IM1LY EAST ORBGONIAN. PRNDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921. TEN IWGTi: --7-." DreAonilri PublliliM Pally an4 Hfml-Wrfkly, at f'endieton. Oresron, by tha EAST OHEMORNIAN PUBLISHING CO. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. SUBSCRIPTION KATES llS ADVANCE) Entered at the pnt office at P.ndl to, Oregon, meooi claaa mail uial- ON BALE IN OTHER CITIES Imperial Hotel Nrwi fund, Portland. ON MIX AT . Chicago Bureau, SO Surlty Building, Mhittffton, l. C, Bureau 01 Four, teenth Hlret, N. W. Mraker mt k Alte Pre.m. The Associated Presa la exclusively milled to tha use to repubticalioii of II erci dispatch's credited to it or ot orharwli-e credited in thi paper and iao tba local news publ'alied herein. Dally, on year, by mall Daily, aix montha. br mail .. Dally, three months, bjr mail Daily, on month by mall Daily. eno year by carrier Oaily. aix month by carrier Daily, three montha by carrier Daily, one month, by carrlijiw Semi-Weekly. I year by mail S.-ml-We. My, six montha by mall.... 1.00 Semi-Weekly, three montha by mall . MW tflF FS1TH LS is . '- mm- i u a & m-Jr n m b a b dWttrS Uvtit llllll uc i.oo . 2 i 7.60 I.S6 . .65 1 tool was: Telephone Ti. f J 1 B , py Eel a at A, uuest Thousands Write Grateful Letters," of Appreciation .As! Famous Medicine Continues to Accomplish Remark, able Results Great Tanlac Laboratories Running at! Top Speed to Supply Record Breaking Demand ' Over Half a Million Bottles Behind With Orders. The mad of friendly faces. They're Le ones fur me, The lanes T kindly iacos With the elm and maple tree. There's many a mighty highway For the feet of men to roam, But the one I want for my way Is tha. nm1 that leads me home. 1WAHS The road where wen are neighbors i Not nooDle In a throne. ''"-' f The road that ends my labors And ends them with a song; The road of friendly meeting When t"he sun js In the West With a welcome and a meeting" Is the road that I There are roads tluit wind o'er moun tain Anil roids thtrt find the sea; Some roads to snnlet fountains And some to majesty; Put though It isn't your way. Nor v.-ry Rayly ilrossed. The road that finds my doorway Is the one that 1 like Inst. Tha roads of friendly faces Are flunif across the world, And in all the kindly places The flass of strife are furled, . Ami th road of chi!drji's lauRhter . When the day has closed its care Fhsll loom in life's hereafter As the world's best thoroughfare. Copyright,, mul, hy Edgar A. Guest.) BY CHARLES MURRAY GILBERT ATLANTA, G a., September 12. "Tanlac made me feel younger." "It put me back on the payroll.". "I now have a fine I onnaf if a " 'T ton nof. o- Atrai T t o t-i f " ' Tr rw sva Arerarc ' tntV a v uii vui i uokvct .a, Ytiii. tw uivic opvom , for me. l gained weight rapidly." These and scores of like tYnrpQQi'nna nro now Viaori4 lailv firTn fsna rf fVinncflnrlci na v-'Vi v. La.u iikj aavT iivm w vuaT -Ara VHJ v. vuv uiuiivi uw j grateful uisers of Tanlac tell of their experiences. - i Leading drug men of the country amazed at the tremendous sales of tanlac, and point out ewhusiastically that. nothing has ever equalled the phenomenal demand for this' preparation. ' : At the preat Tanlac laboratories at Dayton. Ohio, letters and telejrams are pouring in daily' asking that ship ments of Tanlac be. rushed at once. Many of these orders are- for full car load, shipments, and quite a few of them for two and threev carloads. Al th inch running at top speed, tho T-in-lte. laboratories are now over half a million bottles, or approximately twenty-four carloads behind with or ders. This announcement will no doubt be received with (treat surprise w-ss. Things. are getting better every day. In a few weeks' time crops will begin to move. Hundreds of 'millions of dollars will be put into circulation. and business Will soon be back on better and sounder bnsls than In years. Notice to l)tltrs. , , ' Many wholesalers and manufactur ers utonnert nnahltiir nt the verv first ' sign 01 a uura ciouu.. iota result uoiuk that many drue; lines slumped. Tan- - ; , .Costume Velvets .. ' ' i ' '' '-"'. " are going to be popular this fall and winter. Our very best quality in black, navy and brpwn, 36 in. in the drug world, because business In he went right ahead and the Vesult THE TOWN HAS GROWN . TVT1 one can give even slight attention to the subject of the city's financial status without seeing the need of relief. x ' Under the charter the tax limit is the same as it was many years ago when the town was much smaller and the needs less )res.singt The assessed valuation has increased but