PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26,1921 . TWELVE PAGES r 1 v ! Social and Club News L, . . ; l'KSDLETONUNS IX CITY i Heveral prominent residents of Pen-! dlrton motored to Portland yestcr-1 day In parties of two and throe and lire at the Benson. They are Mrs. Al- I In HtiiKhcr and Minn Vera Temple, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Thompson, Mrs. Oeorge liuer and her mother, Mra. H. J. Mnnn, Mis Norflta Alloway and Mrs. Bernicc Jom-z. RETl'RN FROM SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. Kim Morton of 1T00 Went Webb Street and Mr. and Mrs. 12. F. Htraughn and daughters, Mar garet, Francis and Dorothy Ptraughn. of 1704 West Webb Street, returned last evening from Hidaway Springs, where they have been enjoying a two week's vacation. . MOTOR TO WAU.A WAIXA Mrs. Thomas Young and Mrs. James Johns, Jr., motored to Walla Walla yesterday. ' HOPF'S UPSTAIRS SHOP 1 r rJ&YntA SECOND FLOOR TAYLOR HARDWARE BLDG. t MMttttlt! jj COTY'S I 1: L'ORIGON I Face Powder j i: TOILET WATER, H PERFUME j I Direct from France. 5 . L'Origon Face Powder 1 j; $1.25 per box i ! THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. IWHITTALL ttiirf l a : jjx ur utt i m 11 appeal 10 everyone i II ir l T, i! xuVin nnrar9l anW I i"k i admires the artistic , f Vl i worth and merit in , JU-lJ J V V, I fine masterpieces of iri ; J v. Oriental weaving. , ,1 , "V I 1 ' : H 1 j They permit you to i , ( I k , enjoy in your nomes If t. S all'the beauty in the v x i , .1 f . designs and colorings 3 ,x L' , of these rare fabrics . JLpJ vm and without departing I )f ) l ! from your own ideas I ' L ! of true economy. . .. . ,s i 'i There is aWhittall Ruofor :j fs Every Room in Every nome CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO tot at Court Street VISITING AT BKNTl.KY HOME iWKDDING DATE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Ocorge Bentley of The date for the wedding of Miss, Oakdale, California and Mrs. Edward i Vera Temple, daughter of Mrs. Alva)) Dcssebach of Loi Angeles compose aj.Slusher of this city, and Henry Clay motoring party now In the city. Mr. I Judd, son-of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Judd, and Mrs. Bentley are guests of the for- mer's uncle J. M. Bentley and Mrs. Dessebaoh is visiting her brother Ver- non Galloway. ' MOTOR TO WAU--V WALLA Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Burford, Mrs. Lucy Donaldson, and Mrs. C. Guy Mat - lock and children motored to Walla Walla this morning. IS IN AfERVX ' " " Miss Cecelia Cunningham, who left recently for Auburn; Washington, will be a guest in Pendleton during the Round-l'p. , LEAVE FOR SALEM Mrs. Eftie Graham and Charles Kay Bishop left last evening for Salem. Our New Fall Suits There are smart, distinctive fash ions which will win the enthusiast ic approval of women who ' dress well. For the superior quality of fered, the prices are extremely modest NEW SUITS FROM $29.73 to $150.00 i riione jot Portland, formerly of Pendleton, j has been set for Monday evening at j eight o'clock, September 12, at thd Church of the Redeemer, Rev. Alfred I l.ockwood, pastor, will officiate, and J ithe ceremony will be followed by a re-1 'ception at the Slusher home, 123 1 Lewis street. j The marriage of Miss Temple and j Sir. Judd will culminate a romance! wmcn began in tne cnuunoou ot mei two. Miss Temple, who Is a girl of I charming personality, is a member of a pioneer family of Umatilla county. She is a sister of Mrs. Walter Cress well, Ralph Temple and Roy Temple. She has scores of friends here and has been the motif for many social af fairs since the announcement of her engagement. After a year at Ward Belmont college, she attended I'ni- .versity ot Oregon where she was a I member of Kappa Alpha Theta, wo I men's fraternity. Later she was grad uated from the National Kindergar ten College in Chicago. She recently returned after an extensive trip to the Orient and Philippine Islands. Mr. Judd during the war served overseas as a member of the 65th Coast Artillery. After his return he entered University of Oregon where he was a member of Kappa Sigma fra ternity. He Is now engaged in the wool business In Portland, where "the couple will make their home. TO ATTEND MEETING. Miss Sabra Nason, Umatilla county librarian, will attend the twelfth an nual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Library association, to be held in Spo kane September 1, 2 and 3. The pres ident of the association. Miss Helen J. Stewart, who has spoken here, will preside. There will be librarians pres ent from Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Utah