.iff fAQK TEH DAILY EAST OR2Q0NIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1921, TEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Ftndloton Prices and Associated Pren Bepurte , it ii i i. i i i i TACK AOoOT ptEN3!fSl MY KlT CtffioS HOMs FROM TH F.'IQST OaY ?r SCHOiSL MlH A LtST Of STOFr THAT LON3 THAT I'vg. QOT TO BUY, III nmcv Miwly Tone Maintained .l Portland Yimls (From the Oregon Journal.) There vnn a total mipply of ;2 cars of livmtork reported in the North I'r.rtlHnd Bllci h Tuerniiiy, n compared fcilh ram h wwfc uko nnd T cars f-ur ni?o. All linr-fl phowed a teteady ton. Iliiicn wore In a very nominal supply nt North Portland Tuesday. Only TS head wore avnilKhle and the; sold within the former ranse, $11. BO still l.i-ing the extreme top. Heneral ho market ranee: Trim liKht 12.f0 T 12.P9 Mnooth heavy, 200-300 pounds 10.00S"11.00 Smooth heavy. 300 lbs., up S.OOffllO.OO JiouRh heavy 6.00 & S.Ort Fit piKs lO.SOdf u.50 Fat pig U.50 ff IMS Feeder plRs 1 0.50 w 11. SO Slags 4.00 W 7.50 There mas quite a irood supply of rattle reported In the North Portland yards Tuesday. New arrivals includ ed r,S6 head, compared with no supply last Tuesday or a year aso. Sales in the cattle alleys continue t active at a price. The price is not satisfactory to shippers, but most of, them appear to tie forcing liQuldntion again. General cattle market ranee: Choice steers S 6.005 .50 Medium to good steers. . 5.500 .00 Fair to medium steers .. 5.00 0 5.50 Common to fair steers .. 4.00 6.0Q Choice cows and heifers 4.7(5 (.25 Medium to food cows and heifers 4.25 4.75 Fair to medium cone and heifers S.25 4.25 Common cows, heifers . . .50 ii 3.50 Canners i.50ii 3.60 Bulls 2.60Q) 3.50 Choice feeders 4.50 6.00 Fair to (rood feeders ... 3.505 4.75 Choice dairy calves ....... 10.50 11.08 Prime light dairy calves 10.00010.50 Med. light dairy calves.. 7.0t(S'10.00 Heavy calve 6.50 7.00 With prices steady, Tuesday's sheep and lamb market at North Portlann was quiet. No change in values was indicated. General sheep and Iamb range Rust of mountain lambs 6.001 6.50 Best valley lambs 5.50 6.00 Fair to good lambs .... 5.00(fi! 5.50 Cull lambs - 1.50 3.00 Feeder lambs 4.50 5.00 THE OLD HOMETOWN By Stanley LiJ Zcv SAY THE 1 Rut wr-l 3o, rt AITtI OHP HASNTl NO-NO- wC?4Tt a STARTED TO HOfWCTS NSpT- Slf ' fa, STAWLel THE FlBE CHIEF WAS tJETAlNP D AND DID NOT ATTEND a-MSTT THE FIRE IN ED WURGLERS WOOD SHED TO RAX 5ffrw7 SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE People who arc successful in a business-way, are those who manage their affairs in such a manner that they meet with a minimum of or no losses. They keep their money in a good bank, in place of leaving it in their homes or carrying it around, where it is subject to many different risks of loss. They store their valuable documents and jewelry in a Safety IH-posit 1W in the vaults of this strong hank. 3 . . TheAmef icanKaiional Bank Pendleton. Oregon, 'Strongest Ban in Gastern Oregon? jjj Army Cots GET ONE FOR ROUND-UP These cots purchased on a special price placed on sale at $4.50 for quick disposal. Cots cost $5.50 wholesale, so you can see what you make on such a buy. BUY YOUR HEATING STOVES from us and save from 25 to 30 per cent. Call early and see them, we are waiting for you with just the right price. RLUE TAG SALE STILL ON! Cruiksh&nk & Hampton 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Tour 4H4 lmltura Taken Id Fiotmrur aa Part Payment on Now Kiriuaive AuU la fVodMon fur Aerolu (No Whlp Iorcb EbaA. i an.g Light yearlings 4.00 Jr Heavy yearlings ",6 Ofi) Light wethers 2.50 Heavy Wethers .. 2.00 Ewes 1.00 4.