East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 24, 1921, ROUND-UP SOUVENIR EDITION, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    w .4144
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faje Two
East Ort.tnian Hound-Up Souvenir Edition
Pendleton, Oregon,. Saturday, September 24, 1921.
His Foreman Once Grew Mad Because a Visitor Said He Had Given Him a Runaway Team to Drive ; "That Could Not bo" Said the Foreman, "Because That Team Had Not Been Driven Before.'.' ',. . ! t.f,!
.... -Hi. no,. ;
J ''
Viililo in tho things he thought hail in Hie days of the battle of Hast
nnd wroie- ami (in! ami in the mailer ' ings, and. ethically and morally, he
i f h friendships, the real opinion of I is decidedly In ndvaliee of the vikings,
the lain Theodore Itoosevolt of the who were the ancestors of those same
cowboy and frontiersman is one thai Is ; nobles and to whom, hj- the wny, he
of t.irTm!K interest, j himself oovd.1 doubtless trace a por-
cine Ih'nu Unit should i.e Dome in;
mind when rending the ureal Ani'-rt-r-an'
no ouiii of his acquaintance with
tho 01, w',-oy is Hint ho was on tho
plains many yen ago. and some of
the ol.m-i.-iiicms he made then, while
true us a mutter of history, no longer
apply to the picsinl; or at lea si there
ore comparatively (k places in the
Wejil where I hey i' re now lrne.
Kn o'v5 would question Roosevelt's
right to say what ho thought of the
i owbn . lie was one himself, ho lured
many of them on his ranch, he was the :
(ominanihnv offieer of a regiment
ruinp'H-cd of iii'Ii)k and other west-
i rn men in the (punish-American war, i wilder lands, ho ends by Retting hang
tin,! thin noniminlanie ivith them, even ; od instead of founding a family which
if he had not been a very keen student would revere his name as that of a
end observer, would have qualified; very capable, although in not all re
hlm, to los as having knowledge of, speets a conventionally, moral, ances
the'r wax- of living and their philo-i tor.
n' volume entitled. "HuntinJ -le. TW
The ;rlly.' the final chapter is de-j Most of the men with whom X -was
voted to the subject. "In Cowboy j intimately thrown during my life on
Lund." and under this head, Koose-j the frontier and in the wilderness
v.ot n,.mlilert msnv experiences, ooth i were pood fellows, hara-working,
amusing and traffic, which had come
under hi observation. For those who
love adventure the story is one richly
deserving readinp. It follows:
The I3cimiital Life
.. .
Out on the. frontier, and generally
. .i..i ii. in
mims tnnuA uno siieu.i Liieo iiirs
or on the borders of the wilderness,
life is reduced to its elemental condi
t oil. 1 he passions and emotions of
these Slim hunters of the mountains,
and wild rough-riders of the plains,
are sampler and stronger than thoee of
people duelling: in more complicated
stte of society. As soon as me com-
iiunities become settled and hecin to
prow with anv rapidity, the American contact witn some o. wno.u .
instinct for law asserts itself: o-.it m I lions were very close and """Mly
the earlier stages each individual Is had at different times led rather
obliged to be a law to himself and to ! tough careers. This was accepted by
guard his rights with a sfrtmg hand, them and by their companion, as a
Of course the transition periods are fact, and nothing more. There were
full of Incongruities. Men have not yet certain offenses. such ns rape, the
adjusted their relations . to morality j robbery of a friend, or murder under
anr taw with any niceness. They circumstances of cowardice and
hold taronsh- bv certain rude virtues, j treachery, which were never forslven;
and on the other hand they quite fail j but the fact that when the country was
10 recoirniae even as shortcomings not j wild a youns fellow had Rone on the
a few trait that obtain scant mercy road that is, became a highwayman.
In older Communities. Many of the or had been chief of a ganS of des
,.ii!i.r, nrt r,,ad peradoes. horscthieves and cattle-kil-
j , ,i,ir rhsr.
acters. Offen they are people who,
i i tn. eit-iitJn do. or
bv- rtone cood work but who. when
ih. slices hve nassed. find them-
wives surrounded by conditions
wh'ch accentuate their worst qualities
and make their bet qualities useless.
