iltttMraaUvJM face imt "!8SMM" DAItt 2AST OftEGONIAN, I'EIIDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13,1921. V GLASS For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals,' Lost, Found 14 OLAMIVIBD ADTBHTUIVa ' .' HATH ' t M It 8-Bolnt--Countln all ordl- . hary words to the llae. ' ' First Insertion, per llne..........ll Each additional consecutive . ' Insertion, per line ......... a Oh. mnnth. mrv iaau. Inasrtlon, per line .. ,01 tlx months contraot, every It- " " sue, ech Insertion per Une .1 Twelve month contract, ev. . ery leaue, ech Insertion, ' per line ...- ' M Ad not run cone.cutW.lf, ' e each Insertion, per line... .It No ada taken for leaa than 1 line. Minimum charg. . .11 NEW TODAY ROOM AND BOARD for lady. .Thane 30S-R. " "' BOARDERS wanted. Phone 862-W, 604 Thompson St. . WANTED Fresh milch cow, also dozen laying heni. Phone 787-J. FPU SALE No Hunting oV Trespass ing jiotloes printed on, card, . any quantity. Apply East Oregonlan or flee. ,FOR TRADE Rulck Bix In A-l con , dltlon for Ford Sedan.-Call after 5 p. m. at tii Johnson Street. FQR SALES Front room upholstered furniture and 1 rune practically new. S"ld cheap If taken at once. 111 a Main St. LOST AND FOUND LOrfT 84x4 H duvercowti Cord tire, tube, rim and tire cover, between Pen dleton and Pl'ot Rook. Reward. Leave at E. O. Office. LOST Large brlndle milch cow dry 'no brand vlaible long horns 110.00 reward If delivered to B O. Baltmarsh ranch, aouth of reservation LOST on Tuesdny ufternonn between Ann St. and McKay Creek, a ladys hand bag containing 3 combs and : silk scarfs. Finder return to this office. WANTED WANTED To 27-J. rent piano. Phone GIRL WANTS Job doing house work. Phone 282-M. WANTED Hewing at Home 1028-J 120 Lee St. -Phone WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAOS AT The East Owonlaa office. WANTED Quiet room for gentleman for two months. Phone 622. WANTED Office work by young ladyAridress "8" this office. " WANTED First class mechanic. Irraee ft Nelson, (16 Garden St. WANTED TO BUT house in Esst end of town. Address Box 773. City. WANTED Woman or girl to do house work by the month. Phone 265-R. TO CLEAN and block yonr hat for 1.00 Rodd, 107 W. Webb, Phone 86. ' WANTED A position as housekeeper br chambermaid call at Room- 1, Golden Rule Hotel. WANTED TO RENT 4 .or 6 room furnished house, will take long lease Herb Reed, Phone 484. TOUNO MAN 19 wants steady work where good trade may be learned Inquire 414 West Court. RELIABLE, permanent party wishes to rent small furnished or unfitr nUhel house, reference. Phone 789-M BOARDERS WANTED Meals SOcte., per week $8.00. Special BunAay dinners 7fic Phone. 62-W 04 Thompson St. - WANTED by reliable party, furnished or arifurnlshed house for the winter or longer. Best of reference. Phone 42 after 4 p. m. WANTED Two ladles t travel, $ . week and expenses; I to work city and outside towns, $3 day. 'Room St, Oolden Rule Hotel, Mrs. Jenea. ' ' ' WANTED Someone to care for S yr. old boy by week, while mother la employed. Call Mrs. Holtimd between hours 10 and 11 n. m.'