4 V V Ht'. 4 .j. . f- w , flj!I5.GJTOLET0J?.' OREGON, TIIITRSAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1021. TWELVE PA0E3 rf- Social and Club News ArtlVITII'M TO liE'ilN' the new U;Voll theater an.1 Mm oven-! LKAVK FOR ALBANY Tli )'!" firiiviiicH .r Hip Pcndlc- ing promises to W one of fare delight I The ipsnv frtePds vf Mr and Mrs C ton Wninen'. lnl. will begin Septem- .for mukie lovers. Aliss Wylie is i.. K.nehart are rwettmn that they l"f '''ffi'-w"' !." The iimI mod- icr or Mr. S, H. Foishaw. tf this citv. are leavimr Pendleton i., m,i, th.iV. October and offer thnt i ' home in AHmnv .-hr Mi" i. w II meet every fortnight on ST,ii. i,-t vuw I will hp omiilnx Thursday i the library club rooms. . ..f. ml Mi-s. Julii.a r. J.esor of I Flwr;" Ulnehart and (); th-me for the year Id "Cr soUnilp ,cH j n,it,m f . ,h(lr j chil.1i en, It, etrhen ami Karl, left to- ornli-y. hi.4 an excellent . proup .rf,hnm ..,,.,,,. .,...,., c.,;. ... .Nay and Air. Hinehait will loin them Inn v, 111 ! the club prfiKi ar.iw Is planned. Standing eom llii 1 1 of the . lull are: CnUi- Airs. 'hsrhs Oreiilh-h. Mrs. J. B. Ueb'l, Writ. .1. Jf. Fsles and Airs. '. A. Terpen, r.e. Fitter! H'iin(ent Mrs. .1. K. Ko'en son, Mrs. Fred Lieualirn, Mrs. John YuniHiftn. .Mr1. A. J. t -v en, Mr. Lucy JhiimMmin, Mrs. Sylvan Conn und Mrs. I .1. It. M!"ool(. I ls'BiMritivf Mrs Ocorxe Hartman I brief vjsit at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. ,Si licet. Mrs. .latter and Airs. Reetz . ! a re Asters, rr..C. Jaeper nod wife j J RES. OP BOAIE SHOWN have been visiting friends and re!a-' 1 (ilui!t';'' eiuti wotuen who met i'.'ves in Iowa and other points in the ' Thcms.s G. Winter, national pres Alul.lle West ilnrinft vac.ulon time ' ",CIU ot ,he ',!'''-';"' of Women" Frof. J;:fr U on the faculty of S.o-! t'lu,,a" ,U,rm hel' visit 10 the e f- kane university. (,,... i .invention nere in the spr.nsr. , e o.ieiesiid in p:rttir.-s of her home YIPlTOr.S DKFATIT I Mrs. .T. I'.insre nnl Airs. S. I". Wal !tei?. of Trenton. Alissomi, and Alius Vtthertne I room, of Athena, were I ;whiih nppem- in the Septemhe'c. nutn ! her of the House Heautifnl. j J. K. Froom, tArhena. iind Mix R. A. Xewherrv. Home K-.. r.oipic." - Mrs. Chnries i.-.,'k-,i '. .IViU, ATTKNn WKPIMAT,. Mm-Mi, Mrs. A. V. Koeppen and .Vrs. . p.dU.ton v'sliors thl momin. Mrs.!. Mr" !'"" Harold Warner will K,i;U, .1. Van I-ousm. ! Rtnse ,, Mrs. v.'alters left todav for''0'",'1 n Pa,wj:'.v 'ot-Tortlan;! to at- Child Welf.'ire Mrs. W. W. Gr. en, t rrUani1 and Seattle, after whieh'thev ' "!"' ,hp "'1'? f Mr. Warner's eon Mrs. Casjiur Woodward and Mrs. J. X. 1Vj!l co to California for a visit. Thev S,n" Mlss Margaret Harder. It will bo Peott. ihavp wn f thPlr nill Mrs. jan "vt't of tM-ptemher 6. Airs. War for t;ie Fpeiui eomn'itires, the setiolaif hip loan fund ecnim t:ie .Mrs. It. I. rayreo and Airs. Oow 1 MISS "KTT.. ITV.nv. M'lark. The endowment fund commit- ," A1iss Mav Xeill. of I.n Orande, pass lee ' Mrs. Afrnes Stillman, Miss Car- f d throupii Pendleton trday on her no n ("ole and Airs, llohert Simpson. 'way to Portland. She ai1 Miss Laura The committee fur the club annual Jerar.l. of this city, will biiil Septtmhet K Atrs. noy ilorse. Airs. . . 1 'helps, . fi for llor.olniu. Airs. Herl.ert Thompson Mr, W aiter i Adams and Airs. At. K.:n. i WIT-T. KKTl'PX SATIT-DAT ' For October IT., the ohib will spoil- Uev. un.l Mrs. Ceoreo L. Clark ! Kir arc';-' - ! and fou, James Cl.trk. will retura Sat- ."" imont.n. daughter of whose beautiful contralto la known ( urday from Wnllmva Uike, where they 1'endleion pcot-le. S!-,. w:l! ..i'.; ... have heen for the ?;ist wek. ner will b? matron of honor and Air. j Warner will he best man. J VISITORS FROM HELIX : j A group of Helix people rvho are-;n the citv today iuelflda Air. and Mrs. ;J. S. Xorvall, Pd'.'ar Xorvall. Air. and i ' Airs. AI. L. Morrison and Mr nn.i William Shannon. RE UMBERTC BRAND Concentrated Tomato Sauce One do::en. tins, special this week .'