f AGS EEC DARY EAST OREGOSIAK, PENDLETON, ORSSON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER i 4, 1021. .123 rACtS r rmm-,r, - -. , , lr KJXJMAtl' lASUAs kjiwv xvcuo J ui'kkts in- it:mikton. Miss Mildred Hoyt ami Miss Myrtle Jloyl of l.n irundo, ure guest of Miss Irva ttair and Mis Kmily Dohnert in Pendleton. They will depart on Fri day for Monmouth to rmer liie State Normal School. For the pleasure of thr Mliwn Hoyt, Miss lhilc will- be hostess lomorrow evening for a danc ing party to bo given at the home f hr parents, Mr. and Oslo 48 Water street fivo members of the younger sot havo been Invited for the affair. . Mrs. Winnie Lincoln, Mrs. Fannie Iu- PHY IS VISITOR, puis, Henry 'Thompson and Georgei An interesting visitor In Pendleton Kdmond was appointed. jyesterday was Mrs. W. T. I'hy, ot Hot I After U.o regular business meeting Lake, who has just completed a Chuu the ladies of the order surprised Mrs. Jtauqua tour. Mrs. Phy, who is an uc Louisc Lampkin by eorving refresh-1 complished dramatic reader, will menu In her honor. Mrs.. Lampkin leave for Australia, Xew Zealand and has been secretary of the order for I Papeete, where she will fill an en thirteen years and Is on the eve of de partnre to Iowa and California, to be Mrs. V. II. Absent for three months. While she About forty- 1s absent Miss Ethel Thompson will act as secretary. MRS. LAMPKI.N HONORED The I'nlted Ar;-.sni.R :nvt In the Katie-Woodman hull lasf evening and decided to hold an open meeting: or their friends on the sucond Tuesday In k-tober. A committee for entertain ment which consists of R. J. Kngltsh. will PvKsinn on north main Mr. and Mrs. James Welch and lit tle son. Homer, M ill this winter make their home at 120 North Main street with Mr, Welch's sister. Mrs. J. F. Robinson. They moved recently to the new location. x J a. II o i. r V V 8 T A I B S SHOr Another Express Shipment Just In. COATSI COATS! Excellent Values Every One. Rim i 1 -4 m IKTMkmm r-- gL - Coats of Velour, Bolivia, Panvelaine, Evora, Veldette, Gerona Cloth., etc. Fur trimmed and plain. EXCELLENT VALUES $22.50 to $150.00 , V K X DICTO POPULAR GARMENT'SHOP FR EE " FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Big 50c Jar of Wonderful COMBINATION CREAM JONTEEL with the purchase together of one 50c box of Face Powder Jonteel and one 50c compact of Rouge Jonteel. Three Famous Beajitifiers for the Price of Two.' We make this exceptional offer so that you may get ac quainted with this most delightful face cream.- A cream for softening, healing, beautifying the "complexion. Simply wonderful as a -base for powder. You love to use it it's so fragrant, cooling and refreshing. , Stimulates the tissues and makes you feel as well as look lota younger. ; ' FACE POWDER JONTEEL is a soft, invisible powder with a remarkable clinging quality. You notice the dif ference at once. " ..' , ROUGE JONTEEL is so lifelike. Matches your own nat ural flush perfectly. Comes in convenient compact form to carry in f-urse or pocket.. You can ecure these Jonteel Beauty Requisites only at The Recall Store. - f THE PETiDLETOH DRUG CO. MATTRESSES ' . " " 4 Your chance of a life time to stock up. Regardless of cotton advancing we are selling cotton mattresses, 45 pounds in weight, rolled edge, for the price of the tick alone. 45 pound Cotton Matresses, F. O. B. the store $5.50 45 pound Cotton Mattresses, delivered $6.00 We have the most typical assortment of Cheyenne, Apache, Kiowa and Arapho Indian beaded goods ever displayed in Pendleton. . SEE 'EM IN OUR WINDOW. YOURS FOR SERVICE Riley Br Kemp guKeinont with the Ellison-While com pany. Mrs. I'hy was one of two en tertainers choen to make the tour and will appear with five celebrated lecturers on Chautauqua programs. During her visit hero airs, l-'hy was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. David "P Hill. Additional guests at the Hill home yesterday were Dr. and Mrs. Johannason, of Walla 'Walla. Mrs. t'hy accompanied them to Walla Wal la ljist evening and will return to Pen dleton tomorrow. After a day hers she will leave for Portland leaving later, for Australia -where she -will ap pear on the Chautauqua platform be fore going, to New Zealand and Pa peete. I.EAVK poll CALIPOHXIA Mr. "n ml Mrs, J. T. I'lchurdson left last .evening for Sacramento, Califor nia, to attend the wedding of their I niece. MIss Eva Martin, and G,( If. Hahn. The wedding will bo an event of September 21, and will take place at the First Trintlny Church at 8:S0 p. m. It will be followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Martin, 417. 