East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 29, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Special News of Umatilla Co.
(Fact Oreronlan Special.)
PTANFII'LO, Aug. :c.Miss K. M.
Tnthank has cold her ranch on tho
mr-udiK consisting of one hundred
Slid eleven acres to FTrnest Snyder,
who Is llvjng on the place, the sale
wim mirtc hy Lafe Hamnitok.
O. W. Connor moioted to Portland
Mrs. M. K. Severance and grand
daughter Miss Wlnefrel Johnson of
Great Falls. Montana, are the guests
Bt the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
f'everance. .
ronslderable street work is being
done. Grading Is being done on Fur-
nlsh and Taft streets and also Bar-
tiara and Lucy streets are being im-
1 proved.
Work vti the new high school build
Ing is being rushed, but the building
will not be ready for the opening of
the school September 6th.
Miss E. M. I'nthank left Sunday for
her home In Tacoma after a months
visit with Mr. nd Mrs. F. B. Stuart.
Ernest Greathouse and family have
moved in the Roberts house on Bar
bara street.
Mrs. C K. Haxen and son Leo and
daughter Maria returned Friday from
, .
;li "
Ronjoup Real democracy In opera
lion. The author's clear account and crit
icism of Swiss democratic Institutions
are all the more valuable because he
has seen them working from the In
side. A study of the Swiss Confedora-
a two months visit with Mrs. Haxen's jti' Is of Immense interest and value
parents at Alpina Michigan. Mr. Ha- J to a foreigner. Here Is a state which
zen met them at Missoula and ac.com- appears to have been faced with the
panied them home. I problems of racial and religious mi-
Mrs. Frank Round returned to her norities in their acutest form and yet
home in Pendleton Friday after a sev- have solved them more aurressfully
eral days visit at the home of Mr. and than any other state. This book, we
Mrs. E. S. Severance. I think, clearly indicates the cause of
this success. A book to he studied by
every American who realizes that the
! THE OLD HOME TOWN ' By Stanley
II '
hjmber of- Bors c3u"CKLr
Is alright, bat usually It Is file other fellow who la
getting -'The Riihes".
Why rls-k your money in scheme that vanishes
over u&lit and testes you discouraged and money
less? Always question and thoroughly inve'gate the
safety of an investment Uiat promises sure and targe
Keep your monuy In this strong bank, where it will
be safe from loss. Let it accumulate in an interest
f elding Sa vines Account, untl you have enough for
a limiie, or a business or un education.
A Savings Account means "Ready Money" and you
too can have such an account.
Hie American Nat ional Bank
Pendleton. Oregon.
'Strongest Bank in Cast em Oregon"
if - r Ml US u I 41
n i
Home Love
Home Pride
There are mighty few of us who do not love our homes
but are we all proud of them? If you haven't that pride
in your home that comes from the knowledge that it ia
furnished right, better get out the worn things and put in
their place fresh, new up-to-date furniture.
Perhaps you'll say "that takes money." So it does
but not large amounts.
If you buy your furnishings of us, you' can have terms
as you find convenient. Our credit plan carries the act
count until you close it with the final payment
Large selections of fine furniture honest treatment
small prices easiest terms.
"tt'e have helped others to comfortable homes through
our easy, honorable way. Can't we help you?'
Cruikshank & Hampton
"Quality Count"
124-23 E. Webb Phone 548
Ivor UM 'uiiiuure Takm In Exchange Part Psttim-ui u ttm
Kaetui Ajpnnts la IVtuUrtnn fur Aerolui (o Whip) Forea
seemingly clumsy handling of national
problems is not due so much to the
fault of one part or another as to cer
tain fundamental provisions of bu
lonstltution. Biirbank Woman as decoration.
3 he book is original, amusing, In
structive and vivaciou.s It is not alone
with the Grecian lady' that Miss Bur
bank concerns herself, ijhe Is even
more conscious of the woman of to
day, women like Mrs. Vernon Castle.
Mrs. Cone Nast, or Geraldlne Farrar,
as exponents of what is appropriate,
strong and beautiful of line and dis
tinctive in style. In other words, this,
always entertaining book may be look
ed upon as the apothesis of the fash
ion book. No one can read it under-J
standingly and not become a beter
dressed woman for so doing. More-
aspect and seem to be what it reallvita:"s chapters on ocean freight classl
is an expression of self-kndwledKe.
- inrscuttCNCS oi a chiit a eg outa ;
v-y YeS"fSR a f , :
my HC -V jfflj jg . V
H0-T ON, KR. NSWcrtvED 1 - THIS Wt.C
MffSTrtOOvcG V.'.