. $1.10 Butter Creek Honey, 5 gallon tina, pound 15c 1 gallon 'tin $2.53 1-2 gallon jar :.. $1.15 Quart jar : 6.5c Pint jar- 3Uc Comb Honey, fresh stock, each . 3?c Bulk Coffee, run thru our refiner, pound 25c Ilar&hey's Cocoa in bulk, pound ..v. 20c Imperial Tea, Cof fee, Extracts anil Spices. ., Chase & Sanborn's Tea and Coffee. Old Monk Olive Oil and Olives ' " ; Burnett's Extracts. . " Stanfield Cheese. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 QIitythe Btt THE THOMAS SHOP "nxVALi:s"l.c;. Airs, Fori s'mnnton. iAtr. and Airs. Frank Salinji. is eon Ivalescinfr after a reeent illness. She has heen sojourning at Lehman Springs. lioto it mm- i-FHOM COMPANY HOUSES HOPFS ITSTA1RS SHOP UIOfcH Frocks ' Vjj M1 Oi Individuality are included among the finer fashions Smartly Tailored Frocks of Tricctine, Pcj-et Twill, French Serge and Velour Many of the new styles make such lavish use of rich hand embroidery, while others are cleverly braided. Prices range from $22.53 up to 575.00 IIFRE FrtOM ATHK.N'A. TACOA1A, Sept. t. tr. P.)Offi. -yr. and -Airs. Oliver DicKcnson ntuKciala if the iarirest coal miniiur com children of Athena, are here to-lay. panics in Pierce couifty are start:nK Air. Dickenson recently sold his farm! legal pnx-eodinps to force the htrlkiiift and may lirins his family here to re-miners to leave the company., houses s''' 'at t'arhenonado and elsewhere. Xo jnholesale evictions will be atteinpler VISITORS FltOAI STAXFIELD. .Many of the miners' families have ! A'r. and Mr. W. P. Knapp. of Stan- rendu vi,-,i,1 the cmnnnnv h.oiRc.L i.eui. ure in I'emlteton today. Thev nil leave toniorror- for Fnterprise ist their daughter. I to O. A. XI. TO MEET. . The Ladies of the Orand Arm? of the Republic will meet tomorrow at -:30 p. m. in -the club room ot the county library. . ILL !i mm MO Jlellronm and r.eV. D. Ragan let! tor the mountains Monday. ' AT.' D. Oranpej lituT brother-in-law,! ,..eorito Israeisom or Portland left Tuesday morning on u hunting, nnd fishing trij. Aliss Ella Stanton of Xye was In Pilot Hock Monday. Air. and Airs. Otis Jones and chil dren returned h'lne Monday from air 'Uting In tho nomntains. A'iss Hazel KKg Is visltins relatives Jn W'rston. - , Af. I). OraiiKe and Rev. P.aKnn were In Pendleton Fr'day. , Col. Ha'ev was In town Monday 'rem Pendleton. The Womens" Community Club will meet in the chur' h basement Wednes day evening Sept. 7. pils will be a cocial meeting in charge of the Library Committee. All ladies of the town and ctinmunity are Invited and nil club members are especially urged to be present, Snndav September 11 will he Rally n.v In the Pilrt Rock Pundny school. FASHIONABLE'FALL GARMENTS EXCLUSIVE NEW MODELS In a most comprehensive variety: - rnii'Aiir niir ..r,v ;AiniRTS al HU i:s lrfr u nu ?r new Null Coat or lire mi. , This will be Rev. Raman's last Sunday here and a basket dinner will be serv ed in the basement "f the church at noon hour. It Is hoped that all the old pupils will come hack on that Sunday and brlns; new ones with them. Every body is Invited to-come. Air. and Mrs. John Wynn of McKay j were visitors nere 1'Tntay. Air. and Mrs. C. A. Cooper were In Mead In search of. a lienf f.Wt was re porti'd'to have heen seen near there. They relumed home the same evening with no ood lin k to report. An eilfhth srade exiimlnatlon will h held here Seiit. 