and British Colum bia. Miss Nason is one of the prom inent librarians of the state and was requested to read a paper on county libraries at' the last meeting of the American Library association. As she was unable to attend, she prepared the paper which was read at the meeting of the A. L. A. VISITORS FROM DENVER Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Weisser, of Den ver Colorado, and daughter, Miss Eliz abeth Weisser, are Pendleton visitors today. They are motoring from Colo rado to Los Angeles, California, where they will sojourn for some time. This is their first visit to Oregon and the party is loud in praise of the scenery, saying that It compares very favorably with that of Yellowstone Park, which Mr. and Mrs. Weisser and daughter visited recently. The view from Cab bage Hill won comment from the visit ers, who declare that it was one of the most beautiful pieces of scenery they have seen. RETURN FROM TRIP Mrs. Norborne Berkeley and son Norborne Berkeley Jr., returned laM evening after a three weeks visit to Portland, Seattle, Bremerton, and Vic toria P. C. They were joined In Port land by Miss Mildred Berkeley, who has been spending the summer at Can non Beach. Miss Berkeley later visit ed at Ferndale, Washington, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Sherman Mitchell (Claire Raley. ) Miss Berkeley will spend Sep tember at Cannon Beach, with her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Berkeley of Hay Creek. WILL OCCUPY APARTMENT Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson, who have been making their home with Mr. Robinson's mother, Mrs. J. F. Kobmson, at 120 North Main street, will after September 1 be domiciled in the Robinson Apartments, 401 East Court street. WEDDING SOLEMNIZED. Miss Maybelle Cooper, of Milton and Loyal E. Carter, of Walla . Walla, were united in marriage here yester day. The ceremony took place at 4 o clock with Justice Joe H. I'arkes officiating. LEAVE FOR CORVALLIS Miss Roma Jacobson and Miss Ed na Pearson, who have neen guests of Miss Blanche Furnish, left last even ing for Corvallis. MRS. STANTON VISITS. Mrs. Frank Stanton. 6f Helix, was a Pendleton visiter' today. She was the guest of her sister, Mrs. U. S, Farley, MRS. HICKS HERB. Mrs. Ray Hicks (Clara Marshal!) of Pasco, Washington, returned to her home today after a visit here. Ilo Prepared Do not wait until some member of your family is taken with a severe at tack of bowel complaint and then send for medicine, but be prepared Buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy so as to have it at hand ready for instant use. Buy it now. There's Xo Friend IJkc an Old Friend An old friend will always help you in time of need. It Is the same with Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is an old and tried friend in many thousands of families and like other old friends, can be depend ed upon in time of need. Sour Stomach When the quantity of food taken Is too great or the quality too rich, sour stomach may result and especially so if you are constipated. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, eat sparingly of meats. Let fully five hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight In the stomach, after eating your supper, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets, and in most cases sour stomach may be avoided. Worth Cnsldrrlnir We take Is for granted that your di gestion is troubling you. Do not Imag ine that you are the only one suffer ing that way. There are thousands'of others and as a general rule, unnece sarlly. Your case Is much the same as that of a great many others who have been cured by taking Chamber lain's Tablets. Give them a trial. You ire certain o be more than pleased with the lienefit derived from their se. Do it now. Thty only cost a trine. "Tlie Door is Still Open." Our "door" is al- W ways open to you. a CANNING FRUITS Italian Prunes, Hungarian Prunes, Yellow Plums, Blue Damson Plums, Bradshaw Plums Bartlett Pears, Flemish Beauty Pears, Malta Peaches, Elberta Peaches, Preserving Yellow Tomatoes, Crab Apples, Gravenstine Apples, Jeffery Apples, Blackberries, Ground Cher ries, Pickling Onions, Pickling Cucumbers, all' Kinds of Grapes. Pickling Vinegars, all kinds of Spices. Plenty of Fruit Jars, all sizes; covers, rub bers, clamps, wax and jelly glasses. ' Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Bett MIt$. AXDBUSOX HERE. Mrs. John Anderson, of Helix, Is In the city today. Mrs. Anderson will teach in the Helix schools this fall. TO RETURN MONDAY. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rond and daughter, Betty Ilond, will return on Monday after a trip to Alaska. LEAVES FOR PORTLAND Mrs. Roy Alexander left today for a visit In Portland. "SACOJIA. Aug. 26. (L. P.) Eight persons. Including one woman, have been arrested as alleged members of in gang dealing in wholesale thefts of army goods. Loot valued at 110,000 has been recovered In raids. It Is be- ieved the arrests forerun the break ing up of a gigantic "fence" engaged in the disposal of the stolen array goods. The eight persons were arrest ed, the police say. following the con tinued receipt of shoes on a fake bill of lading, which was disposed of to shoe repairers here. IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATION For the Stout Figure To appear to her best advant age the large stout woman avoids: Shiny fabrics with their high lights; materials printed in large designs, such as figures plaid or stripes, or those with rough fuzzy surfaces. Colors that throw the figure into sharp relief against usual backgrounds also add to appar ent size. Lines that carry the eye across the figure should be avoided. E. V. D. HAPPY C.iXVOX (Contlnued from page 1.1 cites that the Round-Up's little broth er will lack nothing for liveliness and variety. September 1 as usual will be ob served as "coming out day" for Round-l'p boosters, and on this day the big hats and shirts of livid hue will be worn by all good boosters for the day and night shows. Decora tions of business places is expected to be carried out as never before. The costume note will be stressed this year. not only in the show, but in the days that precede the show. The weekly luncheons of the Com mercial Association will be resumed September 2. according to plans made last n'ght. The first event on the list will 1e a dinner and a good outside speaker will be secured as a headllner. Spec'al stress will be laid on assisting the managements of the Round-Up. the Northwest Grain and Hay Show and the Happy Canyon show. WHO WILL ItKIGX (Continued from ooce 1.) second $10. third $5. 5. Stage coach race. Purse, $60 each day. First $40, second $20. 6. Cowslrls' relay race for cham ploni hip of world. Purse $1000. First $500 and $35 ladies, silk negligee pre sented by Alexanders, Pendleton, Ore gon; second $300 and $25 ladies' leather handbag, presented by the Economy Drug Co.; third, $200 and $7.50 waist presented by Hkipf's gar- ment shop. Indian race. Purse, $150, to be divided $50 each day. First $25, sec-I ond $15, third $10. To the winner on Saturday, George C. Baer Hardware Co. will give a flashlight. 8. Wteer bulldngglng for the cham pionship of the world. Purse $550. First. $30o and $25 Stetson hat pre sented by Bond Bros.; second, $150 and $10 merchandise certificate pre sented by CrulkBhank & Hampton; third, $10li. 9. Steer roping contest for cham pionship of world. Purse $1200. First, ! $600 and $350 saddle made by Hamley I & Co. and presented by the Pendleton j Commercial association; second, $400 and $25 worth of merchandise pre-'X tented hv . M. Sawtclle. leweler: ! hlrd, $200 and auto robe presented byiT Allen-Knight Co. Jack pot composed ef entrance fee of $25 each will he "v'ded Into dsy money for the three .J days at, SO, 30 and 20. , (J 10. Cowhovs' and cowgirls' grand it mounicfj marcn. most. ipicai ni.iiy , and cowgirl In march will each dayj receive a cpsh prize of $5. Two most I typical cowboys sid cowgirls In West- ward Ho parade on Saturday will re-1 celve prizes as follows: Oowlwv first prize, $D pipe, presented by Sheehan Bros ; second, $7.50 merchandise prc- sented by Charles Co ; cowgirls first) prixc, IS box ot candy presented by I sented by Charles Co.; cowgirls, first the Delta; second, 5 box of candy presented by the Wistaria, 11. Spectacular Indian parade. 12. Trick riding. 13. Trick and fancy roping. 14. Full blooded Indian ceremon ials and war dances. 15. Indian pony race, open to all ponies. 16. Pony express race for cham pionship of world. Purse, $500. First 250, second $150, third $100. 17: Cowgirls bucking contest. 18. Indian war bonnet race. Purse $150, to be divided $50 each day. First $25, second $15. third $10. 19. Quick change race: Purse, $15 each day. First $10, second $5. 20. Cowgirls' pony race. Turse. $150 to be divided $50 each day. First $25, second $15. third $10. To the winner on Saturday, $10 merchandise certificate will be presented by the Crescent. 21. Indian pony relay race. Purse, $300. First. $150 and $7.50 hat pre sented by Max Bacr; second $90, third $60. 22. Cowboys' standing race. Purse, $105, to be divided $35 each day. First $20, second $10, third $3. 