PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1021. It is a Common Saying That if You Want Anything Good You Can Always Get it at The Peoples Warehouse. PREPARE FOR THE KIDDIE'S WINTER Infant's Outing Gowns finished with scol lop of blue or pink, price. . . 63c to $1.19 : i WINDOW SHADE SPECIAL shade of great pliability, roll smoothly, on, a guaranteed roller, complete with --' brackets, screws and ends,-should sell at $1.0(X Special ......... 59c AN EXCELLENT OXFORD VALUE Brown Calf Oxford, imitation brogue pat tern, low heels, price $6.00 - f Fall Season9 s Offering of Today Xtra Values . , iijr . . TTT-1 . 1 ....... jfl I k xi i ..'if. gS.sMe$V illHtlii I ! & Hi hsk i ' i a f ss- . I ! I : ,Tf J With Your New Suit or Guimpe , Dress, New Becoming Waists The popularity of suits, guimpe dresses and separate skirts call for a plentiful supply of blouses. The answer to that call is found in our splendid se lection of models which possess the ne cessary charm to bring out all the smart features of these modes. 1 SKIRTS FOR DRESS AND SPORTS OCCASIONS These cool fall days seem to fit in exactly with the color schemes of these plaids and the softness of the material. And the styles, oh, so many, thiis allowing ample op portunity for every woman to se lect just the skirt best suited to her personal individuality. The snappy stuff THAT'S what the young fellows want; that's what we have for them; and they're coming to us to get it. Hart Schaf f ner & Marx have certainly done a great work for us this season; never before such "live" stvles as now. Look at this illustration; some style isn't it? We can show you others. 'vy ?', ' v ?' V v ' ' Is 1 J fi - '1 r " 'b; HOSIERY VALUES THAT MEAN 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Because they are the cream of the output ol our country s Desi Hosiery amis. Children's "Iron Clad" and "Cadet" Stockings , a .-, vn.i will find none better. Built on nature's lines, from top to toe. with just enough elas ticit" everywhere to fit any size closely, yet comfort able, without strain on the fabric They will.give un usual satisfaction because they are scientifically strengthened wherever needed and every pair is guar anteed. They're priced remarkably low. from, pair 29c to 5c. IMKKiiix All-Silk Hose, absolutely pure silk, no chem hal adulteration ore used; black only. Can t be excell ed at I'lKniX InaiiVs Silk ail H.we White on. sizes 4 to 6 1-2. A good value at, a pair ?l-w 1'ho.fiix Fine Quality Jfetlium Weight Mercerized H.-; colors black and havana brown. An attractive value at riHMii I".xtr Fine Mcrcoriiod SUk tl; a full fash ioned; colors black and havana, priced a pair. . $1.00 IM.oc,U Silk and Wool Hose Richelieu ribbed, mixtures; havana brown and black. Some excellent values ItHX-itix Silk and Wool Hose Fancy self stripe, col ors liUHKian calf, brown and navy and havana brown. 1'rioed to suit your liking; a pair. -. IMkmiiIx Infant Silk Hose White 6 1-2. Values extra special only; sizes 4 to . BSC 1'l.ocni Seamless Silk and Fibre, with clock, semi fashioned; colors, black with white clock and havana brown with white clock. You'll Bay splendid at.. l.tK Sultana Hpathpr TTnse S2.49 High grade wool heather mixtures, superior quality, stainless dye. A wonderful value, a pair $2.49 ' Sultana Fashioned Heather Hose , $1.50 and $1.65 Richelieu ribbed, fashioned leg. all wool, heather mixed hose. Priced specially low, a pair$150 and $1.65 inioenix Medium Weight Silk Hose 18 inch silk leg. mock seam; black, white, havana brown. Kxtra values, pair Phoenix 20 inch Silk Ix-g. 8 inch lisle elastic garter top; full fashioned; colors black and havana brown. A superior value $1.93 Flmenix