A THE ONLY SMALL DAILY IN AMERICA CARRY ING REGULAR WIRE REPORTS FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, UNITED PRESS AND THE I. R'9. 1 1,-umu- DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION r.. r,m Oretonlsn la Etr Orm , Th net press run of yesterday's Dally .v',. 3,276 This papor II mauvosr or and audited by, th Audit Bureau of Circulation. ton's greatest newspaper and u a li nt' force rives to the advertl o i twice the guaranteed pld circulation. ; la Pendleton and Umatilla eouaty of 2 VLJJ any other newepaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL.83 - 1 f NO. 9918 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1921 . .in iiuj 7, itSjmrnilU11Wj NJT.,...,;.!! .. I I ...u,,,,,,. , l-""! : tyj S ' : ;4v ;r: 1 , , . ; s 3 r POLICE MASSED TO QUELL RIOTS IN CAPITAL G1TY 'Bloody Wednesday' Dawned j With . All Berlin Awaiting Outcome, of Demonstrations. CABINET MEMBERS LEAVE CITY DURING DISORDERS Chancellor Wirth is Heavily Guarded Following Threats of Assassination Ere Night. BERLIN, Aug. SI (I. N. 8.) Tho police are massed here for the expect ed rioting ki connection with th mou nter BocliilUt demonstration against the monarchist and militarist activi ties. .'...' ' The air of the city was electric with expectancy and the strangest features of the situation was that all the mem bers of the cabinet had left tho city, leaving no responsible government heads in the event of serious disorders. Pollen Patrol turrets BERLIN, Aug. 81. (U. P.) "Bloody Wcdnosduy" dawned with all Berlin anxiously speculating whether fresh bloodshed would result from the demonstrations in which a hundred thousand excited workers are taking part. The police, In great numbers, patrol the streets. Chancellor VVIrth Is heavily gunrded following repeated threats of his assassination before nightfall. " ' IS FOUT WOllTrT, Texas. Ag. 3!. Twelve yoars ugo. In Poland, Tony Itergman, then thirteen, told Uosea Oberhaut, eight, that some day he'd send for her. The child fiancee prom ised she'd wait. Tony kept his prom ise. Uosea has arrived. Bhc's Mrs, Tony Bergman now wife of an Am crlciin World War veteran. BULLETIN Notwithstanding be has a bullet in his brain, thought to have been in flicted by his own hand. Adolph An derson, about !1 years old, was still alive this afternoon shortly before press time. Anderson who bus been working for l.ee Savcly, o prominent rancher of Hutter Crook, 6 mllos west of Htan ficld, was discovered this morning shortly after 5 o'clock In one corner of the bunkhouss by his employer. His forehead had been pierced by a ... calibre rifle bullet. Ho was fully dressed, and the belief Is expressed that bo shot himself after getting up this morning. . Coroner J. T. Tlrown was called to the Savely homo early this morning, and he brought Anderson back to Pendleton where he was placed In the Ht. Anthony hospital. The young man Is said to have been slightly ill during the past few days, but he was able to keep up his work. No reason Is-known why he should have attempted his own life. His futhcr and brothers and sisters are thought to reside near Idaho Falls. LONEBllDSUP DEPOT TICKET !T StTIsrX, Calif., Aug. 81. a. ' A lone bandit entered tho Southern Paclflo depot last night, shot ticket agont Crimes after O short pistol duel, -ii h nit of tn and escaped. " 1 1.U,...trlt Grimes was badly wounaeu, a....v,B ho may recover. He managed to call for aid before he became unconscious. Posses are out after tho bandit, or whom Grimes obtained a good des cription. XTRA itnMKitrita. Aug. si. c. p.) rr. It. M. Hrumflcld Vas formerly in dicted for the murder of Pcnnls Rus sell at 1:45 this aftornoon. He prob ably will Plead lats today or tomor- row and then the day of trial will be set. HIs attorneys may fight for a change of veil US. Feeling her is running high. N - LIGHTEST "WJW " i "'S '. $ I rfyj On the left. cork. On tho right, I'nlsa word which is ono and one-half times lighter than rorkt 1'ncle Sam Imports large quantities of Palsa wood from South America for work that requires strength combined with buoyancy. DEATH ON STEAMFR ALASKA TOLD IN LETTER )l The bravery with which Miss Iluth Hart, Pendleton