Is (W- ... , " 'f k. W" fn.l w. n,- FT DAILY EAST OEKG0N1AN, PENDLETOfc, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2f,1021. PACE SEVEN r SIXTEEN PAGES CLASSIFIED For Rent, Etc, Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found J 1 mtonrrrrr-r-rr nil "'' - ' in 11 111 " ' j .. . : , IZZ W T Am I a CLAUIFIED ADVKUTIISg IIATK 4 Vet In l-olnt Counting ill ordl- nary word to the line. 4 4 Kirn luaertlon, per Una $.18 Each additional consecutive Inaertion, ear line ........... .01 4 On month, every luui, sack Inaertion. per line - 01 4 Bli months contract, every la- u, sB Inaertion per tine .(4 Twelve hionths contract, ev- 4 ery isau. etch Inaerllon, 4 per Hue - - - . Ada not fun consecutively, 4 each Inaartloh, per line...... .10 t ) No ad Uken for lea thee I . a ) Unas. Minimum charge .26 4) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' r f. r NEW TODAY WANT12D Fry cook'' at The Del'a. FOR RENT Two sleeping roomH 216 Long 8t. , TO PRESS your milt for 50 cents lludd, 107 W. Webb, Phone 088. FOR RENT Sitting room, bed room and board for two. l'hone 284-M. WANTED Olrl going to high school to Work for board und room. Thone 278-W, 003 Water St. LOST lltX'Q Long Agate. -et. be tween Mntlook bridge and Pioneer Pork. l'hone 223-M. Hewnrd. FOR rLLE Fine new bungnlow, near school In good residence district -j Reasonable, part cash, balance like rent If desired. Phone (88-J. FOR BALW Three piece overstuffed davenport set, also ne piece wal nut dinning room set. llargsln. Tele phone 420, located at Sll H Muln lit. OALl.TOX'E8-:Free book tells of Im proved method of treating Jhflani rnstloo of gallbladder and bile duets. Write today. Dr. Paddock, Box 20rA,i Kansag CUy, Mo. NOTICES SAVE" YOUR FOLKS The Goodyear Welt System Pendleton Bhoe Shop, 120 W. Court St. "BIDS" WANTED for unloading about S. 000 yards of sand and gravel with teams or truck, from Asylum spur-to v..t aMri' hr Vujrirn Oreson State ttopllnl. ITIIiner J. Seltergren, gen-. eral cnntracliir. ' roiiTLAxn v. si. stake I.IXFS leaving dally at I A. M. from Hotel jPendleton for Portland and way points. uing twin six Puckard toorlng care. Fare. 18.00 one way or $14.60 round trip. I w ix poi:xi V The following described animal has heen taken up by the marshal of 'the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: - One mule, 4 years old. black, weight about 1000 lbs. Branded R. If said animal is not claimed by 'the owners or those entitled to Us : nossesslon. costa and expenses pld and taken away within tpB days from J,, the date (hereof, men at 1 o ciocx p. m. of the th day of September 1921, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash, at the City Pound, in said City 'of Pendleton, tHo proceeds of such 'sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making 'sale. ' " Dated this 25th day of Aug. 1921." f ' W; K. TAYLOR, City Marshal. National league Standings Vf. L. Pet. .74 '45,1 .628 .74 60 .597 .65 52 .650 ..63 60 .612! .68 60 .492 .65 67 .461 .49 70 .415 .39 84 .317 Handing W. L. Pet. . 74 44 .617 . 72 45 .615 ,65 68 .628 .61 69 .504 .56 62 .475 .57 67 .480 ,,62 8 .488 .45,. 7 .372 Pittsburg New York Boston. Brooklyn Ht. Louis . I Cleveland New York Washington . 1 St. Louis Boston ' 'Chicago ' Pacific Const Ijonftno Standing ' , W. L. Pet. San Francisco ;'.' 88 68 .6O3 Unnrntnunln 83 63 .569 Heattle ' M J,o Angeles '8 83 n.Llnnrt. . 