0 TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PEJlDLETON, OliEGON, ' MONDAY EVE1TINC, SEPTEMBER 5, 1021. - fAGT , -j, ''", i- L:K:r. News Notes of Pendleton ! CAl.F.NDAIl OF EVENTS August 26-30 Water First Aid course at City Natatorlurn. Direction of Joseph C. HedgcH. . . September 10 Hermlaton Ex periment Htntlon Field Day. September 19-24 NorthweBt Grain nttd Hay Shpw.'' . , September 22, 23, 24 Ar-niml V . . . . rxii'iioton Kounfl-up. ' v October 7-8 Seventh Annual Dairy and Hog Bhow, at Uer- minion. . . , i t ', ; ! TraliHil fi' Coniowt. ' Six Pendleton girls,, Kli.abeth find Katharine rlimpsorn Kditha Hurtlicll, Het-yi Jlarrah, Mlen Anderoon and Dorothy Hnrthc.ll, will demonstrate the' otralKht' dowth method tit bread mukinir .'at the Northwest Ciuili) and Hay Show, September 22, from 10:30 tfi 11:30 a. m, The (tlrls received tnilnliiB In tho work on Saturdav, from Miss Helen CowkIII. of O. A. C. an Unlqu'mcmbership ' contest has taken at the Christian church Tillde whool. YeMteday wm the first day of tho content, und by the end of the time of special endeavor a Koal of attend agent,' Kach woman will 1ring a basket lunch and coffee will he served at the Btalio.l. The corfec Will be do nated by Maurice deader, traveling salesman for Volmt lirotherM. Mrs. v Use the Phones .Grocery, 2 Phones 525 , Other Dcpts. 78 QUALITY SERVICE,. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones Other Depts. n 525 unco of 250 In being Bought. Lunddoil's ; J. K, Ilcan, of Umaplno, will pc,ak, 20-plece orcheHtra was a feature of the program Kunday. Try Out Horses At Kound-i;p park yesterday a min iature Bhow was slased by owners and riders of horses for the edification ot a number V faux. 'Impromptu races ilth a Bide bet of five bucko, bncKlns contests which were prompted by u remark from one horsij owner to sonic buckaroo to the effect that the rider could not Hlick on a certain hone for I2.S0 wore causes of "(he rivalry that wan displayed. Quite a number of fans were In attendance during the' after noon, and the efforts of the horsemen ravo rise to much enthusiasm. tho til lo of her address be.lnff "Call II if iy." Another feature will be a fashion allow, which will t provided by Alexander's department store' of this city. Hirer Trulls On Cahhiw Hill Three different teams, traveling thrive trails up a WnSliIll Which la sup-r Kxperliiipnt Station, ravs Mrs. I:dlth po9d to be Cabbage 1PIII is the form O. Van Deuson, home demonstration I'lans for TicM IV.;-. Thn Jiernilston Community Club will play i. large part In the women''j program for Field Day, which takes pl ice next Saturday at the Hermls'on Xcw.-paiMT Men J'jj- Vjsit. J. I'. Kellcy ami yofinsr son and O Cjtr J.aiiijc, pf The Dalle Chronicle, ley an vei Lisiiis niiuiiiKtsi oi uie per audJjtiiKe la make-up man. : . I'olico Apprehend, Triinnls. Chut Mushman and . -'Krnest Hays, students at the t'liemawa Indian school near Salem, were arrested by the police Kunday nifiht. The hoys left the school hiHt Wednesday, August 81. They are being held by the police un til instructions from tho Bchool au thorities arc received. rFfDLCTO.VS LEADI4 VTitWV ii "SEE TtiE WINDOWS SEE THE WINDOWS -lOllOl 101- -101 101101 101 101 101 extra large, extra fancy Italian prunes 3 3-4 cents s 1 ' V. ' " PER LB. BY THE APPLE B0X. Place yotir order qt once. Golden State Mason Jars. , Flat. Jelly Glasses. , "You Can Depend on l6l" , Pendleton Cash Market,' Inc.1 301 E. Court Street 'Phones 101 Private Exchange Connect t ' lU'Cclvex (iainc I.as Biillelin. A copy of the bulletin k game lavs for 1W1, a department of asriculture puhlicntjon has been received by E. T. Averlll. Kxiens.e change htJVo been iiado In a majority of the states dur ing the ist yeur, the bulletin shows. The little booklet shows these changes und l,hft Ktatus of government laws as well. Copies of the bulletin may be secured by making an application to 'the Kama warden1 at I'r.rtland. 