East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 26, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ivews lyoies oj rencuewn
August 20-80 Water First
Ald'couree at City Natatorium.
Direction of Joseph C. Hedges.
Beptomber 10 Hermlston Ex-
periment Station Field Day.
September 18-21 Northwest
' Grain and Hay Show.
September 12, IS, 14 Annual
Pendleton Round-Up.
October 7-8 Seventh Annual
Dairy and Hog Show, at Her-
Will Take Round-Vp Orders
Mrs. Luclle Chrlntonsen, who for
Homo yearn past has represented the
Kast Oregonlan In taking orders for
the rtound-Up souvenir editions, will
again take orders for the special editions.
nothing Is Needed
Clothing is badly needed for local
poor, say members of the Pendleton
Salvation Army post. Anyone who
has clothing to give away is asked to
telephone 1062 and members of the
army will call for It.
t!ifiti. l.'iii.tiltiim Muln I
J. T. Callahan, "America's greatest
aiilr nii.1 nub city expert is now
staging a furniture sale for the Craw
ford Furniture Co. ana win cunuuci
some sales In other lines here follow
ing the close of the Crawford sale. Mr.
Callahan resides in New York and has
two other men of his organization with
him hcre, J. W. Creath and H. V.
More Haulers For Dunco
riionn iinMhpn'u family of rattlers is
growing rapidly. There are three In it
now following the addition of two
more yesterday which were secured by
A. It. Iledmond, wno rarms wen ui
town. One of the pair was an old one,
and the other was young and small.
The snakes have been on display at
the Steele Service station. They will
be UHed in the famous Indian snake
dance at Happy Canyon. More rattles
are desired, and anyone getting more
snakes Is requested to let the Happy
Canyon management know of It.
of the institution. From present indi
cations there will be GO candidates for
varsity positions, and an exceptional
lot of strong material Is Included In the
list of men who will compete for hon
ors. A hard schedule has been ar
ranged for tho season. The strong
University of California team will be
pluyed during the early part of the
season. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers are
here visiting at the home of her par
ents, Judge and Mrs. Joe H. Parkes.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Interest Is Sold.
M. B. Keys, pioneer Pcndletonlan,
has sold his half Interest In the second
hand furniture store to Auton Gcntges.
The new firm name will be Martin &
Gentses and is located at 310 1-2 VV.
To Have Strong Tenm
Harry Chambers, graduate manager
of Washington State College, formerly
a Pendleton man, declares that Wash
ington this year will have one of the
strongest football teams In the history
Building Permit Ciranted.
A permit to G. W. Dcnnis'to move
a building from Us present location
to another location on Ash street has
been grunted at the office of the city
recorder. The estimate cost of the
work is given at $250.
Fancy Prime Rib, Rolled; Milk Fed Veal;
Real Lamb; Fat Hens and Springers.
will make your Sunday dinner a real success.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc
301 E. Court Street
Phone 101 Private Exchange Connects
7 I0II0I 101 101 101 101 101 TOT-IOI-
I t-
I o
Furmers Continue Work.
With the close of harvest for the
majority of Umatilla county farmers,
wheat growers are now devoting their
time to hauling straw, Hauling wheat,
cleaning seed wheat and working
summer fallow. Seeding will begin
after The Kound-Up, September 22,
23 and 24.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Dcpts, 73
. .t
Mailt Certified Seed.
An order for four 50 pound sacks
of certified Hybrid 128 wheat was re
ceived today by Fred Bennion, county
agent, from William Tectsch, agent
at Lake county, the request being the
first ever received here ror seed in
such small lots. The wheat will be
sent by parcels post and will be used
for demonstration purposes. At pres
ent Lake county grows no Hybrid.
Shoe Store
Fashionable Footwear at Moderate Cost.
WHITE HOUSE Shoes for Men.
BUSTER BROWN Shoes for Boys and Girls
Patronize the Buster Brown Store.
Dr. O. O. Ili-telier, root Specialist and Chiropodist, Treats all
Ailments of the Feet.
Permanently located with the Buster Drown Shoe Store.
Hunting Season Opens
September First
Let Us Show You Our Large .Assortment of
They Get the Game.
Cookers Are Made.
Two Tireless cookers, one a single
cooker and the other a double, were
made by six Pendleton women at a
demonstration held yesterday by Mrs.
Edith G. Van Deusen, home demon
stration agent. The cookers were
packed with, crumpled and dampened
paper anu the tops plastered down.
The "wells" were covered with as
bestos. The local women will make
radiators for the cookers. Mrs. liish
oj, of the. Indian Agency, was present,
and will teach other women of the
Agency how to make the cookers.
