''Wj)s--,'ry-;-VS''.t 'f sr- f TEN PAGES !""' DAILY EASt bfeEGOtAN, JpENfttETb OAilGOIt, WEDNESDAY EVfeNG, ' AtT'GtfSt 31, 1021. t ACS NOT! For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found II TT TTT .T . A IV Tl B 1 & "5- ii r a i a. i b ja u -WAIN 1 ADS. I ouinr. - JanT ad PAotV Bel In l-polnt Oountlnr lx ordl- . iT: f j-i i, m i ,-. irrVii -... . . , . nary words to the line, t Gfii flCTOftSESTL' V3Y Flrnt Insertion, per line $.10 'II rwiliANyj 'J4fb vr Cvl " r Each additional coniecutlve i IULVqii rrf r ft flWh ficy Insertion, per lln .OS vLffi&W fcHj f J "TOi ITU" T One month, Ttrr taaue, each ." .13 tJL .Vns?f.f ISJjiAii r insertion, pr line , OS On'ce:l5Ta I -!. TEr a-8t months contract, Mery l.- ' l- Ss- IFar SAi.astaarn eAr. sue, each Insertion per line .04 jPtC25J3J!L; . t ' A " Tlvf months contract, ev- Av MEEjF ISii'P'V EX ' v . ry taeue, each Insertion, SpSMl0ff ttf& Af not .run consecutively, - iSg7-4 ? Yi. ( t i.'Tl flL-3 . eauh Insertion, per - line..... .10 . iSSKfesMJA 111 " I . " fA V?E No ads taken for less than 1 jRffWKfizV Uisa 3i Mt, f .. ' - , lines. Minimum charge .20 , 'SStYAXsIkSI 7r W -il 055i5 "n ftalr """'" pgXjCV v tew 1 :pflH FOR SALE OR TRADE Four 100 bu. bulk wheat boxes for common wheat racn Phone 1F4. O. H. Hampton. WANTED F0K SALE Bicycle, almost : Jlnriiain. 'bis tenia St. WANTED Two room ftirnlHhed apt. - j no 'ChlUlion.-rhone T28-R. WANTED Si hool - room anf board. girl to work Tor Phone 304-M. WANTED Sewing at Home Phone 1028-J 120 Lee St." BOY WANTED over 16 years of age Newsome & Cummings. HANDY BUSINESS Mill OF PEiLETOIl ID ViClHlTY This Directory 1s especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of re sponsible businessmen who represent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible busines concerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAUo AT The East Oi-egonlan office. GIRL ilANTS JOB clerking in store ' steady or extra Phone 113. WANT to care for children day night. Inquire 719 Ann St. WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. , AUTO TIRES TO TP.REBS your suit for' 50 cents lliidd, 1Q7 W. Webb, Phone S5. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework on ranch. Phone 16F21. WANTED Girl for general house work and cook on. ranch. Phone 16F13. WANTK'n-irigh school gfrl to work for hoard und room, small Wages. Phone 017-R. " ' FOR RENT 3 room apartment, fur. nlxhed, near high school. 319 Thompson, Phono 1179-W. WANTED TO RENT 4 or (W room houtc, furnished or unfurnished, near school.' Plume 42 after 4 p. m. i ' HiPT Tuesday near Happy Canyon, - gold Wndant With diamond 1h cen ter. Finder return to this office. Reward. USED CAB EXCHANGE FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE TO TRADE Irrigated land near Wel ser for cattle or sheep. L. L. Cul bertson, Welser, Idaho. V5 CAI.U and polish your shoes free, we s:1ve' you the advantage of these fiaturfs at ho higher cost than you pay for chmi p work. Pendleton Shoe hiop," 120 w. court m; WANTED Gjrl going to high school to T'orK for Doara ana room. Phone 278-W, 603 Water St. WANTED by man and wife, place on ranch for winter stock ranch pre- fcrred. Address "2' this office. PENDLETON CI CLE CO. AJax, Re ,vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court Strict. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BaNFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 18 years experience ifi concrete and brick con struction. 1 E. third St., North Port land, Oregon. CLEANERS AND DYERS U a BENTLET & CO GoodVear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alta and Gnrdcn Hta. GETP.TSON & MA RTT Gates 8uper--Tred tires 638 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sll vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup. 805 K. Court. PANTORItJM PHONE 473 HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING Mall order Mr Ralph Hasaell, 417 BuBh, Phone 995. New and Second Hand Dealers CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 804 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs. Side Curtains 201 East Court St. F6tt SALE 6R.TRADE 1920 truck J. JL Bryan, 810 Tustin Street. FOR SALE King Eight car In good snap's cheap for .cash Pbone 1019-W. - LOOK In your closet today, get out i that pnir tf rhops and send them to us, we will repair them In a wny thnt will save yon the price of a new pair. Pendleton Bhoe Fhop, 120 W. Court St. WANTED Reliable party with J3500 r tfiOOO to take Interest In manu facturing automobile mud and sand shoe. Patented In Uv S.