East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 26, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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, ,
People Here and There
rcov Duff ot Pendleton, and GeofBO -the i4.ij.OHe of putting; on a big Hale .today. Mr. Kyle has been chairman or
WK 1 rJL r, mo,,? roeent I for h, Crawford FurM.uro Co. the exec,, t,ve comm tteo or wo
arrival.) in Portlund. Oregon Journal.
J. T, Callahan of the Cnlluhnn Sales
KVstem oi New York Ib reslstorcd at
th Hotel Pendleton. "He Ib hire for
Charles Holch, N. r. roadmuster
here today from Pasco.
Fred N. Wallace of TumalO Is presl-
"We are livli.B In a chtltiKltiK world.
I never thought I ci.ul.-l ever bp cured
of my stomach trouble. Medical
science seemed' enable lo help me. nut
thank Ccd we are progressing: and
now Must's Wonderful Remedy has
delivered mo from all stomach symp
toms. 1 am again able to eut' anyth
ing." It Is a H'mple, harn.le.sH propu
'ratlon that removes the catarrhal mu
cus from the Intestinal tract and allay.,
tho Inflammation which causes prac
tically all Ktomach, llr and Intes
tinal ailments, Including appendicitis.
One dnw will ci.nvince or money re
funded. DrtiKuiHtH everywhere.
I'rank Whetstone, of 613
street, la obnvalesclng after a
It. All:
Portlan tp remain there for a week
or longer. ,
K, .1, liurlie, former Pendleton resi
dent. In "here rrom .Portland. Mr.
Pi.rke KM out it tho g-olf links yes
terday lonif o:ou(h to make "Shorty'
(hole No. 6) In one.
Jnmes'M. Kyle, chairman of the ex
ecutive committee of the Orejcon irri
ttatlon congress and who has called
a mooting: of the committee for Pen
dleton during the Hotind-l'p Is here
dent of the congress.
I' -. .- - -.
Marrlajre License
A license to wed has 'been Issued
to Henry K. P.iggs, a cigar dealer, and
Joanna Kherson, a teacher, both of
Fbr Saturday
wis Will) iavc an 'abundance of Fruit
ami Vegetables for Saturday.
In our Meat Dept. )lenty of fine fat
milk fed springers and hens.
.No Order Tor Ili-uun's liclt-nsc
At 2 o'clock this afternoon Jesse
Hrunn was Mill being fceld in jail, ac
cording to a statement of Sheriff
Zueth Hoiiser. Formalities necessary
before he can be released had not been
effected at that time. ;
Wheat showed a , continuation of
yesterday's strenKth today, September
wheat closing at -11. IS 3-4, December
at $1.4 1-4 and May at $1.24 1-4. Yes
terday's closinif prices on these wheat.;
were $1.18, $1.19 and 1.22 1-2 respectively.-
Following are the quotations receiv
ed by Overbcck 4-, Cooke, local brok
er: Wheat.
Open Hlah txw
$1,20 $1.21 $1.19',
1.22 1.22i,i 1.20',
1.20 'i 1.2 1.23
.54 V4 .55 .54
.54 K .55 -.54
54 V4
(Continued from paM 1..)
MyiloU 1'iiKxI S50.
! Frank .Myrick, charged with assault
on the person of Hoy Allen, was fined
ifio in the court pf Acting Judge John
lllalley Thursday afternoon. Myrick
Us said to have waited for Allen and
Mrs. Myrick Wednesday night and to
; halve beaten Allen over the head with
a clu ,
Sups I'm- It's Hum .
Judgment to tho amount of $21,600
is sought In an action that has been
brought in circuit court by Henry
Carstens, trustee, against Frank Sloan
and others. The Judgment sought is
said to be the balance due the company
which Carstens represents from a
bonded Indebtedness of $25,000 as
sumed by Sloan and his wife. The
mm of $2,200 Is also sought as at
mruev s lees. Foreclosure of a mort-
fnp he Id on retil estate is also asked.
Charles H. Carter of Pendleton, and,
... ti. i'os,ien ot Seattle are the plain-1
tiff's attorneys.
739 Main Street Pendleton j
Proprietor! 1
i , wm SAIJG
' Mulberry Velour davenport and
iVhair to match, one four poster nia
' hoganv bedroom suite: Queen Anne
! dlnlns room set. Must be sold at once,
party leaving town. Phone 596-J.