Heavy Ten-Strand Silk Mercerized elastic lisle, garter top. Full fashioned; black only. You can't beat such values at $2.35 Phoenix Silk semi-fashioned, mock seam, 5 inch mer cerized lisle garter top. Look at this value at. . . $1.45 Phoenix Seamless Silk with vertical self satin stripe: colors black and havana brown. Unexcelled for quality and price . $1.75 Women's Cadet Stockings 39c Pair Women's "Klastiknit" rib top hose, medium weight; extra heavy heel and toe; colors black balbriggan and white. A special value, a pair 39c Women's Cadet Stockings 49c Pair Women's outsize "Eiastiknit" rib top hose, medium weight; extra heavy heel and toe; colors black, bal briggan and white. A real bargain, a pair 49c !! ?? V. sU if illy t I Is i ' f 1 " if Plaid Sheet Blankets 83.25 In this lot you will find a variety of handsome plaid blankets to choose from also plain colors with borders as well as the plain white ones. Extra large size sheet blankets 66x80, 68x80 and 72x80; blankets that have service and comfort! combined. Special value, each. . 35 FINEST WOOL FINISHED. BLANKETS AT $5.50, $5.75 and $6.00 Beautiful large size blankets in handsome plaid patterns in gray, pink, brown, yellow, light blue and tan. Special values at $5.50, $5.75, and $6.00. PTNOmuNS GREATEST Dr.PART.HEST STORE )fi9?Qoples Warehouse, T. II' I ". !i WMrncir RAYS TO T" a r 2 : i :. i Copyriitt 1919 Mart Sciiffncr & Marl ; DOE SKIN COATS An absolutely rain and weather proof coat of 3-4 length, built to wear. It has plenty of room and made for com- frt' Well Worth the Price $17.50 GORDON LEATHER COATS ..i,!,,! iino1 nnrt minis of the best supple Ica- j-iuuvy w,..yv...- . . ther, tanned to withstand the storm and hard wear, t ull and three quarter lengths. Priced $35.00 to $50.00 INSIDE KNITTED JACKETS Of the medium weight, for under coats. Made on coat styles and vest styles. Come rich brown, gray, green and mixed colors. Priced $5.00 to $8.00 MEN'S BELTER JERSEYS For the Fall and Winter days, of the fine woolens and good fast colors. Priced $3.50 to $5.00 NEW CAPS The new caps arc here. Come get the first choice of the very newest styles. Reasonably Priced $1.50 to $4.50 THE NEW CLOTH HATS ARE HERE .The very Inst word In stylo $3.50 to $5.00 ' EIGHT PAGES O,UU0 Miles! , '1 -f i ? 'Ml ' 5 M I AUTO TOURIST JNJUI o . fciun- la R. P. Lambortb. i. i.. ..a ,,l (hn White llousej Sa'ys he haJ walked 270.000 mllca. In tl Z yearn sice uu re Worth. Texas. Oi uoe4 uay all ho cats. IB WEST' SEATTLK. Sept. 26. ( I. P.) Fit teen thouniuil member f the former 91 "Wild West" division nre mectint. i.. AnireleH nnd 500 ore here to celebrate the anniversary of the Ar- .,,. ,,fiViiMivp. DoloRMtrs from an nlong the coaHt are flocking to those two centers to celebrate the event and hold memorial services for their ueaa m...".,!is. Mfuse-Argonno remims- onccs are flowing free. COXGUFXitVlON- IXSlItK-S VASTOR BIltMJXOHAM. Ala., , Sept 26. tl X. S.1 Hev. 11. M. Kdmonds, pas ! inr of the. Independent l'resbyterlan ,.hi,n.h nf HlrniinKluim. has been In ' sured for 100,0ii0 by members of his i unit ff. iii (inn ltev. Kdmonds was formerly pastor of another church but ! withdrew with part of bis congrega 1 f.,m.o.l the . nrencnt orif.m Izatlon. lteallxing tliiiiTtno suocesi of ihn new 'venture depended largely up on the pastor, deacons of the church decided to insure his l;fc against pre mature death which was declared "niiiMit seriously effect the organiza tion and perhaps ruin its future REALTY TRANS ('has. H. Olcott to Iulu E. Rea, 12100.00. Ixt 3, liloek 25, Arnold and Ttnlev's Add. I'endleton. J. W. Kennedy to Columbia Junior CoIIcku. J.1000.00. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, B and 6. Block 1. Gross Add. to Milton nnd mnlp nnd bound tract. r?ih.fpn Kellv to .Tusner X. Kellv $1000.00, S 1-2 NB 1-4 & X 1-2 PB 1-4 Hoc. 22, & N 1-2 N 1-2 SW 1-4 & N 1-3 KB 1-4 Pec. 23. Tl. 6. N. It. 37 Cinranro, T. . Mnnre to r:otlleh Don ! art, $1800.00. lMt 6 and N 1-2 Lft 6 Wright's Add. to illlton. 'MOVIE ID PUBLIC ' WILL NOW HAVE TO PAY Fi xe of Economy Expert Has ; Now Tallen on 'Movie' Fans Scattered Throughout World , -HV4-HARI.t8E-m-r.HKS 1 tnjj ANCBld-X Kept. 26 The axe if vctinomy eierts, which has been vihv in all of the great motion picture .1dl.. here. h no i:tWn vte" fans scattered throughout the Ttt exix-rts have figured out that a iaviu of from $o,o(in to a cool n.ll in dollar, can be effected for the t.uU. nnd popular players If the fans ,r t pay for photographa of "I learned thnt a movement to Naif fr pbiograph and dons-te tha nH-. ovr the hum1 rost of tnak ig th pl-turf. to a-ma needy cause ,a Wn ory u.vfully tried -ut by tn l'Kf'.rd ud ft Uoll) woiH jho-l toarapher. Many other film celebrities have In dorsed the plan and are now co-op-eratlne. Miss Pickford haa been turning over the money received from the Bale of her photographs to a Good Cheer fund for needy children, while other stars are swelling the coffers of a fund for aged mothers from the sale of their pictures. It la predicted by the man agements of the leading studios that It la only a matter of time until all of the stars will enter into the new charitable picture distribution plan. Ki next time you send for a free photograph of your favorite picture star don't be surprised If In return you receive a card nhlch reads about as follows: "Y.iur letter asking for one of my pictures has just been handed to the committee selling my photographs for the benefit of the Aged Mothers' Fund. There axe numberless mothers who have aacfificed all their Uvea for their children and who find, as the end drawa neur, they have been too liberal with others at their own expense." For some tlm a careful checklns of the request for photographs made from all parte of the world to stars and atudloa haa shown In moat ln rtancea the person making the request were attempting to make collections wbh-b would include all the leading players. Some of the persona writing have their appeali down to , jco a business like basis their letters are printed, the name of the player or studio being merely written in. . At many of the plants it has been customary for the stars to turn their letters over to studio attaches and tho pictures would be sent out at the ex pense of the studio managements. This has been especially the case where stars have been under contracts to a single producing organization. The first day that Wallace Held adopted the new plan three barrels filled with letters which had been sent to Keid were broutcht to his manager's office. Most of thexe letters made re quests for photographs. . "I have spent a lot of time In an swering mail from 'fans' for a number of years',, said Ke!d to the correspond ent. "I have put in many an after noon trying to add a little sunshine to some lonely life by a little message of cheer, t have written these replies to fans' at times when I should have been out on golf links or in the sun shine recuperating from my long hours. "I have. In common with other widely-known players, come to the conclusion tt la an iniustice on the part of the public to expect studios or stars to pay out large sums annually to sup ply photographs free. Those who real ly want them will he glad to pay a small gum for the pictures if they know the excess above actual coat wU go to a worthy charity." ( Mm BAND For First time Organization This Year Was