East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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The Baet Oregonlaa It Katra Or.
on e greatest newspaper and a Mil
leg force flTH to the advertlwr ever
twice the guaranteed paid circulation
In Pendleton and UmatUia evualr t
anr other newepaper.
Thli paper 1 menroer or and audited
by the Audit Bureau of Circulation!.
NO. 9940
VOL. 83
I I ' ". ,4-SSBE c srui wccviv nsV ViZ Oil 1J O
u m. .aw -- -ar- w r a-i v .
S ...
' Hugh Strickland, Champion
Buckaroo in 1918, Had Clear
' Edge on Bucking Contest.
Award Was Made on Point Sys
tem Which Made Cannon
High by Racing Victories.
WncM fhnmnionl. Pendleton
Round-Up, 121.
Bucking, Hugh Strickland.
Bulldogging, Yakima Canutt.
t ' Steer Roping. Tommy Grimes.
Pony Express, Harry Walter.
; Cowboy' Relay. Darrell Can-
lion. ' - ' ' '
Cowgirls' Relay, Lorena Trlik-
All-Round Cowboy Champlon-
ahlp. parrell Cannon.
One more they have been named
and rewarded, the cowboys and tho
one cowgirl who by virtue of the work
done during the 12th annual Round
Up were adjudged champion of the
world Saturday afternoon.
Hueh Strickland, who once before.
In 1U. -wan champion bwkaroo herM
and has ridden In the finals every con
test since, had a clear edge ' in the
bucking contest. Strickland, Canutt,
Ray Bell and' Cheyenne KJser were the
four rldera chosen by the Judws to
ride In the finals. After Bell and
Klser had both been thrown by their
horses and Canutt hod pulled leather
Jn his attempt to ride Bill McAdoo,
Strickland remained alone as a con
. tender. Second honors were awarded
to Yakima Canutt, and Ray Bell was
given third.
. Cannon Wins nclt
The Police Gazette ,Jtelt. awarded
eaoh year te the best all-around cow
boy was -won by Darrell Cannon. The
award was made on a point system
which made Cannon high by virtue of
his victories in racing events. He won
tho row Inn s' relay race, got three
first In the cowboys' pony race, sec
ond In the pony express and won other
event. Yakima Canutt was second
place man, and Strlcklund was third
In total number of points.
To Canutt went the honors of the
ibulldogging championship. His time
"on two steers was 52 1-5 Beoonds a
against 68 mado by Jim Massey, 1919
champion, and 1:06 3-5 for Frank Mo
Caroll, who was third.
The steer roping title went to Tom
Grimes, title-holder this year for the
first time. Grimes has taken part In
several Round-Up previous to this,
but has never placed better than sec
ond In this event. His time on two
steer was 1:14. Ray Bell took second
place with a total time of 1:35 3-5. and
i..v,i. .u,aa third with a time of
1:1ft 1-5. Both Bell and Judd maae
exceptional time In the finals.
j i . . waiters w ins niiw
Harry Walters, riding for the Irwin
Walterg strings won the pony express
race championship by a total time for
the three days of 6:20 1-5 seconds.
Second place went to Darrel Cannon,
riding the Drumheller string, who en
tered the final Place. tled wilh Walters
nn tlmA for the first two races,
Martin took third place when Kenneth
. Kennedy fell from his horae.
Darrell Cannon won the right to the
title of champion cowboy relay rider of
ih. world, when, rldlnit the Drumhel-
ler.irtrina. he flnlahed far In the lead of
the other two entries. His time was
4:06, making a total for the three days
of 12:16 3-6. Bob Llehe, riding the
Irwin -Walters string, took second
money with a, time of 4:15 1-5 on the
final day and a total time of 12:38 8-5.
Paul Landrum, on the McCarty-Lan-drum
string finished third with a time
of 6;10, and a total time of 13:35 1-5.
Cannon made the best time every day,
but Landrum and Llehe had each fin
ished second best once.
