy and Hog Show, at Her- mlston. surcd. The dance, under tho now plan adopted thifj yef.r, has paid better than It did last year, much mine space be ing avuilabfo'thiul formerly. , Tiro Ch'U'f lo"J"oiiwntloii. W.'FJ. Itlngold. chief of the fire dc. paitment, left Sunday at noon for lt0 KtrbiKH to IIuIho. . . The strings of home which in p. Pearcd here In the racing eventa dur Inff the Hound-Up have (tone to Boise where they will appear there this week. The strings Include the Drnro- nener, iuccarly-ijindrum and other Block. The horses were loaded Hutur ;day night. I Vancouver, 1!, C, where he will be for a 'week In ntteridinco at the conven tion of fire department heads. )ur lug his absence Arthur Keenan, assist ant chief, will be In charge of the department. succeeded In extinguishing the , fire before the fire department arrived. 1IIP.V Canyon Successful. The financial returns from the four nights of Happy Canyon will make the show a success this year, a prelim inary estimate made by Mark Harthel, In eharfte of checking the accounts, In dicates. The full report of tho re ceipts and expenditures will not be ready for several days, according to Mm Harthel, but enough -data 'wnsj nvullable this morning to make the financial success of tho night show ns- Rcnm:oniK(H Never Ktoppcl. The homeseekers' excursion, carry ing fanners from the Middle West, did not stop In l'cndlcton this morning. The party was ho small that It was considered Inudvlmible to take the members over I'matiya county. The excursion was put on under the aus pices of tho state chamber of commerce. Camp Ktovo Overturns. No property damage resulted from a fire In a, shack owned by Mrs. Bowles at the corner of IJlleth and Court streets Sunday morning. The ninsc had Its origin from the overturn. Ing of a i-amp move, but neighbors Tnklng Slock Homo H will take most of this week to rc turn the stock used here during the llound-Up to various parts of the county. The work of sending the horses home was begun yesterday and Is a tonsideiable task. ' . - Hotmail is Visitor. Alfred Holman, owner of the San rranciseo Argonaut, was here Satur day for the Hound-l'p. He was form erly editor of the Portland Oregonlan. .Mr. Holman attended the peace con ference and' met many world famous men, among them Lloyd George. J, -id- o ' -101101101101101101101101- Finish Your Canning Operations Now . Place your orders with us and we will try to get just what you want. We still have a few Golden Stale Mason, Wide Mouth Ball Mason and Glass Caps. "YOU CAN DEPEND ON "101" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 E. Court Street Phones 101 Private Exchange Connects liotli Departments 101 T0I 10T 101 101 101 T0I TOT TOT - Hoys Are Hurt. lien Smith and Wald6 (litis) Dyers. who hold the end positions on the Pendleton high school football team. are both crippled and will not be out lor practice for several weeks. Smith suffered a strained vertebra durinc practice, while l'.ycrs has a snrafned ankle as the result of an auto acci dent yesterday when he was hit by a Ford. Miss Moons- Visits. Miss Anna Shannon Monroe, Ore gon woman who has gained a nation al reputation from her work as an au thor, was here Saturday for the llound-l'p. Miss Monroe is author of Happy Valley," and other books and stories with a Western flavor, as well as numerous articles on women's sphere. She has written many stor ies about Pendleton. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 73 QUALITY SERVICE PENDLIOTOVS LEADING BTORB , . Use the Thoncs Grocery, 2 Phones 520 Other Dcpts. 78 In Preparation for Colder Days to come we are offering you just the things to keep you warm and comfortable, and yet in the latest styles and most useful things. Make your selections now while our stocks are fresh and new, and remember you get the best of quality at about what you want to pay. Navy JJlue Dress Goods i $1.25 to 5.00 . New Fall Coatings 3.50 to 7.50 Hoy Scouts Are Successful. Members of the Hoy Scout troops cleared about $800 through their Bell ing of programs during Round-l'p. The boys, In Uniform. Conducted their work in an orderly manner and were ft contrast to the usual program ven der. Hev. J. M. Cornelison, one of the scout masters, praised the work of the boys and says that he considers them a credit to Pendleton. Injured In Auto Aocldent Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Young, and Charles Towne suffered Injuries Sat urday evening when Mr. Towne's car skidded on the pavement on Webb street, throwing the occupants out. Mr. Young was bruised and his should er blade broken, and he is at St. An thony's hospital as a result. Mrs. Young was