I FOR SALE by owner, 2 lots with mod
I - em 5 room house, barn and chteken
nr.,.lrta I,. May. 211 W. Court St.
n ET
. 1 l ..f.
Has Great Future Possibilities5
With Oil Production
now almost assured, by the recent developments at the Columbia Basin well,
how can even the most conservative thinkers, and careful investors overlook
the opportunities now being offered to Share in the coming prosperity of this
most promising district that is now attracting such wide attention every
where in Hotel Lobbies, Pullman Cars, Private Homes and on the streets of
our Coast and Inland Cities.
In the CITY LOUTS of Attalia, with a GUARANTEEhat $71.50 of each
$100.00 goes into a special Drilling Fund to be used exclusively in drilling for
oil as soon as 110 lots are sold for $100.00 each. All of these lots are located in
the Original Townsite of Attalia, most of which are 50 by 120 feet, fronting on
60 to 80 foot streets, with 15 foot alleys in rear. .
Definite arrangements for conducting the drilling operations, above men
tioned, have been made with the ATTALIA OIL t COMPANY, from whom I
have purchased a large block of stock, and during the sale of these lots I
will give each purchaser a certificate of .
' 7,150 Shares of Stock
With Each $100.00 Lot
" ;.
I No lots are reserved in this special offer. There are ONLY 140 to be sold
on these terms and this offer is made subject to withdrawal or increase ' in
price without further notice in event of an oil strike being made at Attalia.be
fore this sale is completed.
Jf a $100.00 Investment will break you don't come In on this. HIT If yon can ypnre SJOO.OO
oven by pinching n little bit don't pass up this clianro to Ret a WH Iil.K INTI.ltl ST in tho Attalia Oil
ricld now iM'foro oil Is .struck for $100.00 wont ro far when it will take A T1IOI S.M DOI.I.AKS thou
to equal ON 10 IK)l.l,.ll in buying pnwor NOW.
GEO. IE CLARK (Owner) 740 Main St., Pendleton
Address All Orders and Communications to
W. R. CRAWFORD, Sales Agent
Dox 312 KENNEW1CK, WASH. '
sponsible for failure to take care of
these various projects before this. The
charter fixes the tax rate at 11 mills,
one of the lowest in the itate, and the
revenue furnished by this rate has
made It imperative that the council
operate on a very economical basis, the
commission members declare.
To Make Kurvojr
Monday afternoon has been fixed as
the time for a preliminary survey by
members of the commission of several
problems that are pressing for Immed
iate attention. Among these problems
are the matter of providing for a sew
ago disposal plant, a new city dump
ing ground which will do away with
present, unsightly and unsanitary con
ditions, the opening of a new road into
the city from the east end and park
The burden of the suggestions made
for improvements has to do largely
with these projects. A city auditor
ium or community building is another
improvement which has boen mention
ed by several citizens who have re
sponded to tho Invitation of the com
mission to suBmit ideas for considera
tion, and the survey of the commis
sion wilt be made with the probable
planning for such a project in mind.
Consider T.'ngtnoor s lIoHrt
' The report of Barr and Cunnlng
. ham. consulting engineers of I'nrtlanr,
which was submitted to the city sev
eral weeks ago was considered last
nlsht, and a special sub committee was
appointed to make an exhaustive
study of the report and to present a
digest of its findings to the commis
sion at the next meeting.
A request on the part of the Eastern
Oregon Auto club for the erection of
permanent street sjgns to serve as
guides for tourists was presented.
Councilman Manuel Friedly of the
street committee reported to the com
mission that the" matter had received
the attention of the council but that
It had been referred to the commission
for a recommendation. Ernest Crock-
I att, secretary of the-club, urged that
j actlpn be taken Br quickly as possible.
It is probable that temporary signs
will be erected in the places where
they are most urgently needed, and
plans will be made later for erecting
permanent signs.
The first Friday evening of each
I month will be the regular meeting
j night of the commission. It is provid
' ed that special meetings may be called
when necessary. An organization
j committee to formulate by-laws and
I suggest standing committees was nam
j ed. This committee will report at the
Think It Only Short Time Be.
fore Mr. Sykes Will Be I
Fully Restored.