little in the last 10 years. In fact the assessment this year is- likely to be lower than last year because of declining values. .Hence the normal tax income of the city remains about what it was way back in the days before the war. But the city expenses have not remained the same because the population has increased by several thousand and the town in every way has grown. Formerly we, had no paid fire departs roent. We relied on volunteer work and let the property owner; i&ot the bill in the form of high insurance rates. But who would abolish the fire department and go back to the policy of letting volunteer firemen roll out a hose cart when a blaze gets under way? ' ' ' '. '' ' ' The city is now paying twice as much for street lights as it I formerly paid. But who would cut down street lighting? We need more lights rather than fewer because it is a matter of ; common fame that our business section is very poorly lighted. There is necessity for more street cleaning than formerly because we have several times as much paving as we did 10 years ago. So on down the line in every department. 'Salaries are naturally higher than they fere and materials cost more. The city's legitimate expenses Jiave risen and the facts must be recognized. ' Fortunately a higher levy than 11 mills may be made if the people so vote. They will vote affirmatively on the budget if they understand the tacts and want to see the town go forward. ? With one exception Pendleton now has a lower tax rate than any town of its size or larger in Oregon. We can afford to meet the really pressing needs of the town and should do so. It will ' be bad business not to do so'. We need economy and a thorough check against waste or graft But we-dont need a niggardly policy and we will not get anywhere by trying to follow such a -policy. . ; - . i LET SUPPLY AND DEMAND HAVE A CHANCE A CORRESPONDENT of the Chicago Tribune writes from Edwardsville, 111., that the farmers in that region, like the farmers elsewhere, are -protesting "volubly and constant ly" at the hard times now upon them. They protest at the low prices at which thy must sell their products and at the slowness with which manufactured goods return to reasonable prices. Having taken his own loss the farmer is justified in expect ing that other prices also come down. But how can he have hh wish if the Fordney tariff, with its joker in the form of the Am erican valuation plan, is enacted. The Fordney bill will serve to increase prices as shown by a statement from the head of the Marshall Field & Co., published by this paper Saturday. The facts are indisputable and if the decline in prices is stopped by the passage of the Fordney bill no one can blame the retailer or the wholesaler. They will be helpless. . The surest way to restore reasonable prices for the consum er is to permit the law of supply and demand to work its will through allowing a fair measure of importation. This has been distinctly proven in the news print market, a market in which newspapers are keenly interested. During the war and the prosperous year following the war the price of news print in America was run to dizzy heights. Even big users such as th large city papers paid two and three times the pre war price for newsprint. The spot market was even higher. Scores of news papers suspended and everywhere publishers were driven near ly to dispair. There are newspapers in Oregon the size of the Kast Orgonian that paid outlast year as much as ?10,000 dur-l ing the year above.what they should have paid for news print. Their profits were simply taken by the paper mills because the fcituation allowed of extortion. - ' Belief for the publishers came through importations and from no'other source. In the last six months the price of news print has been cut in half through Imports and though the price is still above pre war figures the danger is considered over. . In this case the only voice the mills could hear was the voice of i competition from abroad. ' What is true in this line of business-is no doubt true in many lines. The manufacturer who shot "prices upward during the war time naturally dislikes to come back to earth. He will keep his price up as long as he can and let the retailer take the gaff from the public. But the welfare of the country demands that prices come down. Until they do come down the buying power of agriculture, the greatest factor in A mencan business, must re ruain in a state of partial paralysis and business depression will be on us. The Fordney bill is exactly the type of bill that should not be passed