78 & Vernon Suit Like 70 .621 .892 .243 Portland, --34 106 (,-i v YeotordHy'H Rcwults ' At San Francisco, Oakland 8, Port J, laud 1. At Los Angelca, Seattle 2, ernon 1 tis Innings.) , ; .At Sacramento 3, Snn Fnmc'soo 7. "At Salt Luke 5, Los AnReles 7. '-.'; Soitlhcrn Adsocintlon HomiII : . Little Rock -2, Mobile 9-1. - P.iinilnihaui 10, Chattanooga 5. At le m. i. Nashville 3. i Memphis 3, New Orlenns 2.. .' , V ,mcTlctV AswHiiHtion Results Kansas C't' ToV-to 8. 'Mlnnespofi 1 1, If " inapolls 10. .. t. toils'' ", 2." Milwaukee 3. Columbus 5. NVewt-rn Lcguo wults ,St. Jovph 8. Tulsa 0. Omh 6,Jklahoma City 6(11 Inn- Ih.) ' ' tteslo tries 2, Jnptln;1. , . lu Ciiy IU Wichita ,9. Find Voffi Help in the B MM. IT A TMHr ymwi Audi USED CAR EXCHANGE 1'DZt SALE OR -TRADE 192 truek- , J. M, pryan, 110 Tustln Street. FOR SALE King Eight car in good shape cheap , tor easb Pb?ne 1013-W. FOR BAL3 Chandler :ar will take ForJ as part payment. Phone .'l. 22J E. Court fit. FOR BALE; Lots J919 Reo touring car, exceptional value. Ellis-Schil-ler Co., Pjone 3. ' FOR PALE One Vi-ton Duplex truck, run J.200 miles, In first class condition. "60" this office. FOR SALE 1-ton Republic truck. good shape will take Ford In trade, easv twrns on balance. Oldsmoblle Oo. FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck, recently overhauled, good tires and well built body. This is a snap. Simpson Auto Co. WB HAVE several good used Fords and the prices are riKht. Call and see them At the Homo of the Ford. Simpson Auto Co. FOR SALE 1920 Oakland Kix, now tires and in first class t.rfechanlcal condition. A real bargain to ome one. Inquire 120 W. Court St. Price $740. FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA' APTS. ROOM AND BOARD tor gentlemen m post st. FOR RENT Modern Apts., close In Phone 862. ROOM AND BOARD tor men only . 403E.: Webb. FOR RENT I suite offioe room In quire Penland Bros. -i ROOM AND BOARD for men only- day or week. 604 Thompson si FOR RENT Fouroom apt., $16 pel month for 2 montns. pnone iou- FOR RENT Sleeping room with hot "and cold watr close in Phone 378-J. FOR RENT 3 roomed furnished housc.Inqulre 212 Garfield St., Saturday evening only. sOR RENT Two tbree room fur nished apts., with bath on witn gaa close In. Also furniture for sale nd house for rent Phone 319-J. MAN IS KILLED WHEN P0WOERHOUSEEXPL0DES PROVINCE, R. I.. AK. 27. It. X 8)Morrls Carlson Vas killed, and Harry Stark was seriously i"Jd when nine barrels of powder exploded in the powder house of the V nited States railway signal company. BRINGING UP FATHER VOO'LL NEVER RECRET BOYIM PROPERTY IN THIS VILLACE MR JI6C S'THIS IS A C.REAT HEALTH f mm- mim SP FOR SU.E Well tnrnlaHeel Apt. home cheap Phone 627-jT. FOR SALE Nice residence property, - north side and other locations. W. j II. Morrison, Phone JOOI or 1145, ; FOR SALE S room bungalow mod ern. Small payment down, terms ; on balance. Call 616 W. High St. FOR SALE A nice home cheap If taken at once; terms; also other lots cheap, Res. 115 Jane St., Phone 610-W. FOR SALE Several fiouses on easy terms; wheat farm for lease; E lots to trade for car. Pendleton Invest ment Co., Phone 55, 115 Railroad St. FOR SALE Portland property $5000 terms. Scten room house, paved street, 4 lots, garage, barn, chicken coop, and run, berries, fruit trees, fine shrubs and roses. Address , 709 Gerard St., Portland, Ore., Unl j versify Park. i - For Sale I 7 room house, north, side, beautiful j home. I ' 5 room bungalow, north side street i paved. Houses In all parts of the city, some on easy payments. ' Large, and small ranches both alfalfa and -vltcat, also dairy ranch, well equipped. Goo. W. Elder & Sob 1S Main St. Phone 993 LOST AND FOUND LOST Black Fursian