DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24. 1921 AGE THREE TEN PAGES Afezetf iVofes of Pendleton CALENDAR OP EVENTS August 20-30 -Water First Aid course ut City Natutorlum. Direction of Joseph C. Hedges. Hept mber 10 Hermiston Ex- perlmeut Blatlon Field Day. September 19-24 Northwest Grain and Hay Show. September 22, 23, 24 Annual Pendleton Round-Up. October 7-8 Seventh Annual Dairy and Hog; Show, at Her- mlston. Mrs. I.ovcll Humeri Mrs. Pert Lovell Is suffering from slight Injuries to her hands as the re sult f an accident )OHt evening, Mrs. Lovell, In opening a box of matches, In some way Ignited' them, burning her hands and hair. She was able to sub duo the blaze before It burned her seriously. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 I-Ylio Klioep Men .Makes I'lin liawt) Joe Cunha and Joe Pedro, sheen men of the Echo district, wcro In TVn (lleton yesterday en route to Pilot Rock where they made selections of young rams for the coming season. Ili llv Advocate Sold Announcement hns been made of the sale of the Helix Advocate, the former owner, M. I). Lynn disposing of the plant to Loren O'Gara and Jacob Knaiis. The new owners are Mr. Hatfield Die Mrs. Nellie Hutnem, moiner 01 jvirs. John H. Link of Hermiston and 1'. F. Hatfield of Hermiston, died In Kan sas City on Sunday. She had been suf fering from cancer and had taken the trhi in the hone of finding relief through medical treatment. For the past six years Mrs. Hatfield was post mistress at Troutdale. She Is survived by her husband, Mrs. Link, Mr. Hat field and a second daughter, Mrs. Odin Anderson of Monmouth. went on record to the effect that It would care for any legitimate expense Incurred by the secretary or state trea surer under the act. George A. White, adjutant-general. In a statement be fore the emergency board said the people had voted for the creation of a 130,000,000 corporation, while the legislature had appropriated only $30,- 000 for the administration of the act Ho declared that this sum wag wholly Insufficient, and would hardly pay for floating the original bond Issue of $5, 000,00(1, provide proper office equip ment and get the work of the world war veterans' state aid commission un- I der way. err QUALITY SERVICE. PENDLETON'S tFAnlNQ rORE Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones Other Depts. 78 52G R. W. llitner Keturus R. W. llitncr president of the 1921 Senate returned last night from Salem where he has been for a meeting of ' the state emergency board of which ho Pendleton men and are experienced in is a member. The board pledged a the newspaper game. Active manage- deficiency appropriation not to exceed ment of the paper will bo In the hands 190,000 for the administration of the of O'Oara. soldiers' bonus law. The board also For Medical Ti'cutiiicnt Henry Thompson ' of Gibbon has beon In .Pendleton for several days. He Is undergoing medical treatment. We're Ready to the New Things in Dry Goods Section. New Fall Goods ARRIVING DAILY. You are invited to come to the store, see the "New" we have gathered for you. No trouble to show. Suede Tex how You for Fall To Take Trip John Lambirth accompanied by Al- vin Kosh, Howard Dunham and John i Green expect to leave In the morning I for T'WIiih tmrl nl her fioints In the! mountains on a vacation tour. They' will be gone for several days. 101101101- I -101101101101101101 S! I -i o 7 r-t O CANE SUGAR $7.75 Per Sack JAR LIDS for the "ODD JARS" Schrani, Wide Mouth Ball Mason, Easy Seal, Golden State Mason. "You Can Depend on 101" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc 301 E. Court Street Phones 101 Private Exchange Connect r IQI IQI TQI TOT IPX 101 TOT TOT TOT ' fs Cuim-lnming L. M. Wleklund, who recently burn ed his left hand when he touched an unprotected switch at the French Res taurant, is convalescing. Mr. Wick land wan doing some plumbing work when he was injured. He is wearing the injured member In a sling. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Watck our window and see the great values we are offering you each week. The very newest styles in Jewelrydom, each article bears our guarantee if at any time an article does not give satisfaction tell us, we can help you and if you tell your neighbors, they can not and will not. We are still offering you a big reduction on every ar ticle in our line. Now is the time to make your dollar which you have worked so hard for go almost twice as far. Come in and look over our large stock. We are at youl lervice. HansGoms J evvelry store Hunting Season Opens September First )'',. I, PTv: 1 j ' t d A Let Us Show You Our Large Assortment of WINCHESTER GUNS AND AMMUNITION They Get the Game. All AftoP-llarvoxt Vacation After the harvest Is over and before the weather eets any cooler is the Ideal time for a little vacation trip ac cording to Theodore Charrier who with Mrs. Charrier -was hero today. They farm near Helix. They are plan ning to go to Soap Lake, Wash, for a visit and rest of about-two weeks. Ottiiig ltoiiiI-l'p Information V. T. Mlttnucr, In the hotel business In Portland, formerly manager of the Geyser (irand at linker, and W. H. Southard 'of Baker, were In Pendleton today on their way to Baker after hav ing been at Marshfleld for several days. They were asking for advance information about the Hound-Vp and expect to be here for theshow in September. Han Attractive W indow 5 Five deer heads mounted attractive ly, one brown bear rug, two black bear rugs, a mounted brown bear cub and some lynx rugs are included in a win dow display at the W. J. Clarke Hard ware store on East Court street. The mounting of the heads and pelts is the work of H. O. Worthington who does unite a lot of taxidermy work. The display has been receiving much com ment from sportsmen who are making plans for the hunting Beason. A i v4J S400 One of the new fall fabrics for coats and suits, 56 in. all wool, and comes in all the wanted shades, such as navy, brown, bea ver, Copen, etc. Silk Duvetyn $7.50 Bolivia Coating 85.00 Finest quality Bolivia the most stylish fabric for coats, offered in the season's newest shades. Make up your coat now, and get the benefit of a full season. 56 in. wide Likes Cabbage Hill View "I was through Yellowstone Park Just a few weeks ago and saw all the .-debts in that place of wonders, but there isn't anything in the park that can beat the view one gets of the In land Empire from Cabbage Hill." That is the statement made today by War den J. Smith, a newspaper man who is on a tour of the Pacific coast states. He was until recently advertising man ager of The Times at Twin Falls, Ida ho. "I came mighty near running my machine off the road down the trail because I was so busy looking at that view Instead of driving," is what Smith had to say. He expects to go to Walla Walla from here where he has friends. Signs Must ;. Signs on the state highways In I'matilla county must be down by September 1. says Oscar Cutler, resi dent engineer, who is here from Athe na today. Mr. Cutler says that H. H. Haldock, division engineer, has In structed him to put a force of men to work at removing the signs unless they have disappeared after Septem ber 1. The state law provides that there shall be no signs on buildings, fences, gates, bridges, trees, rocks, boards or anything whatsoever with in the limits of the state highway or within sight of the highway, unless, however, owners of property give their consent. Mr. Cutler states that with the exception of the 15 miles of grading between Pilot flock and Vin son there Is no h.ghway work under way in this county. The work is be ing done by state and county, the con tract being In the hands of Oxman and Harrington, who have greed to have the work done by January 1, 1922. The Warren Construction Co. recently finished the short detour at Klue Mountain Station, so that there is now continuous pavement between Pendle ton and Walla Walla. Contracts will be let August 30 by the state highway department for eight miles of guard rails on county highways. Some of tho guard rails will be for the Pendle-ton-Cabbage Hill road, and other for the rendleton-Echo. Pendleton-Milton and Pendleton-Pilot Hock roads. for capes, It is Offer- We only have this silk Duvetyn i n brown at present, 1 ut will have other shades soon: 40 in. wide, of best quality, dresses, coats, etc. Tricotine $3.50 ' The very best of quality is our Tricotine SI If 1 a snlendid cloth for Dresses and Suits. ed in the season's newest shades; 50 to 54 in. wide. French Serge 82.00 to $3.50 All wool and of good quality. Comes in all wanted shades for dresses. , ..... jJ1. New Cretonne . At last they have come.. New patterns and colorings for dresses and aprons. They're on display in our Art Dept. Come in and buy a few lengths. Yard 25c to 50c tut i crH:( ::.!.