19th street. Miss Martin, who is a charm ing girl, has visited In Pendleton and In La Grande with Mr. and Mrs. Rich ardson. During the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Hichardson,. jtheir, residence In the Colonial Apartment will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Farley. RETURNS FROM BAKER t Mrs. Lucile Christensen haB returned from Baker where she attended the funeral of her sister. Mrs. P. C. Berg man, aged 21. who died recently after a few hours Illness. Mrs. Bergman Is survived by her husband, her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins, of Bak er, Mrs. Christensen and another sis ter, Mrs! William Hermsen. Mrs. Hermsen accompanied Mrs. Christen sen from Baker. 1 DIN"XER IS GIVEN. Honoring Edward Thompson of Portland, Ned Strahorn was host last evening for a dinner party at the home of his parents,Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Strahorn, T17 Jane street 'At a tar ble centered by asters in the early fall shades, covers were laid for the honor guest. Hubert Smith. David Swanson, Lloyd Montgomery, Waldon Bjers and the host. MRS. ROBIXSOX IS HOSTESS Mrs. J. F. Robinson was hostess yesterday for an enjoyable dinner party at Meacham, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. E, Judd, of Portland, who are Pendleton visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Judd, Dr. and Mrs. W. D. McXary and Mrs. Robinson made up the party and motored to Meacham In the Robinson Machine. WILL VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Hays"and lit tle daughter, Betty Virginia, arrived on Sunday from their home in Baker to spend a two weeks' vacation with Mr. Hays' mother, Mrs. Stella Hays of 51B Blaine street. Mr. Hays was formerly with the Btandurd Oil Coin panyjiere but has been transferred to Baker. MRS. LOXG CONVALESCING Friends of Mrs. Kyle Long will be Sted to learn that she is convalescing arter a serious illness. Mrs. Long, who Was operated upon recently at St. Anthony's hospital, ts'now at her home 503 Garden Street. Bigh Grade Confections . This morning the first of our high grade con . factions arrived by express. We want you to know that we have the same high grade confections that you would see in the finest stores in any part of the country. " Markers California Conserved Apricot, box.. $1.50 Markers California Conserved Figs, box $1.50 Chocolate Truffles, large box $1.50 Fouree Chocolates, large box ..;...... $2.00 Truffles, Fruits and Nuts, large box ......'........$2.00 .Truffle Mints, small box ........25c Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 28 Only 1 Quality th Beit THE ; l THOMAS .f v SHOP WEDDING IS SOLEMNIZED At a pretty home wedding at 10,34 this morning. Miss Alvlna Roehlk be came the bride of John Lorensen, Rev. Albert Blasberg of the Lutheran church performing the ceremony - at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roehlk, 915 Wash ington street. The bride wore a smart tailored suit of navy blue, with hat to match, and her corsage bouquet was of bride's roses. She was unattended. , A noon luncheon was served follow ing the ceremony, the Immediate rela tives who witnessed .the ceremony be ing guests. Asters were used most ef fectively in decorating the rooms of the Roehlk home. Later Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen left by motor for a wedding trip to Portland. They will make their home on Mr. Lorenzen's ranch near Pendleton aft er their return. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lorenzen. LITTLE DAUGHTER BOP.T Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Bean, of Elgin, are the parents tf a little daughter born on Thursday ut Hot' Lake. The new ariival lm been nam ed Mary Elizabeth. Mr. Bean former ly resided here and is a nephew of 'Mrs. H. E. Bickers and Mrs. Jessie Hiestand of this city. He served over sea during the war and Mrs. Bean, who is a Nyssa girl, did also, her du. ties being those of an army nurse. LEAVES FOR LA GRANDE. Mrs. Paufine Moore Riley, siate cr- ganizer for the Women's Benefit As sociation of the Macabees, left lab! evening for La Grande. RETUR. .N FROM SEASIDE. Mr. and Mrs. George Stani;ior and children have returned after a visit to seaside. They spent the summer there.. Other News of This Department on Page 5 HERE FROM UKIAH. Mrs. Frank Hilhert of Uklah, was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. She left laM. evening for Harrfsburg, Pennsyl vania, to visit her