1 und 2 for th.we who failed to pass In the sprintr. The grade school board mgt Monday eveniim. A banquet committee compos ed of Frank Jones, E. K. HulchiiiNon Penilleton Friday. I and AI lloylen was. appointed to serve A hunting party that included Newt, with the board. A new cement walk Rover, C. W. Paulus. Dr. IT.. A. Schnel'i w laS' lne w u"u cler, I'anl Ouldius, (leorpe Done nnd ""w t1 l,ullt- " Dr. DcYaiil left early Sunday morning Pen Johnston nrrlved home from for the Payter Hutchinson home- Pullman Toes. lay evenlne. HtriRA TO rEXni,ETOA" WASHINGTON. Sent. 1. (A. P.l Judee and Mrs. Thomas Fi'zeerald i Italy has formally accepted President have returned after a visit at Wood- j Harditni's invitation to parUcipate in' lawn, Portland and other points. (the diaormnment and Far East con-: iference. Italy's acceptance completed' RETl'RXS TO HOME . the list, Orcat Britain, France, China Airs. n. Norton returned to her (and Japan having already formally, home in Pasco today afteV a visit In accented. i ei:u:econ at tne Mays home. VISITORS FROM STAXFIELD. Mr. and' Airs. C. E". Lewis of Stnn f:e!d. are in the city today: They mo-ti-red here today. HERE FROM HELIX Mrs. Frank O'irrett a-wJ daughter, Catherine, of Helix, ars hera today. MRS. AI.EXAXDEFt IIOAlE . Airs. Roy Alexander has returned after a short. visit in Portland. I HELIX VISITORS. iwj Mr. and Airs. Roy Penland, of He Ijlix, are in the city today. t We Always Cater to tlie Users of Fine W riting Paper QUALITY is something in the paper itself. STYLE is the way the paper is made into stationery. EACH is necessary- BOTH are found in the papers sold by nufsnrs big store "Try the Drug Store First" HERE FROAf ATHEXA Mr. and Mrs. Will Fergunon are here from Athena today. HERE FROM ATHEXA. i Air. and Airs. David Stone of Athena are hero today. IDEAS i FOR HOUSEWIVES 4 HOME DEMONSTRATION 1 M'lk has rtone maklnr mnter- lal In it. The "ime and phos- phorous of meat are :fi the hones and these are thrown away. Tb"v oce ir in solution in milk and we cat them. The hardness and strength of bones and teeth are due to limo and phosphorous. Once formed they are not necessarily perman- ent. The food taken by in adult in a year rnus,t contain three- fourths of a pound of lime and more than a pound 'of phosphor- us to keep up bone and teeth re- pair. Many families suffer from lack of phosphorus lime. Milk is a food. It contains more lime than does lime water. Et all you will of other foods and it is not likely that you will get cnouh lime for the bones and teeth. Add one pint of rnilk per day to tho diet and ! thre is sure to lie . enough txt both lime and phosphorus. E. V. D. L1VKSTOCK MARKKT STKAOY. POliTLAXD. Sept. 1. (A. P.) Livestock is steady. Eksss are firm and higher, buyers o.fer farmers 20 t 30 cents for current receipts. 34 cents for white henneries, soiling price case count 30 to 32 cents, and selects 3 to 38. Putter is firm. roilTI AXU WIIKAT MAV.KIT PORTLAND, Sept. 1. (A. P.) Wheat is fl.OA to $1.13. IDOL MATRESSES The best.price ever made to the people of Pendleton in Mattresses is quoted below. We are not going to tell yen any ghost stories to cause any excitement, but v, e are dishing out plain facts and if you expect to buy a matress in the next five years now is your chance. When these aie gii:o we can't quote you this price any more. 4.", pound Rolled Edge Mattress, delivered $G.OO 45 pound Cotton Boiled Edge Mattress, f. o. b. store 5.50 These mattresses are strictly new and first class in fvi i v way. We absolutely guarantee the quality and will back every statement made. - Yours for Service, c?ileyScKemp I Vnl Oi.r Watchword Katisfiu-tiim Our Aim ROSEBURG DENHST-TO a i 1 (A. P.)