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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1921)
' TEN PAGES PACE TWO DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON; THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1921. WE'RE PROUD OF OUR COMMUNITY THE YEAR ROUND TELL IT TO YOUR VISITORS DURING ROUND UP TIME. t v When Shall p i " ; ' ' ' 1 " "' II " l v v VV k-, 0 : " fffh Make M y Fall Kill' v.; '1. Cv i lections" Naturally the question would be followed by the thought of where will be the shop that continually keeps its stocks "Right-up-to-the-Minute" the shop that clears out its past season's wear the shop where all chance is eliminated, the chance of its be ing a last season's garment. Our carefully kept ready-to-wear depart ment offer you the newest and nothing but that class of garments. At prices that are strictly in accord with good, reliable wear and prices that meet the popular demand. During the Round-Up shopping visit our fine Eeady-to-Wear Department. r , , - Always Mew Clothes- TIIAT HAVE THE BEST FEATURES OF STYLE AND LONG WEAR I "That sounds just exactly like Hart Schaffner & Marx advcr tising," said the father of the family. It's not even necessary to look for the picture for the reading of these advertisements goes exactly with the features of the Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Carefully made, insuring long wear. The leaders in cor rect styles. j i t ' The big store is glad to announce a complete stock of Suits and Overcoats. Our Boys' Department also features Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. 4 t J PS 1A . - The 7 Day Grocery Carnival Goes OJN And each day proves just as popular as the day preceding, with its price reductions on just the needed every day things. HAMS COFFEE SYRUP MILK LARD SOAPS TEA BROOMS GOLD DUST On which we have placed prices that will allow substantial savings. WHATIS NEW4N MILL. FOR FALL 1921 Ihe styles in millinery for this season tend to favor the large picture hat, though by no means are the small shapes discarded. In crowns alone, ideas are exceedingly var ied; and in the majority of the shapes, the brims either roll gradually away from the face, or are flat and straight. Conspicuous is the black dressy hat with its large shape enhanced by its trimming of black or colored ostrich plumes. For coverings, satirv are silk, hatters plush, duvetyn and plain velvets are used. In shades, they are as var ied and smart as the styles themselves. They are here, and your early inspection of them is invited. THAT YOC MAT OT RE MISTAKEN IX YOCR SHOE SHOPPING We buy sIhics only ( fiwm tliox Immjnts Ilia iH niake-sxl our imiiaini! mui nmj n i uthk h iut uu, mini ..r , r.rtar. Wo ailjit- our pri-s to the quality of the shoos. AVe ilo not order any iisbs ,, for real lcaiher Uiat we may reduce miy iriee. We guarantee every lair of shoes sold T. V. W. PF.NM.ETWNS GREATEST DrpART.HI'VT STORE t fJoPQoples Warehouse, COMPLETE YOWl SHOPPING Y A VISIT TO THE HA HQ A IX HASKMENT. Yon will find a B'ttt variety of Krai ItcrKains covering a wldf raitRe of moivlmmllse from (;arl)aj?e Cons to Uio finest, most Ix-auliful I'arty Gowns , And every item is a real cash saving bargain, ... , . , vl Jrl : 1 c antiiiHimiiiiimiiiiiitniiiiiiiniiiiiiiHHiHniHiiiiiiiiniiuiiHiiiiiHMiiiiiHiiniiiiiiin CASTLE GATE 1 COAL PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL The coal that meets your requirements. See that you 5 get the genuine lor storage. 