- "fir wanMV y 7 V.t ' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, 0IL"3G0JI, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1921. TEN PAGES Special &rniouncgneffs . ot AUGUST WILL A eeraf - of, Circus Bay Tke weaiu mOUGH THURSDAY . . JTOtlE T AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE APPROACH OF SCHOOL DAYS WE W ILL CONTINUE ALL THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL CHILDREN'S BAR- GAINS THROUGH SATURDAY. Boys' Athletic Unions in Nainsook, 65c fabrics for 49c. Boys' Coveralls Ages up to 8 years at 98c This means the very best make, the Levi Strauss. - Boys' Waists $1.00 Values, August Cleanup Sale '79c $1.25 Values, August Cleanup Sale. . . . 93c 1.50 Values, August Cleanup Sale SI. 29 $1.65 Values, August Cleanup Sale $1.39 $1.85 Values,-August Cleanup Sale. .... $1.49' Children Tuff Rompers Offered in the August Cleanup Sale 1-4 off. Every Item in the Boys' Department Reduced All unlisted Boys' Goods bear a 10 Per Cent Reduction. Special Cleanup of Boys' Sweaters Assortment of colors, styles and sizes. You claim 1-3 off, which means that you can buy: $3.00 Sweaters for $2.00 $4.50 Sweaters for ' $3.00 $5.00 Sweaters for $3.35 $6.00 Sweaters for $3.95 $7.50 Sweaters for . .' $4.95' All Boys' Wash Suits Reduced for Our August Cleanup Sale $1.95 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $1.30 . $2.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $1.35 $2.25 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $1.50. $2.50 Suits, August Cleanup Sale ..... $1.67 $2.75 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $1.84 $3.00 Suits, August Cleanup Safe ..... $2.00 $3.50 Suits,. August Cleanup Sale $2.34 $4.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $2.67 Children's Straw Hats 1-2 Price Children's Crash, Linen and Cloth Hats One Third Off. ' Special Sale of Boys' Jazz Caps 25c. FZSZinsQ GREATEST I?2PARTArKT JEUNES - 9 Fmmes Warehouse UTvHptE IT PAY? TO jjLty&jMEEfflM? Boys' Underwear Offered at the Big August Cleanup' Sale ' ;f Boys' Athletic underwear in Nainsook. - A good value at the regular price 85c. August Cleanup Sale now ; . GOc , Cleanup Sale of Boys' Suits A wonderful cleanup of the greatest stock of Boys' Suits in Pendleton, including the famous Hart Schaffner & Marx. Read the comparative prices carefully and consider the , wonderful savings offered. $7.50 Suits, August Cleanup Sale ...... $4.93 $9.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $5.95 $12.50 Suits, August Cleanup Sale . . . . . $9.33 $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale ..f . . . $9.93 $16.50 Suits, August Cleanup Sale .... $10.95 $20.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale .... $13.65 $25.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale . . : . $16.63 BOYS DON'T FORGET THE PIG RACE THURSDAY MORNING OR THE CHICKEN RACE SATURDAY AFTER NOON AT CRAWFORD'S. IN LIQUOR PUZZLE THE COLD GBAY DAWN. Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-, East Oregonian Printing Department. Slttei Ire Our $30,000 stock of Furniture, Pianos, Rugs, Lino leum, etc., will be sold with nothing reserved everything goes to the earliest buyer. II TV T ale row O We have always' believed that prices will get the crowds now we know it. Coma m tomorrow. Come early and stay late. You will enjoy looking over our immense stock. Everything marked in plain figures. : . - EUY NOW FOR FALL FURNISHINGS. FIX UP FOR RCUND-UP. THIS (CHANCE MAY NEVER OCCUR AGAIN. PUMPKIN CENTER, Aug. SI. (I. X. S.) Pumpkin Center-the mythical, jumps into sudden fame. It has been known for years throughout the coun try and glorified in the movies. And now te spotlight of publicity comes to shine upon one of Pumpkin Center's most respected citizens. Will McCulley was called from a re vival meeting by Prohibition Enforce ment Officer King, lie was placed un der arrest. A whiskey still hud been found in his attic. McCulley protests that the still is not his; that he knows nothing about how it came into his home. And while the Pumpkin Center a steps into the rim. ir.g neighbor who spotlight is on purported villain Maybe a design loved McCuiley's wife placed the still in the attic, eight ; of this burg's fourteen inhabitants de- i i clare. The still had cobwebs on it. No whiskey was found. u 