- ROSnm-Rry Sept Rrumficld, who wb Indicted late yes tertL'y of first d eree murder, is to make Irs pirn tlrs afterivfon. His trial is not expected to stall before Ti'es''a- mnnonir. tocietv for over 75 vearj ha .i . . r-e 1? l5f II the skin and Comdex- ion in perfect condition tlifough thi JtrrjJ of tiie aia-on's iciivities. ierf Sc. for TrUIS'lt -' r?73. T ;:-iPKIt;3 k SO'I -e-V , CL'CE FRACTICZ r;l" t Chri'tf-an t'.hv.mh I Thu;-iday fcve.inflr, September 1 , .h I J n -n A' O tl ''; ' , J f , East Oregonian Special) . i, I'lLOT ROCK, Sept. 1. Sydney AIcReynolda is in Boise, Idaho this week on business. Air. and Airs. Roy , Simmons ivho arrived here several weeks ago from Junction City arc moving into tho Will Matthews cottage. Mrs. Simmons is working at the elevator. "V j Trofessor and Airs. W. E. Milan and two children of Eugene are here vislt I ing Mr. and- Airs. Jess Porter, Air. and i Airs. -C.rant Horn and other relatives. Airs. Aliian is a sister of Mr. Porter and Mrs. Horn. Airs. Iyouis Reck an" sister, . Mix. Beatrice Ostervelt of Portland who has been visiting here, left Monday for ' Portland. Herbert Boylen Sr. and AI. O. Ed-, wards made a business trip to Meach- I am Friday. Air. and Airs. John Harrison were visitors to Pendleton Friday. ' j "arl Farnwold was transacting busi ness here Saturday. I Airs. Alerwin Oilhert left Saturday ' for a visit to Walla AValla. Air. and Mrs. Joe Royer, Ruth Roy- ; er and son Donald returned Sunday , from a motor trip to Portland. I E. L. Smith of Pendleton was in: town Jlonday. Mrs. E. T. Fanning nnd children re turned home Monday from a trip to Portland and Seaside. Aliss Yelda ltonrl: was shopping In Pilot Rock Tuesday. Alias A'erona Fullenweider Is home again after spending her vacation In Poise at the home of her sifter Alra. G. X. Johnston. Mrs. C. G. Prachcr and children who spent the summer at Lehman Springs returned home Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Stanley and children let Monday evening for Herm'.rtoo to visit A'r. aid Afr. Harry Connor. Air. aid Airs. Forshiw of Pendle ton were in town Afondav. Seven cars of Cattle were shipped trom rilot Ito. k s-itun ay nieht. Pond ran.'h shipped 2 cars. P letcher 1 car, Charles Nelson 2 cars ano j neoctore .Miller 2 cars. Airs. Carl Jensens, shier. Airs. Ken nedy and daughter of Portland we'e, viicting ut the Jensen home last week. ' J. L. rranknm returned homo Th'irsdey from the ea-.t where he was calk d by the death of his mother. M s Eleanor H.Wall wus shopping 'n Pendleton Alonday. Mr. and Afra. C. A. Cooper and daughter Aliss L'lliaiii Cooper, Aliss Port a Ivic'weil nnd Air. and Airs. c. J. Miller were dinner guestu at the home of Mrs. P-essie Humphrey Sunday inrin, "'" " " -et"jJT 1 home Run- !iv eve i nj from a vinit with relatives n rorllaud. ''hires A'!"hael, Ed Horn. Clarence' Horn mid Charle's Porn and Iheir: :nii,!e,4 left .Monday on u hunting Y r sf men Who cannot attend the Round-Up this j'ear will want to know all about it. i TIIE - WILL AGAIN ISSUE Three ouvenir (A big separate edition each day da tive The I' red 7:C0 - -o-ntiosed of Covering the Round-Up from its inception,- r. Hundreds of illustrations with interesting s'tories. All the .winners of all the events at the great 1921 Round-Up. All different, bigger and better t han ever. ,. . Boosting Pendleton, Umatilla county and surrounding territory. - ' Showing this sections wonderful resources and opportunities for busi ness institutions and homes. The three edtions mailed to any address for only 30 cents Foreign Countries 13c extra. , This year's Round-Up Editions will be' better th...i ever. Three big num bers boosting the resources of your town, your cotty and graphically sett ing forth in detail alb the happenings at the Big Thr.D Days' Show. , Each year thousands of these big booster papers are mailed to all parts of ' the world. Your friends will want a set. ' 4 1 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW BEFORE YOU GET TOO BUSY. Use the following order blank for your convenience: '.';.. Date .T..1921 " Don't Put It Of f Send in Today. 1 East Oregonian Pub. Co., - Pendleton, Oregon. ; . Enclosed find 30e for which please sendyour Special 1921 Round-Up Editions postpaid to the following address: ., Name . Post Office .. Name of Sender Oeoig Carnes, CiUju buhr, Itol..q jra ' i . .' " -.-