TEN rAcr.3 UG2 ZZX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1021. Social mid Club News V'iCMrtXa 18 THIS EVENING, P. T. A. MEETS X. tUnehart, a smuit event or lust An event of thin evening wilt 1k tho i The Parent Teacher Association of weck ln Portland. Mr. Warner, Miss nutrrirmc of Mis Vera Temple of thiH the Riverside school held an interest- Kaeder'a cousin, was best man, Mrs,, city and Henry J udd. of Portland. Tho in meeting on Friday evening. The Henry Dixon Jones, mother of Mrs, ceremony wilt take pUuo in the affair was in the nature ot an tutor- Warner, was anions tho out-of-town Church of the Itedeemer, with Rev. mal reception for tho teachers, Miss 8uests " ceremony. Alfred Uiekwond officiating. INell chandler and Miss Lillian Rtev- Mlns Temple, who Is the daughter Cna. After a short business session tit Mrs. Alvah Slusher, wilt be riven and urogram, refreshments were serv- In marriage by iMr. Blusher. Miss Theltna Thompson will bo maid of honor, and Miss Catherine Thompson and Miss Ksther Shea will be brides maids. Prank Dickson of Portland, will bo best man, and Thomas Mur phy and Harold lirwk will be the ushers. Little Evelyn Cresswell, niece of the bride, will bo flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Judd. Mrs. W. I Thompson and Edward Thompson and Miss Annsmay Uronaugh are among tho oiit-.f-town guests who will at tend tho ceremony. MRS. PEPAtlTS Mrs. William Lowell and children, Stephen and Therese, left on Saturday for Portland, whore they will be uests of Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, former ly of this city. They will visit also St Oswego, with Mrs. Hoi man Ferrin, Mrs. Lowell's sister-in-law.' ed. Mrs. 1L O. Zwicher president. presided. Arrangements were made to five an entertainment In the near future to raise funds to Improve the Interior the school house. Following Is the program given Fri day evening: Instrumental solo, Miss Mary Doug las Chlsholm. Recitation "Welcome,'' Master Benjamin Zwicker. (Composed by Benjamin's mother, "Mrs. H. O. Zwicker.) Address "Aim and Purpose of P. T. A." Mrs. Clara Forter Smith. Piano solo Miss Ehther Helmlok. PICTURE APPEARS. An attractive portrait of Sirs. Har old J. Warner of this city appeared in yesterday's Oregonian. Mrs. War ner was matron of honor at the wed ding of Miss Margaret Raeder and F. HOPF'S I'PSTAIRS SHOP SUITS COATS DRESSES New arrivals daily. Latest Creations Every woman interested in new Fall Garments should see our splendid showiner of SUITS, COATS and DRESSES. Prices Are Reasonable MRS. LA MP KIN HONORED. ' Mrs. Louise Lampkin, who will leave on Thursday for a visit in Iowa and in California, was honored on Fri day uftcrnoon by members of the 1-avender Club who called at her home bringing with them a "shower" of handkerchiefs. Later in the after noon, refreshments were served, Mrs. J. M. Cook. Mrs. Fred Kraser and Mrs. Anna Robertson assisting. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Dorothy Thomas, Mrs. Elgin Noreen, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Helna Hurtou, Mrs. (Ira Hamilton, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Emil Doh neit, Mrs. A. T. Perkins, Mrs. Rob ertson, Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. Will Peter son, Frances Robertson and Fred Peterson. LKAV'B FOR SPOKAXR Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith, Sirs. C. C. Sturgis and son Cyrus, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vuughan left yesterday by motor for Spokane. Mrs. Sturgis and son are returning to their home in Roston and the remainder of the par ty will return to Pendleton after a short visit ln the Washington city, MRS. EDMOND RETURNS. Mrs. George Edmond returned yes terday after a two months visit with friends. She was accompanied Tiere from Wisconsin by her grandson, Earl Rember, aged 12, who may make his home ln . Pendleton with his grandparents. CLUB TO MEET. The Busy Bee Club will meet tomor row afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. C. Crawford. S14 East Alta street. Mrs. Pauline Moore Riley, state com mander of the Women's Benefit Asso ciation of the order, will be present. 