Twelve in Bcml-l'lnals
Twelve riders were entered In the
semi-finals of the bucking contest for
ih. rhnmnlonshln of the world. Ev
erett Wilson was the first to be ellm-1
Inated when he failed to stick on
Flashlight. He landed directly be
neath the horse's hoofs, but encased
' uninjured. Taklma Canutt made a
beautiful ride on Wiggles; Dave
Campbell got a hand when he had
conquered Lightning Creek; and Hugh
Strickland, holder of the nvorld's
championship, won at last year's
Round-Up, mndo a sensational ride on
Long Creek. Bob Hn roao
crew, ltnv BeH rode Lena,
Whyte rode Okiinnpan, Norman-Cow.
an rod Deor Fo, Cheyenne Klser
rode leatherneck. Boss Rlch:idson
"ynJL: ft Hv
1 1
C?37.-l If
.A r
1 it- '
The British cruiser Dauntless, as she
arrival in New York with the bodies
the ZR-2 disaster In England:
BELFAST, Sept. 26. U. P.) Au
thorities read the "riot act" here to
day. The rioting continues. The
military and police forces are making
frantic efforts to control the Mtuatijii.
BELFAST, Sept. 26. (U. P.)--Iliot-
ing broke out shortly before noon 10
day with several more person re
ported wounded. The crown forces,
which had temporarily stopped "i
sectarian warfare of the early morn
ing, again scoured the streets in ar
mored cars, pouring machine gr.n fire
into the opposing mobs.
The fierce sporadic fighting be
tween the Catholics and Protest-
tnc n giu
, Thp mllltary stiu
in" .' ... ,., fun
trying to disperso the battle factions,
but without a signal of success. Vol
levs of revolver and rifle fire -poured
down York street and brought armor
ed cars out to run the leaden hnils
gauntlet and charge Into the two
mobs to force them apart. Eight
deaths, four resulting from nn explo
sion earl'er In the night's fighting and
70 wounded, are the week-end s cas-
Scooo'wal'V Tw0 yunR S'" ana n 0 5
SCOOP . ni,iv
reil wounueu ueiuie nnc - .
The first membership meeting of
the tfSistern Oregon Auto Club will be
held Tuesday evening nt the offices of
the Pendleton Commercial Associa
tion, a call having been Issued by
President Dnvld H. Nelson.
Tho business of the organ ration is
largely handled by a board nt m.i li
ngers, and tho meeting of tho mem-
bershlp Is for the purpose ot nenmii
full expression from all of those who
are Interested In the organization The
following statement hns been issued
hy Ernest L. Crockatt, executive sec
Semi-annual reports of tl-3 secre
tary will be made, plnns outline ! aim
policies established. General .ll utis-
sion of the uf fairs of automobile ov.n
oi'B will be held, In. which all will be
n--kid to participate. If yon have-i-rtlh:lli!
which vou feel OUKllt to l-c
ccrsidered by the membership : t
i hn so nlense come prepared to pr-wiu
tfe n.f.ller. mo cuio nn necii nmv
tlcning little more than s. -ir li
and the management wishes tnlavo
I with the membership.''
.J ,
1(f " r f
i ft
."5 V'
(1 1
passed under Prookljn brulge'on her
of the IB American mere wnu u ra m
At Ltl tn DUUI OnU
. The horses at the Pendleton
Round-l'p were of great Interest
to A. Phimister Proctor, famous
sculptor, who has made a special
study of depicting animal life.
llr. Proctor, who holds six
gold mednls for his works, made
among other statues the mount
ed cowboy and Indian exhibited
at the World's Fair in Chicago;
two groups of horses at the Pan
Amerlcnn Exposition; a mount
ed Indian; the horses for the
St. Gnudens' statue of General
Shetman and of General Logan;
colossal statue of Joliet, at St.
Johns; the Indian on horseback,
entitled "Pursued;" the Indian
nnrsulne buffalo, shown In
Washington nt the Corcoran art,
gallery; the "Buckaroo," begun,
here and now at the Civic Center.
in Denver wHh the "Indian on
the War Trail.;' His statue of
Roosevelt, to be erected In Port-
land, and the "Circuit Rider," to
lie placed before the stnte house
in Salem, are two recent works.
4-4-4.4 4.4-4.4-4.
An arrest which the sheriff's office
believes prevented several safe-blowing
jobs from being consummated was
made Friday night by Deputy Sheriff
E. 11. F. I tideway when he grabbed Al
bert Thomas, said to be one of the
cleverest safe men In the Northwest.
