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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1921)
READ THE EAST OREGONIAN SPORT PAGE AND RECEIVE THE NEWS THAT IS FURNISHED BY THREE SERVICES, A. P., U, P. AND L N. & ; TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 emmani SSHi JSH DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 6. J921 -ES 'Round the Sport Circle ; WITH JACK VEIOCK, ' liitcniaUonal New Sporting Editor 1350 MEN AND UN No comment In tho wuke of the women" national tennis tournament would be worthy of the writing with out a tribute to little Mary.Brpwne, the nimble Santa Monica girl who lost to Molla Mallory In the final round. Miss Hrowne, like Mrs. nundy, come from retirement to help her American Bis ters In the repelling of the French In vader, Mile. Lenglcn. Inanmiich an Mm. Mullory attended to that little de tail herself ana MIhh Browne happen ed to be In the oppoidte half of the ?raw, the final dcvelopod Into an Kant versus Went affair and one of the greatest matches ever pluycd by Am erican women.. Stamina, terrific driving power and the confidence that comes to a cham pion won for Mr. .Mullory, but r.he knew she had been n a tennis match, the hardest one of her life, ' ' 1 Is More Finished Player In all-around playing Miss nrownc is the more finished of the two by a wide margin. She dors everything wcil on a tennis court. She- can serve, rVive, volley and place shots with tin (anny ability. She wields a mighty deft racquet any way you look at It. hut he is a little maid, is Miss Brow- j lie, and she simply could not stand the gruelling pare set by the sturdy Norse girl. It must be said of her, however, that in detest she was a brilliant flnal li't and one whose playing will never be forgotten by thte who saw the match. It in regrettable, therefore, that she has decided to retire from future com petition in tho natlonnl championship, nnd eh will be mimed.- Tennis de votees hope she will think better of her derision. Pro and Coci. ! "The old-time olayers were the (roods." Said an old-time fan with fire. "Just look at men like Kellcy, Liithum, Brouthers and McQuire! Then there was Cross, and Collins, too, Aud Itube Waddell and Rowe; You can't tell me they're as good to day As they wore long years ago." I "You're Just all wet, said the youthful fan, "Your dope is poppycock. Just look at Ruth and Cobb and Spoke, Mays, Mariinvllle and Schalk! Wo have our Collins and Kelley, too. Hornsby and Slsler and Pratt. With Covey ana Karr ror good mea sure, sir; Now whut do you think of that. AMBITIOUS SCHEDULE ' IN FOOTBALL ON BILL FOR PORTLAND CLUB PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 6. (A. P.) , Multnomah Amateur Athletic cluii plans to go Into football more ambi tiously than ever this year, and are In the club's lineup this year. Including Steers, Fault, Dutton. Maulz, the Jnc ohberger Roys, Uurtiett, Wapato, Hol cen. Tegart and others. lfarry Fisher, manager of the club, has arranged games with the Olympic club of San Francisco, Washington State College. Oreeon Agricultural Col lege, the Pacific Fleet, and may get u game with the Camp Lewis team, which will be stationed at Vancouver Burrocks. ili'.U QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Canning Prunes Part of our supply of prunes have arrived. Don't fail to choose from them. They were left on the tree until ripe and are full of their own sugar and sweet ness. ' $2.25 per Apple Box v- ELBERT A PEACHES Nearly all gone. Don't wait any longer. Large sizes, $1.35 box. Fancy Tomatoes, $1.00 box. PRIME STIVER BEEF Pendleton m Trading Co. Phone 455 At the Sign of a Serrtoe "If It's on the Market We Have It" 3 Horseshoe Tournament Proves Magnet to Many Stars Who Will Try for Championships. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Sept. 6. (A. P.) The National Horseshoe Pitchers.' Association tournament to be held here September 7,-8 and 9 will be Participated in by approximately 325 men and women expert horscKho; hurlers, according to B. 0 Ltighton of Minneapolis, president of the asso ciation. Approximately 100 men are expect ed to enter the contest for the national championship held- by Frank Jackson of Kellerton, Iowa. Seventy five women are entered In the national and state events for wom en, and there are 150 men listed in the state tourney. Early entries besides Jackson, the national champion, include George May, Akron, Ohio, 1919 national title holder; Fred Burst, Columbus, Ohio, former national champion: D. W. Wil kinson, IJinuba, Calif., California stat champion; George Bobblt, Ijincaster, Ohio, winner of the Florida state tour nament; O. W. Anderson, Kansas City, Kans., city champion, and Miss Mar jories Borhees, Ashbury Park, N. J., national woman champion. State associations of Pennsylvania and Washington recently have com pleted affiliation with the natlonnl body, making a total of ten states af filiated with the parent organization in addition to many private clubs and institutions. I" BASEBALL SUMMARY 'i National IxMiguc Standing. W. L. Pittsburg' 08 New York ...SO St. Louis 73 Boston . . . 70 Brooklyn 9 Cincinnati 59 Chicago .51 Philadelphia . 44 American Lcs,jue Standing. New York 80 4 7 Cleveland ....80 49 St. Ixnils 88 Washington . 61 Boston fil Detroit . 6 2 Chicago 56 Philadelphia . 46-' 51 53 59 60 63 73 79 88 64 7 64 71 75 81 ta , , . -xi Pet. .61 1 .50 2 .5.r,3 .5.18 .523 .447 .392 .333 .630 .621 .515 .4:11; .4SS .4ih; .357 Pacific Coast faugiv Standing San Francisco Sacramento . . I .s :i."v'cs . Si-a'tir, . , , ... iiildind . .. V ernon Salt Lake . . . Portland . . . 95 92 90 87 5)' 64 67 66 69 75 75 93 .59S .578 .577 .5M Ve1! .619 .400 .244 62 38 117 Yesterday's Results. Los Angeles 9-8, Portland 3-4. San Francisco 0-10, Seattle 8-7. Sacramento 2-6, Oakland 1-5. Salt Ijike 8-10, Vernon 10-6. Western League Itc'sulls. Omaha 5-5, Sioux City 7-7. Tulsa 8, Wichita 22. i)es Moines 3-1, St. Joseph 7-3. Oklahoma City 5-0, Joplin 13-5. American Association Kosults Toledo 6-3, Columbus 6-2. St. Paul 1-6, Minneapolis 10-4. Indianapolis 8-7, Louisville 1-3. Milkaukee 7-5. Kansas City 1-6. How the Series KikHiI. At Los Angeles 10 games. Portland 3 games; at San Francisco 5 games, Seattle 5 games; at Salt I,ake 5 games Vernon 4 games; at Sacramento 8 games, Oakland 2 games. Where the Teams Play Next Week. Seattle at Portland, Sacramento at Salt Lake, Vernon versUJTat San Fran cisco, San Francisco at Los Angeles. Biiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii n B B B PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL N j CASTLE GATE COAL 5 The coal that meet3 your requirements. See that you ! get the genuine for storage. j Cleaned, Hottest and Most Economical I B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! f iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiii NF.W Y.OBK. Sept. 6. (I. N. S.) The American bison. The free lunch. And now the chorus girl? There .is a rumor, alarming In tired I' business circles. that our little eross footllght playmates are vanishing from tne Great White Way. 1 Chorus girls, says a prominent ! Broadway director, are disappearing . by the thousands. They are going back to home and mother and a ! square meal. Hard times hit the show, girl this year. like everyone else, only harder. Many, seasoned to summer slumps, stuck it out through tlie hot weather. Many OjiiLlVxilliglits. . But many others chucked it iHto gether nnd got out the old "Learn to Write Shorthand by Muil" booklet and practiced picking pieces on an office piano. Imdon West, director, who hires lots of chorus girls in the course of a fall's work, Buys this is no press agent's yarn. It's a fact, he says, that many of the regular chorus girls got a taste of I hunger this summer nnd have gone back to the farm, where there is plen ty to cat. They figure that a fatted calf in the hand is worth two silk clad ones in the "sticks." as far as an empty stomach is concerned. There's a shortage this fall as a re sult, not of girls who want to be in the chorus, but of girls who have the looks and the voice and the "pep" and tile steps and, yes, the legs to tiuality. Effective Sept. 2nd Ford Motor Co. ANNOUNCES ANOTHER. PRICE REDUC TION ON ALL MODELS. The following prices are now in effect: TOURING CAR ..... $450.00 RUNABOUT $420.00 COUPE $593.00 SEDAN $660.00 TRUCK $445.00 These prices arc all F. 0. B. Detroit. For prices delivered here come in and see us. The drop ranges from $45.00 to $100.00 on the different models. Yours for a Ford Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 Water & Johnson St Service IT.F-SHMAN TKAM STF.OXC. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal., Sept. 6. (A. P.) The Stanford freshman team, is expected to bo rtronger this tenson than for two years, If rumors are true that five men from the Long Beach High School championship team of last year, are to enter Stanford. Shlpke of Santa Ana Union High, regarded as one of tfie best preparatory school fullbacks In southern California last season ts already registered at Palo Alto. QUALITV- ne Size Package All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette ... CAMEL. Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality, . Nothing is too good for Camels. They are as good as it's possible to make a cigarette. - Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, . exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same ,, mellow-mild refreshing smoothness the taste and rich flavor of choicest tobaccos and entire freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. And remember this! Camels come in one size package only 20 cigarettes just the right size to make the greatest , saving in production and packing. This saving goes straight into Camel Quality. That's one reason why you can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price. Here's another. We put no useless frills on the Camel package. No "extra wrappers!" Nothing just for show! Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out of the quality. One thing, and only one, is responsible for Camels great and growing popularity that is CAMEL QUALITY. ' rjg , R.i.RlEOLDS TOBACCO -." E NILKS. Ohio, Sept. 6. (I. N. S.) An unexpected trip in the air thrilled a four-year-old lad and spectators alike at a carnival hue. When a street vender fastened a bia bunch of toy balloons to tho forty -nound vounirster's arm a strong gust of wind rateed the child off his feet, i carrying him some distance over the! carnival grounds. Spectators, who fol-1 lowed the hid, caugnt him and re- moved the balloons. radii's best fishing lak through the water and according to those wh occurrence, and main! and the fish dies within It The animal ditl not atiacK any nsn seizes the fish, more than s!x lnches ln length, nor did ,o reported the it eat its victim. ains its grasp, A number of specimens ot tne iisn- a few minutes. ' killer were sent to tne stale game ana fish department, where officials or. trying to establish the Identity of tho strange animal. None ot the . speci mens captured were more than four Irenes lontr. 'BUGS' KILL FISH IN COLORADO, SPORTSMEN REPORT TO DEPARTMENT DKXVER. Sept. 6. (U. P.) A serious lncnaco to fishing In south western Colorado has been discovered by sportsmen in that section and is puzzling officials of the state game and fish department. A very small animal, or bug. was noticed in the water of some of Colo- Rides Fivins Bicycle mums " Vtf l Sit i L Unbrl"l Poulafn, French champion cyclist, -hopp'ng off on his "avi eire" at a Paris nice course. He won a prize for a man-propelled plane fcy dying S raetres (16 1-4 feet) ct an "altitude" of a foot and a halt Practice With Wooden Rifle: Wooden rod with tin sights are used In preliminary Instruction ct rookies at tho-civillan training camp t Plattsburg. X. V. The fellow in the foreground U Private John V. Ouew. It, son of Coutfiessinun Caiew . of New York. , j Get Rid of Your Tire Troubles I HE economy-seeking mo torist can scarcely do bet ter than put one of these Revere Tires on his car and get rid once and for all of the tire troubles that beset the average motorist. . .. Already there is plenty of evidence that the ideas on which Revere Tires and Tubes were created and marketed have been more than justified. s More motorists are finding out about Revere Cord and Fabric Tires every day. And the more they find out about them, the more enthusiastic they become. . We have started quite a number of motorists around here on the road to economy. Are you going to let us start you? tlV!C tuac PENDLETON CYCLE CO. 22S E. Court Street '