East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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lit 7 nTff I
News Notes of Pendleton
.VAliENDAn rw tmiTo
JSptember 19-24 Northwert
qraln And Hay Show.
!Septembr 22, 23, 24 Anouaj
Pendleton Round-Up. .v
.September 22, 23, 24. Meet
ing of Executive Committee Ore
pn Irrigation Congress.
Sept. 23, 24. Arrival Journal
Huund-Up special,
f- Sept, 23i Meeting 'of Execu
tive Committee of the Umatilla
IJuplds Power Site, association.
!: Oct. 4. Entertainment Uma
o. County Druggists' Associa
tion at dinner by pilot Rock
Commercial Association.
:: October 7-8 Seventh Annual
Dairy and Hog Show, at Her-
Tticinnni Man Here.
Arthur Caylor, representing the
Portland Telegram, arrived In Pendle
ton thin morning to cover the Round-
Up and Happy Canyon Knows for his
newspaper. He will remain here un
til Saturday evening. i
Ministers' Klort Offwrs.
. At a meeting of the Pendleton Min
isterial Association held Tuesday aft
ernoon at the club rooms of the coun
ty library tho following officers were
elected: President, John H. Secor,
pastor of tho Methodist church; vice-
president, J. T. La Rose, pastor of the
Xazarene church; Becretary-treasurcr,
W.'A. Oressman, pastor of the, Chris
tian church.
clutch. He escaped, and a search by
the police some time later fulled to
find any trace of him.
Will Visit In Pendleton
' Verne H. Porter, managing editor of
the Cosmopolitan, and well known in
Pendleton, iWtH ipave Xew York Oc
tober 7 for'A'rlsIt to the West. Ho will
visit In Pendleton with Ir. and Mrs.
Iakl IVlHIli"
l)rrer Get Fines.
Glen Morton, for driving a motor
eylo without a license, was fined 210
yeilerdny. and Hurry O'Connell re
cefted a fine of the same amount. The
v e were tried In the court of Justice
Job Parkes, and the arrests were mado
by..the county traffic officer.
Get Two llnckM.
Roy W. Rltner,' Al Goddard and
George King have returned after a
hunting trip In the Grant county re
gion. The party got two bucks. They
went first to Canyon City and then to
u point 60 miles south of there.
Man Attacks Woman
- A call reached the fire department
from 624 Bycamoro street last night,
and the speaker wos a woman who de
clared that she had been attacked by
a man. She had gone Into the yard to
gather In her clothes at 8:30 o'clock
she said, and a man rushed at her and
grappled with her. He attempted to
gage her with the loose ends of the
clothes she was taking off of tho line,
but she finally broke away from his
Make Good Score.
C.-E. Jefferson, local golf profes
sional made a new low record on the
Pendleton golf course yesterday
making nine holes In 32. His best
previous score was 33. Mr. Jefferson
holds many cups won in golf tourna
--101-101101 101 101 101-101 101 101
Round-Up Days
" arc here, are you prepared for those
i hurried lunches?
We have just received a large sup
; ply of
Swifts Premium and Pemeco. Buy
them hy the whole or half. Cold
; sliced ham makes a delightful lunch.
We also have those fancy little Su
gar Cured Picnics.
Pressed Chicken With
Boiled Ham
Head Cheese
Ham Bologna
English Sausage
Dryed Beef
Pickled Pigs Feet
Pickled Lambs
Tressed Corned Beef
Baked Meat Loaf
Minced Ham
Bologna Sausage .
Summer Sausage
Kippered Salmon
EGGS Fancv Fresh 45c Dozen '
101" Serves You Right
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc
301 E. Court Street
Phones 101 Private Exchange Connect!
Moth Departments
.' xox-
101 T0T-I0I 101 IOI-IQI TQI I0T-
Hunting Season Opens
September First
Let Us Show You Our Large Assortment of
They Get the Game.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 73
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Your Bedding and Household Linen
Needs can best he filled at this store. It'sgingtobe cooler and you'll need more
covers. We offer the largest assortments. Best of quality priced at about what you
want to pay.
A pood lot to select from, big sizes and good qual
ity. You probably need one or two for the guest
Special Train Servli1?
A Hpeclal train service has been in
Btituted for Round-Up by the North
ern Pacific. The train, which arrives
here each day at 10:15 a. m. will not
llnoa fn. Dnurtn until C . . ft n m rliifincp
Round-Up inxteud of at 1:15 p. m. Onjx
Saturday night an extra train will
leave here at 11 p. m.