-g arid 19 p. m. Oolden Rule Hotel. ' "! WANTED Information concerning A. C. Barcia driving 1918 Chevrolet, Oregon license 75229. Barcia believed employed near Pendleton. Address 678-M care Astoria Evening Budget. LOCAL electrical firm has opening In Its sales force for three aggressive salesmen. Previous sales experience not necessary but would be helpful. Call between 1 and 2 o'clock or 6 and 6 o'clock. Milne Electric Co., 110 E. Alta St. WANTED Muslo pupils, Helen Koch. Have attended conservatory of m&slc. : Arrangements can be made by. calling 239-R or residence 321 Aura St. Information Wanted Any Information concerning Martin Riser, 42 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, abqut S ft. S Inches tall, last heard from at Pemlloton, Oregon, Oc tober 15, 1915, will be appreciated by hit sister, Mrs. W. W. Winger, Wolcott. Inff. . . . BUSINESS opportunity We want a jive ueuifr w - ... 4in Pminiv fni nriA nf th hest known and best selling automobiles in the United Stajee. We are how ranking eltlh place In volume of sales com puted in dollors, In the automobile tn d us try. This la a jump from U. place occupied one year ago. Not a Teat deal of. capital is required and thhj exceptional opportunity to Btart In the automobile business with an es tablished line la offered you. For de tailed Information .ddros " care Ewt Orefonlan. ....,... , ' 'V v FOR SALE REAL' ESTATE $2000 buys, a 6 roomed house and t low. Phone C10-W, . FOR jtLBHfe-Wert ' twrtlshea Apt. novae (heap Phone 827-J. ' FOJV fcA0L,E Nice rtajdancj property, " north aide" and other locations. W. H. Morrison, Phone 1003 or 1145. FOR SALE Modern 6 room house with fire place. Barn and chicken house. I. L. May, 211 W. Court St. FOR SALE Fine new bungalow, near ached In good residence district Reasonable,' part cash, balance like rent If desired. Phone 69S-J. FOR BALE Portland property -fSOOO terms. Seven room bouse, paved street, 4 lota, garage, barn, chicken coop, and run, berries, fruit trees, fine shrubs and rosea. Address lit Gerard 8t Portland, Ore., Uni versity Park. i " - txt Sade) . 7 room house, njrth aide, beautiful . home. V t room bungalow, north side street lveel.'v Bouses in all parte of the city, some on easy payments. Large n small ranches both alfalfa and wheats also dairy ranch, well equipped. ' Geo. W, Elder ft Son IIS Main St. ' Phone 1 93 KOTICES NOTICE We are getting steam pleat- ers, utton hole and button ma chines. Mrs. Lee, 80S Post St. ' Notice of Meeting Bushee Chapter No. IS, O. E. S., will hold Its regtitar business meeting tomorrow evening at g o'clock. After the meeting a social hour will tie en Joyed. - ' ' " - ' Notice - Owing to Illness I will be away until September 25th.' In the meantime W. O. W. assessments can be paid to J. T. Lambirth at the Flrxt National Bank. J. P. WALKER, Clerk, Camp 41, W. O. W. Notice ' Notice Is hereby given that the school board of District No. 117, TJma tllla Co., will receive bids up to 5 P m. September 15th. for furnishing transportation for pupils residing on south sMe of river In ' said district. Bids to be made on a per day basis. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. (Signed) ETJ MATBE, 4 Clerk. , ' ..Notice ?4otlce Is hereby given that Direc tor of Diet. No. 29, Rieth, Ore., invit ed bids for hauling rive to ten high school pupils rrom R. It. crossing at Harrisons to West entrhnte of high school building. Conveyance to be at crossing at 8:20 ft. m., high schoot building at usual time for dismissal. Contractor required to give $500.00 bonds for faithful performance of duty, will also be required to furnish vehicle with adequate accommodations for pupils carried. Director reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bid will be opened September Itth. at .2 o'clock. , ' ' " IN POUND ' - Hie following described animals have been taken np. by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: v One gray gelding, age 5 years, brand T with bar underneath. 