East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    fags inr.:
HEX PAQI3 " TT:- ' :' ; . 1 .
, . . . ...... .,' . ; . . , ' 1
. T .
Auitiit att-30--Wuter;"' First
Aid course Jtl City .Nalatorlum.
Direction X)f nlonoph C. Hedge.
September 10 -Hermiston Ex
periment Station Field Day. 1
September .19-14 Northwest
Grain nnd Hay Show'
' jh.i; i,i.'"Thn train on which Idlemaii represented the panciieton
;'h" phipocLhrtd to be devoured over tho pout of the American, Legion.
route' on account of the tun-
I'oiidletdii i8 Featured. ,
. Four scenes of Pendleton appear In
!the current number of The, Roadrun-
Veteran Lti'4 to Rest.-" ' i ner, a magazine issued iy
. The body tt another veteran who ard Oil Co. The cover picture 1h a rep
it hi.. nr in mn van Interred at refutation of ii scene In the Jlound-
September I. 11, 14 AeiWaJ 'walla Walla Monday afternoon when .Up, and three "other pictures st
mdletqo Hound-Up. funeral itervl.ee were held' for John various street scenes of the city.
October '7-8 Seventh "Annual
Dairy and Hog Show, a Her-
mlston. vs ...
t'atllo Man Returns.
Frank IfUhert, Uklah, stock 'jTian,
has retyhedfrorol'ortluhd where he
recently sold Home caftle. . Conditions
, ere decidedly unfavorable ftr'th cnt
, lie Industry according, to, Jijlbcrt.
Cheap production and cheap transpor
tation are necessary for the grower to
lirenk even, and he nay that neither
member of 4he 96th company, 6th State Treasurer Hew. ,
..... flVhol of ' Marines I O. P. Hoff, slate treasurer,
and he wa killed In action October D,
1918. The aervlces were In charge of
tWtv Reverend Mr. Lane, pastor of the
Mpthodlet'Church. mis wire aieo. two
month's before ho enlisted In the mar
rlue corps. Among those who survive
ore a small son, Robert, his father,
Conrad Welts of Walla Walla and sis
ter Mrs. yv, fr. Irwin of Pendleton. Mm..
Kay Crlilkshank, a sister-in-law of Ta
coma, attended the services. Perry L.
-101101 101 101 101 101 101-
, .. f ' ' ;
. . T, and' ,::
V. 3c Pound. f
are some of the new arrivals in our
vegetable department
Waste Less Buy the Best
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc
r xoi ioi-
301 E. Court Street
Phone 101 Private Exchange Connect
-101 101 I0lI0t 101 101 I0I-T
the duy here vinitlng old friends. He
will leave in the mornlntf for liakcr
where he will spend several days foe
fore retiirnlnir to Pendleton where
he, as a member of the board of con
trol will assist in making an Inspec
tlon of the Hound-l'p.
Ho Havo, Special Insignia.
To designate La Grande visitors
who Always come in larg numbers to
the Itound-Up, tho Ad Club this yar
is making arrangements to have spec
ial Insignia worn by residents of the
neighboring city. The pattern of the
Insignia has not bean devised, but. tho
club is planning someyilltg- distinc
tive. ; ' ' . ' '
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other pepts. 73
rrq use ne m. nuava
0 Grocery, 2 Phones
Other Depts. 78
Nel Cars and Prtvers. - ' :
Dean Tatom, in charge of accommo
dations' during Round-Up. has sent
out an S. O. S. call for several auto
mobiles and drivers to aid in his de
partment. Any car owners who want
to assist In V1H service should get in
touch with either Mr. Tatom or the
Eastern Oregon Auto club and make
the fact known.
Womthi lYirfeits Hail.
Hail of J50 given last night for her
appearance In city court. by Carrie
Smith, colored, was forfeited this
morning when she failed to be pres
ent In police court. She was charged
with Immoral acts and practices. Three
vagrants were found guilty and were
given sentences of thAe days each by
I Judge Tmomos Fits Gerald.
I .
I.niidcrs Impresses Appreciation.
; A letter from President J. S. Tan
I ders of- the Oregon Normal School in
I which he expresses his thanks for the
I letter of congratulation sent him by
jthe Pendleton Commercial Association
j has been received at tlie office of the
association. President landers i ex
presses his satisfaction In again being
!in educational work in Oregon and he
lis looking forward to an opportunity
of renewing his associations li1 Pen
dleton on account of the session every
summer which is held of a summer
normal school here.
MiKUlJ m Wl in ha "fit w Nf tA'-
Thev are full of dash and vim. Heavy enough to
"stay with 'em" when the going is a bit hard. Yet
the uppers' are soft enough to shape comfortably to
o the foot New fall styles are here..
