East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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r te&3&S S?2. "' 2 Vv - TEN PAGES ' 1
tpi Drre
I Cl rnUkvl
Psychologist Warns That In
dulgence is Likely to Cause
Growth of Beard on Women.
NEW YORK, Sept. 14. (Written by
Margery Rex for the International
News Service) Will- excessive smok
ing; cause women to take, on mnscu
llne characteristics, even grow beards
on their fares.
From Pari cornea the startling- news
that French doctors are' able to prove
by statistics that alcohol and rigar
Hies cause these abnormal growths
' on feminine faces.
If this be true then It should be the
most effective argument ever offered
, against the use by women of cigar
ettes. Fear of losing their delicate
facial beauty would never relinquish
on response to moral teaching.
If only other disputed customs of hu
manlty showed results in this undeni
able fashion, it would be easy to halt
many other excesses.
Thore Is the question of marriage
and divorce, which was discussed re
cently at the All Cults' Femlral Asso
, elation by Colonel Dlnshah Kharlali,
: metaphysician and psychologist. lie
. suld:
"The whole trouble is In women try.
i Ing to he the equals of men they j
never can bo. They always have been
' and always will be men's superiors.
' Womun is supreme, especially In tha
iittvi-iuiiiiicni ui i nc nice, lur, no mm-
ler wnnt a man may achieve, no can
never become a mother. i
"That Is why I am against women !
degrading themselves with drink ami !
smoking. It will be a great calamity
If women take up the vices that men
are now Betting aside. Hut nothing ,
can be done by class legislation or;
laws made against one set or the
other. Woman has the same rler-t i:s j
man to do a thing. t'hs-j should be)
no legislation against an pa-tionlitr .
sex, race, class, color, or creed In this !
country. . , I
"Morality cannot be forced by law. i
We must educate people to it. Girls j
must lie taught by their mothers their
true place in the world." I
Colonel Ghadiali, or Colonel Dlnsh- j
ah, as he is often called, has had a :
varied and picturesque career. He I
Is a Parses, born-nt FlombaV. IcfU.
and from early childhood has shown
intense Interest In research work of a
scientific niti.re. For thirty veu-s he
"baseball SUMMARY fj'
-U !
National league Standings
' ' W, I..
New York 8 f'4
Pittsburg "3 ' '
St. Louis 61
Ronton :...': 13
I'.rooklyn "
Cincinnati 3 75
Chicago '
Philadelphia 1.
American Ix-aguo Klundings
W. U
New York ! ''
Cleveland K5 51
St. Louis t-' 6"
Washington S 7"
Detroit Sfi
Chicago 5S 79
Philadelphia 47 5
Coast l-caane Standings
W. I.
I.os Angeles 97 69
Sacramento 96 71
Kan Francisco 97 72
Seattle 91 73
Oakland SS 79
Vernon . "6 s
Salt I.ake 66 97
Portland 43 m
YcHliTduy'tt He-suits
At Seattle 6, Portland 2.
At Iis Angeles 7. Vernon 4.
At San Francisco 3. Oakland 11.
At Sacramento 6, Salt I-flke 7.
. 5 5 5
.6 25
.4 75
.51 I
.56 2
has studied light, heat, electric.,' and
;magnetlsm, and has founa in certain
.light waves vanuble turativo lupor
Ities. Colonel Dlishah Is also a ny
ichologlst of ai:nfi perceptions.
"I am neither faddish nor fanatic,"
Colonel Dinshah said, "but I am ,h
, sworn enemy of smoking.
I "The poisons that are in nicotine are
not always well understood. They aw
pyridine, sulphuric acid, carhon mon
oxide, carbon dioxide and prussic acid.
"The results at smoking ure dry
throat, Imperfect circulation of the
blood with loss of equilibrium, harden.
Ing of the arteries and weak eyes, bad
teeth and poor digestion.
"Smoking among women may easi
ly result In a serious loss of equilibri
um and the perfect balance of femi
nine charactersitics which makes her
a woman. Then she may take on male
characteristic such as a beard. A
woman should not court any mascu
line habits or characteristics or she
will surely lose her own feminine per
sonality. This Is produced by a de.
terloratlon In glandular activity. Roth
men and women have the characteris
tics of the opposite sex, but one group
is always more developed than the
other which lies dormant. J
"Women should stay women and I
not try to lake on the characteristics j
of men.