kitty. Phone Reward. LOST 34x4 tt, Bllvertowi. Cord tire, tube, rim and tire cover, between Pen dleton and PI'ot .' Rock. Reward. : eave &t E. O. Offioe. LOST Large brlndle milch cOw dry no brand visible long horns 110 o reward If delivered to E O. Saltranrsh ranch, south of reservation. FOR SALE ('Oh ALE Two Blewetl Harvesters Phone 14FU. FOR SALE Wicker baby cheap. Phone 346-W. ' buggy MEN'S SUITS' CLEANED, $1.50 at III ll S, 107 W. Webb, Phone 685. FOR SALE-c-All kinds of insurance. J. H. Estes,' 614 Main St., Phone (04. FOR SALE 8, car loads Red Split Ce dar fence posts 7 ft. 8 cents each, f. o. b. cars. Frank E. Blair, Lowell, Oregon. ' . FOR SALE OR TRADE Four 100 bu. bulk wheat boxes for common wheat racK Phone . IF. O, Hr Hampton. i FOR SALE French Birdseye Maple i dresser and chiffonier cheap. i Apt. - S over Domestic Laundry. Phone 722-W. ! FOR SALE Seed wheat, Hyorfd 2c, j seed Fall Barley 2 4c and Hulless llall Hurley 3'4c per lb. Address St Andrews School, R. F. D. 1, Box 55, Pendleton, Ore. B" IT DOES LCDC'K J fOOO I I'LL BUY SOME LOTS- mm FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ROl FOUNTAIN : V .... ' sA'arul saddle horses. Dutch FOR SALE and work Feed Tard. horses Henry FOR gALEy owns, lots with mod ern 5 room house, barn and ehlcKen hopse. (la L. kiiry, 211 W. Court St FOR 8AW2 1 epan good work mulea, weight ahoiit 2250, one span good work mulee, weight aliout 2H,0. Also Ford truck, 1918 model, flat rack wlih etakee on side, good condition. In quire Roy 8- Neal. Kowmnn Hotel. JXa SALE Mulberry Velour davenport anil; chair to match, one four pouter ma- hogany bedroom suite: Queen Anne dining room set. Must he sold at once, I party leaving town. Phone 596-J. 1 WANTED WANTED Sewing at home 102S-J 120 tee St, -l'hone I WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAOf AT and accesaorleg. Alia and Garden Rts. The East O; egonlan office. . fiJEHTWiN at MARTY lates Supar- WAXT to enre for children day orl -Tred tires liau Cottonwood. Vul- night. Inquire 7f3 Xnn .St. canlzing and repairing. TRUCK DRIVER, can repair and care , for truck. Phone 197, A. F. Rohr - man. TO TRADE Irrigated land near Wel eer for cuttle or sheep. L. L. Cul bertson, Welser, Idaho. WANT TO RENT or buy a smalj farm close to Catholic Church. State j price and location. Address office. . ' this I WILL PAY (31)0.00 jrash for small rooming house, close in, with rea sonable rent. Address,."!" care this office. WANTED To buy six or seven room modern house In good location on I terms. State terms tnd location in reply. Box 485. CANDY M Ai INO business Start at home, everything furnished men. womeTi, f 10.00 weekly Boa Bos Do., Philadelphia. Pa. WAXTgD Two ladles fo travel, $30 week and expenses; I to work city and outside towne. $3 day. Room 25, Oolilen Rule Hotel, Mrs. Jones. MISCELLANEOUS PHON'i I. Sweep. C. SNYDER for Chimney 1 1, 1'L.AlTING of all kmaa Mrs. Lee, 3t6 Post St. -Fnone 688 ! I .'RS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetiere Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane, WE ARE TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phone 468, Oregon Motor Garage.. WILL BOARD and room school boys, ages 8 to 14. Phone 286-J Ad dress city. Box 771. DONT be run down at the heels. We rebuild them while you wait. Pen dleton Shoe Shop, 120 W. Conrt St.. Eva Ij. Tate Teacher of vocal and Instrumental music, elocution and dramatic art, Classes organired. Phone 627-J. '' IF YOU LIKE our service tell others if not tell us Motorcycle Messen ger Service. Office 107 