44 Main ft, Pendleton, Oro.
Hunting Season Opens
September First
f Let Us Show You' Our Large Assortment of
Thjy Get the Game.
To Fmilltatc TraffU'.
Assurance from r the Houser Con
struction Co., no engaged in road
Work on the Columbia Highway, that
everything possible would be done by
the company . to facilitate traffic to
and from Pendleton during next week
while the Round-L'p is being held has
hecn received In the form of a letter
by Mayor O. A. Hartman. On a trip
to Portland recently, President D. H.
Nelson and Secretary Ernest Crockalt
of the Eastern Oregon Auto Club
sought this promise from the com
pany, At present there Is a necessity
foV a detour of three miles, but this
distance will be cut to one and one
halt miles during next week, and spe
cial extra flagmen will be employed
by the company to assist In moving
IV. AV. Cnviness Chosen
w,' W. Caviness, who Is well known
in 'Pendleton, has been assured the
position of surveyor general of Oregon,
according to worjt received by local
friends. L Mr. Caviness, who now re
sides In Vale, formerly engaged in the
farming and livestock business here,
later becoming identified with railroad
construction. Mr. Caviness is known
as a pioneer Irrigationist and In recog
nition of his services the Oregon Irri
gation congress In 1913 passed a reso
lution giving hiB first position on its
honor roll. Ho organized what was
known as the Columbia Valley Land &
Irrigation Co. 'for the construction of
a canal to reclaim 74,000 acres of
Umatilla county land with the waters
of the Umatilla river. He was involv
ed In a series of suits over the waters
of the stream but finally won out, only
to have the project collapse in the
panio of 1893. Mr. Oaviness was an
Intimate friend of Joaquin Miller, the
poet, the two having hecome friends
v i -'Alexanders present for women and misses'
New Autumn Suits
in an extraordinary sale. , Greatest early .in .. the, season
sale in years. More than one hundred suits of fine ma
terials and workmanship, .
Duvet de'Laines,
Tricotines v
Fashionable Furs,
Sizes Women's nd Misses -
Styles .
.Every Approved ;
-16 to 42
- 'i lt!l ' 3
II 8,1
Lot 1829.50
Ripple navy "silvertone, button
trimmed, size 16. . . . . ;. $29.50
Pekin silvertone ripple, ;
size 16 $29.50
Black serge, belted model, but-!
ton trimmed, size 36 .C $29.50
;!' :
Brown silvertone,
model, size 38 . .
Brown silvertone, straight line
model, button up collar, size
38 . $29.50
Box back, soutache braid trim
; med,size 16...... $29.50
Sorrento blue ripple suit,
size 16 . $29.50
- Lot No. 3 S 15.00
Brown4 duve delaine straight line embroider trimmed, size 18. . $45,00
Brown veldyne, chenille. -trimmed, throw, collar, straight belt, size
38 . .....v...'......;.1?..., $45.00
Navv tricotine," hand tailored, size 38 . . ... . '. . . . v. . . $45.00
And other models too. numerous to mention.
. Lot No. 2 S37.50
Navy box tricotine trimmpd with
grav la'oadcloth and soutache,
size 16 ............... $37.50
Nifty .tricotine model in ripple
style, novel treatment of pock-
ets and collar, size 18., . $37.50
Navy blue duve' delaine cable
stitched trimming, - button-un
collar, size 16 .... $37.50
Classy little short waisted ripple
suit of blue tricotine; size
16 . $37.50
Straight line tailored suit, button
trimmed in style that is always
good size 16 ......... $37.50
Brown deve delaine trimmed
with .nutria fur on collar,
cuffs and bottom . of
size 36 i . . .
. $37.50
many years ago. During the last few
years Mr. .Caviness has been engaged
In the promotion of the Star Moun
tain irrigation project., ' ... :
Q. Van Densen, Umatilla county home
demonstration agent. Mrs, McComb
will leave for Portland tonight.
Burial Sorvlivs at 10. , ' , '
Burial services for -the late W. It;.
Graham, of Vancouver. Vasmngton,
former Pendleton resident, will be held,
tomorrow at 10 a. m. at, the Olney
cemetery. P.ev. Alfned Lockwood,
pastor of the Clmrch of the Uedeemer,
will officiate. The body of Mr. Gra
ham will arrive here tomorrow, ac.
companied by Mr.-Graham's son, Au
brey Graham, of Camas. , , . ; ,
it's toasted, of
course. To seal
f in the flavor-r
Iccr Meat Was Enjoyed -
Fried venison formed the piece-.de
resistance at the Rotary club luncheon
today, thanks to the hunting prowess
of 3, V. Tallman and Louis Soharpf.
