East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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The East Oregonlan la Eaetrts Ore
ton's greatest newaprper and aa a sll '
in force gives to the esvertleer oyt
twice the guaranteed paid circulation
l Pendlnton and Umatilla county of ,
any other newspaper. i
Ttat nt press rn of Saturday's daily
This paper ) a mtirmef or and audited
by tba Audit Bureau of Circulation.
NO. 9923
VOL., 83
Many More Victims Are Esti
; mated; Confusion Reported
; in Surrounding" Territory.
otal Number of Dead is Not
Possible to Estimate Until
Wreckage "is "-Removed.
TAYLOR, Tcxaxs, Sept. 12. (U. P.)
The bodies of 20 victims of the Frl.
day and Saturday storm, resultant
from the floods, have been recovered
so far today. Many more victims are
estimated. Reports from the sur
rounding territory showed confusion.
Reports from Dallas Indicate the dead
in central Texas to be over 104. Forty
Seven bodies were recovered , at Han
Antonio. Six negroes are known to bo
dead at Hearne, near here. The Colo
rado river Is reported to be still rising-.
The wreckuge Is being- cloared away
all through southern and central Tex
as. ' The total number of dead Is not
possible to estimate until this work is
completed. It is impossible to place
an estimate upon the property damage
yet, although meager reports Indicate
it Is running into millions in live
stock and farm buildings.
Proerty Damage Millions
BAN ANTONIO, Tex., Sept. 12. (U.
P.) Fifty bodies- recovered, 3$
persons injured and 20 miss
ing Is the known life toll from Fri
day night's flood which- swept the
city. The chamber of commerce offi
cially announced the property damage
."t .ee8,oe folknrl.V a careful sur
vey of the damaged area.
Five hundred .men and women,
from from the various parts of the
Umatilla Irrigation project were pres
ent Saturday at the annual Field Day
at llermlston, says Fred Reunion,
county agent. .
The program of the day consisted of
try-ou;s for tho boys' stock Judging
team, muslo fcy the Hermlston boys'
band, the economy fashion show, di
rected by Mrs. Edith G. Van Deusen,
home demonstration .agent, addresses
by Walter M. Pierce, P. M, Branda of
O. A. C, M(-s. R. E. Bean of Umaplne,
Paul V. Marls, director of O. A. C. ex
tension work.. and J. T. Jard.'ne. direc
tor of experiment stations, Inspection
of field plants, and competitive con
tests. The Hermlston Calf Club won In the
stock, Judging contests, and a team
picked from the winners holding the
highest average will be chosen to go
to the state fair. These winners are
Ollbert Whltselt, Leon Norqulat, Zona
Bentel, Melba Callahan and James
Mall. ,
nulrvlne was emphasized by all the
speakers. Mr. Plereo In his talk urging
the farmers to feed alfalfa Instead of
selling it.
m il lie vPHExn.
BERLIN, Sept 12. (I. 1 S.)
Woman's time-honored prerogative of
telling a white lie about her age has
received the Judicial approval of Ger
many's legal - savants, who have
solmnly declared that gently "kid
ding" the prospective bride about nor
age is not a ground for divorce. The
case arose whore a blushing maiden
of thirty-seven coply admitted before
the -wedding that she was twenty-six.
When the twenty-elgbt-yar-old hus
band demanded a separutton because
f this deception the court retusea,
establishing a new 'unwritten law" in
favor of the gentler sex. '
Reported by Major Lee Moorhouie,
weather obsorver.
Maximum, 8$.
Minimum, 36.
Barometer, 2B.0.
Tonight and
Tuesday fa'-r
warmer. .
l n
II V..t. M -vy l
With tho showing of the picture,
"The Old iNest," a film released But-
urduy to only large cities in the tnlt-
ed States, Pendleton being the only
one less than 00,000, the Itlvoli, Pen-
dlcton's (110,000 theatre, opened on
Saturday evening.