at the present time. If the senate is wise it will refuse to support this measure which has passed the house and now iiwaits approval by the senate. . ' Fatty Arbuckle was evidently unable to stand" prosperity, lie won pronounced success as a film star but he did not have the brains or the character to carry the role after he had at tained hi fame. He became conceited over his wealth and thought he could do anything. He is now behind the bars charged with a dastardly crime. Whatever the outcome of the ckse may be the bubble of his popularity is bnrsted. The public is willing t be lenient with theatrical stars but Arbuckle went many 1 nes, especially In the drug and and .medicine business, has beja otf from 40 to 50 per cent. Agents in Every Town. One druggist in every city, town and village In the United States and Can ada where agencies have not already been established will be rewarded the exclusive agency for Tanlac within the npxt thirty days. carry with them a big publicity cam paign exclusively for tho one druggist in each city and town who secures the afconcy. , Tanlac is going right nhcal more vigorously than ever before. -; For Tan lac there is no such thing as business depiession. In tact, Tanlac does not believe there is such ar thing a, hard times; at least, not in the dru? busi- has been that more TanhHc has been sold during the first six months of tire present year than in any correspond ing period in the past. IJne up with Tanlac. Connect with a product that sells no matter how trie times, because of its superior merit. ' Although Tanlac lias been on the miirL'AF ni'D. oi"? vftitN tt la nn fiKhlnl iB,V . "'"fact that more Tanlac is being sold i today with the same amount of adver tising than during any time in the past. - ; ' t Tanlac Will' not only prove your greatest seller for this year,' but for many years to come. Tanlac is sold In Pendleton by Thompsons Drug Store and by all leadinit druirRlFts. ' : WITH BIS FIELD IE! (East Oregonian Special.) ' HBRMISTON, Ore., Sept. li. The big field day held at the experiment station Saturday afternoon offered a long list of attractions and was one of :be best ever held here. Speakers were Walter Pierce of La Grande. P, Xt. Fraud t, chief In dairy husbandry, Oreoa experiment station, Mrs, It. E. Uesa, t;eo. it. kooi ana t,. u. iiawiey. Oregon dairy commissioner. Mrs. Edith Van Deusen conducted an economy fahron show, and there were sports and games. lirs. C. G. Bryant of this city died here at eight Thursday morning, aged Tf. Mrs. Errant was the mother of Mrs. II. T. Fraser and had live I here 11 years, cumin here from ilimtsr.a. She was lcrn at. Rock Island, lilino:-. the body u being taken iheie lor burial. The Oregon oo-operative hay grow ers have ire r'ntract itf l.cliii-4 ,n l''.r a-i .1 1 rict tt lot: I'atlow and K. .?t.rveiat. Tie rt'ce is 4 ;.'.. ;'t ton tim' is consVered a low one a the rcgn'ar price at Takima is l.hh i-ijers for a thousand tons of hay to be filled from the Hermlston ofii'ce ol '.he fc&ociation have been re ceived. Trices range from $12 to $14 which is above local market quota tions. The Union high school is now in ex istence having been officially organ ized here Tuesday evening. Mr. Scroggs of Hermiston, Mr. Helnl of Columbia district and Mr. Keilh of Westland district, are On the Union high school board. Mr. Scroggs has been elected " chairman and K. A. Brownson has been chosen clerk. The district will be known as U-4, Uma tilla county. School opened here Monday with the best attendance in the history of the city. In the high school 97 have already registered while only 71 registered last term. The total ; tegistration is 311 to date. More children are expected to register dur ing the next few days. One more teacher is being employed this year, Arnold Graylapp, who Is coach ing atheltles and handling the boys' physical education work In the high school. Mr. Graylapp is getting a good start and already has the football boys out practicing. Efforts ara be ing made to schedule games with some of the nearby towns. It Is hoped that a game can be played here dur ing the dairy and hog show. . The funeralof 'Rosooe Fisher. wVr died-at Sacramento FrMay of last n& ek. was held at the Fisher home here Thursday afternoon. Rev. F. R. Jackson Of the local Methodist church conducting the services. Ross Newport has arrived, here and will make this the headquarters of his large contracting business for the next few months at least.' His ftimny Is here. - , 1 - " ' ' ' L. A. Hunt. F. I Jewctt and Ie Savely of the Oregon hay growers., made