East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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j i
Nick's New One
Prospects for Winning Eleven
Best in Many Seasons; Team
Has Veteran Backs at Work.
ANNAIOUS. M1 Sept. 21. (I. N.
B.) Confidencs ip the strength of
the naval academv font tin 11 laum tnr
Ifoo comliiR neanon la based largely on i
thn mmnnWnKlA MVfuu . UnbfUJ inl !
ent which Is available. A stiff, hard-
fiKhtlng line haa been quite the umial
thing ut Annapolis for a good Inauy
years, and occasionally thnrn hiiM hnnn
. great back, like DougUm or Pulton,
but never has there been such a large
number of really high-grade backs as
are now on hand. ,. ,
The squad did not loso a regular
from Its backflcld of last year, and but
one or two of the substitutes. Several
of the old men are expected to reach
a high standard this season, and all
are likely to show Improvement. Then
there is a big now class, with a lot of
ambitious and active youths, and there
Is little doubt that it will yield some
thing. The backfleld which started against
the military academy last year was
made up of Koehler, Conroy, McKee
and Hamilton. Koyes, Rowlings,
Cruise and Barchet compose another
combination which Is probably just as
strong. Other good men who are still
availnblo are Matthews, Taylor, Walk
er, Mius ana cullen. .
Koehler, on account of his experi
ence, and cleverness, Is probably th
moot valuable of the backs, If not the
most brilliant He is playing on the
varsity for his fourth season. Koehler
does not get clear of the secondary de
fense for a long run, but ho Is re
markable for his ability to Use even a
mall opening for a very substantial
gain. Along tho line he has hardly an
Many persons hero are looking to
Koyes and Conroy to develop real bril
liancy In running with the ball. Noyes
played In most of the -Princeton and
army games last year and was the na
vy's most brilliant performer. He Is
heavier and stronger mis' 'year ;nd
should have a good 'season. Conroy
has plenty of speed and weight and
has every marie of a " fine ' running
Strength I,k In Ibu-kflrlcl.
McKee and Hamilton, though they
maiU. p4s -last yar -ant performed
well, will have to work hard to hold
their places this season. MeKoe is' a
good running back and good Interfer
es while Hamilton, a big, strong lad,
Is a hard line hitter and excellent de
fensive player. They will have Noyes
Rawllngs, jL'rulKo bnd Parchct us their
rivals for regular places in the buck
field. The outiook fs for one of the moat
powerful linos of recent years, as there
are several veterans and an abundance
of powerful fellows from last year's
second eleven and from the new cluss.
The navy's greutest strength will lie
this year, however, In tho best buck
field material It has ever had,-and In
this particular It Is felt that It Is in
better shape than any other college In
tho Kast. i v
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Sept. 21 (U.
I.) Yale has hopes this fall to erase
the painful memory of the 1920 foot
ball season when the Ells fell down be
fore Boston College, Princeton and
Tad Jones, who left his business in
terests in Seattle lust year in the at
tempt to bring Yale out of the rut, Is
back again ,ln charge of the squad. He
has been devoting his attention to the
gridiron since tho close of last seuson
when his team was mauled by Har
vard. Yale says openly, that too much Is
not expected of tho team this year,
that Jones Is laying the foundation of
a system that may not begin to show
results for another year or two.
Prospects are none too bright for a
championship team or for one that
will defeat Princeton or Harvard, as
both rivals In the "Big Three" huve
a much brighter outlook.
If Jones Is able to fill Captain Calla
han's place on the line and 'discover
some good material, the Blue ought to
have a fairly successful season, as the
schedule is none' too hard.
The gamo with the military acad
emy, which will mark the first trip of
tho cadets away from the Plains foi
a game other than tho navy, is th
cid season feature tf the schedule
which Includes:
Bates. Sept. 24; Vermont, Oct. 1:
North Carolina. Oct. 8; Wlllbims. Oct
l&t Army, Oct, 2Sk BrowwOct. ...23;.
Maryland, Nov, 5; Princeton, Nov. 12;
Harvard, Nov. 19.
f r ' i V
Hm- " j mm i ,n "MW'lt
i : u a r m"i ft i
Nutliinul League StaiMliiigs
i W. U
New York 90
Pittsburg S5
S't. Louis --..8 3
Post on 76
Hrooklyn ...70
Cincinnati .6
Chicago ..58
Philadelphia J 9
American lA-ugtic Standing
W. L. Pet.
New York 90 S3
Cleveland 90
St. Louis 74
Knston 70
Washington 71
Detroit 71
Chicago 58
Philadelphia 48
Mck Altrock. the "clown" of th(
Washington iraaeball club, has a
new one. Late in the season
though if Is, Jit found it too go-jj
to keep. He plays he's a traffic I
policeman. T!i act requires sc
"lal paiuphejalla, as showr
I'ni'ifiu Couht Ix'ague Stand'ngs
W. U Pet
Is Angeles' .....99 73 .576
Ban Francisco 100 75 .571
Kacramemo '..99 75 .569
Seattle 93. 77 .547
Oakland 92 81 .532
Vernon 90 85 ' .514
Suit Lake .70 100 .412
Portland 47 124 .274
YiWerday's Results
At Portland 6, San Francisco 7.