The theatre, a fine example of the
modern and beautiful In theatre con -
struction, met with the patronage It
deserves and Pendleton people speak
high praise for the showhouse. Oreu -
lich & Mattock received many beau-
tlful flowers from th Rotary Club,
tho Pendleton Commercial Associa
tion, the Portland film exchanges and
other friends In congratulation upon
the opening. ,
"The Old Nest'' la a picture which
pulls at the heartstrings In its simple
appeal for the greatest woman on
earth the mothers. The picture deals
with the story of an average Ameri-
can family, with the ever-sa'crtticuig
mother as the heroine.
Adding much to the presentation of
the play was tha pipe organ music by .
Henri C. Lebell. Mr. Lebell shows
himself an accomplished organist and
master of an exteslvxe repertoire.
' Playhouse Packed.
Zone before the opening hour Sat
urday a throng had gathered in front
of the Rlvoll and a long 'line was
formed by eager patrons. The house
seats 860 people and for the first
formance the theatre was packed to
capacity with some standing. An '
equal sized crowd saw the second per- ;
formance later In the evening, the to-
tal attendance for the whole evening
being 1500:
New Scenery Coming.
The stage scenery for the Rlvoll
has been delayed in arriving owing to
a fire in Los Angeles. The scenery or-
dered last April had been prepared
and was to arrive here September 1
but it was destroyed in the studio fire
HOOD lUVEiV Sept. U r( A. P.1)
The Oregon-Washington Railroad and
Navigalort trains are routed over the
Hpokane, Portland and Seattle l'ne ow
ing to a fire in a tunnel near Mosler,
Oregon. '
TIMBER, Ore., Sept. 12. (A. 1M
The J. A. Prouty Tlmler company
sawmill was destroyed by fire yester
day. The loss is $126,000. The mill
will be rebuilt.
DUBLIN, Sept. 12. (U. r.) The
courier, believed to be carrying the
Irish cabinet's reply to Lloyd George's
Invitation, left here for Scotland to
day. The Dail's reply Ib reported as
accepting the invitation for the pour
parlers September 20.
DUBLIN. Sept. 12. (U. P.) The
Sinn Fein's reply to the British invi
tation for a conference at Inverness
September 20 waa forwarded tp Pre
mier Lloyd George today, It has been
officially announced here. Ireland
accepted England's Invitation. Ac
cording to the Evening News the note
contains reservation regarding Ire
land's allegiance to the British crown.
The British cabinet stipulated that
Ireland's continuance within the em
pire was the basic conference conai-
CHICAGO. Sept. 12. (I. N. 8.)
When Arlington Heights, 111., recentl
declared a public holiday In honor of Wheat The liquidation of Saturday
"Grandma" Kennicott, 100 years ofwn(l in ev'cnce again today and al
age and Its oldest citizen, Mayor P. O. though the market at times, showed
Morse issued a proclamation calling I stubborn resistance tho volume of sell-
her birthday "tho greatest event in
Arlington Heights history." The en
tire community, from the Mayor uown
to tho grocer boy, attended "Grand
ma's" party. ,
Five generations of her family were
present at the celebration which fol
lowed a parade to her house, In which
everybody In tho community partici
pated. 4
Mrs. Kennlcott's memory has not
failed; and she enjoys telling stories
that delight her children and grand
children to her great-great-grand
daughter, Grace Little, aged twelve
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. (I. N. 8.)
Participation of Holland and Uol-
glum In the disarmament conference
became 'virtually assured when It was
learned that at least two of tha big
powers had consented to representa-
tlon of the smaller countries aa the
United States suggested.
and it has been necessary to make it
over again. The management has not
been Informed as to the exact time
the scenery can be shipped.
In he following statement to the
public the owners of the Rivoll express
, their appreciation for the support giv-
en them and announce some of the
' road shows already booked for the
j ' Support Is Approbated,
i "The new Itivoll Theatre wishes to
I thank the citizens of Pendleton and
j Umatilla county for the'r loyal sup-
port upon the opening of the Theatre
Beautiful. The policy of the theatro
will be to how only the best pictures
with an occasional road' show. The
following road shows have been
booked' "Robin Hood, The Marcus
Musical Comedy, Nance . O'Nell in
'The Passion Flower,' and others. We
fee) that we are fortunate in securing
tor you tne serces of an organist who
' ranks with the best on the coast and
I we know that Mr. Henri C. lie Boll
will do all in his power to please you.