girl, met her death on the tS4mer Alaska, la. told In a letter! received here by her sister, Mrs. G. W. j Phelps, from O. W. Owen, one of the! survivors of the wreclt who was with ( Miss Hurt when the boat went down, j Following Is the letter, which contains ; the first details of the death of Miss Hurt received In Pendleton: "When I first met ruth Hitrt she was j In the water, as soon as the boat went down. When I came to the surface she asked me If I would help her Fct her head up. I told her I would. She was trying to float with her feet on lop of the water. I got her head up and told her to let her feet down. Just then a lot of wreckage came from the shlp; tho whole upper deck came orr apd floated around us. "I caught hold of a few boards with each hand and drew them close to us and we both held to them. After we had floated for a while 1 asked her I name and she told nic she was Ituth j Hart, from Pendleton, Oregon. . "Hhe whs hopeful all the time. . i-'he j behaved nobly. She made no trouble at all. Thorc was a man a short, dls-' tanro from us taking on; he was, screeching at Ihe tup of his voice. Miss I E BE GIVEN BY BANKERS) . A campaign of lectures will be cur ried on In Umatilla county during the next few months by a county sub-committee on education of the Oregon Hankers' association to make plain tot ! thn methods used by bankers in transacting their business. W. H. Bennett Is chairman of the comni'tteo in Umatilla county, and as rapidly as possiblo he Is perfecting a , enuntv-wlde oiKanization which will rvl hiive a renresentativo from ever town and community. Onnnnmiinn of the schools and of civic organizations is being sought to make tho campaign successful. Lec tures will bo delivered by speakers before the seventh and eighth grades of the common schools and before high schorl bodies to explain fully the workings of banks. "Hunkers realize that In the mind of the public the business of banking Is too much of a mystery," Mr. Hen- nett said this morning. "That is the reason tho stato association has made the decision to hold this campaign." What money really is. what wealth Is. tho different kinds of money, the workings of the federal reserve ss tem and many other subjects will be discussed. Any clubs which may be Interested In banking questions will be addressel If they so desire, It Is stated. SEATTLE. Aug. 31. (U. P.) A lone bandit, entering the reen Lake 'state Bank here, robbed the Institu- ton 0f (4000 in bills, bound and gag- ged the Janitor; locked the casual' 1 Uie vault and escaped, WOOD IN THE WORLD. . . v r i.weMi....- .if1 . , 7. M f sir; 7L Hart spoko up and said to him 'You Just cut that out; this is no place for that kfcdt wwlC'I "We Were tosetmr several hours, it reenied to me. We mult talking. I don't know which of us went to sleep first. I was picked up between three and four o'clock in the morning. I was unconscious when picked up. They told me I had been on the Anyoz about two hours when I woke. When I got to the hospital I Inquired for linth Hart. "The. nurses tried to look her up. They brought me one paper that had her listed saved and another, lost. Afterwards they heard she was at the Vance hotel. When I got out of the hospital 1 went to all the other hos- pltals In town and then to the tele giaph office and inquired if there hud been any imiuiry about Ruth Hurt of Pendleton. The operator said yes. and save me a from her uncle. t copy of the messro I was hoping to find she was saved. Later,. I understood, her body came to San Francisco. "I do not think she, was in a life boat. I think Rho stayed with the ship until it went down. The crew did not seem to understand how to get the lifeboats off." VAGRANT GIVEN JOB " BY RANCHER BORROWS MONEY AND VANISHES Consider now the iard lot of these boys who wander far and wide, looking for work, only to dodge it perhaps when it , ap pears. " Sometlj'ies Jinks Taylor " has calls from farmers for' labor, and if any of the kn!ghts of the road who happen to be Incar cerated look and talk as !f they coi.lu and would give an account ,ot themselve on a ranch, "Sinks ,is always willing to give tiiem a cha nee. A farmer came in the first of tho week