brother, LEAVE FOR ATHENA Mrs. fftella Hays and Mrs. Kffle Knight motored to Athena today to be the guests of friends. They will return here this evening. , . ' - ' LEAVE FOR SPOKANE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schiller left yesterday for a motor trip to Spokane. They will visit relatives in the Wash 'rgtoh city. IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATION Cottage Cheese. Cottage cheese is one of the Important meat substitutes. It contains a larger percentage of protein (the chief material for body building) than most meats and furnishes this material at a lower cost. In every pound of. cottage cheese there is about one-fifth of a pound of protein, nearly all of which Is digestible. Meals, on the other hand, usual ly contains less protein and he sides have a certain waste, such as bone and other Inedible mate rial. Obi. V. V. VALlE OF CORIUSCT PRfXIXG (Continued from pag 1.) soon to be harvested would bo much smaller than .from the trees which wore more severely thinned. Mr. Hop- son declared ho thought the correct spacing between apples of the Rome Beauty variety would be between six ami eignt inches. On the tree In which the space between nuules ranir. ed from eight to ten Inches the fruit was or excellent ouailtv but the viei.i will be lower to all appearances, and me net protit rrom the tree less than ,.110 una wuere me ininntng was uone on a Casts of between six and eight inches. Slovcr lias nig crop. Two orchards belonging to Ben Slovcr were visited and Inspected. The results of the different methods of thinning in this orchard were the same as were-observed in the Hopson trees. Mr. Slover's orchards were not severely thinned, and while the fruit Is of excellent quality, he expects to follow the rule next year of leaving at least six Inches between apples. , "I started out to do that this year, but the apples were so thick, and be fore they were thinned, down as they snouia nave been. I lost heart and de cided that wo wouldn't knock out so many. Next year I Intend to tell the boys Just how close to thin. then, be fore 1 have time to weaken, I'm going on a vacation. By the time t ei back, the thinning Job will have been properly done, and I won't have an opportunity to Interfere." . Mr. Slover is one of the big fruit growers of the county. Ho has sev eral orchards and vineyards and Is a booster for the business. He Is chair man of the Freewater organization of the farm bureau and ts a member of the executive committee of the county body. To take care of his apple crop this year, which Is estimated at 25, 000 boxes, he has built a new ware house, whiqh Is 40 faet by 80 feet. In side measurement, and has a seven foot ceiling. One-half of his winesap orchard has been more severely pruned than the other half, the heads of the trees hav ing been cut back heavily in one sec tion, and In the remaining part, tho trees were opened up but not so heavy pruning was given. The condi tion of the trees two years after the pruning was pointed out, and growers declared themselves in favor of tho lighter cutting. The same problem was studied in the prune orchard of Herman Hurst where the groth on young trees gave an indication of the value of two dif ferent methods of pruning. Sixteen trees were cu,t back heavily, and on a row between these, eight other trees were headed lightly. A measurement of the circumferences of the trees was taken, and figures show that the heav- lily headed trees now have a circum ference of d.l inches, while the eight trees lightly headed measure 6. inch es, a gain of 7 per (cent for the ones cut only lightly. At the orchard of A. C. Roeder, while some of the party were study ing a special keiiture of the trees, a number of others demonstrated the proper way to thin watermelons and to carry off cantaloupes. Fred Benn ion has given this subject special study. Study Washington Orchards. Following luncheon at Odd Fellows' Coals wfrJF anil liilil-H " (II I- - harming m ; . About the most interesting display of Coats this store has ever shown will be seen here this week. Jhe handsomest and most favored materials are. featur ed in entirely new and distinctive styles, ready for your choosing. They are priced very moderately, considering the high quality of both materials Imd workmanship. ' ! New Suits, Dresses and Coats Arriving , f Daily.' ' T '' MARCONI GETS MORE SIGNALS FROM MARS hall in Freewater, and the meeting of the farm bureau, the tour was extend ed into Washington. The big orchard of Baker and Langdon