831 Main Street PHONE 75 Do not wait until some member of your family is taken with a (severe at tack of bowel complaint and then fend for medicine, but be prepared. But- a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic r,nd Diarrhoea remedy so as to have j it at hand ready for instant use. Buy it now. There's No Friend IJke an Old Friend An old friend will always help you in time of need. It is the same with Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is old and tried friend in many thousands of families and like other old friends, can be depend ed upon in time of need. Sour .Stomach When the quantity of food taken Is too great or the quality too rich, sour stomach may result and especially so if you are constipated. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, eat sparingly of meats. Let fully five hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the stomach, after eating your supper, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets, and in most cases sour stomach may be avoided. Worth Considering "Wo take is for granted that, your di gestion is troubling you. Do not imag ine that you are the only one suffer ing that way. There are thousands of others and as a general rule, unneces sarily. Your case is much the same as that of a great many others who have been cured by taking Chamber lain's Tablets. Give them a trial. You are certain to 'be more than pleased with the benefit derived from their use. Do It now. They only cost a trifle. t- jr w;-iv-r S ...5 , Mm ft 1 I 1ERCIAL BOARDMAN SCH00I W. Smead of the Morrow county fair board, ire wants one or two "big" watermelons to take to the state fair, so Malheur will not capture the prize again this year. The chairmen of tho various fair committees desire that all who are in position to do so will make arrange ments to have something to exhibit and get it to the school house next Monday or Tuesday inurning. Don't wait to be called on. PENDLETON FOLK ENJOY mericin Beauty ELECTRIC IRON . tie bat iroa mads You are living in an elccaical age) make the most of it. Come in and let u ahow you the wonderful time and labor saving devices we carry in stock Irons, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Toasters, Grills, Percolators, Vater Heaters, Stoves, Radiant Heaters, Lamps; Fixtures, Sewing Machines anything and everything electrical. ItKDl'CKI) J'KH IS V ki,i:cti:k'A1'imjn i s Ami OilH-r Articles III IroporlMni. J. L. VAUGHAN Flectrlr nii.l tin Supplied IMxini i:s tin I 'itN:. t riurt Kt (East (iregonian Special.) UOAKD..IAX, Arc., Aug. 31. Word has reached lioardman that Prof. F. J. Burns, superintendent ,of the Esta !.,in rrf."r,n schools, and formerly principal of schools at lioardman, who I was injured in a fall from an automo bile to the pavement between Hood Tiiver and Portland last July, is still suffering from tho effects of his in jury and may not be able to take up his work at EntacaCa when school be gins next month. Mr. Burns and family have the sympathy 01 man MEACHAM. Aug. 31. Mrs. Ben L. friends in this section. Burroughs and son Buby and Mrs. I Another message 01 nappier v '' i (.j,!,,,,,,, and children came tip carries the announcement of the mar- fl.m i.oml(.ton Monday and will riago in Portland of M;ss Frances ,T. HV(,nd th0 wnpk at the ),tel. He. be, formerly teacher of domestic MnJ 1)aV(, Taylor returned to her science in the Boardman schools, and nolm, :lt Athena Wednesday after William J. Price, popular young m,(1(ldlns tjle Hst two weeks at the ho ranchtr south of Boardman. The te) young people have the good wishes of Joe j.ari;,'.H (in(1 famiy nnd Mr. and the community. Mrs. Harry Chambers returned to Pen- J. C. Ballanger, manager of the (),,ton Wednesday after a months out Ballanger Dumber Co. and family, j,,,, ,l( th(. i':,ri(os place west of Mea have gone to .Springfield, Oregon, to .'