Riui wanted tbiee.men. Taylor didn't have thut , many wlio gave any indications of wanting to work, but there wis one fellow he thought might do very well; so he sent this chap out. Imagine his surprise when ho discovered that the vagrant h mowed fifty cents from his . now rmployer to buy. tobacco. got one square moRl tit the farm house, and then slipped back to town, lie is now working for the eil for 10 days for board an, I inom i: IS SWEPT BY BLAZE HOCKAWAV POINT. X. Y.. All 31. (U. P.) Fire which swept ti e naval air Htatton. destroyed a .small dirigible. No lives were hvjt, the of fuel's unnounced. BIDS S3 1 20.50 IX) It BRIDGE PORTLAND, Aug. Slj (A. P.) The bid of Parker and Bun field for J3120.MI was the lowest for the con crete bridge over Stage Gulch at Stan- n field, Umatilla cocnty referred to the highway engineers. ... ....Jr. 1 -4' . . M it FEDERAL TROOPS PREPARE TO GO TO COAL FIELDS Regiment of Infantry, Machine Gun Company and Reinforce ments Wait at Camps. BORDER PATROL ON BLAIR MOUNTAIN IS FIRED UPON Fire Was Returned and Attack ing Party Was Driven Back by Deputies Holding Sector. L(K3A.. Aug. 31. (U. P.) Presi dent Hurding has drawn up a procla mation imposing martial law upon the coul mine area of West Virginia, Sec retary Weeks announced. He will is sue this If the first proclamation fulls to get a favorable effect upon the miners. I.ino Is Held Intact. LOGA.V, Aug. 31. (U. P.) Sheriff Chafins' forces, now numbering 1000, equipped with rifles and machine gu its. are holding the line Intact along the ridge following the repulse of the miners' attack at dawn today. Au thorities believe the mlne"rs will make another attempt to break through the line guarding the ridge, carrying out the'r threatened invasion of Mingo county. Should the federal troops be sent to the coal region, General ISand holtz, who conducted the federal In vestigation of the situation, will com mand them. He will give the miners until tomrrow to comply with Presi dent Harding's proclamation urging them to disperse to their homes before troops will be sent, according to an announcement. IK-puly HlH-iirT Is Killed. . LCXJAX. W.. Va., Aug. 31.4-ttr. P. John Gore, deputy sher.ff, was kill ed when the miners and citizen forces clashed near Blair. The miners nhupvwl mi Iha mnunlnln fmm Hhiir u. ...v - , but the Logan first line of defense re pulsed them, according to a - report. Colonel Eubank, commanding the , state forces, immediately appealed to the governor for reinforcements. , .Move Toward lloonc County. , I CHAKLESTDN W. Va.. Aug. 31. j (U. P.) Six hundred armed miners are reported to be moving through Marmot toward Boone county. T......W. ir..Hil"i.u lHM4iniBt:iin LOGAN, Aug. 31. (U. V.) Ignpr-i ing President Hard.'ng's proclamation I to disband the armed miners, are ad-1 vancing to nttack. Nine men have al- ready been killed. WASHINGTON. Aug. 31. (U. P.) Federal troops are helng prepared to Ftart for the West Virsinla coal fields on an hours notice should the armed miners fall to heed President Hard ing's proclamation ordering them to disperse. A regiment of Infantry and a machine gun company are waiting at Camp Dlx, N. J., and reinforcements are ready at Camp Sherman, Ohio. Reports -from the Mingo war area indicate scattered fighting throughout tho nicht, with forces of both miners and defending citizenry, being aug mented with fresh armed arrivals. Tho seetlon Is reported to be on a war basis, with every. available man on the firing ltne and the women holding up the ctvtl Industrial affairs, at home. Piix-lniimtion siit bv Harding Logan, W. Va., Aug. 31. (A. P.) Border patrol on Blair mountain was fired upon this morning by men from the east slope. The fire was returned and the attacking party was driven back by the Logan county deputies holding the sector. Quiet is reported from the fronts held by McDowell and the .Mingo county forces. Airplanes today distri buted throughout the district copies of President Hardina s proclamation commanding nil engaged in "Insurrec tionary proeeed'ngs" to return home before noon Thursday. Pinna Is Scattered LOGAN. W. V., Aug. 31. U. P.) Scattered firing broke out shortly aft er da wn between civilian patrols and the aimed miners, on opposite sides near Logan. Citisens .reinforcements were hurried to the front when the re- port reached here. Battle planes soar- ed Over the miners positions snowerniK down copies of President Harding s ; proclamation ordering them to dis- j perse. Armed deputies and citizens: wa i on a iuu -u mui-.