-and Canada. Have patent shoes and circulars on hand. Rig proposition investigate Address "3" this office. NOTICES "J11H.4" WANTED for unlonding about 3.000 yards of sand and gravel with t:ims or truck from AsMum spur to West end vt Eastern Oregon State Hospital. "l'lllmer J. Settergrcn,' gen eral contractor. , I ORTLAXD C. & M; STAGE I.IXKS leaving dally at 8 A. M. from Hotel Pendleton for Portland and Way points, using twin six I'ackard touring cars. Fare, 18.00 one way or 114.50 round trip. FOR BALH Chandler r will tako Ford as part payment. Phone Cr 1 , 223 E. Court St. ' THE CRESCENT DRY GOODS CO.i desires the service of a boy aged 16 to 18 years, who Is not going to school. ' Apply at once. ' i ' FOR SALE Well rttrnlshed hovse cheap Phone 8 2 7-J. Apt; CANDYMAFJNG business Start at home, evtrythlng furnished men. women, 170.00 weekly lion Boa CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. . AUCTIONEER DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU is Just as Import ant as where you move. We also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 439, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash raid 'tor second hand goods. Cheapest plac to buy household good,' 21 E. Court Phone 271-W. FURNITURE, . repairing, packing, crating, upholaterlag, carpet clean-. Ijig 7 years experience- Grand Rapid Mich. Furniture Co. All work guar anteed, 812 W. Webb St. OSTEOPATH DR. Q. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Jadd Bldg., Tele phones, Office 608; Residence 8S8-J. DRESSMAKING COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls & Storle's Implement Co., for sale dates. FOR SALE Ulte 1919 Reo touring car, exceptional value.-Ellls-Schil-ler Co., P;ior.e 963. FOR SALE One 3 ',4 -ton Duplex truck, run 1,200 miles, ln'flrst class condition. "69" this office. FOR; SALE Nice residence property, north side and other locations. W. H. Morrison, Phone 1003 or 1145. FOR SALE i room bungalow mod ern. Small payment down, terms on balance. Call 515 W. High St. FOR SALE A nice home cheap if taken at once; terms; also other lots cheap. Res. 115 Jane -St., Phone 510-W. - WANTED Two ladles to travel, $30 week and expenses; 3 to work city and outside towns, $3 day. Room 25,. Golden Rule Hotel, Mrs. Jonen. ' WANTED TO BOARD 2 or 3 children in widows home, two blocks to good school violin, piano taught if desired. References given, write Mrs. Taylor, 88 North 22nd. St., Portland, Qregon. AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store. Phone i073. FO.R QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 62, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1059-K. FOR SALE 1-ton Republic truck, ' good shape will take Ford In trade, easy terms on balance. Oldsmoblle Co. FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck, recently overhauled, god tires and well built body. This is a snap. Simpson Auto Co. WE HAVE several good used Fords and the prices are right. Call and see them At the Home of the Ford. Simpson Auto Co. FOR RENT Notice to 1ii)H.h and l'lircnlji Practlcnlly all of the schools In Umatilla County, including, the Pen dleton schools, open Tuesday, Septem ber .- To nvold congestion In the local book stores and a possible shortage of books, Pendleton pupils are urged to necuic their books before the opening day. . Lists of nil the books used In the grades nro now ready for distribution. Grade classes will be conducted on the nperrtnfe day With M recess allowed to secure books. II. E. INLOW, Supt. APT8. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FOR RENT Two 216 Long St. sleeping rooms- ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen 615 Post fit. XtHUt, Hoard of Tnjtinllxatlnn Mpetlni NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Hoard (if Equalization will mset at- the Court Hotute In -Pendleton, rmntilla County. Slate of Oregon. Monday. September 12th, 1921, for the purpose-oT pnWtcly examining the as sroent roll and correcting nil er rors In valuation or description of property mado by me. ; It shall be the duty of persons In terested to appear .nt the time-and plnce appointed. - - Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, tills 17th day of August, A. t. 1921, 1 R. O. HAWKS, Assessor. ix rorxn ,The following described animal haB