In telling of his experience Mr. Tall
man thrilled his audience with a tale
of adventure in the "woods during
which he saw six invisible deer in a.
black pine forest. Mr. Sohnrpf told
of fishing In Diamond lake and deer
hunting on the bpper Umpqua.
Druggists Unite. ". '
The Umatilla County Druggists- As
sociation was organized yesterday at
noon luncheon, at the Elks club for
which Pendleton druggists were, hosts
to the druggists in the various towns
of the county. ' The purpose of the
luisoclation is to create a closer bond
of fellowship in a business and soola!
way between druggists of this county.
A. C Koeppcn of this city was elected
president, M. D. Orange of Pilot Rock,
vice president and M. 1.. Thompson of
rendleton. secretary. . The, next meet
ing will.be held October '4 In Pilot
Rock when the association , will he.
guests at a game dinner given by the
Pilot Rock Commercial Association.
Present at yesterday's meeting were
.1. E. Ilavnie. of V'reewuter, T. ... H.
Ghorlpley, f IJelix, M. IK Orange of
Hanger Is ilfere
Floyd Kendal, of La Grande, forest
ranger, is here for a few days office
work in the Umatilla National Forest
off.ee. v "
These are the happy days, but so fevrj
realise it. ' - ' - t j
"The Gloomy Gus of business must i
wake up to the big future-ahead. Mosi
prosperous, most resourceful of all na
tions, the business men of these L'Qlt
ed States are blind to many adva.V'
tages for which they should be thaiit.
Cattle to Bo, Removed
Cattle and horses on the Umatilla
National Forest will probably be re
moved about the middle of October,
says J. C. Kuhns, supervisor. A few
beef cattle are being removed, now.
Mr. Kuhns received word today from
William.1 Kendall, ranger "at Dayton,
Washington, that there is eight inches
of snow south pf Godman Springs.
Leave -for Payton.
R. A Bottcher, deputy forest su
pervisor, and George Clisby, forest
ranger, left In a government truck to
dny or.Dayton, where Mr. Bottcher
will be In charge of a telephone con
struction crew which will complete a
line from the. Dry Gulch ranger sta
tion near Troy to,Tueanon ranger sta- I
tlon, thus establishing communica- i
tion from Dayton to one of the most
Inaccessible portions of the Umatilla
national forest. - - , " -
Oregon'i Higher Insliiutioo of 1
Eight Schools; Seventy De pirtmests
For informilio wriir lo tht tn iior
Oregon Agricullural College
WASHIXOTOK, Sept. 14. (I. X. S.) I
Uncle Joe Cannon, eighty-five year-1
old youngster of the house, today)
laughed at pessimists who are worried !
over business recovery. I
"Americana today. In the rush fqr
the almighty dollar, forget the bless
ings they enjoy," said the veteran, of a
hundred political battles. '
Why, back In Danville, long years !
Pilot Hock. C. 1 McKadden.of Athe- no, before the flays ot gas ana eiec-
na R. E. Mitchell of Hermtston. -J.l tne ngnts, ana otner marvelous-mven-(
Frank Spinnlng'of Echo, f.. II. Chas- tiiuis that has brought comfort to the!
tain of Milton. Thomas Young, A. '0. 1 people, the folks of the town opened
wrumiwn. J, K. Thomnson and M. L. their eyes in amaxeinent at the sight
Thompson, ot rnnaiewn. j. v. mn-
man of this city was unable to nttond
because of., "attendance" l . another
meeting. " 1 ? ' '
Mis. McComb Here '
Mrs: Jessie D. McCOmb, stte leader
of home demonstration ugW.ts, Is here
tdtfay for a conference with Mrs. Edtth
ot an oil lamp in a store window. (
"Just look back at those day. Well j
do J remember when the people i
thronged down on the main street to
see the first kerosene lamp Imrninc In j
a shop window. It was In the days of j
the tallow dip candle. ,
"Now, see What we enjoy "today, inj
llfe'e - omtorta and conveniances.
"W have Just what you'waiit to start you off right In your new
year of school. A happy start makes success. We have a full linn of
the best make of Pencils and Pens, ranging In price frrlm ROc to I2.00
Each pencil or pen is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. We
are equipped to repair all OUR Pens and Pencils FRKU
We also' have an Ink that does not clog your pent and will wash
out. of your clothes should ygu happen to spill some on th-in. Hl'T
when It Is put on paper it hecomce permanent. , We defy any Ink
eradicator to remove it from pajier. ,
Come in and see us. We are offering a special price to users of
our Pens and Penclla.
Hanscom's Jeweliy Store