1 .I, , f ' ' ' v ; i ' , v . ' . .',- , 4 ' it it T H)l T0t 101 101 101 101 tDl 101 TOT V i g STILL DESPOTIC I ' t rC A f K;S BL t!AS'''T f I X t ! . I I - ' ! ! ! t I . XT : - ber Sale of Fine Furs r This is the? opportunity of. the season to select your Turs at a small margin of profit to us from manu facturers' cost. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i . i J 7 cr-' -1$ ; ' OH. MR. SCHOOL BOY AND GIRL! We have Just what you want to start you off rlfiht In your new year of school. A happy start makefc success. TA'e have a full line of the best make of l'enclls and Fens, miming- In price from 50c to $12.0(1 Each pencil or pen Is ituarn.itecd to give perfect satisfaction! We ar equipped to repair all Ol'H Tens and Pencils FHKM Wo also have an Ink that- does not cloic your pen and will wash out. oC your clothes should you happen lo spill some on them, El'T. when It Is put on paper It becomes permanent. AVe defy any Ink ((radlcator to rcmovo It from paper. Ciftne In and see us. We aro offering a special price to users of our refts and Fencils. t J, IfansGoms t I Gwelry Store THE IJCADIXG JKWFXKKS 'J ' - I'll Hunting Season Opens - September First ,' JOBLESS IS lie rOUTUNT), Ore., Sept, . Unem ployment in Cregon approaches the Ki.OOn mark, nccordinK to A. V'. Jones director of the Portland Municipal I employment bureau, who bases h.--t es- umale on reports from all sections of tin. state. Ttie normal unemployment in I'l-cKon .'s about V.UUU. K . ' J The ; renter part of the army of job- j less ii.i n is enmposed of jmskilled 1 wc.rliors. Howe. er, all the building trades rep(-rt uiiemployment which av- j or; res 41) jej: cent, Jones reports, and ih the miscellaneous trades 20 per cent aro v- ithout .work." The hat vestlnit of rfTe hop crop in Oregon, besinninff Se)tember 1 nnd s. will provide tn 1 few thousand who lasting four week iiorary relief for : aro now without work. The city of Portland, anticipating an unusually "hard wintur," is already lnaKins: tonlativo plans .for creating york for unen. ployed men .who are citizens. r- : WE ARE NCT QUOTING FRIZES ,. .... Vrre want you to see and examine' the furs, get our prices and make compari sons with furs you have seen then if you are in the market, you will buy these. , A Small Deposit will hold any piece of fur that you may select until you are ready to take it out. - Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 6th and 7th MANUFACTURERS' FUR CONSIGNMENT SALE. S50.C00 DISPLAY OF EURS! AT SMALL MARGIN OF PROFIT AEOVE MANUFACTURERS' COST No Sale In t-ie part f've cr the yeara is comparable From the standpoint of price with- thi event Big Savings to You It is hard to tell in simple facts the story of this Sale without seeming to exaggerate. Fifty The sacd Dollars' Worth of furs placed on sale at prices that are lowest in years. Because one of the largest manufacturers of His;h Grade Furs consigned to us tor a two days' sale Tuesday and Wednesday, "The FinestTur? Nature Produces," which means the best furs on today's market in America. Y '''''' - ' ' A special representative from the manufacturer accompanies this consignment. He will be with us . ..for the two days, and it will be his pleasure to give . his expert opinion on any piece of fur that you may . .