- is i'" '" first move the miners may make to ,1 crops th ridire. They watch the four vulnerable passes through the moon-1 tains. The seriousness of the situation Is apparent, with disaster sure to fol-j low a forward ' move on the miners! -art. !' on mine offl-lals are report- ' , ' , .v.i. w ..lth of President Hardlne's proclamation, Thev will penetrate the miners' lines, and give the proclamation to the lead - ers of the armed Invasion. ItlltTLAND WIIICT SIARKirr PORTLAND. Aug. SI. (A. P.) wi,i' lo i n in tl 1? ' , StHtOCK RF81GNS 'daily .to be fed. . P.) Greek troops in Asia .Minor have PORTLAND, Au". 31. (l P.) SI. j The other day. Sirs, Sterner be'ng broken through the extreme left of the S Shrock today announced his resig- absent, it called upon a neighboring '; Turkish nationalist army, which has "nt'on as msnaeer of the Orenon woman. Jumping on her shoulder and lost its initiative of the last few days Dairymen Cooperative League, effee- 'asking tn the robin tongue for its and the Greeks have crossed the Sak live "September 1$. I dally ration. . . .JMhJ uri'1 ,'iv''1- OPENING OF RIVOLI THEATRE GIVES CITY PLAYHOUSE TO ACCOMMODATE New Theatre is Modern and Compares Well With Best Buildings in Northwest. Pendleton, with the opening of the Rivoli. new Jl 10.000 theatre, will boast I A playhouse which will acemmodato the better class of road shows as well j as moving pictures and the owners, Greulich & Matlock, arc already book- i ing road attractions for the coming season. Among them are the Marcus ; Show. With in lleolllfl. th Vn'nnn ! O'Xeill Co., and the play, "French Leave." Others will be booked later. The stage, 60 feet by 22 feet, will ac commodate all siiows with the excep tion of those with large, spectacular scen'c effects. Five modern dressing rooms, beneath the stage, will meet the requirements of the companies which play heie. There is space for a JO-piece orchestra. All vaudeville will ! t:,vn at thv Vta, as in: rew tlu ater is for road shows and moving pic ture oniy. Ditto I.-l Set. Feptemb. r 10 has been tentatively set as the date for the opening of the Rivoli. and for the opening has been booked 'The Old Nest," a Goldwyn photonlay, which is one of the b:g pictures of the season. The theatrical reason will open September 6, with the show "Ole. the Swede," and as the IUvoll will not be completed, it will be shown at the Alta. The Itlvoli, which is rapidly nearlng completion. Is most attractive and modern and compares well with the CLOSE WATCH !S KEPT ALONG COAST FOR LIFE Seas Are Rough Past Few Days and Little Hope is Felt That Small Craft Remained Afloat EUREKA, Aug. 31. (U. P.) A close watch is being kept all along the coast for the lifeboat containing two officers and nine men from the Canadian Importer, believed to have foundered off the Northern California coast. The lifeboat left the disabled steamer August 20 and if still afloat should reach the shore somewhere be- tween Eureka and Marshficld. The seas have been rough for the last few jdayg and mariners hold little hope that the small craft stayed afloat. Se arching vessels have prnetical'v abandoned their hope for finding th freighter Importer with 33 men aboard still afloat. llo)e Not Vanished VANCOUVER, B. C, Aug. 31. (A. P.) Hope has not altoffether vanish ed ut the offices of the Canadian gov ernment merchant marine that the Canadian Imported is still ' afloat. There is a probability that the vessel has drifted outside the area searched. Vessels are urged to ko?p a lookout for the s'.iip. AMERICAN COWBOYS TO RIDE INTO MEXICO TO BRING BACK BANDITS NOG ALES, Ariz., Aug. 31. (U. 1! American cowboys ure assenibl ng' hero under the leadership of two "old ! timers" of the plains, mobilizing with a view to galloping across the inter national bolder and bringing back the , seven raiders u ho murdered