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 Strong I'mlertone Shown In Stock Market NEW YORK. Sept. 14 (A. P. -The stock market was hesitant Kt the outset of yesterday's less expansive dealings, but by noon and for the re mainder of the session a firm to strong undertone prevailed, notwithstanding occasional bearish activities. Relaxed conditions in the money market and subsidence of the disquiet ing fluctuations in grains and cotton probably contributed to the better feeling in speculative circles. German exchange rallied slightly, but most other foreign remittances were in clined to react. Initial dealings seemed to he In fluenced by further cuts In' wages of steel operatives, reports of curtailed production in the New England textile industry and passing of the United Drug dividend. The latter stock made new low, hut this was more than re trieved later. Financial Interests seemed hopeful of favorable action by the senate on the railroad financing bill and the over-subscription to the new $600,- 000,000 treasury notes was cited as ad ditional proof of a sound investment situation. More than half of the day's trading was limited to established favorites, notably the Mexican oils. General As phalt, Baldwin and American Locomo time. Crucible and United States steels and Studebaker. Rails were apathetic until the final hour, when news of the regular divi dend of Great Xorthern strengthened most investment transportations and extended to popular, junior raiU. Gross gains of 1 to 4 points sufferert slight impairment at the active finish. Sales were 635,000 shares. Call loans opened at 51-2 per cent on the exchange, but dropped to 5 per cent when it was found outside offerings were being freely made on a 4 1-2 per cent basis. Time money was more plentiful and merchants paper was in better demand. Firmer conditions ruled In the broader bond market, convertible rails again being favored. Liberty Issues were mainly better. Internationals, including Mexicans eased variably. Total sales, par value $13,275,000. Yes, I THIMK 1 CAhi. You KWOW THese NlCK-et- PLA"te-T STATOSTTeS Of A MM BAt-ANCINC Or one. roar coith CHicrM ivns.s on his ' AKlKt-eS TW4T 5QMC HAViS STICKING. upon thg front fwmT" TV"- 0p ,t4 Got OiiS on Yes, I ivou wv; fwvf-. ' "Y1 Ant? You , Jf -JA Ji so you tout-.. ( A2 VZTu J, i Id THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE When you purchase I a pair of $ W. L. Douglas Shoes you are getting the best shoe value for the price that money can buy. For Sale by A. EKLUND IS !WJ ri "Mencan Beauty ELECTRIC IRON lb kMt Irsa ml You arc living in an electrical gl make the most of it. Come in ind let ui fhow you the wonderful time and labor aaving device w carry in stock Iron, Washing Machinrt , Vacuum Cleaners, Toasters, Grills, Percolators, Water Heateri, Stoves, Radiant Heaters, Lamps) Fixtures, Sewing Machines anything and everything electrical. 11BICCFJ PIUCTS OS FXrXTHIC APPIJANfKS And Other Artlchia in ' l,opo'"'0,". ' J. L, VAUGHAN Klc trio and Gas Supplies Phono 9 206 V-ant Court St. dr.lynnk.blakesl.ee Chronln and Nervous Diseases aa D I sea tea ot Women. X-Ray Kleutri Therapeutics. Templs Bldg. Boom 1 Phons 41 Florence Avery Rice Dramatic Soprano Pupil of P. X. Arens Voice) Placement Master Diction fftudlo Phone 408 Perkins A vs. 791-W OFFICE CAT Drouth and Export Demand Strengthens Wheat. -Ar- BY JUNIUS CHICAGO, Sept. 14. (A. P.) gentlne drouth advices, together with gome revival of export business in this country, led to a material upturn in wheat. The market closed firm, 2 to 3 if. cents net higher, with Decem ber $1.32 to 1.32i4 and May $1.36 to S1.37. Corn finished unchanged to 4 c higher, oats up 4C to iS5-H cents, and provisions varied from 25 cents decline to 5 cents gain. Bulls In wheat were prompt to take advantage of the failure of predictions for rain in Argentina. It was con tended in various quarters that the Argentine crop would be able to en dure dry weather for 20 to 30 days without suffering irreparable damage. On the other hand, the apparent in creasing likelihood of serious curtail ment of the Argentine yield was given as the chief reason for numerous or ders to purchase. During the result ant upturn, houses that were conspicu ous sellers of late became the chief buyers. Meanwhile estimates were current that export business for the day totaled 1,000,000 bushels, and there was gossip that for the first time since 1914 Japan was acquiring wheat on a large scale. Only a mod ern reaction in prices was caused by late sales to relize profits. Corn and oats sympathized with the strength of wheat. Rural offerings of corn were said to have fallen off to i decided extent. Provisions averaged lower, influenc ed by downturns in the value of hogs. I-anihs Higher On Omaha Livestock Market OMAHA, Sept. 14. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 5300 head. Market active. Outlet for strong weight butchers and packing grades, broad at prices steady to 10c lower than yesterday's average; bulk tRAOfnT- demand for medium and light butchers, narrow; bulk of sales, 1525c lower, ,7.50ift8; top 18.25. Cattle Receipts, 5000 head. Beef steers steady; top fed yearlings. $10.10; she stock steady to strong; bull strong; veals steady; stockers and feeders steady. , Sheep Receipts, 13,000 head. Lambs mostly ,r,0c higher; bulk west erns, $9i9.75; top $10 paid for five cars of choice Idaho lambs; one cor clipped lambs, $9; sheep strong; early sales ewes, $3."ri&4; feeders, steady: early sales light feeding lambs. $7. The, Silent Drama. He kissed her eighty times a week, Upon the brow, upon the cheek;; He kissed her eighty times a week But off the screen they didn't speak. High Brow Stuff in Michigan. Prom the Carson City, Mich., Gazette. The Twentieth Century Club enjoy ed a very pleasant afternoon at the home of Mrs. Chas. Fowler last week Friday. The topics of the day were freely discussed, pickling and preserv ing seemingly being the most popular. AMiat Comes .rter the Purchase Price Sir We know ot a place where they sell IT for 35 cents a drink but instead of selling it over the bar Ijie bartender takes you to a little room in the rear. All the furniture I saw in that room was a slab and an instru ment in one corner that looked like a pulmotor. The Wanderer. More people are committing suicide this year than last, and two-thirds of 'em are men. Bad golf scores are sup posed to be at the bottom of the trou ble. v It's easy to get laughed another to be funny. at;qulte Mabel The doctor says he has sev- ed her life nine times. Kva I always did think she was a cat. ,., ,. E WREi HIGH HF.FL Qr LONDON, Sept. 14. (I. N. 8.) How a girl's high-heeled shoe. Jam ming between the ruilder-bar and the wooden guard, caused an aeroplane to crash, with the loss of three lives, was disclosed at the inquest on the pilot of an airplane and a man and a girl passenger who were killed when the machine fell Into a yard near me bearh of Port Melbourne. The Superintendent of Airdromes for the Civil Aviation neparimeni stated that his opinion was mat tno accident was caused by the gin s snoe rendering the. rudder useless, thus sending the machine down in a tail- spin. The Satisfaction of the Woman Who Is Well Dressed Is Assured in These Coats! : $175 TO $34ZS Pekin Blue Brown Grey Navy Coats at the Price You Want to Pay YOU lad decided exactly the amount you would speed on your new Coat for early Fall and Winter wear, but you scarcely dared hope to find at that low price just what you desired and have it include everything style, color, quality, and good economy. But here it 'a you are sure to find it in our selection. If yon want a fur-trimmed Coat or a Coat with embroidered designs, you will find it here and at the price you want, too. We Welcome Your Choice and Gladly Serve Yoa! Opposite Hotel Pendleton 0WLn vwJntaxT stubs Ill DKAJCTMENT StTWEft .THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STnitTj! OBffAWT7ATTOW IN THE WORLD ' LaceBrim Gives It Charm The proper hat for the proper occa.inn is thorn in the Maria Coy model from Franklin Simon A Co. (or afternoon, it u ol Lck U',;u cluaa with Ucc uienaioa fonusg the wid bruo, i ' Wood for Sale IS CAR LOTS Yellow Pine, Fir and Tamarao EARIj GIMjANDEKS, Pendleton KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The Unit; Store That Ton IV-t. Krrre i Some of the Reasons Why We Are Busy 42 Piece Dinner Sets at '....1.'..'..., $8.49 Children's Buster Brown Hose ..'..22 pair; 2 for 35c Ladies' White Cotton Hose 10c, 3 for 25c ;, Ladies' Mercerized Hose 29c pair - Hand Painted Cups and Saucers '. 18c Lanterns, regular $2.00 ; sale price... ..: ..........98c Aluminum ware, your choice of many pieces at.i......99c English teapots 69c and 79c Coats Crochet Thread 9c the ball 7 All underwear at OnshaIf price Children's Cotton Flannel Gloves..... 9c pair You too can save There is a reason THE 1 ' i 1 BEE HIVE PENDLETON OREGON o