DAILY EAST 0REQ0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATULDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, 1921. TWELVE PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports YfcS. IT to A 5 A j PAGE TWELVE P"Ht 1(1 wJLij!, DEPARTMENT STORES Irregular Tfiiilimy of S(M-k Evlumge MHlnlaimvl. NEW rl(K, Aug. I'd (A. l'.l Trailing on the ti'K exchange yoster i1y ictiiliu'd mM "f ii rnl inest li1nl'Jin1 prnlcSNHinul uspt'Cls. Invest ment eh.iren were l':iiiy sleriilv, but ft-rnlutle lilies aK.'ini lacUril siiii iol t. Apart from tlie money market. In which .piTOitille reliitl'ii wa oli Hcrvett, vlevclupmcntw ftffcrtlng quoted I'tiliir-H werp imchnncel. Sales nm- OIIiiWmI lit 4-5.11)1) shares. for the firw lime tr.ncv the early! tyn of the month call loans on the ex chnnge openeil nd renewed into the: cotnlriK week at 5 1-2 per cent. In the j o pi' n i UK market funds were available j at & per rent. Punk acceptances also ! riiH'd nut commerc.al paper Mns in j lie,fer reallest. ! Dealings In foreign exchange were! perfunctory and again influenced hy I-emlon, where German interests were reported us heavy purchasers ot Am erican hills. l'elitlan, French and j Mutch, ritiis moved favorably to this 'market. More ttorma.li gold for ac count of reparations was received and I deposited to the credit of Orcat Brit lain and I'elgium. I miscellaneous issues sustained greater losses. IM- High-grade railway bonds were firm to tt rone, but convertibles eased on a IMiter lniu ry. Domestic indus trials were not materially affected by the heavy tone of related stocks. Lib erty bonds reacted on another sharp decline in the 8 l-2s, but most foreign war flotations were inclined to hard en. Total sales, par value, is, ITS. 000. Selling continued to center around equipment, steel, motor and shipping shares at Bross recessions of one to three points. Specialties of the food, tobacco, leather and paper varieties fell back to the same decree and a few THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley I. m il mm. a-Mik? ENTIRE tSL a.3L3a?VL."fi u - i STOCK MUST BE SO"-" "V' tS MONTHS - I M r A O D f T 1 At- T. 3 HOUSE;. FE"i .yt.E i ' -v ' . - n rn 5 MOOM m ,-r. -cm.- 1 , Til V ' AlV" TueRE WA'S A STAf.PEZe AT THE WOT'CM 4Tol. T0 6AY-VWHEN A MOOSE JUMPED CUT C5 a BouT of Calico. TO GET RICH QUICK is alright, but usually it is (lie other fellow who ia getting 'ThcIIiclieV. Why risk your money in a scheme that vaiiishca over nilit and leaves you discouraged and money leas? Always question and thoroughly Investigate the safety of an investment that promises sure and large prof.ts. Keep your money in this strong bank, where it will lie safe from loss. Let it accumulate In an interest yielding Savings Account, untj you liave enough for a home, or a business or an edutation. A Savings Account means "Heady Money" and you too can have such an account. 1 Oot.ooo ioaoo The AmericanNational Bank Pendleton. Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon' I BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT NEW ARRIVALS Prices that will keep you from going away from home to buy. $33 AXMINSTER, CITY PRICE OUR PRICE $13. Cruikshank & Hampton "Quality Count" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Vor Old I'urnlture Taken In Exchange as Part Payment on New feidualva Agent la Pendleton for Acroliu (No Whip) Porch, bhadea. Helter I-'lliig Shown lit .lolililiig Tnnlc. N'KW YORK, Aiir. 20. (A. Tradstreefii s;iy: The moderate gain noted last week in wholesale and Jobbing trade In wearing ai'parel lines for fall has been i fully sustained and there seemed to he 'a further accentuation of the optimis tic feeling. In pome lines, notably silk goods, stuns, canned goods, raw wool and iron and steel, the movement lias pro gressed beyond the point ot mere feel- ling and has found expression in larger sales at higher prices, notable in this I respect being pig iron and scrap ma .terinl and canned and dried foods. I In no c:ise has the expansion as sumed big proport'ons and there is no evidence of any reduction in the cau tion with which purchases are be'iiK made. In fact, the phrase "iminadW ate needs" is more frequently met with than any other words descrip tive of the volume of buying. How ever, the advance ot the season, the rather better tone of crop advices, the fear or the absolute knowledge of small stocks, held In distributors hands and the loosen' ng up of credit conse quent upon the less lense condition of the money market, all make for a rather more confident tone in pur chasing. Weekly bank clearings were $3,809,-D0.