'One brown geldmg, age 3 years; brands, none visible. One black mare and colt, ago 4 years; brands, none, visible. . One bay stallion, age 4 years; brands none Visible; marks, wire cut left front foot. ' One black mare, age 3 years, brand ed T with bar underneath. 11 On Mack mare, age 4 years, brands, nOne visible; marks, right hind foot .White. If said animals are hot claimed By the Owners oi1 those entiled to their nossession. costs and expenses . paid and taken away Within ten days from the date hereof, then at 1 o'clock P. m..ot the 20tlt day of September 1921, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, t pubtts auction, for rash, at the City Pound, In said City of "Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. ..... , .. . Dated this 10th. day Of September, 1921. . W. R. TAYLOR, City Marshal.' BRINGING UP FATHER f- ' . ' ' - . . ' . IN THE GARDtN M ffOT M 1 1 THERE Twfi HOURS , . 6 I looSfflR . . . f yfK H&?16 I U'S, BtTTE-R THAN M iW 1 AMD THE.VRE'Stll.l.'' 1 I ( VOU roR TWO Ll I fc tHo V LISTtNIWG TO j V " SRW bkmS AT IT. WHAT jlf V 1? PXTV HOURS ' ' ' fflrJr. , ' V I ITV. V.J ' s, jl- - Jl USED CAR EXCHANGE B'OXt SALE OR TRADErH,20.trCk J. M. Bryan, 310 lustin Street. ; MUST ELL-' my 1918 Ford touring imtned lately ,-t-TO see this call-1 63 WE HAVB a. 1921 Buick six as good us an offer. Ellis Schiller Co. FOR 8 A LB Ford touring car, 1100 caan. call 631 Johnston , St., .. or Phone 1032. ... , . . WHO WANTS a late Kit Dodge screen we have one Its a real buy ElUs-Schlller Co. FOR SALE 1 -ton Repubho truck, good shape will take Ford In trade, easy terms on balance. Oldemobile Co. FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck, recently overhauled, good tires and well built body. This la a snap. Simpson Auto Co. Wb HAVE several good used Fords and the prices are right Call and see them At the Home of the Ford. Slmpaen Auto Co. - Real Bargain 1918 4 cylinder Harroun, with the famous Harroun overhead valve mo tor, new tlrea. EMis-Schiller Co. t FOR SALE FOR SALE Tw Blewett llarvseanrs Phone 14F11.- FOR SALE Ladies leather riding suit Call 304 w, Webb 8t. ' FOR SALE Thoroughbred Newze ) land Red Rabblts.--Phofie 115-J. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED, $t.S0 at RVDD'S, 107 W. Webb, Phone 685. FOR SALE Four foot' cord wood, 35.00 per cord. Phone 2F6. FOR SALE TTprlght piano, cheap; Must be sold at once. PhonO 374-J. FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance, J. H. Estes, 14 Main St, Phone 104. SECOND HAND lumber 115.00 and $18.00 per thousand. Dr. C. W. Lassen, Pendleton, Ore. - , t FOR SALE Porcelain bathtub, lava tory, toilets and sink cheap Apply 614 Cosbie St., Room 11. FOR SALE Good 4 ft. wood, $10.00 cord delivered. Ben Marlln, city, or leave word at 114 W, Alta, Pendle ton. SADDLE HORSE for sale or hire A few draft horses for sale. Inquire I J. Real, Prop , Dutch Henry Feed Barn. ... . FOR SALE 3 car loads Red Split Ce dar fence posts 7 ft. 8 cents each, f. o. t. cars. Frank B. Blair, Lowell, Oregon. FOR, SALB OR TRADE Four 100 bu. bulk wheat boxes for common wheat rack Phono 1F4. O. H. Hmmpton. . FOR SALE Seed wheat. Hybrid 2o, seed Fall Barley. 