"Our opening picture, 'The Old
Nest. was selected from all others and
we think that you will agree with us
when We say that it is the best picture
of Its kind ever shown In Pendleton I
and the Goidwyn Distributing Corpor-! "mis roaming around, the warden sug
atlon should be congratulated for re-j Bested. No dead ones, indicated the
leasing a picture of so much merit. We
per-'wish to thank the Commercial Club,
the Rotarv Club, the d'fferent busi-
np((S fjrrn8 an$ individual citizens for
the many beautiful flowers that add- i
ed so much to the beauty of the New
Rlvoll Theatre. We shall try and
merit your continual patronage and
'good will In the future by presenting
only the best entertainments that It is
possible for us to secure in the Rlvoli,
your theatre.
"We thank you,
"By C. G. Matlock, Manager."
Conference Will Discuss Aus
tro -Hungarian Quarrel ;
.Considered Most Seriou3.
LONDON, Sept. 12. (I. N. S.)
The Inter-allied council of ambasBa-
dors has been summoned at Paris to
consider the Austro-Hungarlan quar -
rcl. The belief was expressed In off! -
cial circles that an ultimatum would
be sent toBudapest.
The British foreign office views the
nt'nn on the Danube as most seri-
ous and that the utmost caution Is
..-v..y iu rtveii. a war.
.If the ultimatum is sent, Hungary)
will be given a time limit to withdraw
nor armed forces from West Hungary,
Louses of about three cents were re
corded on the wheat market at Chi
cago today,- profit-taking and absence
of export buying causing the slump.
Prices at the close today for Scptem-.
ber, December and May wero J1.2G14.
J1.2H and $1.33 H as against prices of
11.30, il32 and $1.37. Following
are the quotations, as received by
Overbuck and Cooke Co.,' local brok-
, Open High Low Close
Sept. $1.30 $1.30 $1.264 $1.284
lec. 1.32 1.33 1.284 1.29
May 1.3714 1.3814 1.3S 1.33 '.4
Sept. .64 ' .54 .63 .54
Dec. .55 .56. .5414 . .54
May .69 .60 .59 .69
ing proved too heavy to prevent a de
Ite In tho seislon the weakness
was further augmented by the in
crease in the visible of 2,355.tl00 bush
Numerous developments of a tem
porarily bearish character contribut
ed to tho decline, not the least Import
ant of these was the utter absence of
export buying and the usual talk of
reselling such as always appears when
fresh buying ceases.
It .'s safe to say that the amount of
unl. rounlllnir la jtnii will hn unim
portant. All cash markets were easyj
with the futures and In most caBes
premiums slightly reduced. Mlnne-!
upolls reported an active demand and j
oarly In the day but at the close that
market was easy with premiums nn-!
changed to two cents lower. We con
sider this decline simply a lull in a
hull market, would be watchful for
opportun'tles to make purchases.
Seattle cash Hard white, $1.10;
soft white. $1.10: white club $1.10;
hard winter, $1.10-,
northern spring.
; $1.10; red Walla Walla, $1.06.
Portland cash Hard white, $1.11;
soft white. $1.11: white club, $1.11;
hard winter, $1.11; northern spring,
$1.11; red Walla WalU, $1.07, .
Several Guards Report Having
Seen Gardner; All Took Pot
, Shots at Skulking Figure.
Possemen Are Certain That Es
: caped Convict at Bay Will
Not Hesitate to Shoot.
TACOMA, Sept. 12. (U. P.) War
den Maloney expressed a doubt today
urn to 'whether the -"skulking forms"
which the guards fired at on the Is
land Saturday and Sunday nights were
those of Gardner. They might be ani-
lack of markmansmp on the part of
the guards.
Forty men now composing the posse
are conducting what Maloney claims
to be a vigorous search of the Island,
but which nets no results.