'.freight rates and regulation and con-
harmonious perception, and the his
toric continuity of elegant costuming.
Cheley Stories for Talks to Boys.
All workers with young people know
that the story is the part of a talk that
is remembered best. The author, long
a successful boy's work secretary, has
leathered from many sources illustra
tive material upon which group lead
ers, Sunday school teachers, and
speakers can draw to drive their mes
sage home.
Kitigkrti Among American Men.
A great cross section of American
life this our army in the World War
has surely been. What !t has shown
of the religious life of American men.
and the vital lessons which the church
thould learn from It, are presented in
this, the first of a scries of studies
made by the committee on the wa,
and religious outlook,
Corivin Oonstit utioii.
This book contains the complete
text of the constitution of tho United
States 'with full explanaions of all
those passengers which seem the least
Cruwder Spirit of selective service.
General Cro-wder presents a brief
histoiy of compulsory military train
ing and a detailed account of the for-
fication and rate tariffs, ocean rate-
making, aand the regulation of steam
ship services and rates by the govern
Sweelser Opportunities in aviation.
The present volume Is an opportu
plunc pilot, scientist and manufactur
er of the future in the air. In future
aircraft will be used for pleasure as
well as business. Pilots and mechan
ics will be needed. Here Is a new field
for Americans and here Js the took to
tell them how.
St 'V:i.rd His 111; tide of i-olr.
White world-s'.ipremacy Is tn dan
ger. The world-wide ascendancy of
the white race, apparently m unshoe
ab'e is in reality threatened hy the
lc! red races. Such is the author's
thesis This will surprise and startle
na.vy. Yet . Mr. Stoddard a.:il'.
c nvfi!)y Ihe relations. . illicit !,
re.isri'ii' itnl, and politic!. Iieiwecr
:he wl He race and the ye'!jv. nr .n
id n k i he! red laces. H sh:iu tl.at
the cric-ed races are inco-ninr enii
m i "sly beyond the lncree. ,o i f (he
whites, that t: ey entertain a comrr.un
iliKiike for white domination in many
refrions and; active hatred and that
it hey now show a tendency to over-
ul linn '.r:cir jjounaaries and to expand
!mninn on1 ..... . . . . .
i ul e-inu. h te areas. The book, which
lectve service system. He describes lexam'ties the character of each of the
the function of every part of the ln-rrt.U; colored races and nations, show
trieate machine, which he created, jm.f conclusive evidence ft aggressive
with its local boards established In )nv k. ning at least among the most
every sefction of the country, and he 'advanced, the yellows and the browns,
joints out the immense value of this ! l8 ,. (Wr sharo w.irnlnir to the whites
j machine and the great possibilities fori. npIeal to white solidarity, a con-
its usefulness in peace-t.me. He be- ;ltir:r.ation. pf such wars as the great
hevea that this machinery can,, and '( ,L just ended which so frightfully
should be, used for the) purpose of weaken the race,
furthering education, settling labor ( 1ppniaiin Liberty and the News,
dkputen and aiding activities of na- . freedom. In the modern world, rte-
t.oc-wide scope. In th.s book he sets : Pe.nd on iinlrammeled access to all
fcrth his theory in a clear, interesting : th news. Tlvs book Is a cool, clear
nianne;-. ,,,1 informed exposition of how deeply
Huobner Owan steamsh'p traffic' public op'nlon has become Involved In
managoiH si:.
Tne purpose of th's book is to pre
re.it in systematic order the particu
lar facts, forms, practices, functions
Mason How to become an office
Nash Lawyer's life on two conU
nents. Pettlt Self-supporting students.
Sharp-Patrons of democracy.
Worst Industrial work for the
middle grades.
Church and Its American oppnrtun
nlty. Stockton Project work jn educat
ing. Wetmore First book In English
for non-English speaking adults.
Woodrow Brightness and dullness
in children. ,
LONDON', Aug. 29. (By William
L. Mallabar, 1. N. S. Staff Correspon
dent.) "Shall doctors tell?"
The question la agitating the minds
of doctors here, and the meeting of
the British medical association at
Newcastle devoted a great part of Its
time to a discussion of the matter.
The ministry of health has undertaken-
to receive a deputation from
the association on the question.