bruised, and Mr. Towne's ai m was dislocated. Miss Irene Ilea, another passenger, was uninjured. New Shoes For Fall Before many weeks you'll want to switch to high shoes. Most men like to buy leisurely be sure of what they are getting and then "forget" 'em. New Fall Shoes are ready ; drop in any time, try them on. You're assured of tyle fit and comfort. : Priced from $5.00 to $10.00 ' BUSIER BROWN SHOE STORE "SIIOIS THAT FIT AM) AUK FIT TO WFAK" 040 Main St. lYiHlli'ton, Ore. Hunting Season Opens September First Police Oinrt Business Urisk. ' The aftermath of the Round-Up was settled this morning In police court when the cases of persons ar rested Saturday night by the city of ficers and spec.al deputies were set tled. MoreTfan 100 In fines accrued to the city strong-liox, a majority of the offenses being for drunkenness. Some fighting was reported, the show er about 2 o'clock, however, cooling the ardor of the boisterous crowd. Several physicians are said to have Ijad special work in the way of hiking stitches In head wounds, but no- seri ous accidents were reported. iff 'DESffiNER FUNERAL SERVICE FOR WAR HERO WILL BE HELD IN PENDLETON SUNDAY The remains of Krank O. Parkes, Pendleton soldier, who was killed In France, were forwarded from Hobo ken Sunday night, information receiv ed by his mother, Mrs. .Jennie Kisher, Indicates. It is thought that the date of arrival will be Friday. The funeral services will be held Sunday at the Kpiscopal church, with the American Legion in charge, and the sermon will be delivered by Hev. Alfred l-ockwood, rector of the church. All ex-service men have been requested by Commander P. I,. Idle man to be present at the services, in uniform if possible. Troop I) men are especially urged to turn out in honor of their former comrade. His com rades will serve as pall bearers. COAT 3281 TRANSFER 10527 STWOARD-PtEWWE PATTERNS INCUDISG BELROBE METHOD 1 A splendid showing of high grade Coating in the newest weaves and colors. Make up your coat now and get a full sea son's wear out of it. Bolivia, Pcco Plush. Silver tone, Goldtone, Camel Hair, Ve lour, Suedetex, French Flannel, Tricotex, Broadcloth. , Outing Flannels 15c to 25c : Big range of colors, light and dark, good patterns, the BEST ' OF QUALITY, 27 in. and 36 in. This is the time of year you need outing pajamas and night gowns. Make your selection from our stock. Indian Robes $9.00 to SI 3.50 A beautiful showing. If inter ested be sure to have a look at our assortment. rites' ! " 'AM f ' Mnnsingwear 1 . t Old Jack Frost is in the air, so dress yourself and the kiddies vvarm. Wear Munsingwear, it's the best kind. Children's . Women's . . 73c to $3.50 85c to $8.51) Excellent qualities, unusual values, the newest weaves in all the shades of navy. Make up . your dresses now. You will do well to select them now as the stock is complete'. Tricotine, French Serge, Suedetex, Tricotex, Broadcloth, Batiste, Albatross, Epingle, Ot toman Cord, Wool Taffeta, etc. Blankets It's blanket time. Our blan kets keep you warmer. Cotton blankets, wool finish blankets and wool blankets $2.75 to $25.00 Comforters $2.50 to $9.50 Large size, best .of quality, beautiful designs, "well made and sanitary. t Woolen Hosiery 75c to $2.50 Black and heather of brown and tan mixed,, in all sizes. Now is a good time to Wear woolen hosieiy. Children's Wool Hosiery 95c to 81.00 ! - Children's heather mixed wool X hosiery, this is something new I and it is the very thing to keep I the children warm. 2 - , - - Baby Crib Blankets in the woolen mill cribs, or the little colored nursery rhyme t blankets on plain white, well made and full size $1.50 to $8.50 l"OI,K'i; KKFl Si: TO KXl'UMX SHATTMC, Sept. 26. (lr. P.) The policed refused to explain the arrest of Frank Irvln, customs inspector, and I.. C. Alberta, a salesman, on open charges. Irvln was arrested yester day and Alberta today. The authori ties hint that the arrests are the re sults of a mysterious probe. ) the Let TTs Show You Our Larger Assortment of WINCHESTER GUNS AND AMMUNITION They Get the Game. MAItK VI' AXOTHF.K OXK. NKV YORK. Sept. 20. (t. P Kuth made his 57th homer In Yankee-Cleveland gajne today. IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATION SAN FRANCISCO ARTIST DONS ORIENTAL MM h ASS KUKhU tM AU 1 1 i- h I- nv v y m IN ORDER TO APPEAR 'NATTY' AS WELL BY WlLUAM G- CAYOR ('International News Service Ftaff Correspondent.) she took tip the ne"iV clothing idea. "Paints, canvass and other necessities of an amateur artist are so expensive, I and I had to economize some way, I decided it should be in the line of RAV FUANCISCO. Cal., Sept. 26. uress reiorme.s ami ---'r ,iiff,.,.n in cost, as sun- 1 - - ' 1 compared to American viutura, u f)ne of the articles of food with which the wa.ste is grealest is bread. In almost every house- hold quantities of this are "left over" every day. Frequently they are put into the garbage pall; more rarely they are made into bread pudding or a few are used in scalloped d:shcs or in similar ways. It is not generally known, however, that dried bread can be ground in a coffee mill or food chopper and used in place of part or all of the flour called for , In siiiRcrbread, , and cookies, pancakes, and bis- . cults, or in thickening; soups, satires, etc. This fact has long- ! been familiar to commercial bakers anil there is no reason why the housewife should not practice the same enonomy that they do. R. V. n. i r . . Pit sio p 1" i )rood for Sale IV CAR l,OTS Yellow Tine, Fir and Tamarac F.Alt 1, (.ll,l,Mi:US, Pendleton found themselves blinking in the light of reality, and .Miss Doris Both well, talented artist and a member of t?an Francisco's Greenwich Village younger set certainly started some thin? when she appeared on the streets in a costume entirely new and novel to Americans in the line of wom en's wearing apparel. Miss Hothwell's .carb Is nothing more than the costume of an oriental woman of the belter middle class and solves the enigma for her as to the high price of clothing. Phe wears coat 'and trousers just as Hie women of San Francisco's Oriental section do. '.My change from the American style was the result tif necessity," said the coy little miss, in explaining why I'mlcrclotliiiig I'n necessary Miss Bothweil's costume consists of trousers, coat and top-jacket of silk, without sleeves and usually of some Pleasing color. For an Oriental ward robe is very compact, and several changes of clothes can be carried in the same space as can a fewer num ber of changes of American clothes. The wardrobe of Miss Rothwell con fists of about four suits and will an swer for every occasion, she says. "Another feature is that no under clothes in the way of skirts are needed, and they are very comfortable, more so than anything I've ever worn before," she said. "And the thins that tickles me it that I do not have to as tonishing." wear hat kt' fc!6ves. So jar Miss-i;othweH has not taken, clothes, and rather like the id'--a, to tho, Oriental shoer but announces concluded. ,J . she is having shoes or ratner. ( san dals made to order, which will cost only 51.75 per pair. "When ft is cold all you have to do it put on a couple of extra suits." she explained, in answer to the query as to how she kept warm on cool even ings. Xot only is the youn artist Oriental in her mode of dress, but also ar ranges her hair much as do the women of the Orient, and wears heavy jade earrings. , Her plan is fast spreading to other American girls, for Chinese materials wear like iron, and the cost is a great deal less. "It seemed unusual at first, I admit, but 1 -haS to )lve Oin'Mgh cost of she 1 ne (imereiu-e iu,'- i""111 s'.iepi clothes is about half, and for V evening dress the margin runs even . higher, she explained. j "I bought a street suit of wool and i silk for $10 and a work suit for $3," i she said, exhibiting the garments, "and 1 they look rather natty, too," she added. "For an evening dress. American , style, one would have to pay at least j J 100, while I got a corded silk suit,; Oriental style, for $0. For the $100 ! yon could secure about the best ma- ! tcrials made in China and Japan," she said; ' ' - - " Punch the Clock, Mr. Congressman DR. LYNN K. B LAKES LEE Chronic and Nervous Disease mni Dimsaei of Women. X-Itajr Electrk Therapeutics, Tempi Mdg. Boom II rhon 411 , Rnpresentatlve Kissel of New York is pushing his bill to have con gressmen paid cn n attendance basis. He would have a time clxk, with a card for each member of Congress, installed at the Capitol. Hera ho is, oa the right,. duuonsik rating sucb a clock, to other congressmen.. STERLING For two years we have been trying to obtain for our Sterling Silver which we could .sell at a comparatively b Xow wo Imvo it the beautiful cw Mary Warnii, a nic bright finish pattern. . The knives and morks for Teaspoons for Oesert Spoons for ........... . . Salad Forks .viamw, .. Individual Putter Spreaders r. . And large assortment of odd plces iot" .S IN Can you afford to buy silver plated wore when you can buy utt-t inn; at such prices. ,iue in and see us, llanst-onis always have the but goods at the best prices. . The Store of Quality ftnj l'ricr. ; I . a patrnn.H ' ' price, plain, .Sl.tJ.fMI . RH.IMI .!7.." ,l t.M Hanscoms I eweiiy Store lion-ii I'Kxnurrox iiux k i-Kxii.jrr, i!M.ov