-' HL. New Skirtings Entirely new and different these new skirtings, of Striped Venetian, offered in all colors. Buy a skirt length now. Satin Canton $400 This is one of the best silks for wear that was ever known. It is of heavy weight pure silk, woven to give good service. For that new fall dress be sure to use our Satin Canton Crepe 40 inches wide. I X I L! to Vkiah in his truck Wednesday ho came across the wagon bridge at Kridge creek, which went down just as he drove off of it. The Long creek stage started and got as far as the broken bridge and had to return to I'.kiah with the mail. Lou Case started to fkiah Wednes- Kansas, and Miss Mary Bourru? of school Hereford, Texas, arrived Thursday for an indef.nite visit with their' anrit, Mrs. William Meengs, of Bridge creek. Miss Ha Sturdivant left Wednesday for Stanfield after visiting in Ukiah for two weeks. Tuesday evening during an electric OTHER NEWS OF THIS DEPARTMENT ON PAGE R Cigarette It's Toasted i' J y"'v VKIAH, Aug. 24. 3. H. Wagner has Hisi.nae!! nf his stock of hardware to day and while driving along the river storm Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Mettie between Dale and the north fork grade were standing in their yard, when the his stearing gear broke and his car J. H. Constants, who will conduct the backed into the river, a distance of business hereafter, and George t-aia-wcll purchased the building. Mrs. lien Colvin and daughter or Montana were guests at the Vkiah hotel Friday night en route to uiam county to visit her daughter. Mrs. Johnny Porter, for an indefinite time. As Bert Keeney of lale was coming feet, and it required a tea'.i to pull him back to the toad. Fortunately Mr. Case was not hurt in any way. , Mr. and Mrs. William Selby and son of Pilot Hock were the guests of Mrs. Jennie Moore Sunday night on 'their return from the springs. Mrs. Emmet Cardweli of Wichita. lightning struck a tree near by, run ning on the telephone wire to the house, shattering the lightning arrest er and burning out .the phone. Tile lightning knocked Mr.. Mettie down when it struck the tree. I. It. Lawrence and family left Thursday morning for Portland where they will remain during the winter, where their children will attend THE ORDER OF THE DAY. Clark Martin and Lloyd Sturdivant left Monday for the mountains on a fishing trip. A forest fire is burning on the head of Cable creek and the rangers and fire guards are busy fighting it. Mrs. Falkenburg and son of Port land registered at the t'klah hotel Wednesday night on their way to Cav crhill for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sturdivant left for Stanfield Tuesday on business, ex pecting, to be gone several days. Fred Hinkle was in town Thursday from the sheep camp. Henry Lazinka Sr., and wife, and Henry Jr., of Pendleton, came up. Wednesday, going on to the Lazinka ranch. A grass fire started on the Ness ranch Wednesday about noon and it run over about a hundred acres of good grass before it was gotten under control. It was supposed to have been set by lightning. Frank Chapman of Butter creek is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mettie. Mr. Albee, game warden from Pen dleton, was in Vkiah Wednesday on official business. J. D. Kirk and wife returned from their camping trip Wednesday, after an absence of two weeks. Mrs. Edith Van Ieusen. home eco nomic agent, will bo in Vkiah August 2 7, demonstrating the pressure cooker and will teach the ladies how to make dress forms. All are invited. Mr. Langdon, forester, has purchas ed lots in Vkiah and Is now building his home for his family, who will be here soon so as to get the benefit of our excellent school which will begin September fi. Felix Johnson, Tom Ledgerwood, John Carter. Will McPherson and Hint Cardweli were in town Thursday en route to Portland with beef cattle. Orin tiilibs is hauling lumber for Mr. Langdon's new house. Mr. Hracher. Vic Bracher, and Mr. I'aulus of Pilot Hock were in I klah Friday night on business. Mr. and Mrs. I'opplck of Athena, ar rived Thursday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chamberlain for a week. Their son, Melvin, whft has spent the summer with Mr. and Mm. Chamberlain, will return homo with his parents for school. Lorena Xess was the guest of fie ni'a Huston Saturday night and Hun day. The weather has turned cooler alnee the ruin with very cool nights and the J water, which was vetting very low, lint beiTun raising in the creek, and th weitther now is ideal fall weather. Mr. l'ark"S ami wife of Pendleton and II I Terry, wife und son W; ne. left last Sunday for olive !,nk. better known as iH-sululioii lake, for u l0 duya' ouliug.