He is held In the county Jail and
will be turned over either to the Pasco
county authorities in Washington, or
to the federal authorities. The sher
iff off.ee believes that Thomas is
wanted in Washington, but the nature
of the chiirse hns not been ascertain-
ed. m Is also thought to have refus. j McNeil island has written un account
ed to answer to the draft call from , of his escape to George 1.. North, as
Hood River. Ulstant managing editor of the San
Thomas was a partner' of 'Hurry ' Francisco Bulletin, In which he admit
Morrow who escaped from Jail " at , tort having been shot twice by the
Weiser several months ai?o. He was ! prison guards. One wound was in tho
arrested here In 19H by Til Taylor on fleshv part of the leg below his hip.
a reuuest from Seattle where he was and the other In the left leg below the
wanted on a charge of robbery. He is
nho'it .ir. venrs old. and Is said to have
a lonsr record us a criminal. He was.
. prtparins: to rob local bus news places
wh,en apprehended, the authorities be
Addressing Delegates Harding
Describes Present Depress
sion as War Inheritance.
President Expressed Belief
That Delegates to Confer
ence Perforin World Service.
WASHINGTON. 8ept. 26. (A. P.)
The national unemployment con
ference was formally opened today by
President Harding.- Addressing 60
Industrial, economie and labor leaders
comprising the conference, the presi
dent described the present Industrial
depression . as a"war Inheritance
throughout the world." He expressed
I the belief that the results of the con
ference would be felt Ueyona tne Dor
ders of the United States and that the
delegates would perform a 'ervice to
the world." "Fundamentally sound,
financially str'ons, industrially unim
paired, commercially consistent and
politically unafra!d there ought to be
work for everybody In the United
States who chooses to work.',' The
president declared an "open, sure and
ronward way" to rid the nation or wars
aftermath of depression involved was
"liquidation, reorganization, readjust
ment, re-establishment and taking
account of things done, and a sober
onntrmnlntfnn of thinirs to be done.
'any other way ia hugging a delusion."
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 (V. P.)
All America must commit lUelf to
solving the unemployment problem,
President Harding told the delegates
to the unemployment conference call
ed to meet here today by Secretary i
Hoover. Over 50 delegates were pres
ent. President Harding expressed con
fidence that the Tnited States will not
fall In the task, but warned against i
hoping to solve the problem by re-1
course to methods seeking palliation 1
or tonic from the public treasury.
"There should be work In abund- I
ance in the Vnited States for those
willing to ," Harding said. "Normally
an unemployment problem of a mil-;
I lion and a half idle faces the country.
iThis year great throngs of men are
wi,noll. work. with the dancer prob-
'lem growing more serious as the win
jter comes on. Harding assured the
'delegates that with America funda
mentally strong and constitutionally
sound, it behooved them to seek the
proper solution for alleviating the
present suffering from lack of work
and prevent any augm 'ed conditi
ons this winter. Harding said he felt
sure work during the winter could be
so organized every man willing to earn
money could do so.
Three main problems need solution
Harding hinted, before this state of
affair can be assured: to reduce rail
road rates with railroad labor accept
ing a wage cut; to speed building
through settling certain wage diffi
culties and reducing prices of build
ing materials; and the Industrial strife
in the mining' Industry must end,
price of coal reduced tvnd the miners
wages in some sections cut.
New "Ooxey's Army."
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. t P.)
I'rbain Ledoux, 'Mr. Zero," who
gitned national notoriety when he
started auctioning men and women on
the block in the Boston common to
employers bidding the highest price
announced a new "Coxey's army"
would enter Washington In motor
trucks nt his word. He desired to have
these 100 representative members of
the army of unemployed confer with
President Harding and go before the
unemployment conference for dele-1
gates questioning.
P.) Roy Gaitlner, who escaped from
knee. He hid two days In the loft of
the prison barn, to which he crept
back uboul midnight on the day of
his break from prison. n enclosed a
- j letter to President Hawing asKing lor
That the Pendleton Round-Up
will receive publicity soon in
the Dutch East Indies Is a state
ment made by Captain J. N.
Bouman, who was an interested
spectator of the big show Satur
day. Ha is In command of the
steamer Taikenbang, which
reached Portland last week. He
had time to get here for one
day of the Round-Up.
"It was very Interesting," was
the captain's comment. . "I'm
glad I had the opportunity of
seeing It.
t n. .enX?
a boat of
placement and
plies between the East Indies
and our western coast. It was
recently unloaded at San Fran
cisco and then came to Portland.
Its draught Is so great that it la
necessary at this tinte of year to
dredge the channel in order for
the ship to get up to Portland,
he said. The outgo'ng cargo
will be wheat and lumber, which
will be loaded at Portland and
Captain Bouman often writes
for newspapers In Java and he
declares he intends to write an
account of his experiences here
when he returns to the far Ea&t.