'. The guards reports of seeing the
bandit serves to keep the scent warm,
but the Indications are that Maloney
Is losing some of the assurance that
the daring bandit is still on McXeil's
Island. The 'growing belief la
Gardner escaped to i the
mainland. I
Prison guards now tell a mysterious i
story of a woman who landed from a j '
launch at the Island the day Gardner;
escaped. She -walked toward the prls- '
on, but never reached It. She wasj
never seen-to leave the island It is
thought she may have been an accom
plice. . '
TACpAfA.SepUl? C. P.'J Roy,
OarCner furnished considerable ex
citement on McNeil Island over Sun
day when he was reported to have
been seen by several guards, all of
a..m .....1. ..... ... U ..!,. .11. 1 .
' figure, without ' success. The search!
for tho convict is going forward with
; basing his belief on reports that Gard-
ner has been seen at various points on
the island, stealing chickens and food
of all kinds, Is convinced that the the
ory of watching the island is a correct
-one. All agree Gardner Is a fool not
jto have reached the mainland long
ago. The Pitts passage is an easy
'swlm, a man can wade most of the
! way. Numerous lawless characters on
'the mainland wonld aid the bandit to
! make good his escape. The wild coun-
try is. easily accessible and they would j
never, find him until he chose to give
himself up,
Ilopo to Get Man Alive.
The roads, all the paths and every
available means of escape are being
.watched in the fear that the bandit
will break for liberty.
Possemen are ,
certain Gardner at bay, will not hesi
tate ito shoot. They are .taking added
precautions to get the man alive. War
den Maloney Is taking no notice of the
various rumors that the bandit has
been seen on the mainland, adher'ng
to the theory that he has the mall
robber buttled up in the heavily tim
bered districts nota many hundred
yards from the penitentiary.
TACOMA, Sept. 12. (U. P.)-The
police today found no traces of the
bandits who late yesterday brutally
attacked E. M. Watson and loft hlni
unconscious after robbing him of
$800. Watson hurl the money in his
cout lining. i .
SACRAMENTO, Sept. 12. (IT. P.1
- Showing- murder evidence, the body
of a Chinaman Was found in the Sac
ramenlo river near Locke by a fishing
party of Chinese. The mun's throat
was cut, and there was evidence he
hud been struck over the heud with a
blunt Instrument. The .sheriff's of
fice is Investigating the case.
Old Man Winter put in an ap
pearance In Pendleton la.st
night, making his 192t oow In
an atmosphere of 2a degrees
bclfw freeing. A heavy fn-st
brought the leaves down from
tho trees and the extra blankets
down from the atlc. . ..
The low temperature. Says
Major Moorhouse pioneer
resident and local weather ob
server, is unusual for so early In
r:.it k-.i i... ... h..
a frost fallen during the first
days of September. Today the
sun has brought the temperature
to 67 with the barometer regis
tering 29.80. - '
1 tg""''
' t
I i , jr
I ' ; S
f i - t
is i
I I If
r; ,
1 AA.i?WL-.wrtfi.lliM
Mrs. Hernando de Soto accompanies
be attached to the American Mission.
society" of the Washington diplomatic
beauty. . -
i -
Cut, Which G0C3
Sept. 20, Will be for 20 Per
Cent; Mailing Big Saving.
A voluntary reduction by the rail
roads on livestock shipments to apply
to alt Klot-k except horses and mules
has been announi-ed 'by the Unjon Pa
cific. The original announcement was
made from the offices of the company
at Omaha, and yesterday Mao Hoke,
secretary of the Cunningham Sheep
Co. received Information of the cut
from Dan Clark at Portland.
The cut will be 20 per cent in all
cases where the rate is more than 50
cents the hundredweight, and Clark
said in h:s message that it is expected
i it will go Into effect September 20. It
Is an emergency measure and will be
Jn force until December 31.
Th's reduction will mean a great
deal to the livestock men of Eastern
Oregon. On 'shipments of lambs to
market, for instance, there will be a
saving of something ntore than $70 a
PORTLAND, Sept. 12. (IT. P.)