23. Cowboys' bucking contest for championship of world. Purse, $750. First, $450 and $500 saddle made and presented by Hamley & Co.; second, $200 and $20 kodak presented by the Thompson Drug Co.; third, $100 and sterling silver belt presented by Wm. E. Hanscom, Jeweler. 24. Cowboys' relay race for chnm - iMoimiiip oi worm. I'urse, iiuuo. First $500, second $300, third $200. 25. Wild horse race. Purse, $225 and jack pot to be divided $75 each day. First $40 and 50 per cent of jack pot; second, $25 and 30 per cent of jack pot; third, $10 and 20 per cent of. Jack pot. Pauline Frederick, fa mous film star, presents to the win ners Thursday and Friday each a $75 Hamley silver mounted bridle and to the winner Saturday she presents a $100 silver mounted bridle. ED NEW YORK, Aug. 25. (I. N. 8.) New York movie funs are protesting against the action of the state censor ship board In eliminating hathing beach beauties, clad in skin-tight, one piece garments, from films. The film in question was put out by the Pathe News, showing dazzling maids from Dallas, Texas; but the censors would not allojv the picture to be shown In local theatres. And, strange to say, newspapers Immediately published the picture without hindrance, as they have been printing similar pictures of other beauties in like dress for months. Ruth V. Brittenstein, of the Bronx. observes: "Any person who claims this Is not a responsible p:cture has a vile and degraded mind. To me the girls look natural and very pretty." E. Kallna, of Brooklyn, chips in: "Can't Comprehend Fum." "I cannot comprehend why such a THE Chocolates, lb 50c Chocolate Fudge, lb. 33c Ice Cream and Sherbet 60c Qt. Box. Candies, Caramels, etc., all at low prices. Merchants' Lunch 49c 632 Main 'hone 90 7 WISH SPECIAL THE THOMAS SHOP V II fuss is made over one-piece bathing suits. Curiosity is aroused when the flguro Is covered that is ofttimes con ducive to Immorality." M. B. Wheeler philosophizes thus: "Nobody objects to the public exhi bitions showing the female form di vine In the nude, and, as far as I can see, no harm has come from It.- I ven ture to say that nobody Is shocked by seeing a shapely girl In a one-piece bathing suit on the beach, If that girl behaves In a proper manner. Ameri ca should be proud of its robust, heal thy, athletic and beautiful glrla," Kvll Mlml Defined. Mrs. E. Griffith, of First avenue, declares: "These old "hens' who are' raving are the evil-minded. What is more beautiful than a well-formed girl, full of youth, to graze upon. We have nude paintings and teal I it art. Why not clnss the fair bathers as nrt" , Captain O. H. Ahrens. Brighton X FOR SALE 8 room modem house, close to high school. Price $3000, terms. See F. II. Chattas, Quelle Cafe. The 1st Anniversary Shoe Sale at The Bootery has been a grand success, from the customers' point of view, as we never before offered such good values at so low a price, and will continue to do so for one more week. SPECIALS Misses' sizes one-strap pumps, in patent and brown kid at $2.95 Boys' gun metal shoes, made over very good Eng lish or round toe last, sizes 2 to 6 at. . . . $3.33 Smaller sizes $2.90 Men's square toe Brogue oxfords, just newly re ceived; sold regularly at $12.50; our price $7.95 Men's brown English last shoes, all solid leather soles and rubber heel, extra good value at $5.95 Women's new nut brown calf 2-strap pump, Cuban heel and welt sole, all solid leather; a good buy ' at $8.50; our price $4.95 See our window; it is small, but we have the prices that talk. 7J) che 735 Main u z FALL'S NEWEST ARRIVALS EVERY DAY Fl GOATS FOR MISSES AND WOMEN Only one exclusive shop In each city Is per mitted to feature tailor ed tyiparel bearing the House of Youth name. We are that shop In Pendleton. The privil ege carries with it the opportunity of bringing to our patrons the la: est advance expressions of the tailored Suits, Coats and Dresses. Beach life guard, states: " "I favor girls wearing a short suit, as it is essential to have one's leg movements fret!. How can they swim when weighted down with bloomers, stockings and shoes? "The trouble Is we have too many narrow-minded old cronies sitting around on the beach that probubly never took a good salt-water buth and don't swim and can't see a shapely young girl walking around." The Puttie company has announced It. will appeal from the censorship board's decision, carrying the case to the U. S. supreme court, - III! II I I I Permanent Muk-nlar Strength can not exist where there Is not blood strength. Young men giving atten tion to muscular development should bear this In mind. Hood's Sarsaparll la gives blood strength and builds up the whole system. Street