East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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The East Oregontan la Etm Or. .
on' greatest newsptper and aa (!
tag tore gives to the advertiser ttft
twice the guaranteed paid circulars
la Pendleton and Umatilla count - oi
any other newepaper.
Ths net press run of yesterday's Dally
3,321 ,
Thli papar ii memi.Br br and audited
X the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
VOL. 83
NO. 9936
J b
Series of Explosions Occurred
in Chemical Works; Shock
. .Felt for Radius of 40 Miles.
Buildings Were Wrecked Both
at Ludkigshafen and Man
- heim on Opposite Shores.
BERUX, Sept 21. (U. P.) A
thousand persona are now estimated
killed and hundreds injured, three
railway trains burled and portions of
the towns of Mannehelm, Ludwigshaf
n. destroyed when a series of explo
sions occurred In the chemical works.
The shock was felt for radius of 40
- Hundreds Arc Injured.
BERLIN, Sept. 21. U, P.) Sev-
vii nunorea peraons were reponea
killed In on explosion of artificial nl
troa at Ludwiggabaf en, aocording to
dispatches here. Hundreds more were
injured. Buildings were wrecked,
both at Ludwtgshnfen and Manhelm,
on the opposite sides of the Ilnlne.
Th town-are, the center, of the Cerr
ttuil tihemfcnt-mdustry.
Arttflciar.Nitrugtwt Explodes,
The explosions started in the Op
puor worka at Ludwigshafen. One
terrific detonation followed another.
Huge masses of debris were hurled
Into the air. spreading death and de
struction. Great quantities of artifi
cial nitrogen it is reported, caused the
explosion, when It blew up. Definite
reports regarding the total dead and
Injured are not yet ascertained, al
though Lokal Anzelger places the dead
at over 1000. Large forces of men and
women were employed.
HAVRE France, Sept 21. (I. X.
8.) Greeted by picked American
troops, French officials and masses of
cheering, flag waving civilians, Gen
eral Pershing arrived and after two
hours packed with ceremonies, de
parted for Paris,'
General Pershing Is on a m'sslon
from the American government to
honor France's "unknown war war
rior" who lies burled in the Arc Dc
Triomphe, He will select n body of an
"unknown American spldlcr" that will
ho Imrled with national honors In Ar
llntrton cemetery, typifying the coun
try's gratltudo to the humble men of
the ranks In the world war.
-: TACOMA. Sept. 21. (A. P.) The
nonsihllllv that Roy Gardner took ad
vantage of the ending of the -earch to
escape from McNeil Island, Is Indicat
ed In a report gf J. O. livsns, residing
incar Gertrude, who missed a rowboat
today. There Ih no trace of the row
boat, i ; -
Reported by Major Lee Moorhouse,
wenther observer.
Maximum 70.
' Minimum 52.
Barometer 29. 62,
Barometer Is still low but shows
promise of clearing up by tomorrow
afternoon. Tho precipitation for the
week Is .62.
Tonight and
Thursday fair.
I 7 i
'Alfalfa Hay"' was the popular an
them at the notary Club luncheon tu-
uujr aim ii iiib ruw oi me imss uunu-
lug came off it was because the slnit-
Ing was led by Cheyenne's celebrated
tenor rouusio, unariey irwin. Wyo
ming's Inimitable performer and
Itound-Up booster, with others from
his home city, were igucsts at the
luncheon along with other notables In
town for the Grain and Hay show.
However, Mr. Irwin was not the
only vocalist present for the club
members and their guests were also
treated to a group of songs by Miss
Harriet Leach, accompanied by Rcrt
Jerard. Miss Leach, who Is to sing at '
Happy Canyon, has a marvelous voice i
and her appearance before the Rotary
club was vociferously applauded,
Among other club guests present
and who made brief talks were Dr. I
Muse, a Walla Walla KoUirian, D. E
Stephens, superintendent of the exper
iment station at Moro, Prof. J. M.
Huriburt, of the University of Idaho,
H. D. Dean, superintendent of the
Umatilla experiment station at Her-
miston, J. M. Lewis, county agent at
Dayton, Charles Goodman of Seattle. 1
and Frank Bell, head ot the Cheyenne
show organization. I
Sam R. Thompson, president of the j
Rotary club, was honored by his '
fellow members today on the occasion
of his birthday. He was presented
with a bale of hay and a box of ci
gars, accompanied by felicitious tulks
by Dr. F. K. Boyden and George
jCC ;
SYRACUSE, N, Y.. Sept. 21. (I. X. (
S.) Edward Dohrowolskl. twenty-two ALPUQWiRQUE. N. M.. Sept. 21.