been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit: 1 One mule, 4 years old, black, weight about 1000 lbs. Prandod R. .., If. said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to ; its possession, costs and expenses pld and 1al;tn 'n'wsiy within ten days from the data thereof, then nt 2 o'clock p. ni. of the 6th day of September 1921, tbe said animal will be sold to the highesr bidder,, at public auction for cush, nt the Cily Pound, In fialil City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to ho applied to the' pnyniont of men costs and expenses of making sule. iDated this 25th day of Aug. 1921. W. It. TAYLOR, City Marshal. ROOM AND BOARD tor men only 403 E.: Webb. FOR RENT--1 suite office room autre Penland Bros. -In- FOR RENT 3 roomed well furnish . ed apartment.' 401 Aura St. FOR RENT Room and board lady only. 124 Jeff Davis St. for FOR RENT Four room apt., $1 per month for 2 months. rhone 730-W FOR RENT 3 roomed house. Inquire 212 Suturdny evSnlng only. furnished Garfield St., FOR RENT Litrgo front Bleeping room,' bath In connection. Gentle men preferred. Phono 67S-M. FOR RENT Two three room fur nished apts., with bath one with gas close In. Also furniture for sale and house for rent Phone 3M-J. LOST AND FOUND LOST 34x4 Vi Fflvcrtowi. Cord tiro tube, rim and tire Cover, between Pen Jlcton . and PI'ot Rock. Rewwrd. Leave at E. O. Office. FOR SALE fine new bungalow, near! school in good residence distrlct.- Reasonable, part cash, balance like rent if desired. Phone 693-J. . FOR SALE Portland property j JG000 terms. Seven room house, paved street, 4 lots, garage, barn, chicken - coop, and run, berries, fruit trees, fine shrubs and roses. Address 709 Gerard St., Portland, Ore., Uni versity Park, For Sale 7 room house, north side, beautiful home. 6 room bungalow, north side street paved. Houses In all parts of the city, some j on easy payments. Large and small ranches both alfalfa ar-4 wheat, also dairy ranch, well equipped. Geo. W. Elder & Ron 818 Main St. Phone 993 MISCELLANEOUS PHONH I. Sweep. C. SNIDER for chimney t'LAITING of ail kmaa rhone 688- Mrs. Lee, St6 Post St. MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetlere Phone 824-W. Address 614 Jane. WB ARE' TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phone 468, Oregon Motor Garage. VILL BOARD and room school boys, ages 8 to 14. Phone 286- Ad dress city, Box 771. ATTORNEYS GEOitGE W. COUTTS. Attorney at Law, Room 17, Bond Bldg. , M. SCHANNEP, Attorney at Law Office In Court House. KEATOR & RANDALL, Attorneys at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER & .SMYTHE-, Attorneys at Law. 224 E. Court St. FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. fices in Deepaln Building. Of- S. A. jfioWELL, Attorney and Counsel, lor at Law. Office In Despaln Bldg. Eva L. Tate - Teacher of vocal and Instrumental music, elocution and dramatic art,: Classes organized. iPhone 627-J. - FOR SALE GOLDEN RULE Parcel Delivery and Messenger Service. Tray service and shopping. "Service" is our motto. Phone 430. Rates 10 cents and up. FOR SALE Two Blewett Harvesters Phone 14F11. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED, $1.50 at Rl'lMVS, 107 W. Webb, Phone 885. IF YOU LIKE our service tell others If not tell us. Motorcycle Messen ger Service. Office 107 Water St., Joe": Quick and Geo. Renfro, Mgrs., Phono !4 10c a call and up. . . ,. FOR SALE Four foot cord wood, $5.00 per cord. Phone 2F5. COR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estca, 614 Main St., Phone 604. FOR SALE Registered Jersey cow, Phone 23F4 or address Box 803, Ricth, Oregon. , ; SADDLE HORSE for sale or hire Also a few good draft horses. Dutch Henry Feed Yard. -A, FOR SALE by owner, 2 lots with mod. , ern 5 room house, barn and chicken house. Ida L. May, 211 W. Court St. FOR SALE 3 car loads Red Split Ce dar fence posts 7 ft. 8 cents each, r. o. b. cars. Frank E."Blalr, Lowell, Oregon. FOR SALE Hemstitching nnd Picot ing attachment. Works on all sow ing machines. Price 82.00. Personal checks 10c extra. Light's Mail Order' House, I?ox 127, Birmingham, Ala. Pendleton-Umatilla aito Stage Leave Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00. Echo 9:15 1:16 K.15 Stanfleld :80 1:36 :86 Hermlston 9:66 1:F6 6:65 Av. Umatilla 10:16 8:16 6:16 Leave Umatilla 8:00 18:00 4:00 Hermlston 8.20 12:20 1:29 Stanfleld 8:46 18:46 1:46 Echo 9:00 1.00 6:00 Ar. Vend. 10:15 2:16 6:11 Two Trips Sunday Leave Fendletnn 8:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. tn. , Leave Umatilla 8:08 a. ra. ' and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Garagi ' - 722 Cottonwood Bt, Phone 888 PELL A DAWSON Parceia delivered to all way points. ' FOR SALE Seed wheat, Hybrid 2c, seed Fall Barley 2 He and Hulloss Ball Barley 8'e per lb. Address St. Andrews School, R. F. D. 1, Box 65, Pendleton, Ore. LOST Largo brihdle milch cow no brand visible long horns 410 00 reward If delivered to E. G Saltmarsh ranch, south of reservation 1 FOR SALE 1 span gooa work mules, j weight about 2250, one span good dr vork mules, weight about 2150. Also -I ford truck, 1918 model, flat rack .with 1 l-stnkes on side, good condition.- qtitie Roy S. Neal. Bowman Hotel, TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. . Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. - Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. - Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store( for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 . m. O, H. McPHERRIN. Prop, ej -In- S. A. NEWBERRY, Inderal Building. Attorney at Law PETERSON, Bishop & Clark, At torneys at Lew. Rooms 2 and 41 Smith-Crawford Bldg. Mrs. Allen's Gown Shop, Room 18 Stangler Bldg., will reopen Monday, August 22. Anyone wishing to engage time in advance may do so now. Phone 64 1-J. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS. Wall Paper. Picture Fram ing. L. J. McAtee, the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros.. Paints. Elite Dressmaking Gowns made to order. Evening gowns a specialty. Hand embroidery, braiding and beading. Phone 242-M, 310 Aura St. Pearl Enimogene Smith . EYE SPECIALIST RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, C. BUsberg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SHOE REPAIRING FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STORE It will pay you to come and see Fisher be fore buying new and second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St., Phone 198. FARM LOANS JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. RALEY, RALEY & STEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Office th American National Bank Building. , FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W, E. Clmse Co., 820 B. Court St. Telephone 209, Pendleton. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, I'nrks Xcbergail. 213 West Webb. CARPET CLEANING WB WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given, We make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1677. . TIME CARD Pilot Rock Stage Fancho Stubblefield, Prop. Leaves Pendleton 7:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 11:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. Leaves Pendleton 5:00 P. M., leaves Pilot Rock 6:30 P. M. Leaves Hotel Pendleton and French Restaurant. . 8NOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St., Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. - LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In your towa Troy lAundry, 808 Garden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 101 E, Conn St.-, Phone(60. - We maintain a Com plete mending department. PENDLETON SHOE SHOP New method shoe repairing. We ye-, build, not cobble. The best Work for the least money. 120 W. Court St., Pendleton, Ore. . SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised, E. P. Gibson, P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bldg. TAILORS SOTS AVD O'COATS made to measure 617 Main St. Phone 1008 UNDERTAKERS Brown Brady Undertakers and licensed embalm ers. Calls night or flay promptly; at tended to. Lady attendant. Phone 63. WATERMELONS Our Melons are ice cold, dark red meat Vsith black seeds. CONCORD GRAPES 1 ! Are very'cheap at 50c Basket. JUST ARRIVED THIS MORNING, OMBItONEY,40c The Dean Tatom Co. Grocery toeptggg Meat bept. QC rhone. Ben Finds That Millionaires Have Their Troubles Too. (Bringinrj Up Father Delayed in Mail.) Drawn for This Paper by Carl Ed. swJoe.TH e miluoaI! Art. tAC.AE WE. VJOOLO Uiks. To Hp.ve.,Vdu portfVTri ft SUN "TO THE FuNt FOF- Tl-AE. PR.oTec.TIOft -OF- HOIAE i : rJ LE.SS STR-FISH' Tickers to com. r I T BfeMEFlT CBMCE: 5 : I j Art. tAC.E W VJoULO ' ' j I, ) 1 OH froMT L f 1 Ck CiikA. "Tn TWF PUAIO FOR.- .. 1 l.irT , - v -u' .:iz ua. toui igggIL . .. ---"s -.825.- V UP SuBscRi - ' PTioM 1 I 3 S -1 1 AFTEti, TO-DPV PivNPljU 5PSA WE FUSC THptT BGM HfV5 JUST Five etot, nafAftiAjiMc