Sho is planning a dress form demon
stration also and later it Is probable
Indian girls will be taught to make
the forms. Mrs. Van Deusen went to
Ukiah today to hold a dress form,
flreless cooker and pressure cooker
(Continued from page 1.)
have his way and we went to bed."
Had So Whiskey.
That Rogalns had nothing to drink
on his person was told by Cunha.
"We asked him for a drink, and he
didn't have any," Cunha said, and he
chucKled as he gave his testimony.
Kuwaitis' determination to return to
he Wright cabin was caused by his
desire to make "some man on the top
of the hill who had called him a pro
German name take back what he
said," according to Cunha's testimony.
He left the Cunha place about 10
o'clock on his return trip to the
Wright cabin, Cunha Bald. The dis
tance between the two places is be
tween seven and eight miles.
Ilriinn to lie Freed.
Decision to liberate Jesse Brunn
from the county Jail where he has
been held since he surrendered, fol
lowing the shooting, was made at
noon, after a conference was held by
attorneys Interested in the case. The
tct-timony taken in the inquest will be
turned over to the county clerk and
the sheriff has been Instructed to lib-er-Uo
Six witnesses were examined at the
Inquest. At'the session held Monday
morning, Dr. Frank Boyden and Dr.
W. V. McNary and George M. Shields
and Charles Runyon testified, the
physicians to show the caUHO of Ra
gains' death. Shields and Kunyon
wero In the cabin at the time of the
shooting, and theirs were the only ac
counts given by eye-witnesses.
Stories Agrco.
Tho accounts given by Shields and
Ru;iyon on events that led up to the
departure of Roach and Hagains from
the cabin early Saturday evening were
verified by the account told by Hoach
In hi testimony this morning.
The two eye-witnesses declared that
Rngains came to the cabin alone some
time after midnight. In an angry
mood, ho made threats against Brunn.
iheir testimonies agreed, and wanted
to fight. Ragalns was in the cabin
30 minutes before Brunn finally shot
him. according to Shields' story,
following the shooting. Shields
went to the Weslgate ranch, called trie
wherift, and gave directions for find
ing the place. When Deputy Coroner
Brady and Deputy Sheriff Spears ar
rive 1 at the cabin, Brunn gave him
self up and declared that he had shot
in defense of his own life.
Grand Jury May Investigate-,
That the witnesses in the case will
te allowed to appear before the com
Irg grand Jury In order to further
c!Car up the situation, was a state
ment made this morning by R. I. Kca
tor, district atornev.
Don't Hide Them With a Veil: Itemovo
Them With Othlne Double
This preparation for the removal of
freckles Is usually so successful In re
moving .freckles and giving a clear,
beautiful complexion that it is sold
under guurantco to refund the money
if It fans.
Don't hide your freckles under a
veil; get an ounce of Othlne and re
move them. Even the first few appli
cations should show a wonderful im
provement, some of tho lighter freck
les vanishing entirely.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength Othlne; It Is this-that
Is sold on Ui money-back suarauteo,
Styles Long straight lines, ripples and box.
Material Tricotine, Veldyne, Moussyne, Polly-
Colors Brown, Sorrento, Navy, Black.
Prices $27.50 to $75.00.
Negligees and Breakfast
Breakfast Coats of two toned taffetas and satins in skyavy.
peach turquoise, rose, mn
NliM with Georgette Coat and crepe de chine slip trim
mirwiS lace, Lady Fair Ribbon bows and hand made buds.
Twelve styles. All boudoir shades. .
Plaid Wool Skirts
11 CW UVA v
erly stitched and tailored.
Large range of colors.
Browns shaded from the
dark African brown to very
light tones of hazel and
bronze. Blue hi all shades
from navy to Harding blue,
with contrasting stripes in
red, blue, green, rust and or
ange. Price $13.50
Only Old Maids Keep Their In
dividuality Declares Laurel
Miller Small, Idealist.
(Written for the International Xews
NEW YORK. Aug. 26. Lots of
strange things go on under the light
and dark moons of Isis.
Take for ilnstanoe. the way Ed
Small has been acting up toward his I
wife, Miss Uiurcl Miller, as she calls
herself, who Is suing him for a sepa
ration. Miss Laurel is an addict of the oc
cult. Her grossly material husband is
only a booking agent on Broadway. If
he never basked in the rays of lsis,
that's only fair enough. How could
he see light and dark moons when
dazzled by the so much nearer bulbs of
the Biff Lane Broadway?