' ' Uev. A. H. Pyk'-s. former pastor of j
the Walking I'ark , Presbyterian;
church, Nashville, Tenn., says: I
"After seeing what Tanlae has ac-i
eomplishcd In my wife's case. I amj
convinceo tnsu !l is a meuic.ne or
great power and extraordinary merit.
I do not think I have ever seen any
th'ng to give such prompt results.
Mrs. Hyk" hnd been in delicate health
for ten months, suffering from stom
ach trouble and nervous breakdown.
"I frequently sought medical advice
but Tanlae is the only thing that save
her any relief. After taking the medl-
cino only a shout time, she was able to!
sit up and help with the household I
duties. 1 think, it only a short timej
until her health will be fully restored." i
Tanlac is sold in Pendleton by
Thompson's Drug Store and by all
leading druggists everywhere.
next regular meeting.
barkat!on as the motley crowds now
handled, for, knowing the heartaches
now occasioned at our ports, the con
sc iences.of the American publlic: would
be easier."
Who Aro purred
It is the duty of immigration au
thorities to prevent the entry into
th's country.-for the purpose of protecting-
American citizens and resi
dents, of the following classes of per
sons, when certified as such by of-1
ficers of the Publilc Health Service; !
Idoils, Imbeciles. feeble-minded per- i
sons, epileptics, insane persons, per-j
wins of constitutional psychopathic In- j
ferlority, persons mentally defective, j
persons afflicted with tuberculosis, p
chronic alcoholism, cont.-ftions dis-l
eases, either loathsome or contagious.!
Most of the diseases listed are proh- j
ably little known to the average!
American, but thov are ns -! and its!
dangerous as their names Indicate. Iti
is often asserted that mottt of the con-j
taKions diseases and epidemics within'
the City of New York and directly;
traceable toKllis Island. The great!
pity, say immigration authorities, tsj
that, under the present method of j
handling immigration,, there is no as-!
suranoe to the immigrant when he!
leaves his country that he will be per
mitted to land, or, if he is permitted,
that part of his family will not be 'de
ported back to the country from
whence they started.
Disonso Is Not Wolonmcd
Many instances of a pathetic nature
are appealed to the Secretary of La
bor daily. A few days ago, as a spe
cific illustration, there was tahen an
appeal of the case of a child two
years of age for whom a warrant for
deportation had been issued returning
him, in the custody of his mother, to
Poland. He was afflicted with ring
worm of the scalp, a parasite which
starts on the head and eats out the
roots of the hair in a circular farhion.
The family was not in good financial
circumstances, and to treat the casej
to effect a cure might take a year, at
S cct of probably a thousand dollars, j
Some one must accompany the child;
The Better Kind
Selected merchandise of every descrip
tion., whether apples ,or jewelry, costs a
trifle more than that which is not selected.
.,,..... ... ,
We carry selected merchandise. Ktch
article is a true work of art, perfectly made
and worthy of the name of Sawtelles.
Which accounts for the fact that a gift
from thi3 store carries prestige. '
. aw tolled
i inc.
n hss'oton j
The f.argect Diamond Dealer In EHtm sriou
I il - Mr
to the country from where they came
meant misery an-1 want.
Some Cnxos P.rtiotio
Other cases come in which would be
humorous if they did not carry -with
them so much disappointment for the
I'mlor the Act of February 23, 1917,
illiterates, -with a few exceptions, are
not permitted entrance into the
I'nited States. In some cases this law
works peculiar hardship, as in the
case of young women from the devas
tated sections of Ki.rope. It is not in
frequently that an illiterate j-oung
lady will arrive at Ellis Island after
months of suffering. In some in
stances tho'girl is all that is left of a
family winch had fled, after the burn- j
ne of their home, and has nothing in
the world to live-, for, except for the
opportunity which she may find In the
United States. She has been driven
about during the revolutions " from
.'ntry to country; has had to choose
between becoming a member of a
jurk.sh harem or probable dcalh. h is
chosen tho latter and later escaped.
No Inspector could resist the appeals
of these immigrants.
Wood for Sale .
Yellow Pine, Fir and Tamarao
KAKIi tillXANDEJSS, lemllotoii
back to Poland, where the child could j
bo treated more cheaply, and in a;
case of this kind the mother would be!
designated on an accompanying alien, j
This family had saved for years,!
looking forward to the time -when j
they could come to the United States.!