Thj whole matter has arisen lnce
a Judge ordered a doctor to give evi
dence in a case, threatening to con
vict him on a charge of contempt of
ceurt df he did not do so. This has
aioused the medical profession to a
litch of fury because tho medical men
of (heat Britain have always felt thut
they cre oliovo the luw. In many
cases. ,
Now the conference has passed a
resolution deciding to give support to
members wno refuse to dlvurgo lnfor
ration received In the exercise of pro
frsignal dudes unless the patient con-
,ZSS4.,.. ..Kit lfsi
Penney Wool Suits
Down Where Y oti Want Them
$18.50 to $44.75
. We have no appologies to offer for the suits in
our low price groups. Every one bears ai J. C.
Penney label which means that it's underwritten
by a national organization to give service and sat
isfaction for the price you pay. )
In the above price' range there's surely a suit
that will match your ideas of what a - good suit
should look like.
An attractive assortment of the new woolens
for fall, thoroughly tailored in a manner that
means shape retaining models of assured styles,
displaying good taste and good appearance.
Young Mens Models
$17.50 to $24.75
Smart new models portraying the newest styles
for young men, one,1 two and three button sacks
and double breasted models cut from fabrics in
keeping with the likes of the younger generation.
You can't go wrong in buying your "Round-Up"
suit here.- Count your dolars saved on both
hands. We make all
Alterations Without Charge
and principles which the men engaged
in or contemplating employment .n
the shipping business should know
with respect to steamship traffic
management. The text is divided into
three parts. Part I deals with the
traffic organization of ocean shipping,
and the organization and function of
j the various types of ocean services
I and traff c agencies are classified and
I defined. In part II, ocean shipping
f documents, their contents, forms and '
' uses are described, and many are re
produced. Part III deals with ocean
a web or propaganda, and suggest the K(.nts
possL.mties . f a press properly in- It th(M.,.forp up , the Jud . t0
formed and really free. ak(. . j,h,..,
i one, of couse refuses to tostify. with
- (the chances that he will have the
i whole profersfcm down on him if he
Alexander School
j Bailey Library Bookblndin
! Cartwrlght Song treasury.
statistics and
Clark Track athletics up-to-date.
TVlli'tone Planning and planting of, GRAND JURY BEGIN AN
li.ttle gardens.
Iu Bois Darkwater. ,
Dwiggins School days.
Finney Administration of village
and consolidated schools. I ROSEBL'nG, Aug. 29. (A, P.)
Gamewell New life currents In The county grand Jury today ,-began
Ch.na. investigating the lirumfield case, with
Hirding H'gher aspect of nursing, a view to returning an indictment.
I'oor Mr. Gartli.
FVom the Webster City, la.. Dally
News.) . -
J. X. Garth, who has been 111 for the
last month or so, Is a little Improved
today. During the heated term. Mr.
fiarth became very warm and cooled
off too rapidly, since then he has not
been well.
Regarding the Panama . situation,
may we be permitted to remark that
the Panama hat Is In the ring? '
IXuidcoT In Mairimony.
: Mr. and Mrs. Quart left ' after,
noon train for Boston, on their wed
ding trip.
Wo note that the Lincoln, Nebraska,
city council has ruled that horseshoA
may bo played on Sunday. Come west,
young men, and we'll show you a good
game on tho Sabbath and other day
back of Ham ley's.
The appearance of tho plane In the
sky Saturday gave many local resi
dents a crick In their hecks, A youth
of our acquaintance confided that had
he the funds, he would take his lady
love aloft and propose, choosing this'
means of escaping prying ears. Suite
right; Isn't there mentlou somewhere
of "marriages being made in heaven ." ,'
know what
t long to
and tha
Dead men
know i
Of the show that's passed
passing show; , . ' '
Of kings who ruled, and did no wrong,
From Kankakee to old Hong Kong: . ' ' ;
Of men who heard the eagle scream,
And then passed on to dream and -
Of men once blind, and who now see--Of
all who won the selfsame bed, !
And learned what only the- godB have '
said. . ' ' i
Uut do dead men know that they are;
dead? '. . i
1 .i-g - 'i i i
' :Buy,a. "v:;:.w
and Be FREE
These are the days when the motorist enjoys .
a measure of liberty that makes the front porch
seem like a prison cell. : J" '; : :
iAt the wheel of your good car you will be a
daily visitor at distant places of recreation and ;':
delight. .' - . V' ' v';"
As dealers in BUICK ' automobiles .we are.;.
' equipped to make good our guarantee of satis
factory service.
Oregon iviuttir vjruruge
U9-121WestCourtSt ; : 1 ;
Phone 468 . ,'. ' f .'. - '
i ... " .