a trip to Prosser this week to', confer with officials of the Washing ton association. ' The Baptists will stage another mn sical festival here Friday of next week. The first one was given several weeks ago and proved so popular that it will be repeated. , ' ' The Hoosier picnic on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blessing- wilt be held Sunday. It Is expected that a J large attendance of former Indiana neonle will be out. T. O. Blackwell has gone to Walla Walla to enter, a hospital there." He has inflammatory rheumatism. , Earl KIngsley and Carl Voyen accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Outwits who were married recently in Salem, have returned to Hermiston and will take tip their residence- here. Mrs. Guiwits was Mrs. Joyce L. Hays and was bookkeeper for the Inland Empire Lumber company here. n . ; Pretty Kimona Crepes, new de signs on old rose'; bMe and grey back grounds. The yard ; : 35c Women's Cape Gioves, pique sewn, very substantial for street wear, col or dark brown, an unusual value, the pair ,v ..................... $1.75 Silk Costume Velvet, black, 38 in. wide, a popular fabric for afternoon wear, at the very low price per yard Ark in pOa07 of. wide, the yard v :i . Black Silk Costume veivei, 83 nicnes wiae, sort and lustrous, for afternoon .dresses, yard.. $3.89 Japanese Luncheon Cloths", wash well, wear well and take the place of your good linens, 36 in., 45 in., 54 in.,nd 72 in. square, from 75c to $2.25 Di Denton's Sleeping Garments are always hr.rd to get. Buy them now while we have the sizes for the baby. up children nine years old., ' " ' Botany Brdadcloths, Chiffon fih ' . ish, a splendid weight, navyr dark , brown and black, 54 inches wide, the yard . r. .. $3.69 , Fine French Serge; navy blue and brown, 50 inches wide, all wool, the yard . t $2.25 Navy Blue Storm Serge, 50 inches v wide, splendid for children's df esses, the yard $145 Cord Edge Cotton Napkins for jevery day 'use, restaurants, etc., a - napkin that will wear like iron, hem med ready for use, the dozen. . $1.45 Standard Quality Sheets, a splend id quality,, size 81x90 inches, a quality! you will appreciate, each...".. $1.49 ' Pillow Cases, sizes 42x36, good dean quality, each ............ 25c Buck Towels, a special value, plain white, plain border, even hem, extra good quality, each 15c One Lot of New Handbags for school girls, every day :use, etc., made of brown leatherette,' very, special value, eacV i. ......... y . ... . $1.19 Better Merchandise , : Lowest Prices We Buy for Cash and ' Sell for Cash. tion, because, although the official re ligion of Rumanians the Orthodox an royal family are Catholics, and the popes have always liiade it a point, since the fall of their temporal pf,er in 1870. not to receive Catholic sovereigns, claiming that it is the duty of the latter to support tire pope In. his protest against the occu pation of the Eternal City by the Ital ian government. According to Vatican therefore, no Catholic sov ROMH, Sept. ,12. The king and'. Queen of Rumania will visit Rome ln Sont.mhfiF. . . i ' . ': , ' 'i i n : .. ... .. i .., - n v,a Tift flpotncnl can. M. Pennescu has been received in j erelgn should set foot iri Roma while private audience by Pope Benedict XV ' Is held by the "usurpers." to whom he dillvercd an autographic! The pope. has consented to make an letter in which tho Rumanian king exception, however, in favor of the asked for the honor of an interview, king and queen of Rumania, who will This raises a rather delicate qties- be received at the Vatican, MR!i EXPLODES, ItSTWEWflilS LIVERPOOL. Sept. 12. (A. r.J- A trenVnduotis explosion on the fortn er Otrman submarine Deutschlaml ' Llllll tHi-nn trtn Hf.,f Infitrnil , h ...... ,..,V-,1.,T1..J . ,. ... , .. .u. more. It Is pomililn that olh?f '!"'' -Ished. ,The Dunturhlnnd la on ot mnrine which wn surrender d ind was being dismantled. The tusks of the African elephant sometimes weigh as much as a hun dred pounds each and reach a length of eight or nine feet. , Glory to Gloria - - ""' ' .... " ''M t ''f'"rt t - Vi"r' 7 V ' (V v u ' - ; . - i ' i - ' ' , ' y ,1 ' .S- ' '..' A y , fZL : ' ' ' ' '' , ' i ft. : : ' ' i, . - - t : ; f . ' - ' - JLM ed H m o T, a A aeKet Sale 'In on year Gloria Swanson has rtatn f.m an obecrrs pUiee In Elm . Com to rank with the most popular of the stars. Her first alarrlnj pic tura waa "The Great Moment," by Elinor Glyn. She haa an Important rola is CeeU deUiUt's Uur uroducUoa of i'Th ASairi ct Atatal," Continues All This Week 'k The Bee Hivfc t vpKd Use Jicii 1 i t