DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2,1921. TAGS TURKS 'II TEN TA0E3 rs.i News Notes of Pendleton OAUWDAR OP EVENTS August i 24-30 Water First Aid course at City Nututorlum. Direction of Joseph C. Hedges. September 10 Hermlston Ex- perlment Station Field Day. September 19-24 Northwest Grain and Hoy Show. . September :2, 23, !4 Annual pndletonRound-Up. October' 7-8 Seventh Annual Dairy and Hog Show, at Her- mUton. ! TinHiro Getting Hack. Teachers who will teach in tlio Pendleton schools during thin yeur lire beginning to drift bark to the cllv n preparation for their work. I'rlncl jnil A. Ldhdreth of the high school re turned yeKtorduy from Lelund Stan ford where he studied for 12 Weeks during vacation. I... 11. Travers, who will be In charge of vocational work, arrived yesterday from Portland, lie had been director of vocational work at Everett, Wash., for twq years.. An other arrival la Mtxg I.loy Norton who will teach the second grade at Hawthorne school. Many more structorg are expected to arrive to day and tomorrow In preparation for the opening day which will le Tues day, September 6. Called to La Grande. Wesley McCray Is in I.a Grande where he was called by the death of his cousin, Albert McCrary. Gets Sidewalk l'crmlt. An applici'lon to construct a ce ment sidewalk has been made at the office of the vity recorder by Kim Morton for property owned by him on Court street. Itcfl-t ltound-Vp Spirit Additional advertising and publicity for the Round-Up is being given these days by the pictures of the "hook em steer" in the windows of the Crawford Furniture Co. J. F. Callahan Is re sponsible for the decorations In the window which add the Ilound-Up col or. , Jiwk Slnnfk-ld Hurt. ,.nU Rlnnfleld. of Echo, who Is well known here and who has visited here . th truest of Dr. und Mrs. uaviu 1n- HIM. sustained Injuries recently while swimming at Umatilla. His head was out and his back injured in a dive from the springboard. Will Sell Ice Cream. For the benefit of local relief work, the Salvation Army will sell ice cream and cake tomorrow from 1:30 to 7:30 p. in. at tho Salvation Army hall. Hooks Arc Heoclvod. Hooks for the local school districts iave been' received from the state li brary at the office of tho county su perintendent of schools. Distribution of the volumes will be made to the districts either In September or Oc tober, according to an announcement today. 4, -101-101101-101101101-101101101 We Close From Saturday Night, Sept. 3rd, ' Until Tuesday Morning, Sept. 6th. WE HAVE ADDITIONAL HELP FOR SATURDAY but even then it will be necessary for you to PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY. "YOU CAN DEPEND ON 101" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc 301 E. Court Street Phones 101 Private Exchange Connects i 101 101 101 101 101 X0I 101 101 T0I f mm ' OH. MR. SCHOOL BOY AND GIRL! We hnve Just what you want to start you off right in your new year of school. A happy start makes success. Wo have a full line of tho best make of Pencils and Pens, ranging in price from JMki to $12.00 Each pencil or pen is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. We are equipped to repair all Ol'K Pens and Pencils rilBI'i Wo nlso have an Ink that does not clog your pen and will wash out of your clothes should you happen to spill some on them, PIT when it is put on paper It becomes permanent. We defy any Ink eradicator to remove It from paper. Come In and see us. We are offering a special price to users of our Pens and Pencils. HansGoms J ewelrv Store THE IJ3ADIXG JKWFJ.KKS Hunting Season Opens September First mm. Let Us Show You Our Large Assortment of WINCHESTER GUNS AND AMMUNITION They Get the Game. i . m ii Certified Wheat Sold Walter Crtsswell, who farms north west of Pendleton, has some fine pure seed this year. Seventy-five sacks were sold recently to Fred Krausow, of Tirana Valley, six sacks to A. H. Gut- trldge, of Payette, Idaho, and four parcel post sacks of B0 pound each to W. L. Teusch, of Lake View. Kemfury Fall Kxpeetctl. Albeit Fall, secretary of the Inter ior Is thought to have passed through Pendleton this morning on his way from Yakima, Washlnbton to TSaker. Information received by C. E. Schill ing, in chargo of the government pro ject nt Hermlston was to the effect that tho secretary was due In liaker this evening. His presence was un known to local men. For Carrying Gun. James Done, local man, was arraign ed In tho court of Justice Joe H. Parke this ofternon on a charge of carrying without a license a weapon tho size of which would permit It to be concealed. The weapon was a 44 Colt The gun was secured by Depu ty Sheriff K. H. F. Hidgway several days since when he was watching still to Identify the operator. He stop ped Done and took the gun from him Oil Well Brings Results. . The Oregon-Montana' Oil Co., in which local men have invested a to tal of $30,000, and which operates five miles southwest of Winnett, Mon tana, recently touched the cap rock of the first quadrant sands at 2,035 feet, and balled out Immense quunti ties of heavy oil. The well was cap ped and preparations made to under ream. The well will be drilled In two days. Some of the local stock owners are Michael Howland, B. F DuPuis, James Laing and Dr. J. A Host. Plunib'ng Business Sold. The plumbing business of Darr D. Phelps has been sold to Robert L. Jones and Iloger Kay, brothers-in-law. who will take over management of the concern October 1. Kay has been In the employ of Phelps for the past nine years and Is Intimately Informed of the