- be interested in. ...If you've been waiting through the past seasons for lowered prices before investing in a new. Fur .this is the time for your investment. Here are the .loveliest and most luxurious pelts to be found, devel oped in the smartest fall and winter models. . Every new-avid intriging whim of fashionthe flaring coat, the Tuxedo front wrap, the--Mandarin sleeve with new turn-back .cuff or bell finish; some belted with fur; coats v.hereMovely furs contrast, each-making the other more beautiful, and lined with soft Jac quard crepe, lustrous satins, in new gorgeous weaves ail these'and more you'll find in this marvelous collection. ' Coats of Hudson Seal, Natural Squirrel, Scotch Mole, Raccoon, Natural Rat, Genuine and Jap Mink and Marmot in 36, 45 and 47 inch lengths, trimmed in Fox, Beaver, Kolinsky Skunk, Squirrel, Mink and self-trimmed. . . - Beautiful Wraps and Capes of Hudsort Seal, Mole, Mink, American Broadtail, Kolinsky, Platinum, Carcul; some self -trimmed, others have deep dollar and cuffs of some contrasting furs. The furs belong to the manufacturer until you rhake the . purchase, con sequently we can afford to take a very small margin of profit to handle the transaction, thereby giv ing you the benefit oof a big saying. ;.- i 1 M Shi! few -11 CHOKERS STOLES . -rSMALL CAPES AND' ANIMAL SCARFS of Wolf, Mink, Kilinsky, Fitch, Mole, Squirrel, Hudson Seal and beautiful Fox skins in taupe, red, black, cross f qx. ' . . DISTURBERS OF DANCE iWA 'I i ' 1 fVf-4H rr.rv ' i ' fZ- t & - Tnstruetions to managers of dance, T " - .... . - pceonWeat' havthi hlii" t ,ftBii.i if th nr.lffs are not coiYM'Hctl r -- l'.'jt.l' i T:-rrvLm .'. . '-- , '- - - -j ... ......u... 1 r. j-? . m- ' Let Us Show You Our Large Assortment of WINCHESTER GUNS AND AMMUNITION They Get the Game. TMth haw been iK-ued by the city au thorities Ttie ruiins la a result of diMurliancea that have occurred on SaturQay nigtitH recently. Ii.st Saturday uiKht for men era- ployed on' the new boreal wmw tarted troub; at I nion uaa, ami when Clem' Worst, manaRer, started to ject the rinskader of tho gang, the other members came to the assistance of the:v leader. The police had to be called bere quht could be restored 'James Thompson, A. Siefert, C. M. ltussie and H. lncss.-.-. w ere the meni- hers of tiie quartet. , They wero placed . in jail and were Riven their treedom Sunday morniiifr on bonds of i each, j They are nitfd to have . caused trouble i before. Their trials in city court wiHi ba held Tuesday moruint'. ' ' Card of I hanUs ; . 4 . I ' I wish to thank ull who wore so kind to me durini: the sickness and 1 bereavement ot my beloved husband. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. I it US. J.JMMA SPltlC.OS. 'I HardinjrtPresentsiGoIflTrophy We have gone through the stock of the 1 N " rV V ' ' ' V A J . A - ; v x -an ; s H A n i S s Discontinued lines go on Sale. Nye-Vavd Co. and have marked, these Ikies for quick disposal AM Laird bchoit?r & Lo. s Oxfords and Tumps, the season's newest stvles Special $10.15 I - .... - i - ' v;. Q vr .- J MEN'S BROWN CALF LACE SHOES Welt Soles , SPECIAL $7.4") 4 ' When Mm lUo nes. 1'elham. N. ., prolessiona noiuv. vo . .e -u. 0,H.n B),,t rnaomionshli) he received the tit)pli- ru from Ihfc hand rrrel'SrS Ha." I k Thfs to the first tlmo In history that the ftotf rn'h7 h tin rntoa by toe uttlon. rulrBaiaw U . p.xifciua 4 Jubnv . ; AH Missc ard Children's Shoe Greatly deduced Prices. s at , Women's Mercerized IIol-c, hnwnj and black, 3 pairs for Wz - BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES AT REDUCED riilCES. BLASTER BROWN SHOE STORI Formerly Nye-Ward Co.