1 "W" 'N. M A CLOSE RACE AVE ARE SETTING A PACE WHICH ISPOV 5IIRF TTI WIN? Kl"L,J Imported Mushrooms, can ."50c Mixed Vegetables, everything you need for a fine salad. Imported, large tin v 35c Re Umberto Tomato Sauce, tin ...10c Old Monk Olive Oil 35c to $6.75 Imported Sardines 25c to 75c Imported Roll Herring, jar 35c Fruit Cocktail, imported, jar ......, 25c East Indian Chutney, bottle $1.25 Keillers Marmalade, can .....50c Extracted Honey, pint ;..35c Extracted Honey, quart ;..55c Extracted Honey, 1-2 gallon $1.15 Extracted Honey, gallon $2.50 New York Cheese, uncolored, pound .... .....50c Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Best f THE THOMAS SHOP PEXDLKTOX S POPllAB GAKMEXT SHOP MISS CHAXXEP DEPARTS. Miss Maxine Schannep departed yesterday for Forest Grove to resume her studies at Pacific University. Miss Schannep, who is tho daughter 'of Judge and Mrs. I. M. Schannep, has been assisting in the county library during the summer. RETURN FROM PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Earl, Mrs. Nona La Fontaine and Rex (Ellis returned last evening after a motor trip to Portland. Mr. Earl and Mr. Ellis at tended the Shrine initiation ceremo nies, Mr. Earl entering the order. MRS. AT RES CONVALESCING. Friends ot Mrs. R. W. Ayers will be glad to learn that she is convalescing after a recent operation. Mrs. Ayers condition was most serious but she is now on the road to recovery. MRS KNIGHT HERB . Mrs. John R. Knight ot Stanfield is In the city today. IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATION t ttttttttttttttttOtttl t It tttttt- FREE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Big 50c Jar of Wonderful COMBINATION CREAM JONTEEL with the purchase together of one 50c box of Face Powder Jonteel and one 50c compact of Rouge Jonteel. Three Famous Beautifiers for the Price of Two. We make this exceptional offer so that you may get ac quainted with this most delightful face cream. A cream for softening, healing, beautifying the complexion. Simply wonderful as a base for powder. You love to use it it's so fragrant, cooling and refreshing. Stimulates the tissues and makes you feel as well as look lots younger. FACE POWDER JONTEEL is a soft, invisible powder with a remarkable clinging quality. You notice the dif ference at once. ROUGE JONTEEL is so lifelike. Matches your own nat ural flush perfectly.- Comes in convenient compact form to carry in f urse or pocket. You can secure these Jonteel Beauty Requisite only at The Rexall Store. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. ! MATTRESSES Your chance of a life time to stock up. Regardless of cotton advancing we are selling cotton mattresses, 45 pounds in weight, rolled edge, for the price of the tick alone. 45 pound Cotton Mattresses, F. O. B. the store $5.50 15 pound Cotton Mattresses, delivered $6.00 We have the most typical assortment of Cheyenne, Apache, Kiowa and Arapho Indian beaded goods ever displayed in Pendleton. . SEE 'EM IN OUR WINDOW YOURS FOR SERVICE Riley fk Kemp Quality Oaf HatcLwurd SotWactiua Our Aim MRS. BRUIN ARRIVES. Mrs. E. B. Bruin arrived yesterday from Portland and is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Fits gerald. She will remain until after the Round-Up. RETURN FROM TRIP, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sommerville and daughters, Evelyn and Sidney, have returned after a motor trip to Port land and Albany, where they visited relatives. RETURN FROM PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. David Neinon and Miss Helen Nelson hare returned from a trip to Portland Mr. Nelson attended the Shrine ceremonies in Portland. RETURNS TO HOME. Mrs. Edna Berg left today for her home in Roseburg after a week's vis it with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hogue. She is a sister of Mrs. R. W. Ayers, of this city. MISS AL'NE TO DEPART. Miss Margaret Aune will depart to morrow for Portland to join her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Struck Aune. Miss Aune will attend Reed College this fall. TO LEAVE FOR WASHINGTON. Mrs. Robert N. Ktanfield and dau ghter, Miss Barbara Stanfield, will pass through Pendleton on Saturday- en route to Washington, D. C. MRS. GRAY DEPARTS. Mrs. Lillian Gray departed last evening for Portland after a short visit in Pendleton. She expects to return here later in the fall. MRS. COLLINS RETURNS, t Mrs. Henry Collins and daughter, Catherine Collins, have returned from Portland where they spent the past six weeks. MRS. FARLEY RETURNS. Mrs. Roy Farley has returned from La Grande after a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Currcy. . One of the great advantages in the use of honey is that cakes made with it will keep much longer than those, made with sugar. A money cake made with butter, for instance, will keep its quality until the butter grows rancid, and one made without butter will