TaUci I'oHScflsion of Shop
Hobert Jones and Roger Kay today
took possesion of the D. D. Phelps
plumbing shop which they bought re.
cently. It will be known aa the Jones
Kay plumbing shop. Mr. Jones and
Mr. Kay will improve the quarters and
will Increase the stock. They are well
known In tho plumbing business.
Xci Parking on Main Street
There will be no parking on Main
street during the three days of the
Pendleton Round-Up, says Bill Lyday,
traffic officer. Parking will not be
permitted op Court and Alta streets as
well as on Main street on Saturday,
because of the Westward Ho parade
and the general congestion of traffic.
More Rooms Needed
More rooms are needed at the ac
commodation headquarters. Several
have been listed but it is expected that
they will all be taken by tomorrow
noon. Anyone having rooms should
list them with the headquarters Im
mediately, says Dean Tatom, director
of the Round-Up Association who Is In
charge of the accommodations.
Will Attend College
Among the members of last year's
graduating class who will leave for
the state university Saturday evening
are Jens Terjeson, IDarold Gocdecke.
John Simpson, David Swanson and
Donald Woodworth. Sam Oliver is
already at the university as are Miss
Alberta McMonles, Miss Genevieve
Phelps and Miss Geraldine Morrison.
Office Open at 8 a. m.
The Round-Up ticket office will be
open each day at 8 a. m. and will re
main open until the seats for each day
are sold. A special lot of tickets will
be placed on sale on Saturday morn
ing, the last day of the Round-l'p.
Tickets reserved for mail order pat
rons are being held at the Round-l'p
headquarters over Hamley's Saddlery
and are not at the box office.
To Tin Secretary Treasurer
On Monday the student body of the
high school will elect a secretary-treasurer
for tho ensuing year. Those
nominated for the office are Miss Lu
cille Pearson a Junior, and Miss Ruth
Snow a senior. Doth are very prom
inent In school affairs and the race is
expected to be an exceedingly close
one. The election was necessary after
withdrawal from school of Miss Irene
shpets. You never have too many,
We offer only the best of quality. Buy your needs
now! ' '
Replenish your stock now
and buy them here. We offer
you the best in quality and
largest sizes.
Barber Towels, dozen.. $1.00
Huck Towels'.'.'. . . . 20c to 50c
Turkish Towels. .. .20c to 83c
In a beautiful range of dainty patterns and color
ings, of challie, silkoline and drapery. Make up your
own comforters.
Real French Madras in a wide range of colors and
patterns. Make him some shirts now to run thru
the season. These are woven stripes, not printed.
20c to $1.00 Yd.
A big shipment of Cretonnes just
came in. New colorings, new pat
terns. We are sure to please you.
Cretonnes for bed roof, attic, break
fast room, etc. No trouble to show
lb? ,
Cox Funeral Held
The funeral of William Calhoun Cox
who died Monday evening at the State
Hospital, was held this morning from
the Folsom Chapel, Rev. George I
Clark of the Presbyterian Church of
ficiating'. Mr. Cox who was 73 years
of age has been in Pendleton for the
past four years, having come here
from the Willamette Valley. A son
from Clackamas was here to attend
the funeral.
They are well made, full size. Some scroll stitched
and some tacked, in beautiful floral patterns, light
and dark colors $2.50 to $6.50
A great big fine blanket in good looking plaids of
different colors. You'll like them when you see
see them.
We offer you any size batt you may want, of best
quality, sanitary cotton 15c to $2.00
These cool nights call for more covers. Sometimes
a,cotton blanket is just enough, select your blankets
here, where you get QUALITY BLANKETS.
Priced $2.75 to $3.50
We carry a big full stock of all KINDS OF PEN
THE QUALITY is the best. Buy the best, buy Pen
dleton Woolen Mills Bed Blankets, they keep you
In coming here for your oxfords, you will be "able
to choose from large assortments .which contain
every desirable leather and trimming effect ap
proved for fall.
Medium tan, brown, black, in Russia calf, boarded
calf and kid skin 1athers. Oxfords and strap
pumps with Junior Louis and Cuban heels.
Our Pollyanna line of shoes for children, misses'
and growing girls are all leather, Goodyear welt
soles. As always, Alexanders Shoe Quality Guaranteed.
Clarence Vernon Here
Clarence Vernon, formerly clerk at
Hotel Pendleton, now in the lumber
business at Sedro Woolley, Washing
ton, is a Pendleton visitor. He came
to see the Round-Up.
Tickets on Sale Uptown.