"In order that the perfect child
shall result from marriage a harmoni
ous union is necessary. Kugenlcs
claims to accomplish this, but that
science is wrong. It relates only to
the physical side of life. I refer, too,
to the psychological aspect as well.
The perfect mating must be based on
the most powerful force In the world,
that emotion called love. From the
marriage relations of life all happi
ness ond unhappines result,
"A human being of one sex is drawn
to cne of the opposite sex because of
the difference In polarity. Hut ir
these two In mating fall short of the
proper Ideal on demanded by nature, J
the physical side of nature revolts. (
The man thinks the girl should be the j
ideal woman he has read about In
stories and the girl wants him to ne
her ideal bero. Thus, disillusion
brings discord to the former harmo
nies of matrimony.
""The second reason for unbappl-j
ness Is that often a wife cannot rise ;
along with her husband as he advanc
es In the world. Then tastes vary as J
to the way to enjoy life, and this dif
ference may not be apparent till a long
time after marriage.
"In man and woman there ure two
factors, self and sex. The man who Is
devoted to a woman submerges his
self, humbles himself and asks her to
marry him.
"What IV wanted to settle many
marltol problems is a court wlthmM.
lawyers a tribunal of common sense,
presided over by psychologists."
To the motorist 4p m 1
who has quit , if k ' ;
guessing about 2lf jj
Last Call
Bartlctt Pears $1.65 box
Italian Prunes . ..75c box
Elberta Peaches $1-65 bo
Concord, Tokay, Malaga, Black Prince and
Sweetwater Grapes.
Trading Co,
Phone 455 At the Sign of Service
-If It's on the Market We Have If
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 14. O.
N. S. ) "Reorganize Mexico and Presi
dent Alverdo Obregon and divert to
America the stream of Mexican money
which is flowing In millions of dollars
into the pockets of German manufac
turers." That was the plea of J. C. Under
wood, an American mining expert,
upon his arrival in Kansas City from
Nogales. Ariz.
According to I'nderwood, the Amer
ican business man is losing thousands
of dollars, wnicn ne ntncrw.se couia
get, solely because of the Govern
ment's refusal to reeosntze obregon
and his people.
I'nderwood says manufacturers and
m'ne operators of Mexico are pleading
for equipment to run Ihe'r plants de
stroyed during the civil war there.
"Tbe Mexican farmer Is sorely In
lil'Sit nf imtSdlW s and f irming equip
ment. ; Hundreds of mills are closed
because of lack of machinery, hut
American manufacturers are denied
this market, because the I'nlted States
adopts the attitude That the country
helnw the Rio Grande Is a void. .
"Knglish. French and German sales
men are seizing the opportunity and
arilvlng in .Mexico y the hundreds.
They are writing orders which other
wise would be filled by American fac
te rie.-.
For several years I'nderwood has
made his home in Nogales. Ariz.,
where the dividing 1 ne between the
I'nlted Slates and Mexico passes di
rectly through the nyddle of the little
city's main street.
According to I'nderwood the time
has arrived for America to grasp the
fact hnt Mexico is t'red of fiehtins
and that the people stand solidly be
hind their president.
ALONG about this time of year a man finds his motor-
ing neighbors getting anxious about their tires.
With folks expecting old tires to "pop" any minute,
there comes the question of what kind of new ones to buy.
U. S. Tires are answering a lot of questions like this
The U. S. Tire following embraces two kinds of
tire buyers.
Those who s tarted with quality firs t, and have never
bought anything else but the quality standard tire.
Those who came to quality first only after dabbling
with "bargains," "rebates," "job lot" and "surplus stock"
Getting one hundred cents value on the dollar in tire
buying is a straight-forward business proposition not
guess-work or a game of wits.
Tne most essential man for you to know today is the
local U. S. Tire dealer who is concentrating on a full,
completely sized line of U. S. Tires.
Ke gets his U. S. Tires straight from his neighboring
U. S. Tire Factory Branch one of 92 such Branches
established and maintained all ever the country by the
U. S. Tire makers.
He is the man who can give 3'0U fresh, live tires not
stuff shipped to him from some point where it did not
sell, but new tires of "Current production.
Giving the same quality, selection and price-advantage
to the owner of the medium weight car as the big car
owner gets. With equal service and buying opportunity
whether he lives in the smaller localities or the greater
centers of population.