keep fresh for months. For , this reason honey is especially useful ln re cipes that call for no butter. Icing made with honey has tho same advantage. Q A little experience will enable any one to substitute honey suc cessfully for sugar in bread, cake, preserved fruits, sauces, and candies. It is safe to estimate that a cupful of honey will sweeten about as much as a cup ful of sugar, but since honey cohtains water in addition, there is less need for milk or other 11- Tlrwl Mothers. It's hard work to take care of children and to cook, sweep, wash, sew and mend "besides. Tired mothers should take Hood'i Sarsaparilla it refreshes the blood, improves the appetite,' assures rest ful sleep, and helps In many ways. Ti 1! fluids. For practical purposes it is hi accurate enough to consider that for each cupful of honey a quarter of a cupful is added to the recipe. If these facts are kept in mind special honey re- cipes are unnecessary. K V. D. MOVIE STAR BECOMES . 'KISSLESS BRIDE' TWO TIMES IN TWO YEARS I OS AN'OELES, Sept. 12 (I. . S.) May Allison, the movie star, an nounced on the eve of the arrival of her husbarid here for a belated honey moon, that sho had become a "kiss- less" bride twice in less than two years. She married Colonel Stephen son, a wealthy mining man in Decem ber 1919. The marriage waa annylled couple of months later. She Becretely wpdded Robert Ellis, a movie director on Thanksjfiving day, last year at Greenwish, Conn. They separated 'after a quiet wedding din nc. Her husband is enroute here now. lUHi MARKET HH.IIKU PORTLAND, Sept. 12. (A. P.) Cattle are steady. . Hogs are 25 cents higher, prime light, $12 to $12.50. Sheep are steady. Eggs are steady and butter is firm. (East Oregonian Spocial.) UK I AH, Sept. 12. Mrs. Slaughter, principal of the Ukiah nchool, who has been in the mountains with Mr. Slaughter during the summer, return ed last Saturday Kind is now ready for her school work. Miss Edith M. Cone of Portland, pri mary teacher, arrived Friday and Is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allison for tho present. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lee of Mabton. Washington, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kirk for a few days. Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Lee were school mates together and each one is enjoying the visit Immensely. J. H. Constants has sold his store at Ritter and his son Bert and wife have returned to Ukiah where Bert will as sist his father ln the hardware business. Mrs. Reed and daughter, Katherine, left Friday morning for Pilot Rock, returning the same day, accompanied by her other daughter, Josle, of Port land. School "began Tuesday with a good attendance and a number more schol ars will be here soon. A number of families from Grant county would have spent the winter hero on account or school had there been more vacant houses. Mr. and Mrs. William Rider of Dale wero in town Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Coppick and sons of Athena, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chamberlain, return ed to their home last Sunday. Snow fell at the lookout station last Friday morning. Karl Kirk and wife returned to their home In Pendleton last Sunday. They wert accompanied back by Miss Irene Kirk, who will attend high school there, this being her third year. Miss Grace GIbbs who has been spending the summer at the GIbbs saw-will with her father, left a- short timo ago for lEnterprlse. Oregon, to stay with her sister and attend her second year of high school. Iorena Ness returned home from Pendleton Friday. Eddie Ness returned Monday to Pi lot Rock to begin his second year of high school. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Helmlok return ed Monday from Freewater where they had gone after fruit. Jay Despaln left the first of the week, expecting to be gone from Ukiah for awhile. Miss Ruth Huddleson of Lone Rock is clerking for Peterson Bros. , New Fall Suits CHARMINGLY YOUTHFUL IN STYLING Youthful appearance is very largely a matter of styles, as you will realize when you slip into a few of these captivating new suits from THE HOUSE OF YOUTH NEW YORK , Fall's Newest Fancies, in Lovely Dresses Canton Crepes, Satin, Satin Crepe, Good weight wools in the new Fall shades. A very complete assortment now on display at THE THOMAS SHOP. PRICE VERY MODERATE Mr. and Mrs. Felix Johnson and family are stopping at the Ukiah ho tel until their house la ready tor them. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hllbert havo moved to town so as to send their son Frank Jr.. to school. Albert Peterson returned Wednes day, from a business trip to Grant county. Leo Burr returned from Grant coun ty Wednesday with a load ot potatoes for Peterson Bros. Fayette Mettle, Antone Bcheels and Marlon Martin made a business trip to Pendleton this week. William Meengs ot Bridgo creek, was a Ukiah visitor Friday. Mrs. Constants, who has been In Pendleton tor the last ten JlayA re.. turned home Friday. Arthur McRoberts and Virgil Peter son were visitors at the county scat this week. ' Forest Ness, left for ' Pendleton Monday, returning Tuesday. Mrs. T. P. Gilllland of Pilot Rock, who is staying at the Hidaway Springs, was In town Wednesday visiting old friends. VISITORS FROM ADAMS. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parr, of Adams, were in Pendleton yesterday. Mr. Parr consulted an oculist for eye trouble. MOTOR TO WALLA WALLA. Mrs. Thomas Young, Mrs. James ' Johns, Jr., and Mis Marie Antoinette i windraux motored to Walla Walla Saturday. RETURN FROM HOOD RIVER Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Bowman have returned after spending the summer at their summer place near Hood River. They made the trip by motor. tirother-in-Law Is Her Hero MRS. SLUSHER RETURNS. Mrs. Dale Slusher and son, Dal Junior, have returned after a sojourn ln Portland. MIKS STANFIELD RETURNS. Miss Kate Stanfield returned to Pendleton yesterday from Portland HERE FROM WESTON. Mr. and Mrs. Tim McRride of Wes ton, are Pendleton visitors today. Oregos'i Higher Inttiiuiios of TECHNOLOGY Eitkt Schools; Serotv Oepvtmealt FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 1m Maruiaa writ w ikt Itpurv Oregon Agricultural College CO If V ALUS ; m IV 'f ' r : '!s; l- 4 f t r 1 k ' A t Tho distance was noarly six hundred miles, but tho plucky woman and hcr children covered It In ten days. She arrived In Jacksonville several days before the death of her ulster. ATTALLIaZ Ala., Sept. 13. (I. N. 8.) When Mrs. W. C. Chambers, of this city, learned that her sister wasl dying in Jacksonville, Fla., she deter- mined to go to her bedside. Lack of funds failed to shake Mrs. Chamber's determination. Realizing that she could not make the trip by rail, Mrs. Chambers packed a few belongings Into a small bundle and, accompanied by her two young sons, started the trip afoot. The Key tht Unlocks tho , Door to long Mvtiig The men of eighty-five and ninety years ot age are not the rotund, well fed, but thin, spare men, who live on a slender diet. Be as careful as ha will, however, a man past middle age will occasionally eat too much or ot some article ot food not suited to his constitution, causing Indigestion or constipation and will need, a 4e, ot Chamberlain's Tablets tfi move hit', bowels and Invigorate ils stomach. When this la done.Jflfere Is no reason 'why 'the fverago man should not llvdT to a ripe old age. No Substitute Ottered Say what you will about druggists offering something "Just as good" be cause It pays a better profit, the fact still stands that ninety nine out of a hundred druggists recommend Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, when the best medicine for diarrhoea is asked for, and do so because they know from what their customers say ot It, that it can be depended upon. A Pronounced Success ' The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and cure ot bowel complaints, both for children and - adults, has brought It Into almost universal use, so that It Is practically without a rival and as everyone who has used It knows, It la without an equal. Tho Ideal Purgative As a pugatlve, Chamberlain's Tab lets are the exact thing required. Strong enough for the most -robust, mild e'nouTh for children. They cause an agreeable movement of the bowels without any of that terrible griping. They are ensy nnd pleasant to take and agreeable In effect FOR SALE ' White's Doughnut Lunch 123 West Alta. Owing to poor health, I am compelled to sell my place f of business, GET IN NOW BEFORE ROUND-UP WW W V WW WW WW WW WWW WW WW ' A M , H H t- 'K a n V i-V "A Vs. w AHfc ,., - k It I rt it k - - w 't t i ,iit, , r Miriam Cooper Is the heroine of "Serenade," a new movie. And the ...v Mii ve io ner is ueorge waiah. In real lite her brother-hv iuhiui nn, aw nuBuana,jiireciea the picture. Quit a family ROUND-UP Furniture Sale Unprecedented furniture offer ings continue. See our new lines before buying. CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO 101 East Court Street Phone 49t 1 1