Happy Canyon patrons are urged by
Mark ISarthel, of the Happy Canyon
management, to buy their tickets up
town to. avoid the congestion at Hap
py Canyon building, lileacher tickets
as well as grandstand tickets are on
sale at the ticket office on Alta
all school affairs, Struve being presi- I D. C. Herrin is grand recorder and
Of course
you know
the reason
why millions
of men like
Lucky Strike
it's toasted '
which seats'
in the real
Burlcy taste
Advance Sent Sale (Joins 1'iR-
The seat sale for Happy Canyon is
going exceedingly well according to
John Simpson at the log cabin on Al
ta street. Several mail orders have
been filled for out of town people who
"T:"-1 were drunkenness, and gambling came
in the week. Pendleton neon e are I. . . ... ... - .
urged to attend the show this evening
dent of the student body and Kennedy-
center on last years football team.
To Care For Children
Miss Evelyn Mortimer and her as
sistants will care for children at the
Xazarene Church each day of the
Round-Cp. The church is near the
Round-Up grounds which will make it
very convenient for parents to leave
their children there. A cir will call
for the children by phoning 774-R.
Many Hues Collected.
A busy session of the police court
was held this morning when celehra
tors were haled before Magistrate
Thomas Fitz Gerald to answer charges
for violation of traffic, regulations.
Fines in excess of $200 were assessed
and a large amount was collected for
!the city strong-box. Other charges
ml tomorrow evening so that the last
two nights will find plenty of room
for people from out of town. The
ticket office will be open from 8 to 1 2
each day. lilencher tickets may also
be had at the ticket office.
Roys in Charge.
The Roy Scouts who will be in
charge of the sale of Round -Up pro
grams are Raphael Raymond, Gilbert
Jones, Eugene Gray, Dwlght Schnn-
nep, Vern Dale, Harold PeWilde,
Waldo DcWilde. I.orin 1 tooth, George
Sommerville, Rupert Graham, Charles
Newton, John K. Morton, James
Simpson, Ed Cramer and lean Irwin,
all members of Troop 1: Willis Eeck
lider, Elmer Warren, Willie luting.
Ralph Ingram and Wayne McAfee, of
Troop 2. All tho boys will live up
to the Scout motto and will give in
formation to Round-Up visitors. The
boys will be in uniform.
in for a share of attention. Two la
Grande men were apprehended by the
police with an auto and a cargo of
moonshine. One of the men was dis
charged but the other was given a
fine ef $100 and 20 days in jail.
organizer for the A. O. V. W. and the
business of his office is the cause of
his presence here today. He goes
from here to Baker and will return to
Pendleton Friday to take in the
Round-Up. While here he Is a fenest
of J. W. Maloney and a drive over the
wheat section of the county was en
joyed this morning. Mr. Herrin de
clares he has found a lot of China
pheasants here and would like to
come back during the open season to
have a little shooting sport.
Miss Huntington Arrives
Miss Sarah Huntington, of the insti
tutional management department of
O. A. C, arrived today to take up her
out.es as cook during the Round-Up
dinners given by the Church of th
Redeemer at Parish Hall. Miss Maril
a Dunning, of the high school facuHy
is in general charge of the dinners for
which the hours are from 10:30 a. m
lo 1 p. m. and from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m!
The Hot Weather Test makes peo.
pie better acquainted with their re
sources of strength and endurance.
Many find they need Hood s Sarsa
Parilla which invigorates the blood.
Promotes refreshing sleep and over-ci.-nes
that ilred feeling.
Pledsres .XiiikiiiihinI
Gilbert Struve a prominent member ;
of Inst year's graduating class and who
recently registered at the Oregon Agrl-j
cultural College has been pledged !
Kappa Sigma at that Institution.'
Blaine Kennedy also attending that '
school and a member of last years!
class has been pledged Phi Delta j
Theta. Both men wer prominent in .
$6,000 to $12,000 Yearly!
Two railroad men put an Klt'o-tric-Maid
lisko Shop equipment
in a small town in Wisconsin.
Today they are making real mon
ey, without having known a
tiling about the bakery business!
Others are doing it in other cit
ies. You have the same chance
right here. A cash business: no
Jeiiveries; your profits in the till
pvery night. Everyone who eats
s your customer. We supply ail
quipment and full irrnr'MRtinn.
Write or Wire Today
for full particulars on KLKC-TKIK-MAin
now to obtain exclusive territory
for Pendleton.
Electrik-Maid Bake Shops
CM Cedar St. St. I'kuI, Minn.
649 Main St,
Vim11i-oii, Ore,