They sold out all they had of material i
things which made up a home at a i
sacrifice and at a discouraging rate of '.
exchange. They wanted to become
citizens of this great .country, but
when they arrived it was found that
the entrance of one child would im-1
peril the health of perhaps thousands;
of little children to whom this loath- :
some disease might be communicated.!
The family thus separated must oeae
to be a happy family, and to go hack
Kippered Herring?
"20c CAN.
! Inspection to be Made by V. S.
j Consuls" Abroad Before Al
! lowing Persons to Sail.
I (International News Service Staff
j Correspondent.) .
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2i. The
necessity for turning back hundreds of
immigrants arriving at American
ports who have sold their homes in
the lands of tVir birth and spent their
last pennies for papsage -to the "land
of opportunity" will be obviated by the
! passage of Representative Albert
Johnson's bill now before Congress.
! Secretary of Labor Davis pointed out
I today. Many of the immigrants now
i arriving in the United States are af
i flicted with dangerous and loathsome
I contagious diseases, are feeble minded,
or physically defective, or are in such
circumstances that to admit them
I would be to fill our institutions with
I public charges.
The new measure provides for the
: weeding out of these Inadmissible
j aliens before they leave their home!
! countries through selection by repre-:
: sentatives of tho United States Gov-i
! ernment residing at the ports of em-,
: bnrkation. Two special agents will be :
! stationed at each of the principal ports-
one a member of the Public Health
Service and the other an experienced .
Immigrant inspector. i
Consuls Would Act 1
The selection ot Immigrants will
operate through the use of the vise
rystem, which requires the immigrant
I to procure from the Government a
pasrport, which must be presented to
an American consular officer for vise
before he can embark for the United
Slates. This vise will be granted only
after inspection by the immigrant and
public health Inspectors, 'as contem
plated by the Johnson measure,
j Perhaps it will cost a little more
; than tho present hit-or-mii-s method
: of vising passports by American con
. sullar officers," said Secretary Davis.
I "The present passport vise of lt),
i however, ought to cover the cost of
! this service, and much as the revenue
' Is needed by the G-ovcrnnient, it is
hardly fair that this tax of $10 be lm
! posed upon aliens In their own coun
' tries In addition to the head tax
I which they must pay upon admission
to tho country, w.thout giving sume
i thing 111 return. In the inteiesi of hn-
I inanity t 'on gross uiikih not 10 quiuoie
at ine sujcmij ii m i
necessary, if it is necessary, for a se
lected lniniiitiat.cn will not re.iuire th(.
tuuie tttuiiliou at 111 Puit vt tie-
Despain & Lee Cash Grocery
Phone 880 ' 209 E. Court St.
CAN -$1.0
Saturday's Specials
Peppy Jelly, 8 1-2 lbs. net weight Per can $1.40
Regular price on this jel'y at most ttcres is $2.25.
Alberta Peaches, per crate $1.20
Sugar, pertack i $7.50
Flour, per sack ' $2.CQ
Karo Syrup........ ...1 gal. Light, 85c; 1 gal. Dark, COc
Gclden Marthmallow Syrup, 1 gal. $1.25
Carnation Milk......9 large ca.is, $1.00; 48 cans, case $5.25
Regular price, $S.00
Kills Blue Can Ccffea ,
3 ibs. Eluc...,....: 80c 2 1-2 lbs. Red Can $1.00
5 lbs. Red Can 2 00
Ghiradelli Chocolate 1 lb. can 35c; 3 lbs. $1.00
8 Ccm Flakes $1-00
8 Post Toasties 1,00
5 Shred Wheat .-. S1-00
6 Puffed Rice $1X0
7 Fuffei Wheat J-JJ
3 packages Oats ?- $1XJ
Why pay 60c pound fcr eastern bacon? Per lb 45c
3 medium packages ry..90c 1 bcx, 6 lbs $1.10
Pints.'.:.35c Quarts ...60c 1-2 gal. ..$1.15 1 ga!... $.23
7 cans Tomatoes fl.CO
7 cans Ccrn J
12 pounds Head Rice f "
7 cans Salmon 1.. .' ' - $1-;
5 cans Peas .". 5m
3 large cans Pineapple .- 5 l8j,