Post-I master Pearson and wife ut -i-... I .. The plainsmen entered the Ruby dis trict in pairs, so quietly that the secret mobilization wirs almost completed be fore it was discovered. fiiiMdlne Explosion Causes Fire. NEW YORK, Aug. 31. lA. P.) The dirigible balloon, D-6, the largest -,,n,-f flirr.,rt nf tliA T ! tvnn II n it kite' . oanoon t. i . writ iii-oii i.,. i rii a f're which ra7ed the' hangar at iloekaway point, the naval air station A gasoline explosion started the blaze. ... ixmcTMi-.vr r.xPixTun toi. ROSK11URO. Aug. 31. (A. P. ) iThe Brumtield indictment is expected , ,by the officers today. His triui win begin tomorrow. V ( ( FRKMONT. O.. Aug. 31.-A robin. which has taken up Its home with Mr. nd Sirs. Joseph .sterner here, s as, temperamental as the most tempera-; : mental artist. While yet young it suf-1 !lrf1 " to one ll'S nl,J jh'hivi linn, line i"i ' i j She forcibly fed it bread and milk and upon its reevcry the bird had ! grown to like its baby food and al- though now entirely recovered, returns1 GOOD ROAD SHOWS best theatre buildings in the North west. Some of the features are a U, 000 Wurlitzer Hope-Jones pipe organ, special ventilating and heating system, rest rooms, adequate fire escapes, comfortable chairs, etc. Marble at Kntrance. The entrance to the theatre, under a copper colored marquee, has walls of marble and the floor will be tiled. The foyer, which is spacious, will be carpeted with Brussels carpet, as will all the aisles, the stairways and the mezzanine floor. The walls of " the foyer and mazzanine are finished in burnt leather tones and hangings will be of rose clored velour. I m-yoii'i wie iojer is toe muni uuut, I w hich will seat tlO people. Th the atre chairs, leather .upholstered, to" he l u.sed In the main floor and balcony, are jof the n.ne spring, air cushion variety. : and according to the management, are the best procurable. loiible Siairs l'id. , Leading from the foyer are two stairways, one at left and one at right, of the mcssanine floor. Here are .locat ed the theatre office, and the women's and lien's rest rooms. They are very complete and are furnished with wicker furniture, upholstered . in French gray velour. Here also rose I colored velour curtains will be used. The balcony built in tiers, is abovei"""'"" " " ---- thn mV7..r.:na fl.xn- n .1 Mitt nn f d fi 11 people. On either 'side, close to the stage, are the loges, which will be di vided Into four parts, each with a seat ing capacity of eight. Rose velour chairs will be used here. All loge. seats have already been sold for the opening night. (Continued on pace O GE CUT If Strike is Favored Men Will Wait Only for Sanction of Grievance C o m m itteev CLEVELAND, Aug. 31. (U. P.) Ballots which the railroad men con sider here, aak the union members organizations to choose between a strike and accepting the 13 1-2 per cent wage increase. Members of five big brotherhoods with headquarters here are voting directly on the strike question, the United Press learned. Should the men vote to leave the ser vice, '.hey will wait only for tho sanc tion of the general grievance commit tee before walking out, it is under stood in union circles here. work iti:Fi.iim:o to i.nginkkr PORTI.AND, Aug. 31. (A. P.) The highway commission awarded or referred to the engineer with power to act, million of dollars of contracts for road or bridge work in 20 coun ties, most of the work to be done dur ing the winter west of Cascades. The commission anonunced signs will be placed on the highways within next few months. Mrs. Ixmis Ragains of Pilot Rock; widow of the late Louis Ragains who i met his death recently from a gun Lki lfli,-trri hv JessA Brunn. ' . , , . . ,., . - ,prioiis u'CU licit; iuoi . . - - - - illness. Her death was due to a com plication of diseases. Mrs. Ragains, who was 36 years of age, was born in Missouri, coming to Pilot Rock when a small child, with her parents. Sir. and ills. Thomas Jaques. She is. survived by them, as well as two daughters, Laura and Ha zel; two brothers, Whirred and Dewey Jaques, of Pilot Rock, and three sis ters, Mrs. James hitaker and Mrs. Lon F.tter of Pilot Rock, and Mrs. i,-u,-i Riinkln. nf Pullman. Washimr- j Funeral services will be held tomor- ,row at .J:3ft p m from tne 1resby, i , . ,,,.,, Th. i,!v wii he . . . oinev remeterv. beside thut lof Mr 1.ipiin!,t ,vho was buried there 'recently. Pall bearers will be nich !anl Baker, Karl and Guy Rockwell. jO. Jenkins. Arthur Gcinger and Rob !ert Mule, all of whom were pall bear iers at Mr. Ragains' funeral. C ATTLK SI AUK ITT IS STEADY. PORTLAND, Aug. 31. (A. P.) Cattle and 1hrk are steady. Lambs are 5t cents lower. Sheep are steady, e.ist of the mountain lambs SS to $6. 