.,, resldo for a time. Miss Ktidla Shepbard camo over The Adventist church undnr con- frilI1 ff.Try m wll Kpend the week structlon .'it lioardman is rapidly as- .lvltn MiKM ji,,,,,, ijenison. suming definite form and proportions. j. sniith motored to Pendleton The school supplies for the Board- Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith expect to man schools with tho exception of H:lVe in a fTnv days for Salt Lake to some portable desks, have arrived. The v:it with friends. ' Andrews Furniture Co. of Bonliind Mr. and Mrs. EanHdale nnd Mrs1, were the successful bidders and some K Kirk came up from Athena and money has been raved by ordering In j Kint tte day sight seeing, quantity. Alius Velma Smith was a Sunday Coy D. I.ee, who will have the 7th 'visitor at the hotel, and Sth gradi s lit the Bnardman j Jack Bt'se, brother of M's. J. Dock schools arrived Willi his family and ; woilor, canie iii from I'eridlolon Sun boiisebo'.il .gonds oil .Monday. Tbey!i,,v and will spend a few days here, made the trip by truck and Mr. j Miss Chapman came up from Pen says that from the top of a truck load , dleton Sunday to visit with Mrs. John of goods from the top of the Deschutes j Dockweller. bill Is a worthwhile experience. Theyi l)al. Klosher was up from Nolln Sat 1 will occupy the new bouse lining built in day looking nfter bis sheep Interests, by Mis. Sherman on her lot near the Mrs. Karl ( inlanders Ih up from j ' hole). I'cinlh-loli i 'Ulinu w ill! l.i-r -a lei- Mr"., i i i o. lias been received fiont W, Claude i;::tea, j WASHlN'flTON, Aug. 31. (V. P.) The senate finance committee plans to have tho tax bill ready for submis sion to the sonuie when that body re convenes September 21. Senator Wat so of Indiana, assured President Hard ing. This will enable the senate to start work on the bill promptly. 1 Card of Thanks - We wish to thank our friends for the beautiful flowers and kind words of sympathy In the loss of our Father, Owen McLaughlin. . j. f. Mclaughlin ilKS. ANNIE McLEOD , MBS. KATE KKOEL M. A. McLAUOIIIJ.V . (East Oregonian Special.) ... HEBM1STO.V. Aug. 31. A big crowd was out at he commercial club meeting Tuesday for the discussion of dairying. In addition to most of tho business men from the town there was a large number of farmers rrom'UII over tho project. Men who have been engaged in dairying here were asked to give their experiences for the lame nt of others who expect lo get cirws. It was the upiniii,of all who-spoke that better money cari be, made by keeping the cows than by selling the hay. J. H. Heed estimated that If one had really good cows he could get twice as much out of his hay as by selling it. W. A. Ford who lives near Umatilla was called upon. Ke keepi 10 cows and gels from ISO to JH0 from his cream checks in addition to what he gets out of feeding the sklm me.l milk to chickens und rtHfa;;. II. K. Dean of the experimental farm, Fred l'ennlon, county agent lihd L. A. Hunt, of the Oregon Hay CJrow eis were culled upon and spoke favor a! !e i f dairying. .Mr. Hunt thnigh managing the association for sidling hay believes farmers should use some u,' their hay on the farm and that the rtction must have diversified farming. E. P. Dodd, president of the com mercial club appointed a committed which will work on the iiuestion and got data on who wants lo buy cows. The members are F. C. ilcKeiirlc, hardware dealer, Oeo. Hoot-, farmer and L. A. Hunt of the hay association. Other speakers nt the gathering werp J. It. Iteed, Oeo. GresM-y, und W. A. llannon. Former Indiana people living near ileimision w ill hold a picnic on the W. L. Blessing lawn September II. About 50 people have already indicated their Intention to attend and a big gathering of former Hoosiers la expected. George Corse and W. A. Leathers of HermlFton wero Pendleton visitors Saturday. . Ed Comegys of the Sapper hard ware store returned from a vacation spent in Pendleton aud vicinity the first of this week. n , , A new real estate firm has opened office here In the Oregon hotel build ing. The members are J. M. Illgifs Rnd Elmer Beach. Mr, Beach camo here recently from Lebanon. Mm. Henry Not and Mrs. ' W. M. Sliartr gave a shower last, Friday even ing for Mrs. It. Longhnrn who .was Miss Ia Percy prior to her marriage a short time ago! " '' "Here's Real Tobacco" V says the Good Judge , That gives a man more genuine chevving satis faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind; Smallerchew.Iastslonger so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world Of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Ileal Tobacco Chew , will tell you that, Put up in two s!yks V-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco .t-u. n IUGHT'CUT is a short-cut tobacco t i '