Is blind, but he's a baseball fan and at- (U. P.) Senator Bursum, -republic
tends every' league game played here can Is leading Jndge Richard Hanna.
For six years this man without eye- a democrat, in the senatorial race by
sight has been an ardent rooter for a plurality of nearly 7000.. Bursum
the home team. . He has not m'ssed a succeeded Secretary Fall In the sen
scheduled game during that period. A ate.
younger brother accompanies him and i Klrctloii Is Watched,
"tips" him on any change In the bat- 1 ALBUQUERQUE, X. M., Sept. 21.
ting list, or the location of a batted U. P.) Senator Bursum, a republi
can. The blind follow has memorised can, Is -running ahead of R.'charfl
the batting list of every team in the
International league. vntmiAl on -so 1
Tonight Is Pendleton Might at Hap
py Canyon, and the management of
tho Little. Brother of the Round-Up Is
expecting local people to take advan
tage of the opportunity to see, tho
night show before the outside crowds
The program has been altered
greatly for this year's show and even
those people who have attended since
the Inception of the spectacle will have
something new to see, and for those
who have never attended, the fresh
scenery and the faithful portrayal of
the spirit of the Old West will prcve
to 1)0 of special .significance. '
The program of the show proper
will be concluded at . o'clock, and
following this, the . dance, "ggamb
ling" and the bar will, tie a rendesvous
ttounn-t'P opens at 1:30 p. m. each day, starting Thursday.
; ' . . -
Happy Canyon starts each night at 7:45 p. m.; doors open at
7 p. m. . . . ; ,
Round-Ui ticket office opens
ticket office open from 8 a. m.
Northwest Grain and Hay Show
Round-Up headquarters over
Court; telephone 877.
Accommodation headquarters In. Vast Oregonlan building,
corner Main and Webb streets, telephone 976. Visitors may secure
room by applying there.
Auto camp grounds in east end
Arrival Journal Special from
o'clock; leaves here Saturday at
Westward Ho parade, Saturday
Banks close at noon. Stores
open at S p. in. and close at 8:
Deliveries made from stores
at 8:30 a. m. and one at 10:20
iiiiro rihi TAIID rtC II C
'That looks nvghty interest
lug!" ' '
Such was the comment ' this
morning of F. J. White ami, J.
ICn'ght, New Zealand men, wBen
they were taken through Happy
Canyon and shown the scenK;
effects in the night show build-'
Both men arc retired ranchers
, and livestock men, and they
and their wives are enjoying a
tour of the United States. They
have Just completed one leg of
the Jorney which took them to
Alaska and to scenic spots of
Canada. ,
They know a ' lot about the
handling of cattle and horses
themselves, and they held up their
plans for traveling for 10 days In
order to get an idea on the sports
of the frontier as depicted, here
In the Round-Up. ,
Senator Bareum Lead3 Judge
V" Wanna ' hv fruralitv" r of
I Nearly Vt.000 . Votes.
for tho crowds Changes in the ar
rangement of floor spaces will permit
a larger crowd to be accommodated.
land special plans have been made
w'th the Idea in mind of making the
dance more comfortable, ltrpe corps
of helpers will be on hand to assist ih
all three departments.
For the main show of the evening
there will be cowboys, cowgirls horses,
steers, Indians, dancers, singers,
clowns and others, not to mention the
scouts and the frontiersmen whose ef
forts go to make up the ensemble of
the whole. Trick roping, riding, steer
baiting and the rattlesnake dance arc
some of tho breath-taking features.
The show starts at 7:45 and it will
be concluded at 9 o'clock.
each day at 8 a. in. Happy Canyon
until noon each day.
openc 10 a- m. and 745 p. m.
Hatnley's Saddlery, 126 East
of city at end of Lewis street.
Portland Fr'day morning ut 7
at 10 a. m.
open at 7 a. in., close at 1 p. in.,
SO p. ni.
only In the morning, . one delivery
p. m.
Huge Legislative
Awaits Members
Senate Has Heaviest Task.
His Opposition May Overthrow
Administration's Program
Regarding That Instrument.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. (U. P.)
Congress Is back from its month's
vacation today with a huge legislative
program tiefore it. The program In
cludes ratification of the German,
Austrian and Hungarian treaties; pas
sage of the tax revision bills; enact
ment of the administration's railroad
relief measure; and the passage of a
permanent tariff bill. Sandwiched
along with the bigger stuff appear
the anti-beer bill, Senator Borah's
Panama canal tolls fight, a good roads
bill and a move to pass a congression
al resolution asking for open sessions
In the disarmament conference. The
senate has the heaviest burden. The
senate gets busy today. The house
sums October -S. "' ;, ;
t Borah Opposes Treaty. '" ,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. (U. P.)