50. Eggs are steady. Butter is firm. CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 31. (A. IRELAND ON VERGE OF CIVIL WAR AS RESULT OF FIGHT . . . . .... . . ' "i Belfast is Reported to be in r Flames; Republican . Army ' Prepares for-, Mobilization. EXHAUSTION BRINGS ABOUT LULL IN SAVAGE FIGHTING Night Was Marked by Stanv pedes; Orangemen and Cath olics Fought Hand to Hand. BELFAST, Aug. 31. (IT. P.) Bel fast is under military control and crown forces are taking control ' of the city, despite the truce, at the au-: urociaimea.. jgnEmg'. xtntinw;i ''f fPj1"- 1'bere Is total of T, dead and 100 wounded the authorities announced, '" -..?. Kloting Breaks Out freti." ." BELFAST, Aug. 31. U. V. The terrific fighting is breaking out afresh. Rioters ambushed and snot down, shipyard workers on their ' way. fo work, killing ' one and 'woundlrij scores. Both sides are using rifles and grenades. The military drew a cordon around the fighting area. ' : Belfast In Flames '' ' ; - , DUBLIN, Aug. 1. tU. H) Bel- ! fast is reported to be burning.-, Tho,- reported killing bf Catholics lit' Bel-11 fait and the Sinn Fein-British diplo-: matio deadlock brings Ireland again ' to a civil war verge. The Irish. re publican army are preparing for in- ', slant mobilization. . Quiet but rapid preparations are being made for wr. Men wanted by-the British uthO!-i; Ities, whose arrest would ,irttmedlatclyi foUViw. ttui.,mice's break, r flcding for the secret tiinh Fein stronghold in the hills. Sixty casualties are now reported front the. Belfast rioting. Strictest secrecy is maintained regard- ing the time, the Dail Eireann's reply to Uoyd George's latest note Waa dti- ' patched. . ; "o'-tt. iiglit Ws Worst In History. V LFAST. Aug. 31 (A. IM-Byf BE mid-afternoon, with fighting still pro ceeding in some of -the '-titty's iainj.. . thoroughfares between the Ulster loy-. alists and the Sinn Feiners the tolaljjy death toll since Monday night hasjj ' reached 14. Scores have been woundTj ed. Lord Mayor Coates early today ij . made strong representations to Gen- ieral Campbell, commanding the Brltj iuh. trnnnn in I'tatar. for thn urntec. . tion of citizens. The Ulster special!, constabulary, nearly all former soldi- ! " ers, were in action last night in tint ' i Stanhope street. area. Snipers were,; active, using field glasses. Iast night ( was declared to be. the worst tn ,thoy city's history. ' ., . i-u i , Xo Man's I-aiul. ' ' : 'i BF.LFAST, Aug. 31. (I. N. 8.r Exhaustion brought about a lull thlst afternoon in the heavy fighting that raged in the Catholic center of the city, which had been virtually contin uous tor three days and two nights. The toll as canvassed at noon totaled ' 11 killed and at least 70 wounded. tLarge sections of Belfast .are. a rj, man's land, where the populace, hov ermg behind barred doors. Is ," panic V stricken. Not even in , the bitterest phases of the Sinn Fein-Ulster war- fare was such an unrestrained play of "S pulsions as marked the terror, which i the people of Belfast have just expert- ;' enced. The night was marked by . ' stampedes in which women were I trampled," while the Orangemen and , Catholics fought bitter hand-to-hand j struggles. - " ; SIANY WORKERS IX HEKMX. RERLLW Aug. 31. U. P.) Nearly a quarter of a million workers arrived" In Berlin to participate in the reiflon strations. They fear trouble will start, at the gigantic mass meeting sched-' ulcd for this afternoon. IHE WEATHER" Reported by Slajor Lee SIoorhoUB. Sla.tlmum 87. Slaximum 83. ... , .. Slinlmum 53. IT Barometer 89.40. !"" TODAY'S FORECAST ,.i i Tonight and Thur, probably rain; cooler j Thursday.' Ml S - f j i 1 i