He was accompanied from Port
land by Mlss Mayme J. Perry,
and while here they were guests
at the home of Wr, and Mrs.
David H. Nelson. - . "
ROSEBURiG, Sept. 26. (A. P.)
Following his performance yesterday
when he' crawled on his knees and
growled ltke a wild animal, greeted
his wife as his sister aodxCKUd'o re
member the name of his attorney.
Dr. Erurir.field, (if anger, at an inter
viewer1 today started to throw a bot
tle at a newspaperman and cfr'cer,
who beat a hasty retreat. Later twhen
they returned Brumfield poked hit
fist through the cell bars and struck
the reporter on the end of the nose.
Members of Party Will Swerve
From Technical Ttestimony
and Give Inside Details.
SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. 26. (U.
P.) Sensational testimony is expect
ed today when members of the Ar
huckle's fatal party swerve from their
technical testimony and start giving
an intimate inside story of the party
which resulted in the death of Virgin
ia Rappe. The defense Is expected to
have cards up its sleeve and will grill
each witness. The defense is known
to be looking up the past life of Mrs.
Bamblna Delmont, Arbuckle's accuser,
and Miss Rappe as well.
Little or none of this past life Infor
mation is expected to be brought out
by the defense, holding such material
In reserve for the trial should the case
reach the superior court. Information
gathered concerning Miss Rappe I s
said to include her Chicago ' musical
and stage career and her trip abroad
when she thrilled the Baltic's passen
gers with the "nightie" tango, and
electrified Paris by wearing bunches
of fruit instead of flowers.
irr. Bwdslec Testifies.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 26. (U.
'p.) Dr." Peardslee test'fled that when
j he was calle! to Arbuckle's rdom on
I Labor day he found two women In the
room, one In bed and the other caring
for her. Miss Rappe, in bed, com
plained of pains in her abdomen.
Beardslee said. ' He made a physical
examination and gave her a hypoder
mic. The examination, ho said, re
vealed a sensitiveness in the lower ab
domen. He made no diagnos's.
Beardslee said he found slight traces
'of alcoholism, those present being
overshadowed by the pain the young
woman was enduring. t.lider cross
examination, Beardslee admitted any
one of several ailments might cause
abdominal pains. Me admitted Mrs.
Delmont npepared arrogant as he car
ried on an investigation upon Miss
Rappe. He said ho had given Dr.
Rumwell the physician 'who later at
tended Miss Rappe. none of his find
ings In the case. Several spirited tilts
ensued during the cross examination
which covered a wide range of medical
SEATTIK. Sept. 26. (A. P.) The
schooner Columbia river, from Auck
land. N. Z., to Astoria, was wrecked
off the New Zealand coast and Is a
total loss, suld a message. The crew
was saved. No other details were glv -
Power Possibilities of Project
ly Believed; 500,000 Horse Power May be Had During
Irrigation Season; Cost of Power Would be Low.
Cost estimated $12,100,000 to $27,960,000, plua cost of-"
improvements for navigation.
Estimated horsepower, 125,000 to 500,000. .' '
' ."
Area to be irrigated by pumping, 270,000 acres within
45 miles of project.
Dam proposed completely across Columbia river at
Umatilla rapids, raising low water surface 30 feet. , - ,
Incidental canalization of river resultant from Con-.
struction of dam expected to extend from Umatilla rapids
nearly to mouth of Snake river. ,. - . ; '",
Estimated value 'of project
tion, $3,940,000.
Power ' may be developed at ah annual , edit of
$9.20 for primary power and $5.50 for secondary power.
Railroads of Oregon would require 115,000 horse poWeF: .
for electrification; Washington railroads 190,000. horse Va
power.. . .. . ,,; ; '.. -''--
Physical conditions at dam site are favorable to safe de-, S
velopment of hydro electric power. v 7,"' V?
' Umatilla rapids pro ject'the most favorable oa the. Cj
lnmhin fnr enrlv Hwolnnmpnt. ,'..'..,.:,vi'l-i
'" Minimum flow of Columbia at Umatilla rapids gr eater ' ;
than Mississippi at Grafton, 111., greater than the Nile ' at V
Assouan, Egypt, exceeded only by the St. Lawrence river . ,'
and by the Mississippi'at its mouth.