Where the going is specially heavy with mow,
mud or sand, in hilly country whsre maximum
traction on the road is a factor, no other tire
tread yet devised is quite so effective, or so
wholly approved by motoring opinion, a the
U. S. Nobby Tread. '
It? r?ry simplicity two diagonal rows of ob
long studs, interlocking in their grip on the road
is the result of all the years of U. S. Rubber ex
perience with every type of road the world ove& -
'Th mol 098ntiml mn far
you to know todty tn th itrm
jtusjnesi is your iocMi U. S.
J if iJmsmr."
mm in pacific
I.OS AN5I'.LI-S. Sept. 14. (I. N. P. :
7 d a new ocean current, driving tn
from inid-ocean. carry the steamships ,
Alaska and the Snn J 'sc against I'a- .
cific Coast rocks In two reeent ship
ping d'sasters In Pacific waters'.' j
f.niiii,r tiiHor es to tins eneci ,
;titi Ti
United States Rubber Company
Western Auto Co.
Phone 530
Water and Cottonwood
They Are Going Ft only 5 left
' New cars went down and we will make the fol
lowing reductions on used cars while they last:
i .- ' Was Now
1 1918 Truck Chassis with body ....$325.00 $275.00
1 1920 Roadster, starter, demount
able rjms 375.00 . 320.00
1 1919 Roadster, fair condition 200.00 150.00
1 1918 Roadster, box on rear 235.00 180.00
1 1917 Roadster, fine for a bug .... 175.00 125.00
' Compare these prices with the Portland prices and then come
In, look them over. We will show you barKains that will make
you buy.- ' Tours for a Fold.
- - " - - A
During his entire seventy
RartlMtK theor.es jears of life on the sea the ca
haxe been expressed hc.e T two . ex-
nerienced and o rt-t me sea cupiHiim. . - .........
pen nceii am Re through, across and around
One rjintaln 1. 1- AnranamsQii, con-i , . .,
one Lnpi""i - , ..., ,.,,. of the Rieat currents of the w
i:dered the worlds veteran sailor, nasi . , j ,
"' " ' . , , ,u, f,.,.irc iwc-in lareest bodies of water,
c.-il.talned ships in the I ncir.c mean
for forty-five years. ' In his helief a new current h
s ves-
01 Id's
(Jen. Pershing Inspects Rookies
Simpson Auto Co.
Water Johnson Sis. .
Phono 1118
11 w s.--y . ivJ
n from mid-ocean and is , driving j
against the Pacific Coast, and when
those in. charge of the San Jose and
the Alaska thought they wire a suffi
cient distance from shore to be safe
they were correct, but when this new ;
current struck; them the ships wen
without their knowledge carried
against the shore.
The same opinion was expressed by
Captain Irvine Hanson, in charge oi
the Aniens, which has been loadinc
at the local harbor. 1
The famous Japanese current, circu
lating the cold waters or the Hearing
Sea from the north, has changed di
rection, the two captains declared.
Increasing oold weather during a
I score of years along the Southern Cali
fornia coast has been caused by the
fact that the Japanese current, in
. stead of turning into mid-ocean off
1 San Francisco, has gradually con-
tinned further south until it extends
.the entire length of Califoriva before
turning westward.
Keep Your Blood
Pure In Summer
Many feyer epidemics are
, caused by impurities in the
, water supply and are ended only
when the water is purified. Lilts-
iH, many blood disorders uch oc
i ion, Wtter, pimplrs, boil. hlackhrts
I and Rhoumtira r cued by impuri
' tin in tho blood supply and c.n be
I stopped only whn the ore driven out.
I Enrich your blood and keeo l pur. by
taking S. S. S. You could hav no bet
ter health insurance.
I For Special Booklet or lot indi-
' eicfual advice, wthoucnare.
S S.S. Co., Dep'teJO, Allmntm. Ga.
Cat 2. 5. 5. at your drugit.
. u hi.ii viait tn the Citizens Military Train-
in. C.m Tat pTatUbur He w Interested .specialty with th work of
!' rcle. on ?h. rtni wage.. Colonel W. O. Coaa post commander.
j wilh Ptrthtng.
Tha Standard Blood Purifier
31-2 $195.00
3 14 $175.00
3 8160.00
Now is the Time to liny.
Sturgis& Storie