The average desperado, for instance,
has, after all, much the same stand
ard of morals that the Normal nobles
Trices $100
a jail J&ioLi. jij
l" I II III M. t
I." ' I
s 1
ft; '
I" :li ' '
'-rrim'$ioo io$ioo
nun or nis wnou. u in iranaun
from the wild lawlessness of life in
the wilderness or on the border to a
higher civilisation were stretched out
over a term of centuries, he and hisj
ilcscendrnla would doubtless accom-i.
ni'Mia'e themselves by degrees to me
changing circumstances. Hut unfbr
innatelv in (he far West tho transition
takes id.ice with marvelous abrupt-J
ncss, and at an altogether unheard-of;
speed, and many a man's nature isf
unable to change with sufficient
rapiditv t "How him to harmonise?
i with liis environment.. In conse-1
I onenoe. unless he leaves for still;
hfave. resolute and truthful. At times
of course, they were forced of neces
sity to do deeds which, would seem
startling to dwellers in cities and. in
old settled places; and though they
, . Mlanltao VHP.
tiro iiimn evi -doers whose misdeeds
! had immediate and traruribie bad re
( stilts, they showed a wide toleration
of all save the most extreme classes
of wrong, and were not given to in
quiring too curiously into a, strong
man's past, or to criticising him over
harshly for a failure to discriminate In
liner ethical questions. Moreover, not
j a few of the men with whom I came in
tiers was scarcely to weigh against
! him. being treated as regrettable, but
! certainly not shameful, trait of youth.
He was regarded by his neighbors
I with the same kindly tolerance which
respectable mediaeval Scotch border
ers doubtless extended to their wilder
young men tvho would persist in raid
ing English cattle even In time of
Of course if these men were asVed
1 (.
to $750
J. - ' ' I
i! ino.
t . -Jk I. t ,4. f.r ov , f 1, v., i f"il , .. , .
for this beautiful mans-on CC
JrViory one of U oW-si mansions
avail .OOU. I Uaiikl of Heaven "
outright as to their stories, they would
have Tefused to tell them or else would
have, lied about them; out when they J
. . . ' . ". .
had. grown to reward a man as a friend
an companion they would often re
count various incidents of their punt
lives with perfect rraaKness, ana as
they combined in a vetry curious de
gree tooth a decided sense of humor.
and a failure to appreciate that there
was anything especially remarkable in
what they related,' their lales were al
ways entertaining.
.. '
... in Search Of JCoiHo
Early one spring. -nor:-nearly ten
years ago, I was out hunting some lost
horses. They had strayed from the
range three months before, and we
had in- a roundabout way heard that
they were ranging near some broken
country, where a man named Brophy
had a ranch, nearly; fifty miles from
my own. When 1 started thither the
weather was warm, but the second day
out it grew colder and a heavy snow
storm came on. Fortunately I was
able to reach the ranch all right, find
ing there, one of the sons of a Little
Beaver mnchman, and a young cow
puncher belonging to a Texas outfit,
whom I knew very well. After put
ting my horse into the corral and
throwing him down some hay 1 strode
into the low hut, madq,partly of turf
and partly of cottonwood loss, and
ppeedily warmed, myself - before the
t- fire-. We had a food warm supper, of
bread, potatoes, tried venison and tea.