business policy on whjch tho suc cess of the present owner has been built. The same policy will be con tinued by the new owners. Jones Is a retired farmer and Is well acquaint ed with Pendleton people. As for the retiring owner, well, ho expects to look after his real estate Interests. "It will require a lot more golf balls and shotgun shells next year," Darr said today with a smile. Miss Cowglll Hero Miss Helen Cowglll, of O. A. C, Is here to assist Mrs. Edith G. Van Deu- sen to make arrangements' for the boy's and girls' club work contest to be held here during the Northwest Grain and Hay Show. One of the con tests is In breadbaking for girls be tween the ages of 9 and 18. The prizes are to be given for the best loaf of bread baked by the individual and ex hibited the morning of September 22 at the high school In Pendleton. All of the bread that is sent in to be Judg ed will be exhibited at the Northwest Grain and Hay Show tent from Sep tember 22 to 24. The first prize is $10, the second prize $7. B0, the third prize $5.00 and the fourth prize $2.60. The girls are not required to be club mem bers In order to compete in this con. test. Exhibits for Show. Today brought promise of a num ber of exhibits for the Northwest Grain and Hay show to be held here September It to 2 4. F. H. Zentner. county agent, writes from Watervule that ills county will make a special ex hibit of Kosen rye, a variety develop ed In Michigan which shows higher yields than other kinds and which in the Big Bend country yielded 20 to 25 bushels more than bthcr varieties. Kharkov wheat, Mr. Zentler says will be shown also. L. K, Bheithaupt. county agent of Malheur county, asks for 25 more premium lists and for more shipping tags. The Gallatin Valley. Montana, growers, will enter three exhibits of wheat and three of oats from tho same lots as will be shown at the Montana State Fair. J. J. Wiley of Grass Valley, will show a sack of Turkey Red. Manages Cubs Bill Killefer is Dews now " .ngratulation on his appointment s manager of the Chicago Nationals, tlo succeed John Evenu . - Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Dcpts. 78 QUALITY SERVICE. PENDLETON'S LEADING TORE TT 11 - Tl TMw use me i iiuucs Grocery, 2 Phones Other Depts. 71 526- You'll Certainly Like These Pretty New Things Were Getting in for Fall THEY'RE COMING BY EVERY EXPRESS. Com in every day and see them. We always show the new things first. SUEDE TEX $4.00 One of the new fall , fabrics for coats and suits, 56 in. all wool, and comes in all the wanted shades, such as navy, brown, beaver Lopen, etc ' SiLK DUVETYN $7.50 We only have this silk Duvetyn in brown at present, but will have other shades soon; 40 in. wide, of best quality for dresses, coats, capes etc. SOME OF THE TRIMMINGS they are using on dress es for fall to good ad vantage. TASSELS 5c to $1.50 All colors and sizes, ? in. to 27 in. long. FRINGES 75c to $4.50 All colors and widths, 1 inch to 18 inches. DROP 10c to 25c Many colore, silk, gold and silver. MILITARY BRAID Comes in for its share of popularity, manywidths. Many colors. BUTTONS Yes buttons are just as good as ever. We can fill your needs. BRAIDS Soutache, rat tail, pig tail and chenile. BEADS My ! the beads we have. All kinds and colors, seed beads, bugle beads and all. Use a few beads any way, oh the dress or, waist. They are so good. Prices right. BOLIVIA COATING $5.00 Finest quality Bolivia the most stylish fabric for coats, offered in the season's newest shades. Make up your coat now, and get the benefit of a full sea son; 56 inches wide. TRICOTINE 03.50 The very best of quality is our Tricotine. It is such a splendid cloth for Dresses and Suits. Offer ed in the season's newest shades; 50 to 54 in. wide. FRENCH SERGE 2.00 to $3.50 All wool and of good quality. Comes in all wanted shades for dresses. NEW CRETONNE At last they have come. New patterns and color ings for dresses and aprons. They're on display in our Art Dept. Come in and buy a few lengths. Yard 25c to 50c NEW SKIRTINGS Entirely new and different these new skirtings; of Striped. Venetian, offered in all colors. Buy a skirt length now. SATIN CANTON $4,00' This is one of the best silks for wear that was ever known. It is of heavy weight pure silk, woven to give good service. For that new fall dress be sure to use our Satin Canton Crepe; 40 inches wide. New Honor f w en. New Tork University honored 8eo rotary of War Weeks -with, tho de gree ot doctor of Jwfc at ita xnh oommencemeoti Hear at a u Saving Discontinued lines go on Sale. We have gone through the stock of the Nye-Ward Co. and have marked these lines for quick disposal. GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH SKIN WHITE ) Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well. ;xnd you have a quarter pint of harm, less and delightful lemon bleach. Mas sase this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, 'anna and hands each dny, then shortly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stae beauties use this lem-1 on lotion to bleach and bring that soft ; clear, rosy-white complexion, also as a i freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach be- j Causa It doesn I U'rltuto, Laird Scholer & Co.'s Oxfords and Pumps, the season's newest styles Special $10.45 t V MEN'S BRO CALF LACE SHOES Welt Soles SPECIAL $7.45 All Misses' and Children's Shoes at Greatly Reduced Prices. Women's Mercerized Hose, brown and black, 3 pairs for $1.00 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE Formerly Nye-Ward Co. - ... ,., . .. . . . ... . .. .