DAILY EAST 0HG6n1AN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24, 1021. TEN PAGES ft TOlldnROW'WE ARE GOJNftTO TEfJ YOU A I !OUT WHAT'S GOINGTO HAPPEJ FRIDAY ANI SATURDAY. rrn Ttt tt' -a- it tt T Trn to a if ncc -ma THE BIG SALE STILL RUNS ON Now with a steadier, greater ! volume and more satisfaction in the reasonableness of the prices. Always at the beginning of these big sales there is that questioning of real xtra values, that hesitancy due to the customer's lack of knowledge of prevailing prices, but now since every body has satisfied himself of the extremely low "Mark Downs" the volume of business has become steadier and greater. Attend each day of the Big Sale and be one of the more fortunate ones to save. There are still thousands of dollars worth of good, serviceable, reliable merhandisc to clean up. tome years supply, - i WHY NOT GET A NEW SUPPLY OF SHIRTS? J I ---t fr 1 i & 'i ?? liVJlL u 5f CLEARANCE SALE OF CHIL DREN'S APPAREL $4.50 Values for 82.25 86.75 Values for 33.33 88.75 Values for The biggest 'values of the year are being offered. Mothers should not fail to take advantage of them. These here are only a few of the big assortments participating in this sale. One lot of fine dresses made of or gandies with gingham trimming, plain voiles trimmed with pretty ruffle?, colors, white, blue and flesh. SPECIAL WONDERFUL ; SHIRT BARGAIN We made a big purchase of shirts a short time ago, got them at a bar gain and we're going to give you MEN'S SHIRTS SACRIFICED In order to realize the speedy cleanup that we must have we have put prices on good new, desir able shirts that no sane man can overlook. All work shirts are reduced as follows: $1.00 Work Shirts, Sale Price 89c S1.50 Work Shirts, Sale Price $1.29 $1.75 Work Shirts, Sale Price . . . $1.49 the advantage of the wonderful savings offered: $2.50, $3.00 and S3.50 values, Sale Price $1.83 Come and have a look at these shirts.' You'll want a half dozen of them. $6.00, $7.50, $8.50 to $10.00 SILK AND SILK MIXED SHIRTS, YOUR CHOICE $1.69 This is a cleanup of a wonderful assortment of roost attractive pat terns and materials, mostly made by Manhattan Shirt Co. They art real quality shirts and every one is a bargain. All Shirts are Reduced, and get yours early. Come REMEMBER HIS SCHOOL DAYS ARE.NEAR And at the same time remember that there is no economy in a J'cheap" suit at any price. See what we are offering you. ! Cleanup Sale of Boys" Suits A wonderful cleanup of the greatest stock of Boys' Suits in Pendleton, including the famous . Hart Schaffner & Marx. Read the " comparative prices carefully and consider the wonderful savings of fered. ' $7.50 Suits, Aug. Cleanup. . . $4.95 $9.00 Suits, Aug. Cleanup... $5.95 $12.50 Suits, Aug.,Cleanup.. S9.35 $15.00 Suits, Aug. Cleanup. . $9.95 $16.50 Suits, Aug. Cleanup. $10.95 $20.00 Suits, Aug. Cleanup. $13.65 $25.00 Suits, Aug. Cleanup. $16.65 Boys' Waists $1.00 Values, Aug. Cleanup. . . 79c $1.25 Values, Aug. Cleanup... 95c $1.50 Values, Aug. Cleanup. . $1.29 $1.65 Values, Aug. Cleanup. . S1.39 $1.85 Values, Aug. Cleanup. . $1.19 Boys' Underwear Offered at the Big August Cleanup Sale mi Boys' Athletic Underwear in Nainsook. A good value at the price 85c. August Cleanup Sale, now All Children's Shoes Reduced Shoe Balcony. regular . . . . 60c HAVE YOU VISITED THE UP STAIRS READY-TO-WEAR SALE? YOU WILL BE MORE THAN PLEASED WITIITIIE GOOD VALUES OFFERED The Little Kiddies Have Been Remembered in the August Cleanup Sale Here are a few of the good offerings on the Children's Balcony Children s Straw Hats 1-2 Price Children's Crash, Linen and Clpth Hats One Third Off. Special Sale of Boys' Jazz Caps 25c. Little Bovs' Coveralls Ages up to 8 years at 98c This means the very best make the Levi Strauss. Children's Tuff Rom pers Offered in the August Cleanup Sale 1-4 off. AH Boys' Wash Suits Reduced for Our August Cleanup Sale $1.95 Suits $1.20 $2.00 Suits $1.35 $2.25 Suits $1.50 $2.50 Suits $1.67 $2.75 Suits $1.84 $3.00 Suits $2.00 $3.50 Suits $2.31 $4.00 Suits $2.67 wmiltonS ora;TF.ST dihuthi vr siohf. 