At Los Angeles, Vernon 5, Salt Lake
. At Pan Francisco, aklund 8, Sacra
mento 7.
No game at Seattle, Los Angeles club
on road. .
Western Ianie llrsults
Oklahoma City 4, Sioux City 6.
Joplin 7, Omaha 3.
Tulsa-14, Des Moines 1. j
Wichita 15, St. Joseph S. e
' American Association ltosulU
Toledo 0, Milwaukee 4. ' ; , '
Kan.iaa City at Columbus, postpon
ed, rain. ; . '
Louisville 7, Minneapolis 6.
How Hie Series Stand '
At Portland no game. San Francisco
one game; at Los Angeles, Salt Lake 1
game, Vernon no game; at San Fran
Cisco, Oakland 1 same, Sacramento no
games; Seattle-Los Angeles scries not
nrni inrnm mmm hat !
ri i n i ii i i nu;i ivini'siiii i
'JQuLHmCo ULHili VlHo vJ 1R1T,lrll, ,mlr
umiilu in iiinmunuL
A pipe won t burn your V
tongue if you smoke R A.!
Frlnc Albert h
told in toppy r4
bmgm, tidy red tinm,
handfmm pound
and hmlf pound tin
humidor and in tho
pound crystal glass
humidor with
sponge moutwnoT
MR'ifo riTV Mo rni i ft
."f.T--Assertions are made We I hat
lenry Clark, who w-as supposed to
have lioen captured bv handits and
held for raiiKom In ChMi'iuhua, has
neen piayintr a little ci nici'y fnr some
(East Orcgonlan Special.) '
ATHENA, Sept. 21. Beneath a
bower of creenery and white sweet-
Let This Store Be
Your Headquarters
Not only this week but every day in
the year that you wish A-No. 1 Meats
and Vegetables.
Trading Co.
Phone 455 At the Sign of Berrfc
"If It's on the Market We Have It"
Fords Fords
11918 Truck ....$275.00
11918 Truck $375.00
11920 Roadster, starter ....'. $320.00
11919 Touring, starter $300.00
11919 Touring ..
11919 Roadster
11919 Roadster
11918 Roadster
1 -1917 Roadster $125.00
These are lh lowest prices ever quoted on used Fords. Como
In and sie thorn. They are worth tho price asked.
yoviu xn a ixmn ; .
Simpson Auto Co.
itXet and Jolinsou St. SERVICE , lHiono 408
purpose and that he was never In the ' bi".r
hands of )anilits.
No e'fort is made to explain why
Clark should have attempted a decep
tion beyond a hint that he mleht have
thought of collecting a ransom for
Clark is mild to be u HritVh subject
and not an American. He is employed
y the International Uind and Live
Htock Co., i Chicago corporation
which owns large tracts In Northern
Mexico. ,
The assort Ion that Clark told of
imaginary bandits Is similar to the
chargo made against former Consul
V. o. Jenkins, of Puebla, after he had
figured lit a sensational J15U,0u0 ran
som ease.
Purify Your Blood
Eczema, tetter and' many
other Bkin troubles are due to
disordered blood. If you are
afflicted with skin trouble,
don't suffer the maddening
torture longer, but start right
away to purify your blood with
S. S. S. the standard blood
purifier for over 60 years.
For Special Booklet or for jncli
widuml mdvicm, without charge,
write Chief Medical Advieor,
S.S.S Co., Dep't, 430, Atlanta.Ga.
Get S. S. S. at your drujf
The Standard Blood Purifiei
Copyright 1921
' hr it- J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
w.c :
Get that pipe-party-bce buzzing in your smoke- ;
section! Know for a facthat a joy' us jimmy pipe r ;
can and will do for your peace and content! Justf ,;;:?:
check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily; '
who certainly get top sport out of their pipes aU ' .
aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince .
Albert! d H ;
And, you can wager your week's .wad that Prince ! '
Albert's quality and flavor and coolness and its,. V,;
freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu- .
sive patented process) will ring up records in your' ; ;
little old smokemeter the likes of which you never
before could believe possible! v'
You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with . ''
Prince Albert! ! Paste that in your hat! V',
And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into ' tW''s '
sport of rolling 'cm? Get some Prince Albert and " .
the makin's papers quick and cash in on a ciga- - - fj
rette that will prove a revelation! '.'v
the national joy smoke
ii ii ii
son; vice-president, Fiuni Williams; ! Portland where, she
sergeast at. arms, Oeorge-JohnBton; friends and relatives.
visited with
jflmerican Beauty
lbs best iron mail
You art living in an electrical gc(
make the most of it. Come in and
let us show you the wonderful time
and labor saving devices we carry
in stock Irons, Vaahig Machines,
Vacuum Cleaners, Toasters, Chills,
Percolators, Water Heaters, Stoves,
Radiant Heatera, Lampsi Fixtures,
Sewing Machines anything and
everything electrical.
rtrciH'OEii pnicK8 on
ELixrrmc APPLIAXl'KS .
And Other Artlck iu
Elcotrlo aii3 Gas Supplies
Phono ISO 200 Fast Court Rt.
formed Wednesday ut 4 o'clock, which
united In marrluge Miss Hazel Heir, a
popular Athena girl and Louis Stewart
well known young farmer of this
The ring ceremony was used, the
servire belli read by Rev. Walter S.
Glc'ser, of Odcll, Ore.,' former pastor
of the local ' Methodist Episcopal,
church. The bride attired In white,
georgette over satin, with veil, and
carrying an arm bouquet of bride
roses, was given away by her father
J. T. Herr. Miss Ruth Stewart, also
In while, acted as brides maid and
Francis Herr was best man. The wed
ding march -was played by Mrs. F. R
Watts. .
After the cercmmiy, which was wit
nessed by families of the contracting
parties, and several invited guests, a
luncheon whs served by Mrs. Herr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart will reside on
the Stewart farm northwest of Athena.
Mrs. C. M. Kaser and daughter Vir
ginia visited in Prndletnir-Tnursclay.
Miss Martha Hutt- lift Thursday
evening for alem to take up tho years
work at Willamette University, i
Sim Culley was in the city from
Weston Tuesday.
Mrs. W. K. Wall left Wednesday for
Portland where she will visit her son
John Wall. She will also visit other
relatives while there.
Rev. and Mrs. Walter S. Klieser and
children Charles and Margaret were tn
the city Wednesday from Odcll, Ore.
Many 'Athena people attended the
Frontier Days show at Walla Walla
last week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downing of
Freewatcr were In Athena Thursday!
Herman Gcissel and Leon Kretzer
have returned from a two weeks visit
In Portland and The Dalles. '
Francis! Lieiiallen was in Athena
Tuesday from Adams. .
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hopper have ben
visitinc at The Dalles and in Portland:
Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Davidson nave
moved Into the residence recently va-j
cated by the Cartano family.
Mrs. D. H. Sanders has roturnod
from Alberta where she spent the
summer with her daughter, Mrs. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rasler have tak
en up their rosidpnee in the Coppcck
cottage on Jefferson street.
M as Areta Littlejohn left Saturday
for lOngene where she will resume her
studies at University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harder, Jr., of
Milton, were In the city Wednesday.
A new cement sidewalk has been
built by John Benson at . the Zerba
gHragc. -
The Athena high school held their
student body and class elections. The
result follows.
Student ltody President,. Kohlor
ISetts; vice-president, Llielnda' Dell;
secretary-treasurer, Lcla Schubert,
eergeunt at arms, Herman Oeissel;
editor of Lyre, Maebelle Duncan; busi
ness manager, Dorvan Phillips: athlc-
tlo manager, James Hodgen; circula
tion manager, Floyd Bowers.
Seniors President. Kohlor Betts:
vice-president, Luclnda Dell: secre
tary-treasurer. Savannah Smith; ser
geant at arms, Zela Schubert; Class
adviser; Mr. Hadley. . -
Juniors President, John Pinker-
class altviiwr';' atwnrmtrc V"?
Sophomores -President, Guy Arbo
gast. vice-president, Lee Banister;
secretary-treasurer, Elanche Wilson;
class advisor. Miss Chrlstenson.
' Freshmen President, Velton Read;
vice-president, Loraine Shick; secretary-treasurer,
Dolly Stubblefield; ser
geant at arms, Mose Bannister; class
advisor, Mr. Basler.
Mrs. ('. L. Lowther is vis'ting at the
home of her son at Aslnvood, Ore.
Melville Johns of Vancouver has
been in Athena on business.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking have
gone to Spokane on' a motor trip
where they will place their daughters,
Lillian and Blanche in Christian col
lege. ,
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tharp were
The Sophomores and upper class-j visitors in Waitsburg, Wash., Tmirs
Miss. Stella Dblan of Kimberly,
Idaho, was a guest of Mr.