If existing northwest power companies will takfc power
above irrigation needs, developed at Umatilla rapids, they
can lower their average cost of electric production, thus as- ' ,
suring lower power charges and make project feasible for s'
government action under the reclamation service. Funds f,
would be available under the McNary irrigation' bill, if !
latter passes.
To Water 270,000 Acres I
That the Umatilla rapids project is
a greater project and more feasible
than previously believed it shown by
the report on the project released formay be developed at thl alto. Tlu I
which was prepared by John H. Lewis,
former state engineer, shows that 500,
000 horse power may be generated
during the irrigation season and that
for 11 months in the year, at average
low water, a total of 300,000 horse
power may be developed. The mini
mum continuous horse power is 125,
000 but 170,000 continuous horse pow
er may be had during periods of aver
age low water. .
A total of 270,000 atres of land may
he Irrigated under the project and the
costs per acre will he low. In the,""" " " l'"
Boardman district, where 50,200 acres i be irrigated witn pnmi.lt
may be reclaimed the total cost, ln-iltts ranging fro-n 130 to ! f-il !f
eluding canals, pumps, transmission this are 150,000 acre adjoins th
lines, etc, would be 175.72 per acre ! Project and can be watered Urgc'y T
and the annual power charge for direct connected pump,
pumping would be 16.80 per acre. 11 will require approximately 250.-
May Build, Soon 000 horsepower to pump th. necesty
The Lewis report, which as discussed amoun,t wat" t0 th J79'm ,
at length during the executive commit- "? ,0 VSf ,V'T l,i '
tee meetings here Friday awakened I Physical conditions at the dam fit!
much enthusiasm on the part of the fav"a,b!e to llopnut U
directors and others present. Whitney hydro-electnc power. The proj.
L Boise, of Portland, told of discuss. ' n ,,lf Wfl construction in
ing the subject with Director Davis of unI,s- The capital cost of develop,
the reclamation service recently and ! n'e" by "" ' e,timate1 t0 '
expressed the belief that circumstan-- OT 18 " horsepower. ll,--
ces will develop In such a -way that the 780- for 230-000 horsepower.
project will be a feasible one for the 220-000 for 300 00 horsepower, 116.
reclamation bureau to take up. In 60,)'000 for 3"M00 honwpower and
that event the passage of the McNary i 13 1.900. 000 for 500.000 horsepower.
bill, expected from the present session i The annual cost per horsepower at
of congress, would provide funds for
construction of the project.
As one step towards promoting the
project the committee will have the
Lewis report published In ' pamphlet j
form so that copies may be given to
interested parties and officials.
The report hriefly summarizes the
big project as follows:
The project is located at Unatlla
rapids on the Columbia river about
three miles ab jve the town of Uma
tilla and ISO miles east of Pei:liu-I
The Columbia ife a navigable. - lmi
state stream. Umatilla is at ths junc
tion of transcontinental railroads ,nd
about the center of the great Inlur d
empire of Oregon and Washington.
The proposed dam will raise the
river surface So feet at low witer.
An open spillway 1S0D feof' In
length will be provided with an u l. i
tional 1400 feet controlled hy wiekels
or fash boards which can be rer.v v
ed during extreme floods. The .'jm
will thus afford mnost a ci.inMnt
head throughout the year, v;r;ing
only from 27 to 33 feet.
The minimum flow of the river It
4 tOO second feet, but the iniminiM i
power Is estimated on the Imnis f IS.'
.OOO second feet The ordirry fljw Is
about 800,000 second and h inaxj-
, tit
Are Greater Than Was Previous
in improvement of naviga
; V,. '- I-: ! -V :
ftV - !M
mum recorded flood, LUMOO second
feet . . .4.
One hundred and twenty-tlvvtho j-"
send continuous e.ectrical horsepower
93,000 kilowats, 2 hour .Ivr.
One hundred and seventy five
tinuous electrical horsepower may t
developed during period if v.j-uge
low water. ..!.
A total of 30-i. CC0 horsepower may
be developed 11 n.onths -n lite yert
during periods of average low water, a
A total of 500 '00 horepywe QvVi
be f..-nerated during the .rrUitl'." ;
siason. . f -
275,000 Acre JrrbfAble.
Two hundred fiid seventy-five thoii-
Reported by Major Lee Moorhauac,
weather observer.
Maximum. 68.
Minimum, 36.
Barometer, 29.50. ,
Barometer I fulling.
Tonight i4
Tuesday fair,
, (Continued on page 5.)
iCon"tUu4 on pf
Ja pardon.