2 Vic and Hulless Ball Barley 3 Vic per lb. Address St. Andrews School, R. F. D. 1, Box SB, Pendleton, Ore. 1 i FOR SALE Good milch cow, also 4 Mom house furnished or unfurnish ed 'or will rent. Also sleeping room for Tent. Phone 23F4 or address G. H, Jennings, Rieth, Ore. : FOR SALE Hemstitching and Picot . Ing attachment. Works on all sew ing machine. Price $2.00. Persona! checks 10c extra. Light's Mail Order House, Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. FOR SALE 1 span good work mule, weight about 1250, one span good work mules, weight about 21E0. i Also Ford truck, 1918 model, flat rack with stakes on side, good condition. In quire Roy S. Neal. Bowman Hotel. FISH for. home canning and salting Red Salmon, Steelheads and Silvers 12 V4 'Cents lb. dressed.- - White Sal mon 6 cts. lb. dressed. By express di rect from fisherman. - Orders tilled from Sept. 10 until 6epK 25th. Order early for best fish. Money , must ac company order. Address C. T. Smith, Mwrier, rtregonl " ' . "'. FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS AXTA APTS. FOR RENT Oct. 1-216 room house also furniture for sale. Inquire 517 College St. j- . . ... OFFICE rooms' te rent In the Feebler Building, Apply W. G. Sutherland, 108 Si Alta St. . . .H .aau.lrJ" FOR RENT Modern 'Apt., close In Phone 82.' ROOM AND BOARD tor men Only 402 E.: Webb. HOOM AND BOARD for gentlemen Port St. FOR RENT l suite office room In quire Penland Bros. - FOR RENT Room and board In pri vate family. Phone 212-W. BOARD AND ROOM' for 4 or S high school pupils. 200 Thompson St. FOR RENT Four room apt.. 315 per month for 2 months. Phone 730-W FOR RENT 3 roomed furnished ; house. inquire 212 . darfield St.. Situr lay evening only. FOR RENT 800 acres wheat farm ' nearly all under plow, . 300 acres ready for fait seeding, good buildings, near school, plenty of Water, located near lone. . Lease for 3 years. Write F. L. Chrlstenson, lone, Oregon, t MtSCELLAIiEOUS PHON I. C. SNYDER for Chimney ' Sweep. "' URfl. ADA FIELD Bpirella oot sellers Phone 324-W. Addresa 114 Jane. PLEATING and embroidering aoods shrunk, phone 588. Mrs. Lee, 306 Post St. WB ARB TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phono 4$, Oregon Motor Oarage. WILL BOARD aad room school boys, ages a to 14. 'Phone 2-J Ad dress city. Box 771. FOR, RELIABLE) taxi service,, city. and country trips. Stand at Office Cigar. Store, Call T. B. RIggs, 711 Main St., Phone 199. . CANDYMAKINO bustneae Start at home, everything furnished men. woman, 130.00 weekly Bon Bon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher of. vocal and instrumental music, elocution and dramatic art. Classes organised. Pb one -OM-Jf IF TOu LIKE our service tell others if not tell- us. Motorcycle Messen ger Service. Office 107 Water St, Joe Quick and Geo. .Renfro, Mgrs Phone 24 10c a call and up. . - ..-,: -,s THE SXOX AUTO STAGE .. Pendleton-Walla Walla ' ' Pnrnj 1.'54 - :' - .Leaves Pendleton 7:30 0- nr, Arrive Walla Walla 9:16 a. m. Leaves Pendleton 10:30 a. m, Arrive Walla Walla. 12:15 p. m. Leaves Pendleton 1:80 p. m.; Arrive Walla Walla 3:15 p. m. 4V ? Leaves Pendleton 4:00 p. m., ' ' Arrive Walla Walla 6:45 p. m. ' Leaves Wall Walla 8 :00 a. m. Arrive Pendleton 9:45 a. m. Leaves Walla Walla 10:30 a. m., Arrive Pendleton 12:15 p. m. : Leaves Walla; Walla' 1:30 p. 