Although Borah's avowed opposition
to the. German peace treaty may over
throw the udmin'strstion's program
regarding that instrument, forcing its
postponement, until after the arma
ment conference. . President Harding
and Senator Lodge reached the deci
sion today to speed Its ratification as
much a poss ble. Senator Borah is
regarded as the only strong opposition.
Pair id (icts Appointment.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. (U. P.)
President Harding appointed Colo
nel M. M. Patrick chief of the air ser
vice to succeed General Menocher.
who resigned tiecauHe of difficulties
with his assistant. General Mitchell,
who is retained.
ItcfiinmeiKl Joins 'infreine.
CHARLESTON, W. Va Sept. 21.
t". P.) rSenators Kenyon and Short
ridge, will recommend a joint confer
ence between the unionists and oper
ators as a basis of settlement of the
West Virginia m'ne troubles. Drastic
manures are suggested if the confer
ence fails according to authoritative
Trcal cs Sent to Seiuito.
WASHINGTON, Sept I 21. (A. P.)
Accompanied by a brief formaLnnte,
the treaties with Germany, Aufclra
and Hungary were sent to the senate
today by the president tor ratifica
tion. '
Administration Crltic'scd
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. (A. P.) j
"The American people want more
work and less play," Senator Harrison,
a demo'Tat'c from Mississippi declared
today in the senate dei'Tlhlng Presi-
dnt Harding's recent trip to New
York s'ate on the yacht Mayflower.
The trip was taken, he said, "while
millions of Americans were hanging
their heads In shame," because the
men who "bellied win th war'iwcre
l-e'ne offered on the auction block In
Boston. . 1
CHICAGO, Sept. 21. (I. N. S.)
Gold bricks were once tho "lorelic" of
bewhiskercd .gentlemen from the
But Joseph Caccavallo knew noth
ing of precedent. He tried to sell two
to a Halstead street pawnbroker. At
least Abe Stein, the broker, who had
Caccavallo arrested, said the youth
asked H for the pair.
"I bought the bricks from a young
man on the Soiitli Side." Caccavullo
told Judge Jacobs. "1 only wanted
them priced."
The Judge freed the youth but con
fiscated tho bricks.
PltlSSKt.S, Sept. il. tU. P.)
Paul Armbruster of .Switzerland, whs
officially awarded the Gordon Bennett
Internut'onal balloon trophy. He
landed on the oast const of Ireland,
reaching the fartherest point from
Brussels, thus winning the prise.
Henry Spencer, the English entry,
was second. Ralph Upson of Ameri
ca, was third.
charles irwin 'father'
of YowboyV YowgYrls
With a yip, a yell and a wave
of his sombrero, Charles Irwin,
the "father" of 20 cowboys and
cowgirls, and owner of a string
of fine horses, jumped today
from No. 17 into the arms of
Henry W. Collins, president of
the Round-Up.
Irwin, who hails from Chey
enne and who is famous on
tracks and arenas, is ready for
the opening of the big show to
morrow. Most of his bunch ar
rived here yesterday, but with
him today came Walter Sterling,
Frank Bell and Tommy Douglas.
Mr. Irwin is accompanied here
by his attractive family, Mrs. Ir
w'n and Mrs. Frances Walters.
Mrs. Walters formerly rode but
is not in the game now. She
assists her father, however. In
the management of the appear
ance of the Irwin aggregation at
the various Round-Ups.
Islands Want Chinese Labor
More Than Any Other One
Thing Publisher Declares.
There are not very many people in
Pendleton who will attend this year's
Round-Up who have traveled much
father than Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.
Hopper, and Miss Hopper, their dau
ghter, in getting here. Lihue, Hawaii,
's the home of the Hoppers, and Mr.
Hopper is editor of The Garden Island,
a newspaper which he has been pub
lishing for many years. They are
touring the western part of the United
States and are registered at the camp
"We have a lot of mighty interest
ing features in the island, but Pendle
ton certainly looks good to me," was
one Impression Mr. Hopper confessed
to th's morning. "One thing that Is
something of a surprise to me is that
there Is a city of this size and with the
life of Pendleton this far inland. You
know, I had the impression that all
of the big cities were on the coast. I
see I had a wrong impression."