V. K. Russell, Wednesday.
Mrs. J. C. Burke is visiting al the
home of her son,' Victor Burke near
Elberton, Wash.
men Initiated the freshmen Friday aft
ernoon. The freshmen were dressed
In costumes and paraded from the.
school building down to Main street
and back. Mr. Basler their advisor
marched yflth them. At eight o'clock
Friday evening a reception was held at
the school house . In ' honor of the
freshmen, where they furnished the
entertainment for ine evening and
were farther In tiated. Refreshments
of cake, ice cream and punch were
served. , .
Grant Williams was in town from
Freewater Tuesday. .
Mrs. M. I Watts has returned from of Mr. and Mrs. Georiro Lattin.
Miss Ruth citewart of Spbkana
came. down Wednesday tjl attend the
wedding of her brother Loula Stewart
C. F. Christensen, ion of Mrs.'W, H,
Post, Is here from Boise, Idaho, and
has accepted a position In Reynaud't
Athena Baths. .' ' ; v., ,,,
Miss Pearl Dowd, mho spent the
summer at the E. C. Roger ' home
here has entered Washington' Stale
college at Pullman. '
Sept. 21. t-A. P.)
The highway co m m tssl QnM 'ftvi 'nkk4
and Mrs. today to sanction naming'.tne moun
tain at the entrance of the 'JlltcBell
Point tunnel on the CoJuroWftV.hlgb
I way, "McAlexander Moant(nV'ir
j honor of Brigadier General McAlex-
Francis Herr of Richland, Ore., whoiander. "Rock of the Maine" request
has been visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Herr, left Thifrsday for Oak
land, California.
Mrs. Virgil Willaby and baby Vir
ginia visited in Milton Thursday.
came from the progressiva- business-
mens' club, Portland. The request la
to be considered. - . '-.
To freshen stale vegetables ; soak
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dunbar of Laj them for an hour In cold Water to
Grande have been visiting at the home which the juice of lemon., has been
added. T '. .
. a
at women
with can of paint and
"a little work that's fun."
Can Do
WE want to be of aid to
women who wish to keep
the home always spick and span,
so we maintain a "paint and var
nish sen-ice" that makes it easy
work and fun to do many little
painting jobs yourself.
We make a special line of
paints, varnishes, etc., for "home
work", after 72 years' experi
ence with raints and painting
practice. They are paints that
spread easily, dry perfectly anl
give the best lasting results.
are the easiest to apply. They
cost no more, ' and sometimes
less than others.
Wiat pleasure to have home
'. tilings always looking bright and
; newl What fun! to view your
own work neatly done! Sur
prise yourself. See what you
can do with "just a can of paint
or varnish" in yor home.
Use Fuller's products. Fol
low Fuller's simple specifications
for the work you want to do,
and you'll make transformations
i i
Master painters and interior ; that will be a real delight,
decorators use them for ths ; Remember don't let surfaces
sJcntidic paints anu varnishes rot it cosU to paint them.
y spsc:fication
Vamishs - Enamels
M i d by W. P. Fuller & Co.
tant that vou Ret the tiibx ma
terial so o sure to go to tht
ri&ht tor for Fuller rrduct.
Cat out the coupon to tat right
at memo to direct you. '
Kemembw cWt allow xr
faces to rot. It co&tt leu to
paint them.
Write bs flow " t fwftteard
lor booklet of Filers Specifi
cation " Home Service Paint
Products which tells just whst
to buy fcr the work you have in
Send full description ol and
pet cur free advice on any kind
oi pa .sting job you want to do
Decoret Varnish Stain ,
Stain and Varnish with on applica
tion. Decoret refini'hea with ooiot
and gloss the worn ana
ccarTcd surfaces of fur- -rtiturtc
floors and in
terior woodwork.
The color of ny ntt-
vral wood canoe
matched. I
Made in 8 colors. I
The Decoret Line U
composed of White
Enamei, ivory Enamel, ,
Stovn EnameL Screen.
Enamel and firoaie
For Fnrnltur. DECORBT I Tfc
ler'c Specificttion" for rrmiihlf m
color any wood luiiaci. It ttu
varnishe. in one application, turn! tux . '
floor, chairs, wickerwara, ate. Ala
tor radiator, lampa. chandtliar, ft,
ture frame, iron bedttcada, etc
Also maker of Rubber-Cement Floe
Paint, All-purpose Varimhea, Sllaern
white Enamel. Fifteen-for-Floor Var
nish. Washable Will Finish.
Euinel. Porch and Step Paint. '
W. P. Fuller & Co. '
Dept. IS, San FranciM. .
Pioneer Paint Manufacturtn fee
Year . .... -
Established U9
Branches In 16 citie ia th. Weai
Dealer Everywher.
Cut thia out and put It fn row kxke.
book or handbag aa . menu)
Fuller's "Home 8rlce" Paint
old by the following- ia you uyi
A. U. KIKBY, AUama
For all exterior Joke of palnttaf It is sdviMbl to atiUin the
serricM of a Master Fainter '
IVnlltHn, Orcoa