Composed of Strictly County Musicians. A feature of the Itound-t'p which won praise from visitors who wern here to see the show was the music which was furnished by the Itound Up band. Formerly, it was composed of mu sicians from all over the state, but during- recent years a local organisa tion with A. W. Lundell ss director has been built up, and this year every musician was a 1'matilla county man, and there were only four who did not reside in Pendleton. Two were from Htanfleld and two others from Wes ton, and nil of the players are mem bers of the local musicians' union. To a majority of I'endletonians, the band haa come to be taken as an In tegral part of the l)ig pageant with out whose services something vital would be missing from Iho parades, marches and during the time when the different events of track and arena are under way. A musician from Everett, Wash iMKton, commented highly . on the work done by the F.ound-1'p band and declared that its appearance and the quality of Its offerings mado it stand out In bold relief among the crack organisations that were here from all over the state. "That made the boys of the band fool mighty good," Director Lundell declared In speaking of the incident. "When It Is remembered that all of tho other bands here were either made up by picking tho best musicians from many communities, or as Is the case with-the band from I.a Grande, sup ported directly by the city, and that our own organization has no regular financial backing from any source ex cept what we can make in the worl! we do. It shows a fine spirit on the part of the boys In keeping the Hound-Vp band to this high standard." Beach Queen ' 1 3 .A 'yi - . ,-VrtJW?.rfsft..1- .... - . 7 - 'lK:- k ' t ' - . : H '- r':hrW.T,'WtA ' " ' ! A ' J ' .CI iA IN ACCENT NEAR ECHO (Bast Oregonlan Special.) wiin. h..ii 9R. Mra H. I. Wooda was aorlouBly ibjured Thursday, even- . lug at about 7 P. m., four miles this side of Hermlston. Mr. ana Mrs. Woods were enroute from btilem to Walla Walla when they had tire trou ble and had pulled to tho side of the highway, when a car goinr south and one going- north met Just where the Wood's car was manning, ine cer going south was a Ford delivery truck ; and driven by J. Stork, of Hermlston, with but one light, and struck tho Wood s car. Mrs. woooa waa noioinw , . o-nnii nn iho lim-k of their car and attempted to dodge aside to miss tho oar but was not successiui, wnn wi rr suit tiiut sho was seriously Injured ana . ... ... i. , , n her clothes nearly torn on o iw, . Woods la at tho Hotel f.cno wnere Dr. F. It. lorn Is caring for her and mm t. m iTenrv Is her nurse. Mr. and Mra. Woods were married at Sa lem. Sept. 18 and were going to waiio. Walla, where . both expectea to auena college this winter. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wimama ten here Saturday for Toppenih, Wash., where they Intend to reside.., Mr. WW liums wus properletor of the new and econd hand store and had lived here for several years. U O. Lawler haul ed their house hold goods by truoK. Henrv Taffel. of Hnna hoiiow, w here on business Saturday. There will be a meeting at the Echo school house Tuesday at S p. m. tor the purpose of orgunlBlnx a j-aroni-ieacn- er association. Officers will be elect. ed and work out lined, rarentg are ,.. urged to attend. t Them was an o d time dance at tne t Odd Fellows hall Friday night. A. H. Manley, of I'ortiana, maae a short visit Wednesday at the Crary homo. Mr. Manley- waa on hl way - to tho ltound-l'p. ('. A. Gilbert 1 in porunna week. Carlson, of Butter Creek, lett this week for Corvullls where he will enter O. A. C. as a freshman. , Thomas Hoss m home again alter a short business