5 Cleanest, Hottest and Most Economical 1 B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! iitiiHiiiiiiiiiiiaiHihiiiiiiiiiiiatiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiir (East Oregonlan Special) TX'HO. Sept. 22. A larce orowd at- He Jolly Inn Feeds You and- Ac Enlerlains You Pendleton's popular Cafateria and Ca baret. Catering; to the must particular Basement St George HottL AT THIS SEASON LOSS OF APPETITE Is very common. In many pases it is duo to impure blood, which cannot pive the digestive organs the stimu lus necessary for the proper per formance of their functions. Thousands lnow by esperience that Hood's Sarsaparilla restores appetite and would advise you to give it a trial this season. It origin ated in the successful prescription of a famous physician. Get it today. Take Hood's Pills if you happen to need a laxative they don't grinn. tended the Commercial Club meeting In the city hull. Monday. After the exchange of ideas and much discus sion, a committee was appointed to confer with the county court mem bers Friday morninff. The members of the committee are W. J. Waten burger, T. M. Johnson, K. R. Lewis, E. T. Juvenal and J. V. Hecse. This committee is to try for road Improve ment. ". T. George will meet with the federated Clubs in I'endleton next week. II. It. Willis, with the Gcorpe and Miller Co., received Ihe Fad news of the death of his father In New York Monday. A. K. Hard, who owns a house on the hill Just cast of town, has Just finished havinff a well drilled. At a depth of 137 feet they have 50 feet of water. They have had to haul wa ter previously. Mrs. W. IK. Williams and daughter, Irene, spent Monday in Pendleton, Mrs. M. Pedro was hero Tuesday from her ranch on Uutter Creek. When about ready to retire Run- You Stand Man If it is good Hamburger, good Conies, Wien ers, Sausage etc., here is tho i)lace to get it. We cut U. S. Inspected, the finest to be had. The Table Supply will be a mecca for Fruits and Vegetablesetc., during the week. Get vour order in early. - - ' 1 THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 739 Main Street Pendleton CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR ' Proprietor day evening, F. T. George was plcas antly surprised by the arrival of about twenty five friends who came in response to an Invitation from Mrs. George to celebrate his birth day. Mr. and Mrs. If. McCormacfc were Pendleton visitors Monday. Mrs. U B. Wells was ill at her home Monday. Fred Iiausch was In town Monday from his ranch near Butter Creek Mr. and Mrs. Heistand Moore, of Cutter Creek were here Monday. Miss I'rances Spike is learning to be a telephone operator In the local office. , MiSs Stella Carlson, of Butter Creek left here Saturday for Corvallis, where she will enter O. A. C, aa i freshman. R. W. Allen was a Pendleton vis itor Monday. N. A. lileakney was a Weston Mountain visitor Sunday. Mr. Bleak ney drives the west side school bus here. A very enjoyablo party was given Friday night at tho home of Chas. Bartholomew, on Butter Creek, In honor of the young people of that neighborhood who are going away to school this year. C. E. Stone; a farmer near here, spent the week-end In Athena. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Johnson were In Petidlcton Afonday. .Charles Bartholomew ond daughter Miss Mary, were In I'endleton Mon day. Charles Hoskins and his father, Rev. J. T. Hoskins, of Pendloton, were In Kcho Saturday. 4 Frank Vesch. of South Dakota was in Kcho a few days. Ho finds many friends and acquaintances on the Stanfleld project. Mrs. Nellie Walker, of The Dalles arrived Monday .and visited at the J. L. Hofnagle home that evening. M. B. Van Schwanick, one of the managers of the Pendleton Sheep Co. of Pendleton, came to Kcho from Arlington Saturday, to rocelve several bands of sheep which wore shipped here from their summer range and driven to Arlington for their winter range. ;. K. fiommers left here Inst week for his old home In Texas, where he expects to visit relatives for novoral weeks. ' KImer Gramble of Butter Creek, was tn town Tuesday. Karl Wigleworth and little daugh ter Kuclllc, were here Tuesday from their home on Little Butter Creek. Mrs. Cooper of Stanfleld, wu chop i i m& 'mi advantage t intne .resources i experience ! of the Standard OilCvmpanyvifatii ' combine to mate lEMlENEcn oil of quality ' Correct fabrication STANDARD OH COMPANY (CAkirOHNIA) ping in Kcho Tuesday. Mrs. A. lorn was in town Tuesday from her home on U' Mendowr. f I