r -i -1 r- ' ftAftt EAST OfefcCOMUlf, ftotfiTO!f,T)ltSOdli,.''MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 1021. EIGHT PAGES !.L. . , !. .,i .1 ww.w.vn. f.W'.'. Thousands of Dollars Wortlj of Good Serviceable Merchandise WentOut Our Doors Saturday Were You One of Our Fortunate Patrons? . i Without the slightest abatement the wondrous Biff Sale goes rushing on with its worlds of We enter, the 'second week of this intensive saje with our shelves and counter sUU crowded l.ood Bargain giving. One point is constantly being made: "The Clearance of Our Enormous nearly to their capacities and every one that CO MES TO. THE BIG SALE will be Srcctea wun Stock of Its Odds and Ends and Season's Goods." and there is a reason for it all PRICES innumerable bargains that will allow the create st saving. That you may not be disappointed in WITH GOODS THAT VOU CAN DEPEND ON. ; ' . your elections we bid you shop NOW! We su ggest that you Hurry! ' i i HAVE YOU TALKED OVER TIIJE SUBJECT OF HER COAT? RIGHT NOW THE TIME IS OPPORTUNE TO MAKE THE SE LECTION FROM THE ONES SHOWN IN THE AUGUST CLEANUP SALEv iv . r,M 1 t v S .r -1-2- Ice -Bale of Coats There "are many worth.-wh.ilo coats here tluit our patrons will be glad to buy at these Summer sale prices'. All the coats lu these lots are such pretty models too that women will find many opportunities to wear them. We are sure that you will want to" take advantage of this opportu- nity to make substantial sav'.is while the assortments last at these prices. We'll let the prces tell tlch- ri.iiy and when y.m see the pood styles and quality of the coats themselves you will not hesitafe befoVe purchasing, All size's. .- ' -, $22.50 Values for $17.25 $30.00 Values for $15.00 $35.00 Valuesjor $17.50 $18.50 Values for $28.25 $55.09 Value,s for $27.50 $68.50 Values for $34.25 $75.00 Values for $37.50 DEEP MYSTERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WHAT? YOUR BOY'S SCHOOL DAYS ARE COMING And ve offer great loads of just the things he needs, all at August Cleanup Prices. REAL SAVING . DAYS Every article re duced in our Dry Goods department. On merchandise not advertised we will give 10' per cent less regular price. T X I TIPS FOR THRIF TY BUYERS Our Dry Goods department offfrs you 10 per cent off on any . article not advertised. We are determined to break all records in value giving. ;:; .. Boys' Waists $1.00 Values, August Cleanup Sale. 79c $1.25 Values, August Cleanup Sale. 95c $1.50 Values, August Cleanup Sale $1.29 $1.65 Values, August Cleanup Sale $1.39 $1.85 Values, August Cleanup Sale $1.49 y Special Cleanup of Boys' 5 Sweaters Assortment of colors, styles and sizes. You claim 1-3 off, which means that you can buy: $3.00 Sweaters for $2.00 $4.50 Sweaters for $3.00 $5.00 Sweaters for . $3.35 $6.00 Sweaters for : 3.95 $7.50 Sweaters for $4.95 Every Item in the Boys' Depart ment Reduced AH unlisted Boys' Goods bear a 10 per cent reduction. , Cleanup Sale of Boys' Suits - - - f . ' . A wonderful cleanup of the greatest stock of Boys' Suits in Pendleton, in cluding the famous Hart Schaffner & Marx. Read the comparative prices . carefully and consider the wonderful savings offered. . $7.50 Suits, August Cleanup Sale. $4.95 $9.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale. $5.95 $12.50 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $9.35 $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Sale $9.95 $16.50 Suits, Aug. Cleanup Sale. $10.95 $20.00 Suits, Aug.. Cleanup Sale. $13.65 $25.00 Suits, Aug. Cleanup Sale. $16.65 Boys' Underwear Offered at the Big August Cleanup Sale , Boys' Athletic underwear in Nainsook. A good value at the regular price 85c. August Cleanup Sale now . . ..... . 