The Northwest Methodist Episcopal
uhurchc, south, conference came to a
close with the delegates voting, to rec
ommend the general assembly at Hot
'Springs, Ark., and chance the name of
j the church to plain -Methodist
church, south, conference came to a
'bly agree to the recommendation they
,wlll change the .name to the same as
before the split over the churcn con
stitution, slavery and other manors.
at the Baltimore assembly in 1S44.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. (A. P.)
Tho government Is going after the
famous Bertdoll "pot of gold." Allen
Property, Custodian Miller announced
that Mrs. Emma C. Pergroll, mother
of G rover Cleveland Pergdoll, would
be asked to surrender all the property
in which Grover had any interest, In-
1 1 eluding the gold coin taken from the
treasury oercre uip uruiv ca,m- co(t
ed and fled o Germany.
. LONDON. Sept. 12. CI. N. ) A
general offensive has been launched
iby the Spanish army
In -Morocco
..lr, lha i-ohall mm Riff tribesmen,
aonrtinir In A Mniir d d Sllfttch. Sl)an-
Ish general staff has been prepar'ng
for the offensive for four weeks. Of-I
I fic els said a supreme effort would be
made to end the warfare that has been!
In Morocso since early in the summer.
her husband to Berlin where he will
Mrs. De Soto has been a leader In the
circle and is widely known for her
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 The sen
ate fiimnce committee voted to retain
a 32 percent mi&imum income surtax
rate fixed In the house bill. It also
approved the house bill provisions 1n
creating from J2000 to 12500 the ex
emptions to heads of families having!
,an annual net income of $5000 or less.)
jand also increasing the exemptions on i
account' of dependents from $200 to i
$400. t '
CHICAGO. Sept. 12. (V. P.)
Search has begun for the accomplices
of Harvey Church in his alleged con
fessed murder of Bernard Daugherty
and Carl Ausmus. Both . men -were
brutally killed, the police assert, so
Church could get an' expensive auto
mobile. Ausmus' body was found bur
ied under Church's garage and Daugh
ertys was found In the Desplalnes
river. The coroner declared it was im
possible that Church killed both men
the way he confessed. Two suspects
are already arrested and more mem
liers of the gang, tiain? Church as a
dupe, it Is believed, will be aj-rested in
a question of hours. : '
Thought Mother A Mod Son.
CHICAGO, Sept. 12. (U. P.) Au
thorities today expressed the belief
tnat Mrs. C. E. Church aged mother
of Harvey Church, tho confessed mur
derer of Bernard Daugherty and Carl
Ausmus, an automobile salesmen, aid
ed her son to bury the bodies of the
victims, although they express the be
lief that, she took no part in the ac
tual murders. . i
WALLA WALLA. Sept. 12. (A. P.)
The lowest temperature this morn
ing was 30 degrees. Tender plants
and vegetables were killed. There was
three inches of snowfall yesterday in
the Blue mountains. Snow capped the
hills visible from the city.
2 Degrees at Itaker.
PORTLAND. Sept. 12. (A. P.)
liakcr, Ore., is the coldest spot of the
weather map today with 22 degrees at
eight o'clock. A killing frost Is re
ported. I'nnitilla reported 32 degrees.
The Willamette valley felt the nippy
weather. Salem reported 32 degteea.
told at Yakima.
YAKIMA, Set. 12. (A. P.) The
temperature of 31 degrees last night.
was the coldest September weather
since 1909.
EMINENCE,' Mo- Sept. 12. (I. N
8.) Eminent among the country
towns'of the "Show Me" state Is Eml
nence. An orainance proinomng in-
loxicaieu rtii "' s
" I ""r, v l"""-- "J
City .Commission.
PORTLAND. Sept. 11. (A. P.)-
vnev u
Mrs, Delmont Appeared in Court .
and Charged 'Fatty' Arbuckle
With Murder of Miss Rappe.
Throngs Surround County Jail
. and Crowd Police Court;
Grand Jury Hearing Tomghtl
SAN FP.ANeiSCO. Sept. .12. IT
P.) The SJtte formally charged Ro.i-'
coe Arbuckle with murder tay. Mrs.
