TWELVE PAGES 1 PAH.? EAST. QjfeflONlAlT, llNtLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY VENING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1821. rAUS ELXVftH McGIook, the Brainy BEAN Boy By Cart Ed Luke , - , , .. -., unii'CONVEM ,t:J) ' u - -J , 4 1 . iw I Vtou'- vTvtssI h TRUTH AMD 01H f--t voW war OM THE other- XdA i ty A L f Ucu p- : 1 yA n-comtau ythich n cor- f yMfiri I'-sl! : ' 1 . - . i voht 7 r . . X 'o7t you Kor r :., - , ' wouldn't a MiNao BOTTon Bt 1 33? flit . ; jtjzz I ' 'I 1 . IIQM 1 :MI 1. ? - rmfllmilWJ 3 k saa, . BEDTIME PENCIL PICTURES ii! PAST and PRESENT PAST and PRESENT PAST and PRESENT I TRUE TO LIPB.I ., .-' ;thrMtonun the ocean and i HY ! I lf N - J -Ji ' PA i' 7 S' ' i :iimV-1 I i - y 1 -all th. boat, would fcav. be.Q , S ' I HT jhl ! A VIm1'' ll r?2! " ! p'-i t '' i . ' :. Ml " ' f 1 W - V - amaabed on th.wil. -follow " ' LU Ml ' , 'X XK. CXVfj p'J ' J U ! : ; M ' T 77 Mil f)A ' ' W '''.l IT. Ji jf. - fSU'I : 0A uyyi UiAN vM-gUaLI feiJRm ' ' 22J2Lfi--.-. , thrill Om IZXof. .CH K iAl-jnTU I 1 MM i I' i f ' JS?V- VOUW FIRST HOME ). A , Tf FEET fe.t if I ' VT. iiJ. 11 gJl ID M. -Tfe 1 I tl LJ ' L Tlj .OBrMi'moD'H Good, ttie Joke's Old. '' -' - ' ' " - " ' ''iZ I'l i ' V' '"' ' "':'- 'JpZiSSSS Patient "I Wish to consult' you jvlth lftk W-Rg?g-Kj. 1 f if X ' 6 "' 'mie' regaril to my utter loss of niepiory. , "T"-! " J ' ' J J f " 357 ' of this nature, I always.receivo'ray fee Vf , Tj ag fa ft. President of Paland. ' fV7 O k T ' lN-"-- ; ' -SSS!S5 ' . ii rMldant -Pilanitakl. of Pnlanil haa r''jZ; TJO&i Tt& 1HK StTlCl.NrSSS- ... J: ' , been made a doctor of medicine by the ; 'irt.':fii1?f7JW& - ' ' Everybody's Gone to the Game r , tbat sounds -like a powerful brand of XiZZA ',0 . ' lrX'"U?L. tUMiim .w. ----- 7iSp- Bac. , does whole sode r fifc ; rmz . zrUSESZZA ' Booitiac Transportation. .. A Winner. "Just U thinj for picnics," said "So you Joved and 'oikM, when be saw this .advertise cbap?" neat; "A table that may be folded "On the contrary, I tame out a win-' home brew .that might,, do duty as a Jntoa small a space a- to be carried ner." ' 'medicine, ' :' . vtaa man's socket, aent. carriage paid, . "How waa that?" lor 15." "She returned my. pfonts, and ac- ' v WW'toL' ,,K aent the money and sot by re- cldentally ; put In some of ihe other ' A woman la a flood of lorellnesi. StrenuoBS Training Experience. raphy, "tell me what jrou know-abejai' Chief Deputy Have you ever had the Mongolian race." any military experience? "I wasn't, there," explained .Sara! Applicant Yes, air; I was color- hastily, "I went to the ball ama." sergeant in a beauty parlor. - HJ tara a copy of a railroad time-table, fellows." ' Dam her, SEDTME PENCL PICTURES Sohody Home. "Earnest," said the teacher of geog- PAST and-PRESENT: PAST and PRESENT ' Certain!-. Can you keep a secretl1 I'll tell the worldl" j TRUE TO LIP 'fiMOTESENT, M in rl'.t' ..' J NAVE TO "T. O . . . . the man who carmeoX a) I it -1 -to) K - ' J:,wW':..:.- - j i vxr -! 73 Trie -DECE THAT XrDS LeVTthem out'""" ' 1 " yfWMf 'W4 Jl fL( , Ef. . "Dead jnen tell -no tul8." obse,-ved ' I jl Jf '' 'MftSnf fl! i Tom, I w?BBraw i )i wfM Mildred nd her cousin had lots of fun this afternoon playing bide and seek about i tie alorcrooin -wlx-rc Hn r uncle took' them to soeTlio ' RiglilH and be had a lianl lime finding III -in. I'.ir tlcularry . was lie ' vory tnnVh at urn when Hie kUI ' dies rath li d in a luim- and li, look li'm Hie longesl limo in find (hrm. 'Tlui dots will show yeu where- they hid. Tlio Rutueily, - ' " IlusUoiid My arm ir. lame from Dread Alternative. know she's a very exacting oj.1 dime, reavliinj in my pocket for money for fa you're engaged to Mies Oldcasb, although -she's got plenty oi' eoiii. j,oll, ' , Percy." 'aald Algernon, extending his You'll have to give up theaters,- you -Mrs, Siiendit -You poor dear! I'm band. know, and also smoking and dyiHkins. "rorry, W hj dun t you leave yjtu-mou- "Yes: that's me,'; sUl Percy f loom- U you, warrj her." , , 'cy ,t houio so I an help my;tT Uy. "That's nil very veil" ra j p.Vi-y y ... ; O "H'bt Well, old man," continued Al-Utterly, "bi t the point Is thisif I lit' MukI' B B nrd to Death, gernon, "I really scarcely know don't marry her I shall ha.e U: lve H .W?i;r df8 Sir Oliver Lodte? Whether to congratulate you or not I eating!" , SUe Whe:e OulJ.-. Boards. . T 1 -i laugh ctaeb a.n cxrticleT Qr if ull, Moose hcv. tx A. I IfXQ 1 1 or .oji emsienr 5iM mm Vfhtrt Bill Livci They Don'i Serve Diwia' With Meala " i -last on First Out. Hot., ta , Xamp. "How in the world. Mrs. Wl-,', Jo W eary Editor-It was t for Both jou manage to have, all of your three log the Svaadinarlaas called their daughters in. so early when they spend poets "scalds." , h the cvenins' out?" Jaundiced Reader-No sir. link tbf -The last ouo home has to get break- Scots went one deeper aad caii4 la '8t moraine." ttSiII"Bwtr .CuJ