Speodial Offer
Any Phonograph in Our Store
up to $125 for
mis Mean i'cvice in
olluiai WmV I Y ,,.,T 'Zf. n. " .alnln
m Ireland n i
u. aituatco at CUbriU.w
, My two companions (crew Very socia-
I b'e and began to talk freely over their
v ,,C3- Th;re were lwa bunks. one
above the other. 1 climbed into the
upper, leaving my friends, who oceu-
pied the lower, sitttntr together on a
bench recounting different incidents
In the careers of themselves, and their
cronies during the winter that had
just passed. Soon one' of them asked
the other what had become of a cer
tain horse, a noted cutting pony, which
I had myself noticed the preceding
fall. The question aroused the other
to the memory of a wring which still
rankled, and he began (I alter one or
two of the proper names):
Tl!o"S.tileii Pony
"Why, that was the-pony that po
stole. I had leen workiiv' him on
rough ground when I was out with the
Three F-ar outfit and he went tender
forward, so turned him loose by the
Iizy H ranch, and when I came back
to get him there wasn't 'anybody at
the ranch and 1 couldn't find him. The
sheep-man n-ti lives about two miles
west, under -tied Clay butte, told me
he seen a fellow in a wolfskin coat,
ridin'.a pinto bronco, with white eyes,
leadin' that pony of mine just two days
tiefore; and 1 hunted around, till I hit
his trail and then I followed to where
I'd reckoned he was headin' for tho
Short I'ine Hills. When I got there a
rancher told me he had seen the man
pass on toward Cedartown, 'and siire
enough when I struck Cedartown II
and $5
c h
Complete Stock of Victor and Brunswick Records
" t -'Woolston's
Kiluue county and ta known'
.found ho lived there in a Mobo houe,
jusi oiiisiue me lawn. There waa a
boom on tho town and it looked pret
ty slick. There was two hotels ami
I went Into tho first, nnd I says,
'Where's .the Justice of tho peace?' says
tf),th9 bartender.
" 'There ain't no Justlco of the
peace,' says he, 'the Justice of the
Peace got shot." : ' , .
" 'Well, whore's tho constable?' says
" 'Why, it was him that shot the
justl of the peacel' sayg he; 'he's
skipped the country with a bunch of
" 'Well, nin't there no officer of the
law left In this town?' stivs I.
" 'Why, of course,' says he, 'thnro's
a probate Judge; he's over tendin' bar
at the Last Chance Hotel.'
"So I went over to the Lost Chance
Hotel and I walked in there. 'Mdrnin',
a I.
" 'Mornir,', says he.
" 'You're the probate Judge?' says I.
" 'That's what I am,' says he. 'What
tlo jou want?' says he.
" 'I want Justice,' says I.
"'What kind of justice do you
want?' says hes 'What's it for?"
" 'It's for stealln' a horse," says I.
" 'Then by tjod you'll get it,' says he.
'Who stole tho home?' says he.
"'It is a man that lives In a 'dob
house. Just outside the town there,'
soys I.
a montja
Pcndlel6n, Oregon
Well, where' do you cum tromtho inorrotV, ralhor than" 'with VertTJ
yourself?' eald ho. '
" 'Prom Medory,' Bald I.
"With that he lost Interest and Ret-
I tied kind o' back, and says he, 'There
won't no Ccdurtuwn Jury hnnir a Ced-
artown man (or sloallu' a Medory
man's horse,' said he. i
''Well, what am I to do about my
horse?' says I
"'l)o?' says he; 'well, you know
where thu Hum lives, doii't you?' suys
he; 'then sit up outside Ills house to
night -ttnd shoot him when he comes
In,' suys he, 'and skip out with the
horse.' t
" 'All right.' says I, 'that It what I'll
do," and I walked off. .
"So I went off to his house and .1
laid down behind some sagebushes to
wait for 'him. Ho was not at home,
but I could see his wife niuvln'; about
insido now and then, and I waited and
waited, and It. grawad darker, und I
began to say to myself, 'Now herd you
are lyln" out to shoot this ntan whim
he comes home; and It's getliu' dark,
and you don't know him, and If you
dc. shoot the next man that comes into
that house, like as not It won't be the
fellow you are after at all, but some
perfectly Innocent man a-ooihln' there
after the other man's wife!';
"So I up und saddled the bronc' and
lit out for home," concluded the nar
rator with the air of one Justly proud
of his own self-abnegating virtue."
"Muvhmoiu'' Town
The "town" where the Judgo above
mentioned dwelt was one of those
squalid pretentiously named littlo clus
ter of makeshift dwellings which on
the edge of the wild country spring
op with the rapid growth of mush
rooms, and are often no longer lived.