7) hoPo oplosWaro h aronouse, "rSMHHIBf. If I'AYIi TO SEE OUR SPECIAL SOAP AD ON PAGE 6. Without -Exception This is the Greatest Sale of Wo men s Underwear We Have Ever Offered. Greatest in Patronage and Greatest in Amounts of Underwear Offered. Kayser's Silk Top Union Suits $2.29 Thousands anil tnousands of wonit-n call testify that in quality, fit and ser vice, Kayser Knit t'mlnrwear is unequal ed and when we quote our entire stock of these famouH garments, regular prices from $:!.!iu to $4.05 you'll ininu (liately realize the cnusual .saving importance of this great sale. August Cleanup Sale, Suit S2 - Women's Fine Ribbed Union Suits 49c Low neck and sleeveless style, with band top urtd cuff knee, only in sizes 3i and 3S. Our regular prices, 7"ic and STie. AiifTiist Cleanup Sale, a Suit !!: Kayser Mercerized Lisle Vests 79c Low neck, sleeveless style, with bodice or band top; all sizes; regular values from $1.00 to SI .35. August Cleanup Sale, eai li "flc Kayser Fine Lisle Vests 59c Low neck, regulation top, fine lisle eot tuii: ail sizes; regular values 75c and S5e. August Cleanup Sale, c-jU'h 59c Misses' and Children's Union Suits 39c 2 to 1 2 years of age; fine ribbed, band top, tight knee, regular price 59c suit, August Cleanup Sale, a suit Itllc Swis3 and Ribbed Vests 10c Women's Swiss ami fine ribbed vests, with band top; sizes 36 and 38; regular values to 25c. August Cleanup Sale, eai'h 10c Kayser's Fine Mercerized Lisle Union Suits $1.79 Low neck, sleeveless style with band or bodice top. tight or loose knee, regular values $2.00 to 3.25 August Cleanup Sale, a suit $1.79 Women's Well Made Union Suits 69c I'.odice and band top, loose or tight knee, sizes 3(i, 38, 40, regular values to $1.10. August Cleanup Sale, a suit tifte MORE BARGAINS FOR THE MEN These Items Must he Cleaned Up to Allow Room for the Incoming Storks. All Palm Beach, Mohair and Strictly Summer Cool Suits are Reduced TO ONE HALF price MEN'S HATS SACRIFICED MEN'S UNDERWEAR At Cleanup Prices One SicviBl Lot f Min's Shirts ami Drawers, fine, llalbriggan and Derby ribbed, white and ecru. Kegular $l.nn and $1.25 values. August Ocamin Price fC IjDt 501 lllaMlc Hililiiil Villon Suils. a very f'ne suit, serviceable nnd comfort able, regular $1.50 value. August. Clean up I'rico Ci-iiuine l'orosknlt I'uiim SiiilH in all styles. Kegular $1.50 values. August Cleanup 1'rire SI. 10 All I.eis I nilcrwear Is Jliilwvil 10 1'er Cent. SPECIAL BARGAINS Ppeeial Hargains in Sox. Special Hargains in fSloven. Special Bargains in Neckwear. Special Bargains in Handkerchiefs. Special Bargains In Sweaters. Special Kargalnn ill 1Cathur Coats, and Jackets. or come Th-y fall. all the artich-s of apparel all have down in price more than hats, are nearly as high in price us last The quality Is possibly u Utile bet ter, but notwithstanding the present liiwr. wholesale cost we are Klng to give you a lot of real hat bargains. .Ml S'aplc Mats will be reduced 10 per cent. By staple we mean Columbia. 1; kotas. Hig 4, Australian, Carlsbad, (Irae co, South, etc. Our fancy lints will ho mliicnl as foll'ms. !i.00 Hats will gn ror ftB.Ofl Hats will go for - SII.SO Hats will cjo fr SSLO'i HTJiO Hals Mill (to for SK.rilt Hats will o for .l"i Kin.no Hats will go for SH.fi.'. KI2.00 Hats will go for SO DO RCt.IiO Hals will -r fur 0.0.- KI.VOO Hats will go for SII.S.-, SIH.00 Hats will ! for Si:t.!)S 20.00 Hats will go for SI 1. 00 ! aw, r n I r. , I J . s . He CRrJ BeCru2e 'Vs. I'll n i . : i- - yj t n ' k iu i STRIVE ! " v V 7 A M STfttl- STOrr- I I Pfinl THAT Cuy on 3 x LLhfo MRK O BUUFF rt! THROWIN'TO r.- r tr Ea LtF-r.7 ' m 'I'll fiinB when He. AGtrsJ rvmrV OFF 1 I lln f,EF T-Hl5 IC Mrt 'S i "THE-KE. (Sets R "&!. LEFtU- NOVW TO' CO?" HiM-GEE,f TVfc COT. HIPV ta rvi 1 e 1 nty ; ou 01 c U0WM (N TH I NO! tEH -THIS LS N(3 . M Kb me T5 1 L ' KC Cad -rUc 1 -.rv I R Mil P 1 ITfc. 1 y Jmmi? Jam '- .vr1'. v..:;,; iiKr......fv"- vv.:.,.. - I -V- . '. .1 . -- . lfc. f.i.. .li,,-.!....,, -. 1- M watch The taus D) HOVie CP Mon TlFlCT)OrJ' in i' . m i i ARE You A Yep, a f0t0 grafer PicTVfJE.5' .... m m. m. 1 1 u,-'i .I.IIH...MM..1JU.. .1.11 ill 11 .1.1111.1. 1 mil " '" 1,1 L1 u- Jl -- ' ' " " " HCw Much do yoj Charge: Five BonES Mow MoCH IF- "tf STANDING : 1