60c Sun-Fast Draperies', yard $1.19 ; ( ! Sun-Fast Madras Drapery FabY rics, 36 inches wide in mixed col ors of rose, blue, brown, green and mulberry; handsome for curtain drapes and numerous uses to fceautify your home. Reg ular values up to $2.00. August Cleanup Sale, a yard $1.19 Save 25 Per Ct., Less Reg. Cost. Handsome Cretonnes and Silkolines 36 inches wide, both in light and dark patterns, floral and bird designs, and you will find a solendid assortment to choose from. Plan now for your home comforts. ' Our entire stock is included. August Cleanuo Sale, 25 Per Ct. Off. Save 25 Per Gent on Drape Veils Alluring drape veils In all the prettiest patterns and color com binations of. the season. .. . August Cleanup Sale, , 25 Per Ct. Saved. , , , Tr TTlf Tin XT 4.vk II i 13 Bf rill VI V II , iT V-ril DRAPERY AND CURTAIN F A B R I C S AT CLEAR ANCE PRICES THAT CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES 9UR UNDERSELLING POWER. ! ; Figured Curtain Nets in Three Big Lots, 49c, 69c ' andSl.19. Beautiful figured and plain cur tain nets in the new handsome designs, 36 to 44 inches wide in ivory, white and ecru color. Curtain Nets, reg. val from 65c to 75c, Aug. Cleanup, yd.. 49c Curtain Nets, reg. val. from 85c to $1.25, Aug. Cleanup yd. 69c Curtain Nets, reg. val. from $1.50 to $2.15, Aug Cleanup yd. $1.19 Quiclv Clearance Price on Beads at 59c Large assortment to choose from, graduated cut glass crystal beads in amber, green, blue and amethyst colors; also pearls and beautiful jets. Regular values to $1.50. August Cleanup Sale, choice 59c. Save One Third on Pretty Neckwear These are practicry all from recent shipments and you will find a ne,w, clean stock in all the latest styles, in vestees, collar and . cuff sets and separate collars... August Cleanun Sale, You Save . 33 1-3 Per Cent. . w. 1 IMS. ZMVMMMMVMMMJ "Z2 Good Shoes Are Now Within the Reach of AIL Poor Shoes Always Were . YOU WILL APPRECIATE EVERY VALUE OFFERED IN OUR BALCONY SHOE DEPARTMENT. . Gray Suede Pumps, cross strap, French heels, flexible soles, regular $13.00. August Clean up' Sale Price $8.95 Grey Suede. Pumps, one strap, French heels, flexible soles. Regular $12.00. August Cleanup Sale Price , $8.45 Black Suede Pumps, turn soles, French heels, , , one strap,' regular $11.00. August Cleanup Sale Price . $7.45 Brown Suede Pumps, turn soles, French heels, one strap, regular price $11.00. August Cleanup Sale Price 87.45 Black and Brown Kid Oxfords, French heels, " 'values to $12.50. August Cleanup ,Sale Pike . ... $4.95" White Canvas Shoes, both French and Milt, heels, broken lots at .... . . . ....... . . $1.95 White Kid Shoes, Goodyear welt. French heels, regular $12.50. August Cleanup Sale Price . $6.95 Black and Brown Kid Oxfords, welt soles, military heels, regular $10 and $11. August Cleanup Sale Price ...... . . . . . $5.95 White Kid Pumps, tuiw soles, French heels, regular price $12,50. August Cleanup Sale Price . $7.93 White Rainskin Pumps, French heels, welt soles, one strap, regular $7.50. August Cleanup Sale Price $4.95 White Rainskin Pumps, French heels, turn soles, one strap, regular $5.50. August ' Cleanup Sale Price $3.93 t 1 1 .'. TWMERE IT, pAYS TO f rape mimSEy' White Rainskin Oxfords, Goodyear welt solo. - Military hels, regular $7.50. . August Clean up Sale Price . . . $4.95 White Rainskin Oxfords, Goodyear welt, Mi litary heels, regular price $6.50. August Cleanup Sale Price .'. rr ... $4.45 BOYS' SHOES . One lot value to $5.00 at ........ s .... . $2.95 One lot value to $6.00 at $3.95 CHILDREN'S SHOES AH Children's Pumps Reduced 20 Per Ct. One lot of shoes, value to $5.00 at ... . . . $2.95 One lot of shoes, value to $3.50 at $1.95 Ore lot of shops, value to $2.25 at 95c ... In the Shoe Dept. No refunds or exchang es on shoes bought at this sale. ISN0TOES1RABLE B Professor Says Human Spaa Might be Lengthened But , It Would be Madness. NJCVCASTI.K-X-TI.N'E. Aufc- tl. N. M "IJf without death t .t imjuxniW. 1 , h uninion rf S'l" Arthur )triilt. 