The Hoppers left the islands August
13, and since their arrival on the
mainland they have been driving
through the country. They visited
points of interest in California, then
came to Crater Lake and thence to
Portland. They came from Portland
to Pendleton and plan to remain here
until after the Round-Up. Later thev
vill visit Yosemite Park, and from
there they expect to see the Grand
Canyon of the Colorado.
. "We're particularly interested in
seeing the big wonder because we have
a canyon in the Islands that has every
thing the Colorado possesses except its
size It's Waimea Canyon, and its
(Continued on page 5.)
There's another town In Pendleton
today. Its population numbers a mi
nimum of BOO souls. that was the es
timate this morning and it Is grow
ing by tears and bounds, at the same
rate that has often been recorded In
the rase of camps who are the centers
of oil fim'.s or ncvi; discovered gold
fields. In this case, the twelfth Pen
dleton ltound-I'Ti Is the attraction.
Housed under white ann snam can -
.viLs, the residents of "Little Pendle -
ton," drawn here from every section (
'of tiie United States, are fraternizing
I in the unto camp grounds ut the east
lend of the city. .Washington, Oregon
'and California ure tne homes of al
majoruy oi inv nii'rn. .".I iir.o
are several carloads from the eastern
! border of the country. Vermont,
the country. Vermont,
lorida, Ohio, several cars from Wis -
Icons'n and other states are well rep-
I retented.
I Yesterday, Jack Miller, custodian of
the park, registered 49 cars and there
were some that had not been put on
Grain is Judged According to
Hardness, Test Weight, Mix
ture and Other Qualities.
The best Forty-Fold In the North
west, fine Turkey Red and Baart
and the cleanert Jenkins he has ever
Judged Is the praise given for. the
leading varieties at the Northwest
Grain and Hay show by Geqrgi It. Hv
slop, head of the farm crons depart
ment at O. A. C. and Judge of the
show now in session here.
The wheat is judged according to
hardness, milling qualities, test
weight, freedom from foreign mate l
als, mixture and smut. Mr. Hysiop
says that the Korty-Kold Is unusually
free from mixture and- that -a large
percent would certify. -The pure
Korty-Fold is terting higher than the
few mixed exhibits. Baart, from
Gilliam county. Is commended by Mr.
Hysiop. He states that Triplet la
running lower in teat - weight than
Turkey Red and carries a slight trace
of smut. ; '
Mr. Hysiop 'is awarding the prizes
today, and tho awards made so far'
are as follows: v . ",.
Karly Baart. ...
John Dennzin, Gilliam county, first;
It. A. Reese, Echo, second. '
Forty Fold. ;
H. G. Avery, 1-& Grande, first; C.
K. Carlson, lone,. second; John Denn-
zen, third. !..,
Triplet. '
H. Tv.Llndley. Iato; first; FV'S.
Curl & Son, Pendleton, second; K.
Holeman, Dayton, third.
Kosen Rye. " "
, Frank Frazier, Pendleton, second;
A. m. Lyon. Modesto, Cat.,, .third; F.
H. Zentner. Waterville, Wash,, fourth.
The rye was not quite up to the stand
ard accepted so no first award was
made. '
Dlcklow Wheat.
This entry was for the benefit of
Idaho exhibitors who failed, however
to send their wheat. No first and
second prizes were awarded, but Lee
Saveiy of Echo, won third place..
.Jenkins Club.
.Tim Cain, Kendrick, Idaho, first;
S. R. Thompson. Pendleton, .second;
L. L. Rogers, Pendleton, third. All
are certified seed.
Turkey Rod.
Montana cleaned up most of the
prizes in this class. Joe Nash, Boze
man, Montana, won first. Other win
ners are George Simpson, Bozeman,
second; George Stoneman, Montana,
third: David Nelson, of Pendleton,
fourth for wheat grown near Brady,
Montana; W. R. Gallagher, Mansfield,
Wash., fifth; F. E. McSpadden, Great
Falls, Montana, sixth; W. H. Conklln,
Great Falls, Montana, .seventh; Tru
man strong, Moro. Ore., eighth; B.. H.
Beck, Heppner, Ore., ninth; and C. R.
Peterson. Moro, tenth.
. Curl W heat Notable
The Curl Jenkins wheat which won
second is from a 10 acre field and
which averaged 00 bushels to tho acre.
Curl Son will grow SO acres of Jen
Kins this seaslth. The seed used In this
county came originally from Idaho,
says H. W. Hulbert, of the Idaho State
College faculty who is here today. The
original growers were Benscoter
Brothers of Idaho, who started the
seed several years ago. Now about
40,00(1 acres are grown In Idaho. Fred
Bennion, county agent, uecurcd the
(Continued on page S.)
the books at an early hour this morn
ing. On Monday the registration was
24 cars. By this evening Miller ex
pects that every available space for a
car to rest will have been tf.ken in
the camp grounds proper, and the
lard tributary .to the pork is rapidly
filling up.