To Miss Laurel Miller, idealist, oc
cult scientist and erstwhile editor of
the World's Journal of Philosophy,
the exigencies of life are only step
ping stones to higher things.
Tlie moons light and dark of Isis
are nothing, somehow,, in tdward
Small's life. His wife says it Is to
shudder-that the women who pass be
fore him day by day are to him as poor
bundles of beef, or perhaps light and
dark meat but on to the story.
"Every married woman la a second
fiddle," says Miss Miller vehemently.
llinfes Vndor Ring f Hranlag
"Only old maids keep their Individ
uality. They are more fortunate,
than their wedded sisters.
"It is the worst thing in the world
to bo absorbed by a man. The aver
age married woman has no Interests
outside her husband's not after he
slips his ring of bondage over her finger."
The young lady philosopher she is
only twenty-four paused a moment.
She smoothed a fold of her Nile green ;
elvet skirt which was topped off by I
a black lace waist as filmy as a cloud
over Coptic moons. Sho raised a palrj
of dark, sultry eyes that took on a !
mocking expression as she discussed j
the details of her unhappy married ;
life. !
"Marriage Is the great equilibrator. -"It
is a fateful experience. Xo
matter how unhappy the union It
brings a balance to life. Therefore 1 1
never advise anyone concerning a
marriage. mm tt
"Love is an illusion of the mind, a
wonderful scheme of the Creator to
balance humanity. Love Is the gluo
that binds up the world. Where there
is no love there is no holding togeth
er. Must lireak Shackles.
"Life is a stepping stone. If wo
fnnrnt. that we are lost. I am con
stantly going up. If anyone tries to
pull me down I cast him aside.
"Always get rid of shackles. That
is my philosophy of progress. I am
not mercenary or greedy, but must de
velop the most perfect of mental pow
ers. Hermes said: 'Know, dare and
be silent:'
"I was married at seventeen. As a
child I was a great student and gath
ered a wide education. While very
young I read Greek and wrote poetry,
which wa3 published.
But knowledge of the ways of the
street was not mine.
"My husband never could ten me a
lie. I would sit still and pay no at
tention to him. He would demand:
'Why don't you believe me?' His con
science told him I knew it was a lie.
"No one can lie to me and get
away with it., I always know.
Wants to Forget Husband.
"But why do we talk of him? I
wish to forgot him. What does he
Oregon's Higher Institution of
Eight Schools; Seventy Departments
For intornillioB write to lh Rwilrir
Oregon Agricultural College
think of women anyway just so many
bundles of meat he sells and passes
"You see that I remarked I mar
ried him out of pity. Well, that's
right. He wanted to kill himself and
said I was the only person who could
save him.
"I cured him of an illness by my
own magnetism. I put him on his feet
and now comes his ingratitude.
"He hates my occult sciences. In
1917 he abandoned me.
"What is the riddle of the Sphinx?
Love! The law of attraction and re
pulsion! Magnetism!
"But the way to get along Is to
keep your mouth shut and pretend
you know nothing.
IleealLs Anelent Mnrtyrs.
"But the price of this wisdom! You
ask me what it is?
"Go ask Appolonius, who died of
starvation; Pythagoras, whose school
w'as burned down by fanatics; go ask
the price paid by Socrates, who had
to drink the hemlock; ask Paracelsus,
that medieval genius who died on the
streets: ask Agrippa, called the sor
cerer by his enemies; ask that first
electrician whose lamp that wouldn't
feci put caused him to be suspected.
I xney ail suuered, they knew they
dared, they were silent, under the
dark moon and the light moon of Isis.
"But love is the great paradox!"
she sighed.
Purify Your Blood
Eczema, tetter and L many
other skin troubles are due to
disordered blood. If you are
afflicted with skin trouble,
don't suffer the maddening
torture longer, but start right
away to purify your blood with
S. S. S. the standard blood
purifier for over 60 years.
For Special Booklet or for indt
riduml advice, irithout charge,
write Chief Medical Advisor,
Get S. S, &. r your drugfiu.
The Standard Blood Purifiei
dr. j. c. sharp
announces the removal of
his offices from the inland
bank building to rooms
10 and 11 of the bond
building, phone 330.
Watch our window and see the great values we are
offering you each week.
The very newest styles in Jewelrydom, each article
bears our guarantee if at any time an article doe3 not
give satisfaction tell us, we can help you and if you tell
your neighbors, they can not and will not.
We are still offering you a big reduction on every ar
ticle in our line. Now is the time to make your dollar
which you have worked so hard for go almost twice as far.
Coma in and look over our large stock. We are at youi
Hansen's Jeweby Store