Water St, Joe Quick and Geo. Renfro, Mgrs., Phone 24 10c a call and up. . Pendleton-Umatilla Anto Stage Leave Pendleton Echo Stanfleld Hermlston 8:00 S:16 9:10 : :66 12:00 1:15 1:35 l:f5 3:16 4:00 3.15 t:?6 5:56 :15 Ar. Umatilla 10:16 v Leave Umatilla Hermlston Stanfleld Echo 8:00 12:00 4.00 8:20 12:20 4:20 8:46 12:45 4:46 8:00 1-.00 6:00 10:16 215 :15 At. Fend. Two Trips 6uiirtnj Leave Pendleton 8:00 a- m. aad 4:00 p. m. Leave Umatilla 1:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Gage 72J Cottonwood at l'hone 868 PELL A DAWSON Parcels delivered to all way points. TIME CARD Weeton-Pendleton Auto- Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 4 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. ra. 4 Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. 4 4 Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 4 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. 4 Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight 4 Co. Store( for Weston at 10:00 4 a. m. and 4 p. m. 4 O. H. McPHEBRIN, Prop Rf. U. 8. CVtR THERE IS THE LIBRARY. THE TOWN HALL ALSO -fill 7- r. T S -T IS THIS TOVN NOTED FOR AMYTMItslo IN PARTICULAR? Vj) HAM BUSINESS DICW OF PMIOfi .HMD VICINITY This Directory Is especially handy for the Out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of r sporis liie businessmen who represent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. . AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WE KRIA!R aiiythliiB electrical on an automobile. V. K. Cliase Co. AUTO TIRES ' PfcNDJ.ilfUN CICL.K CO. Ajax, Ke- ,vere and Savage tires. 228 K. Court . Strert. . X. MENTDEr & CO. Oooayear and Diamond Tires Tire servlco. oils j PENDLETON RUBBER at SUPPLYi I. CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sil- veriown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu- ! cm Cup. 305 E. Court. AUTO TOPS j GADWA S AUTO TOPS, Plate G'aM. Backs, Side Curtains got feast Court St. AUCTIONEER COU W. F. lOHXVKA Auctioneer. j Call at Sturgls & Storie-g Impienwm AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Origgr Cigar Store. Phone 1075. t'UK WU1CK. BERVlCh Call Bud Cornfield, Phone o2, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1U69-R. ATTORNEYS GKOKGB W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room 17, Bond Bldg. at M. SCHANNEP, Attorney et Law Office in Court House. '' K, I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER & SMYTH E, Attorneys at La-w. 221 E. Court St. FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees in lKpaln Building. Of- S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office la Despaln Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Federal Building. PETERSON, Bishop & Clark, At torneys at Law. Rooms 1 and 4 s-mlth-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Ooroj pany. t. RALEY, RALEY & STE1WER, Attor neys at Law. Office In America u National Bank Building. ' FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES, guaranteed for 18 months. VI. E. Chase Co., 820 & Court St. Telephone 209, Pendleton. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general Jlacksmithini?. Round-Cp Garage :-arks Xebc-mU, 212 West Webb. CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla R'-ig and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1G77. TIME CAR 4 Pilot Hock Stage 4 Fancho Stubblefield, Prop. 4 Leaves Pendleton 7:00 A. M., 4 leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 11:00 A. M., 4 leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. 