Delmont, Msa Rappe's friend, appear
ed In the police court and swore to. '
oornplaint formally , charging . tho
comedian with the girl's murder. The '
woman collapsed, after making the
22 Witnesses Summoned , -'
SAN FRANCISCO,. Sept- 12. (IT,
P. ) District Attorney . Brady - an
nouncoM he would ask the grand Jury
for an indictment of Fatty Arbuckle
on charges of first degree murder.
will lay before the jury sufficient evi
dence to warrant such ftp. indietmer.t,
making a preliminary hearing . tin-,
necessary," Brady said. - Twenty tv.b
witnesses hava been summoned to op-,,
pear before the grand Jury. , ,
Mwli Evidence O'xaiuol . ' '
KAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 12. (U.
P.) Detective Captain Matheson told
the United Fres today that he had a
complete case against "Fatty" .Ar--huc-Me
The grand Jury is preparing
to investigate the charge that the fam
ous comedian feloniously assaulted
ana ca"S"d the death of ' Virginia'
Rappe, ,the beautiful, actress.-. ViAr
buekle is heM in Jail wh:!e tha police
.continue., gathering evidence to pface
before 'the grand jury- tonight. The
charge against Arbuckle is, causing,
the death "of a human being fchile en--!?ased
in, or attempting to eng'tp In n.
?omnvsMnn of felony. Under the Call-'
fornia taw this is flr.-t aer'e murder.
"Patty" Is Hold in County J.dl '
Matheson said every detail of tb?
happenings at Armickle's booze party
at, the St. Francis Hotel were covered..'
in aff'davits given -by those present.
He claims the state wll show the
strongest evidence in attempting to
prove that Miss Rappe was mortally
injured when the movie comedian.;
abused the young woman. Varied ac
counts of the affair declare Arbuckle
was alone with the girl for an hoar
and others that he did not leave the
rest of the party. Arbuckle denies be
ing alone with the girl. ' Some per
sons at the party say Misa Rappe be-'
came hysterical after taking . three
drinks and attempted to tear off her
own clothing. Others say that they .
found the girl on the bed when they'
forced an entrance to the room where
Arbuckle was alone with Miss Rappe.
Arbuckle is held without bond In the
county jail. .
Marches With Prisoner
Arbuckle lined up with the other
prisoners In the regular Monday
March to the police court. Throng's
surrounded the building and crowded
the police court
The clothing worn 4y . Miss Rappe
was brought to the court and will b
used In the grand jury hearing tonlghV (
as evidence. Her dress and under
garments were torn. Nurses attending i
Miss Rappe during the time between '
her injury and her death' declare she
charged Arbuckle with cruelty. Phy
sicians examining the body today de
clared they found 11 bruises on the
body ,. The physician who Conducted
he autopsy Saturday said he found
only one bruise. The nurses told the
authorities Miss Rappe complained of
being hurt and mashed terribly. Miss
Rape told them, according . to the
nurses, that Arbuckle seized her by tha
arm when the party was at Its height,
drew her Into a room and locked the
door. She could not remember what
happened until the other women at the
party Immersed her in cold water'
nurses declared the girl told them.
There is adverse effect everywhere
on Arbuckle pictures. Many cities are
barring the films until the affair clears
up. Paramount has been paying Fatty
$5000 weekly, according to reliable In
formation. He has a fortune Variously
estimated at from one half to a full
million dollars. He is known for the
wild parties he has been accustomed
to give in the Hollywood district. He,
Is far from his jovial self today. 1 Hie '
face no longer smiles and lines are ap
pearing. He Is still immaculately
dressed. His case furnished doxens of
San Francisco preachers with ammu
nition yesterday.
Jllms Are Cancelled ' '
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 12.(A. P.
The Picture House last night csn.
celled the engagement of the latest
Arbuckle film . " ,
Qar Comedians Films
MED FORD, Mass., Sept 12. (A.
P.) Mayor Haines notified the pic
ture houses that Arbuckle films would
be barred until Arbuckle's case bad
been disposed of la court. ,
111ms Barred '
MEMPHIS, Sept. 1! (A. P.)The
(Continued on pi ,.