was visited. It contains GBO acres of bearing trees and was sold last year for $1,050,000. It is one of the largest single commercial orchards in the Northwest. To hear of the success which has at tended a fight against leaf-curl on peach trees was the purpose of a visit to the orchard of Eugene Tauslck. Three hundred trees this years yielded 1000 boxes of peaches, the owner de clared, and his trees are practically free of the effects of leaf-curl. It Is the only peach orchard In the valley which can claim this distinction, ac cording to the statement of H. K Wiley, district agent of horticulture for the southeastern part of Wanning ton. Bordeaux mixture was applied In the spring for the curl, and lime-sul phur was used for the borer and scale. The conditions existing In the prune orchard of Barrett Bros, were observ ed by the party of students as the next part of the program. Tho trees are closely set, are thrifty and vigorous. and it Is said that they yielded IT tons this season. The orchard has had crop of alfalfa on it during the past six years. Mr. Wiley told the visitors that the benefits of this crop In aid ing to maintain an even temperature In the soil were clearly indicated this summer In tests he mado with a soil thermometer. The temperature rang ed from 79 to 81 decrees which he lointed out, It would be impossible to attain If Clean cultivation- were at tempted. The leading authorities on horticul tural subjects from both Oregon and Washington were In attendanco and Included Clayton 1 Long, extension specialist on horticulture; Paul V. Marls, director of the extension serv ice for Oregon: Dr. C. J. Heald, plant pathodogUt for Washington . State college experiment station; H. K. Wiley, district hortlrtilturallst. Wash.; W. H, Talley, county agent of Walla Walla county; Fred Bnnnlon. Umatilla oounly agent; F. U Ballard, county agent leader for (Eastern Oregon, and others. The pruning school will be ' held some time later In tha year, either In the latter part of November or during the early part of December. ' The work done this year In Umatilla coun ty in demonstration methods for fruit growers will be continued for a period of three years by the extension depart ment, j , Permanent MuM-ular Strength can not exist where there Is not blood strength. Young men giving attention to muscular development should bear this In mind.- Hood's .,8arsaparll!a gives blood strength and builds up the whole system. . The Key that Unlocks tho Door to Long Living The men of eighty-five and ninety years of age are not the rotund, well- fed, but thin, spare men, who live on" a slender diet. Be as careful as he will, however, a man past middle ag will occasionally eat too : ' much or of some article ot food not suited to his constitution, causing indigestion or constipation and will need dose of Chamberlain's Tablets td move his bowels and Invigorate his, jstotnaeh. When this is done, thert Is so reason why the average- man should not live to a ripe old age. ' No Bubst'tuto Offered ' Ray what you will about druggists offering something "Just a food" be cause it pays a better profit, the fact still stands that ninety nine out ot a hundred druggists reromniendCham berlaln's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, when the best medicine for diarrhoea Is asked for, and do so because they know from what their customers say ot It, that It can be depended upon. A Pronounced Success r The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Cotlo and Diarrhoea Remedy In the relief and cure of bowel complaints, both tor children and adults,, has brought it Into almost universal use, so hat it la practically without a rival and . as everyone who has used it knows, it is without an equal. ' Tho Ideal Purgative. As a pugutlve, Chamberlaln's-Tab- lets are the exact thing ' required. Strong enough for the most ' Tobust, mild enouvh for children. . They cauM an agroeable movement of the bowels without any of that terrible griping. They are easy and pleasant to take and agreeable in effect. V 4J emu. AM pot ef ATIO" I V.tf COMPOUND COPAIBA m4 CUBEM AT YOUR DRUGGIST rfNMcMt,T. X::- THIS KIND OF WEATHER NEEDS AN ' j IDEAL HEATEk 1 V '"' .' . -.; 1 ' ' .''' Let us put one in your home now enjoy its vrmth the entire esason. . . ' ' i We feel safe when we say that the IDEAL HEATjfiR t surpasses all others. Just drop in and see for yourself.. 'j CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO 4 Pboaa Ot V unlit 7 Our WU JjwotJ KaUf action Our Alia 103 test Court Street