4 4 Leaves Pendleton 5:00 P. M., leaves Pilot Rock 6:30 P. M. Leaves Hotel Pendleton and 4 4 French Restaurant 4 Patent Office rr oh: t s- we have THE LARGEST ROtt-tN 0 PIN FACTORY INI THE wyoRLD CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS CAHKEH & BAN Kl ELL), Designing Engineering, Constructing, H yean experience if. concrete and brick con struction. 61 E. Third SL, North Port- CLEANERS AND DYERS PA VPOIUl'M PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TA1LOK4 & CLEANERS- Pressing and repairing. 804 W. Webb St. Phone Xil, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU is Jast as Import- ant as where you move, we aiso,. pack or store goods. We do country 1 hauling Call. 439. . Penland Bro. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. DRESSMAKING Mr. Aliens Gown Shop. Room 18! Sut:1)tie, Bide.. wm reopen Monday.! AuguKt 2j. Anyone wishing to engage 1 lime in advance may do DOW.- Phono 41-J. Fliic Dressmaking . Gowns made to order. Evening gowns a specialty. Hand embroidery, braiding and beading. Phone 242-M, 310 Aura St Pearl Emmoaene Smith FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STOP.E It will pay you to come and see Fisher be fore buying new and second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St.. Phone 198. FARM LOANS SNOW & DAYTON. 11 J E. Court St. Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm I Loan See us about a loan. LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly There's an agent in your tows Troy I sundry. 6(18 1. anion St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 fc. t!uun St., Phone 60. We main'aia a com plAtn monil'rf drnrtrnct. . EYE SPECIALIST Butternut Bread In White, Rye, Graham and Whole Wheat Franz Dainty Cakes - - 20c Old Fashion Cookies - 20c doz The Dean Meat Dept. OC Phone ou MHUH? 27 IN A I HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING Mall orders a Ralph Jlaxsell, 417 Bush, Phone 995. New and Second Hand Dealers V. BTKOBLK, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash raid for second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods, 210 E Court j PlMine 271-W. FURNITURE, repairing, packing, I crating, upholstering, carpet clean ' Ijig 7 years experience Grand Rapid ! Mich. Furniture Co. All work euar- antced. Sl W. Webb 81. ' , OSTEOPATH Dft. O. E. HOLT Osteopathic, phynl- cian ftnd Surgeon. Judd Bldg., Tele- j phones. Office 508; Residence 9H6-J. Painting and Paper Hanging I PAINTS. Wall Paper, Picture Fram I (ng. L. J. AIcAtee, the Practical I'alnt Man. Lowe Bros. Psln'is Dim ATDD PtTPAIRInlf! imumiun uu mini.- j jjA XuTORADIATOR WORKS-" 7n, .1,. crt All mii of I radiators repaired. Work guaranteeiU i C. BIflsberg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to at SHOE REPAIRING PENDLETON SHOE SHOP New method ' shoe repairing. We re build, not cobbje. , The best work for th least money. 120 W. Court St., Pel dieton, Ore. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual bal ing science practised, E. F. GibeOB, P. 8. T.: N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bldg. PHOTOGRAPHER To introduce our kodak work 'WO wtlj finish Free one roll and on print sch. Ward Studio. TAILORS -e SUITS AXO O.COATS made to meaire 617 Main St -Phone 1008 UNDERTAKERS t-;.- w Rrown Brady Undertakers and licensed embalm, era. Calls night or day promptly at tpnde.1 to Ladv attendant. Phone 88. Tatom Co. Grocery Dept. CQQ Phone uo By George McManus n "r7 i But listen:: II listen-nothim'- J 4IN1ME A. TICKET C "-J OOT OF THIS pJ J TOWN - ' IfiZt Br NT L FCMUM SVJCtf lc V