In their earlier stage these towns are
frequently built entirely of canvas,
ond are subject to grotesque calam
ities. When the territory' purchased
iront the Sioux, In the Dakota, a
couple of years ago, was thrown open
to settlement there wan a furious In
rush of men on horseback and in
wagons, and various ambitious cities
sprung up overnight. Th new set
llera were all under tho influence of
that curious crane which causes every
true westerner to put unlimited fnlth
In the unknown and untried; many
had left all they had In a far better
farming country, -because 1 hey were i staunch upholder of the existing or
true to their Immemorial belief that, ! ,!,.,. 0f things. But while he never
whs-rever they were, their luck would
be better If they went somewhere else.
Thev were always on the move, and
headed for, tho vague beyond. As
miners see visions of nil tho famous
mines of history In each new camp, so
these would-be city founders saw fu
ture St. Pauls and Omnhas In every
forlorn group of tents pitched by ome
muddy stream In a desert of gumbo
and sager-brush; and they named loth
the towns and the eanvs buildings In
accordance with their bright hopes for
j - . . L V I
-31.1' i '
Prices $25.00
Trices $25.00
I , I
onoe to tho lueun fuct:of thB oy. On
of those iowna, which when Iwentys.
four hours ord'housleiT'of Slu'sartltins,
a "courtlnitise',' autjl an. "opera Iioum,"
was overwhelmed by early ' disaster.
Thu third of IIh lifo. a whirlwind came
uluiu and took off halt . the ,. opera
house und hulf tho saloons; and, -the.
following evening lawless mqn, nearly
finished the work ot the clement The
riders of u huge trail-outfit from Tex
as, to their glad surprise, discovered
tho town and abandoned themselves
to a night v. of roaring , and lethal
curousal, Next morning .Ihe city au
thorities were lamenting, with oaths of
hitler rage that "them hell-und-twcn-
ty Flying A cowpunchors hud cut tho
cdurt-houso up Into pants," , t was
true. The cowboys were In need of
snaps, and with uu admirable mixture
of udvcnturmisjittfwet Cf'Hiullty and
ready adaptability. tt9tfuh;cumstanacH,
hud made. HuhsuVs.f.hrfefor in the
shape of omivati(OVAf Mis. jfjut from the
.roof And wiills,,! JVWl'fn' temple of
An I'ncotiveiitloiial Philosophy'
One of my valued friends In. . the
mountains, and one of the host hunters
with whom I ever traveled, was a man
who had a peculiarly light-hearted
way of looking at conventional soclul
obligations. Though In soma way a
true backwoods Dunatello, he waa a
man of much shrewdness and of great
cournge aiul resolution. Morecvpr,. ho
possessed what only a few men tlo pos
sess, the capacity to tell the truth. Ho
saw facts as they were, and could tell
them as, they were, and he never told
an untruth unless for very weighty
reasons. He was pre-eminently a
Philosopher, of a happy sceptical turn
of mind. Ho hud no prejudices, , He
never looked down, as so many hard
characters do, upon a person possess
ing a different code of ethics. . Ill; at
titude was one of broad, genial toler
ance. Ilv saw nothing .out, of ,. the
way in the fact that he himself had
been a road-agent, a professional gam
bler, nnd u desperado at different
singes of his career.. On. the othor
hand, he did not In the least hold It
against any one that he had. always
acled within the law. At the lime that
I knew him ho hud become a man of
Home NiiliMtn nee. nml nHtliralltf .
boasted of his. past deed, he never
apologized for them, and "evldeutly
would have been quite as Incapable of
understanding that they .needed an
npology as he would have, been In--npniile
of being gulty of mere vulgar
lioastfulness. He did not often alludo
to his past career at "alr.,,.Whcii, bo
did, he recited It Incidents perfectly
naturally and simply, as. cvttnts, with
out u'ny reference to, or regard for
(Continued on pag
to $300.00
l f.l.
. e
to $1000