A majority of tho cars driven by
the tourists are medium sized or large
. machines, though there Is a sprlnkl-
lng of lighter machines. . Everv con-
cclvuble kind of camping ami cooking
outfit is rioiug service. The machine
aPe arranged in four rows the long
way of the park.
Following is a list of the drivers of
cars wno registered with Custodian
Miller yesterday:
J. H. Hoffe. Sultan. Wn.: F. M. Hof-
1 foe. Monroe, Wn.; W. J. Dinhrn, Tur-
ner, Ore.; It. A. Coucher. Iloquiam,
Wn.; W. S. Robertson, Mapleton, Ore.;
( Hay Ebbert, Oakland Calif.: A. H.
(Continued on pag !)
Gay Shirts and ; . Sombrero
Give Color to Streets 1 as
Big Throng ' Awaits : $how;
Arrival of Charley ; Irwfh
From Cheyenne Completes
; Preparations for : Event.
. Cowboys and cowgirls In gay hlrt;
buckskin and sombreros; Indtahl la
the trappings of beads, fur and fwath- ;
era; staid citizen transformed Into
hard-riding horsemen,, bucking horse.
fast relay strings and snappy you n$
steers Impatient to enter the aren&jn;
ll .1.1- nmU it,, n .1 aimuhlna whlftH
brightens the September day and cast
a gleam upon banners and flags Ouch-
la a picture of Pendleton, ready for tue
opening of the 1921 Round-Up totnar t
row. - i - ' " C h '
The biggest little city In the world li
ready once again for the staging jot ;
the "Passion Play of the West.". Al-J
ready scores of performers are 10 Pen
dleton, eager to enter the lists, for the '
ewsh- prizes of m" 4a44aiM! -merchandise
prises' art attracting tal-f;
ent from all over the United .States.;
Shows held throughout the country r
during the summer and fall have been'
but preliminaries for the three days of
thrUlu for the Pendleton shew U In- i
deed the Round-Up" of all round-ups. ;l
Irwui Mere - .-.
Charles Irwin, with 20 cowboys andj
cowgirls and a string of sleek relay,
horses, is here. The Eddie McCarty?
strings and the famous Drumheller
strings are here and the beautiful
racers are now in the Round-Up sta-.
bles. The Drumheller strings, by the
way. is owned by George Drumheller.'
of Walla Walla, , a veteran of- the
Round-Up track and who comes this
year with horses bearing laurels from'
Louisiana races and from the .Opfahaf
derby. ' ' .' '.'! "y
Some twisting, some turning, ' some
sun fishing and others content with.
Just straight bucking, the Round"-Up ;
Association's buckers , are showing j
some real devilment at the try-out.
After a year on the range, the horsei,,
have returned with, tempers more
venemous than In the past. There are
buckers old and new and all will show:
some novel tricks which may prove
the undoing of riders. The try-ohts
are attracting much attention and yes
terday the grandstands showed large
Crowds On streets
Already visitors are thronging the ?
streets. Hotels and restaurants are
occupied with meeting the demands of.
the out-of-town people. Pendleton
homes have been thrown open for ac
commodations. The Round-Up' asso
ciatiou permits no profiteering, and
has regulated the price of meals and
ruled that double beds shall cost no
more than 12.50. ' ,' ,
Tonight will see the opening of that
beautiful pageant, Happy Canyon. The
wild' country of the early Weat. the
life of the Indians, the coming of the
white man and the early days of 'a
frontier town will be depleted by the
actors and actresses of the comn.io.nlty
show. Later dancing will be a feature.
OLYMP1A. Sept. 21. (U.
Governor Hart today ordered" a spe
cial commltteo to Investigate the rir
mored unsatisfactory conditions at
the state insane asylum at Stellacoom
and Sedro-Woolley. Nine men and
women from Seattle. Tacoma, Yakima
and Hcllingham will conduct the
TWIN FALLS. Ida., Sept. 21. (U.
P. i Composed of 30 touring cars,
trucks and trailers, bearing nisa.
women and children, the Brooklyn
modern caravan of home seekers ar
rived here this afternoon. The party
remained In Twin Falls a few fnlnmos
and then elft for Buhl, where they
will lake up the Rot-worth proleet.
near here. William Scott, a Ifronklyo
business man, led the caravan. It
was known as "Kcotts Caravan'' all
across the country, ' .