trip to Portlund. Miss t'urric Andrews waa a renuie- , ion visitor Friday. A. It. Thomson returned the first or the week from a two weeks buslneas trip to Washington, !. C. Senator H. N. Slnnfleld !was Ut Kcnp a short time Saturday. Herman Moehlnke and family or Oregon City, arrived in Echo Wed nesday to visit at the Fred Hcfft home Mr. Moehinke and Mr. Herft are cou- ' sins. ' Mr. and Mrs. V. U Dingle, of Seat. tie, visited nt the home of Mrs badie Thomas last week. Mrs. 1 M. Henry left Sunday even- in., fnr nunrion. Ore. When she re turns she will brln her parents. Mr. and Mra. Frank shannon with her ant will live In Mrs. Sadie Thomas' house, near the school house. Ralph Holto and Frank Blonn, or. Stanfleld. were in town Saturday. ir r kv Thomson. Mrs. Sloan Thomson and Mrs. Wm. McCarty of Butter Creek were shopping- here oair urday. f. E. Whltmore. who lives aoutn east of town, was hete on business Wednesday. ' ' t Chas. Dallas, a wheat raiser on ins Slnsher land south of town, was her this week end on business. n vv. Richardson of Canyon city, haa leased the George building next to the Tire Shop and will open a Jewelry storo and repair shop, as soon as nw goods arrive. . ' " The Misses Neva and Mildred woi- ...... m,.fl..l,l were visitinar f rlenda and relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oliver or Bum, M.h nr. vlsltlnr relatives bere and also attended the Round-Up. Mr. and Mrs. John Tuiror ana r. u. fimido White, of Lexingtons Ore., were here Thursday on their way to Pendleton, . . Th..,., iMrhards. of Stanfield, waa here a couple of days this week. J. F. Spinning was in Fenflleion en ri,i,ri,i. to attend a meetlmr of the executive board of the Oregoft Irriga tion Congress. Miss Mary Bartholomew left Ecno rhi,r.Hnv nleht for Eugene. She wlU enter the University of Oregon as freshman. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Myers aoa son Averell were Sunday visitors at tho A. , Doggs home on the Meadows. , "r m. n,i Mrs. Oscar Mitchell cam here Wednesday from Grass Range, vir,i tn visit their daughter, Mrs. John Oliver, and family and to attend the Itound-Up. Mr. Mltcneil is one of Oregon's oldest settlers,- 'having come here In 1859, living on. buuw reek for many years, having gone ta Montana about eighteen years ago; . witnv Pearson of Lena was - here Thursday. 1 ' Henry Robertson of Band Hollow was here Thursday. Tho fifth and sixth grades gave their teacher, Mrs. H. W. Drew, a surprise Tuesday p. m. nt the school room, refreshments were served. Mrs. J. F. Woods, of Stanfleld, visit- cd her sister, Mrs. Roy HWo, Wednes. day. ,' t -.:r Mrs. Utile Gillette,' of Portland, 1 visiting relatives and friendds in Echo; this week. ' ' Arthur Ashbaugh left here this last .,b. tnr millniis Montana. - His fam ily expect to Join him about the last of this month; rr. Hetsler. of Pendleton, was her on business Wednesday. Fred peppcrman, a farmer near Butter Creek, waa In town Wednes. PORTf..M WirKAT 1 MATIKRT. l"ORTLANI, Sept. 2$. Wheat $i.o to iu:, . Miss Madge Merritt of Brooklvn waa chosen "queen of the New York beaches" in a beauty contest i in wMch hundreds of beauUes wars 'antereayr - . , .- - J day. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET SHOWS SLIGHT DECREASE ' September wheat today closed at 1.21 1-4 December at $1.24 t-2 and . oo 1.9 ITfillnwIncr Are the ivjujr Ofc , ' - J - - ---!-. - - : quotations received from the Chicago grain market by Ovcruec gc I'poae,. local brokers. Wheat. High Low Close i $1.23 $1.21 $1.2H4 1.26 1.24 4 1.24 1.S0 54 1.2S14 1.28 Ss Com. .62 .52 .51 .61V ,5( M .51 .6614 " Oats. .8714 -7K -WW ,41 .41 ,41 Sept, IXc May Doe. May Deo. i Open $1.2 1.25 1.80 V4 L