11. P.. the hmnm biologist and anthropologist, on a subject which hu (fnuaisea the cl;i iriter?at of mankind throughout the axes. Sir Arthur Keith, who attended the meeting of the British Medical Akwo ciation at Newcastle. diHCUKsed with uil iit'?nutional New Service corre sj)ondent the remarkable experiment tmde by Dr. Alexin Carrol, the famoun French-American m ientit, with n fragrant of a chiek-n' .heart. Thin fragment, kept In a (Special culture at Kockefeller InKtittite Hince January 17, IK 12. ban never ceaned to Brow normally or to givs mgna of immor tal, ly. While Hir Arthur Keith drawn the coui lusii.n that immortality is not iin ponible, h adils another equally dra matic: -Uf without death 1 hot de sirable." Sir Arthur, rtinenmiinj Dr. farrol' experiment, nid; "Eternal life in not imposalble; nothing in impossible. "lr. Carrel, who Is French by birth, went to the I'nlted States as a young man. There is no pretence or hum bug about work and It is to be ta ken seriously.' 'Il-o iiyc Ktcrnal I.'fe.'' "He hits taken a little patch of the you uk beating heart of a chick in the egg, and he has by special : culture kept it supplied with Jelly, and han kept it ulive for nine years. This is a new fact, but it is not to be taken as proving that eternal life would be possible for great collections of cells such as go to make up a human being. "V hope some day to know what life is. but at present we are so entire ly Ignorant of the mechanism of the machinery of .life that we cannot say. If yon make a r..tor-hicycle you un derstand Its capacity because you un derstand its machinery. "Hut would eternal life be defer able? I think I can show you that it would not. "The desire for the extension of the span of human life Is a form of maj ncss, and if people would only think of the conditions of life they would never entertain the Idea. Old ago is not a disease, but part of the essen tial machinery of nature for running ; biiman life. ' - j "I-ook on nature as the business 'manager of human life. What nature requires is to keep life going.' Nature alms tit the 'species; not at the Indi vidual. Nutitre has built our bodies in such a way that we should have short lives. The whole system Is built up on a period of short existences. "l'l Aealii.Ht Nature." ' "In trying to extend the span of life you are rleht.up sgainst nature' basic lair. Her whole Idea Is to use young end vlnorous lives and kill off the old, "Civilisation has tended to extend the span of human life. Animals like the glrilla und anthropoid apes that ate the nearest to man are old at for ty. The aborigines of Australia and I'.itaKi.nla were old men and women j ut stxty. Human life is longer now. unit in saying inai i am not speaking of the nveruge person, but of the men and Women ulso who overcome all the accidents which Include, the ilis- e.".?"S of life and who reach old age. "Past exiieriences ftniut to the funt that life might be extended by at le;int another decide. Hut is It desirable? "What 'n want now is young, heal thy people. Wn we need Is to ex tend the period of their vigorous life, Tl.!- I.. 1- ....... 11.. iii-i-er.-ui y 13 jyn I'eiuK Kl M' 1 illl. . Irccognited, and It is the rational view, "I will eivo you two simllles which I think will appeal to the general pub lie. - "Regard life as a restaurant and nature as the manager. People rush In at midday tu lunch. It Is crowded; there are no seals. Why? , Because some people who have finished their dinner are lo.inglng about and occu pying the seats. "Must 1,'mlt niii.- "The manager nays: 'I must make regulations. I must limit them to half nn hour to make room for the others.' Nature In the same way has put a lim it on the life of man. "Another simile: Tou know the principle of the continuous perform ance at the cinema. You nav vour money and see the show round. You I are then supposed to come out, but ' I y"The second time you sen the show you win oe iiorett; tne third tlmo you will go mad, and tho fourth time you may commit suicide. "Human life is Something like that, l'eople crave for human Immortality. They have never thought whatvit means." v The natives of the Congo reirlon In Africa use salt of potassium instead of salt of sodium for seasoning tholr food. This salt they obtain from the ashes of certain plants, and they re. Sard the ordinary Imported t-n It as In sipid, .buying It only becaime It Is' chenper than Ihe native product. Tt takes Just si hours to convert a glowing foresl true Into n pupiir print ed and sold uii (lit ulreels, 1 ' 1 sumo will stay. V''