'in.. Arrive Pendleton 3:15 p. m. ' Leaves Walla 'Walla 4 f00 p. ' m., Arrive Pendleton 6:45 p. m. ' Sunday Schedule " 10:30 a. m.. 1:30' p. m. and 4:00 p.m. From Pendleton and Walla Walla seme running tims as week day. Pendleton phone 463, Cosy Billiard Tarlor. Walla WaHa phone 24, Dacres Hotel. Pendleton-Ematilla Aato snage - Leave . Pendleton 8:00 13:00 : Echo 9:16 1:16 1:15 Stanfleld 9:30 1:35 1:16 Hermlston 9:65 1:F5 1:56 Ar. Umatilla 10:11 1:16 :ll Leave Umatilla " 8:00 11:00 4:00 Hennistea :20 11:20 4:10 Stanfleld 1:46 13:464:46 Echo 9:10 1:00 6:00 Ar. Pend. 10:11 1:11 1 Two Trip Bonds? '"' ' Leave Pendleton 8:00 i :ll , aad 4:00 p. m. . 4 Leave Umatilla : a. m. and 4:00 P. m. ' Office Moto Inn Garaga is 731 Cottonwood tt, ;1 Phone 8M PELL ft DAWSON ' Parcel delivered te all way points. '. TTMK CARD '"Weeton-Prndletpa Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. : Leaves Athena for Pendleton at p -8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:29 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave Pendleton (AUen-Kntght ' Co. Store fer Westen at 10:00 a. m'.'and 4 : m. ' ' a K. McFHERtIN, Prop. Rag. V, B, 1 HANDY BUSINESS This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address ef re sponsible businessmen who represent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who i stand ready to give you prompt ' AUTO tLECTRId WORKS WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CI CLE CO. A3, Be ,vere tod Savage Urea. 2M E. Court Street. L, a BHNTLET ft COGoodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alta and Garden Bts. GET.TSON ft MARTY Gates 9uper--Tred tires 03 Cottonrirood. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLT CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich B1I vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Yaui Urn Cup. S0J K. Court. AUT0T0PS GADWA'S ATJTO TOPSL Plate Glass, Backs, Bide Curtain Sl Cesart M. . :-. r- AUCTIONEER klWHI'Wi yHieSlSP,. COL. W. F. TOHNTCA Aoetlenser, ' Oail at Btargta ft Bterlo'o Iavbraot Co, for aale data. - . --- "AUTO TRANSFER a E. WlLLlAMiJON BtaJl at OHfUr Cigar Store, Phone 107&. FOR QUiCK SBRT1CB . Call ' Bud Cornfield. Phone S3, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1051-R. -t- ATTORNEYS. GEORGE W. COUTIB, AttOfBey at Law, Room It, Boa Bldg. , M. 8CHAXNEP, Attorney at Law ; Office la Court House. KEATOR ft RANDALL, Attorneya at Law. Room 24, 8mlth-Crawford Building. . CARTER ft SMTTHE, Attorney at Law 234 E. Court St " FEB ft FEE, Attorney at Lav. Of fices In DcHPain Building. . . & A. LOWELL, Attorney and Count!- lor at Law. Office In Despam Btog. a A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at taw Federal Building. PETERSON, Bishop ft ' Clark, '' At I torneya at Law.- Room and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. TAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Kurd ware Com pany. ' ' RALEY, RALEY STEIWER, Atfor neys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Lav, Room 2-4, Smith-Crawford Bldg.. BATTERIES' PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for' IS month. W. E. Chase Ok; 320 E. Court St Telephone 209, Pendleton. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gaa en gines, automobile and general blacksmithtng. Round-Up Garage. Parka ft NebergaU, 319 Went Webb. CARPET CLEANING WB WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. Reference given. We make fluff rug from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1077. . TIME CARD Pilot Rock Stage Fancho Stubblefield, Prop. "Leaves Pendleton 7:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 11:00 A. M., leave Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. Leaves Pendleton . 5:00 P. M leaves Pilot Rock 6:30 P. M. ' Leave Motel Pendleton and t . French Restaurant. PaUnt Offloo k j DIRECTORY OF PBiDLETON AND VI1ITY service. . . . .. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS j ; LIGHTING PLANTS : - PARKER ft BAN FIELD, 1 Designing, ?---- ' '-" '"-"'"-"' l.? , Engineering, Constructing, 1 jreara DELOO Lrghtln System, Acterauin experience in concrete and brick eon- anj zurflub, Golden Rut Hotel strucllon. 4V4 E. Third St., Nortb I?orU Bldg. land, Oregon. -. - - . 1 1 aEASEfis Aim oyers hemstitchimb ; JTHTfi??2i. BEMSTITCHIN'CI nfafl crdert Mr " PHONE 473 . . Ralph Haasell, 417 Bush. Phono 99. CLEANING. AND PRESSING ' New and SC0n3 Hand Bealers MODEL TAILORS ft CLEAN EPS ----- '- '- '.. Pressing and repairing. S04 W. v gTROBLJD, dealer In new and aae Wetob St. Phone 821. Pendleton Ore- onJ tMd (00da. Cash raid f I . second hand good. Cheapest pUus , nRAYIUIPIU ' . U huy houMhold goMla, SU E. OooH I JUOrLiL rL i'lii-i- i-ui-nn-ir n iisir1'1r51Bff . . . a WHO MOVES TOU l Juat as import- FURNITURE, repairing, packing, ant as where you move. We alao , ntiag. wphotatartog, earpet el pack ar atora goods. W do onnry iawj ysar aaperbsaao Crand Rapid haulingCall S39, Penland Bra jy, Furniture Co. AB wort gaaf" Tranafer, 114 W. Alta, antaed. tit W, Webfc . . )( " r DRESSMAKING OSTEOPATH ti. MM. Allen' Gown 8ba, Room U Stangler Bldg.y will reopen Monday, August! 22, Anyone Wishing W engage time la advance may do ao now. Phone 41-J. .- ... Elite Dressmaking Gowns made to older. Evening gowns a specialty. Hand embroidery, braiding and beading. Phone 242-M, 310 Aura St. , , Pearl Bmmogene Smith EYE SPECIALIST ' FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STORE It wiU pay. you to come and sea Fisher be fore buying new and aecond hand fur niture. 30 WWebb Bt Phone 19. FARM LOANS SNOW ft DAYTON, 117 E. Court St ' Real Estate, Ft re Insorance, FarA Loans. See u about a loan. ' ; LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There' an agent In your town. Troy Laundry, 608 Garden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRYr-01 E. Court St., Phone 60. We maintain a com plete mending department. ORDER Squash Sweet Potatoes Box Apples Lunch Goods Your Coffee Flour ' Box Tomatoes Butter Eggs The Dean Meat Dept. Q(! Phone i'lVi isU in n en n i n w " , Dfi O. IV HOLT Osteopathic, phyal- cian and Burgeon. Jadd Bldg- Tata phones. Office SOS; Ratddence -. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper. Picture Frana- Ing. I najyuee, ine rrmcitemi Paint Man. Lowe Broa, Paint. RADIATOR REPAIRING1 ALTA ATJTO RADIATOR WORKB 701 East Alta Street. : All make a radiator repaired. . Work gnarant. a Blasberg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUEll A good tleJ..M.; SHOE REPAIRING PENDLETON SHOE SHOP Ney., method shoe repairing. We" H bnildf not eobble. The best eyork for ' the least money. 120 W. Court BW Pendleton, Ore. -,..- . ' . TAILORS SOTS AND O'COATS " " made to measnr 647 Main SI Phone 1000 EARLY Crate Canta- loape Box Peaches Box Prunes Tatom Co. Grocery Dept. QQ Phone By .GeorcQ McMania as si