-..000. Wl'cat Gxw I p With I.I'Thter Offerings. CHICAGO, Aug. 20. (A. 1) Wheat traders showed Icsr disposition yesterday to press tre selling s de, and the market developed comparative strength, l'rices closed firm at the same as yesterday's finish to 3-tc higher, with September $1.16 3-4 to $1.17, and December $1.17 .1-4 tr $1.18. Corn closed 3-4c off to l-4e up. and oats at 3-4c decline to l-4c ad vance In provisions, the outcome va ried from 17c decline to a rise of 10 cents. Broadening of the, volume of busi ness did a good deal to help bullish sentiments regarding wheat. Export ers were said to be more keen to pur chase, and the seaboard estimated that sales to Europe totaled l,;n.d00 bush els. Meanwhile, the country offer ings remaining light, and with receipts from the spring crop in the northwest failing to come forward with any thing like such a rush as has been pre dicted in some quarters, the market except during occasional brief inter vals. averaged a Lttle higher through out the day. Continued liquidation on the part of holders of corn carried all deliveries of that grain, to the lowest prices this season. Oats also went to a new low- level. Higher quotations on hogs, together with packers buying, tended to steady provisions. Hogs and Cattle Lower: Sluic Steady. KA.VSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 20. (I'nited States Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 1T'0; quality com mon, few loads native steers and sale! of other classes around steady with yesterday's low time; best steers here $8..i0; bidding unevenly lower on nl' grades but Texas steers; early salei Texas steers in quarantine. $2.751 4.23; few on native side, $1.25; other? priced at $5'it6.35; medium to fairly good cows, $4.75; choice, $3.50; com mon heifers' around $4; common can ners, $1.50: best vealers. $.50. Hogs Rece!pts, 1700; open slow, later sales barely active; better grade1 mostly 15 ft 25c higher; others general ly steady to 10c higher; few elosinr sales on mixed and heavies steady U lower; bulk of sales. $8.40$ 9.30; stoch pigs steady; few at $9.40. Sheep Receipts. 13"0; early sale? prime classes, steady to strong; ligh'. ewes, $4.75; native lambs, $10.10. P.) The Good Market For Wool Maintained HOSTO.V, Aug. 20. (A. Commercial Bulletin says: The demand for wool has been less pronounced during Ihe past week, but there is still a healthy volume of liusi- CthG. Mekti ' . n " ivj-iv- iric o cvt In tH.hi WO bT I"'"! NOT 'STRONG GMOvyCJNf;', ness being done and prices are readily maintained on the basis of last week's quotations. The outlook in the goods market is encouraging. Slight Improvement is noted in the foreign markets with prices somewhat higher on the best types of the finer wools in Australia. English topmak ers have advanced quotations slightly in sympathy. REALTY TRANSFERS i 'i OFFICE CAT j)Ki:ns A. A. Kraft to I'nion High School, $250.00. Dist. No. 3. Lots 3 and 4, Block 6 ot Central View Add. to Mil ton. Howard Evans to E. S. Rowe,$300. Mete and hound tract, Ulock 11, Evans Add. to Milton. L. J. Foss to Austin A. Foss, $10, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, in Block 9 of Kirks 2nd. Add. to Athena. Max Gorfkle to J. H. Estes $2100. The South 28 feet of Lot 6, Block 181, Res. Add. to Pendleton. Fred Stevens to Julia O. Stevens. 52300. Lots 6 and 7, Block "E", 2nd. Add. H?rm'u-ton. Fred Sanford to J. A. Lindsey. $10, R 1-2 XV 1-4 N'E 1-4 Sec, i, Tp. 4, N'. R. 28. John Vert to V. M. Miles, $1.00, Lot 1, Block 70, Res. Add. Pendleton. BY JUNIUS XEW YORK, Aug. 20. (L. P.) Thomas Wilsf.n, of Chicago, wired the I'nited Press that the meat and pack ng business, one of the country's larg est industries, is rapidly returning to normal. Every packing line is ex periencing increases over pre-war business and the export trade Is ovine ing "encouraging proportions." i In Spain a system ot aerial fish transport is about to be put into op eration whereby the inhabitants of Madrid will bo assured of a fresh sup ply of fish, shrimps and shucked oys ers. It now takes 24 hours to reach the capital from the seacoast by rail but the airplane service will deliver the Roods In three hours. It IliK'sn't Linger Long. In perusing the E. O. we note that Ordinance 336, Section 9, declares that "beer, whiskey or other barrels or kegs" must not be permitted to re main on the sidewalks of the city. We venture to usscrt that this is" one clause of the ordinance that Mr. Crab tree will find easy to enforce. Our Own Mother Goose. There was a Little Girl And she had a Little Curl It hung down the middle of her Fore head. When she was Good, she was Very, Very Good, , When she was Bad She was Popular. May we be permitted to remark that' Root Is indeed an appropriate name for the president of the Hormis ton aliy and Hog Show? Attention, Mrs. YVig,gs. Headline In the Marinette. Wis., Eagle. Star: "Boy Shot in Garden Patch." Ambition. Every mother dreams that her Boy may some day be president, but the boy would rather be a motor cycle cop. Meditating on the golden 1921 liar vest, we conclude that more farmers die from being retired than from he- jug tired. Hit They IHn-rvc lather? Some men would rather be flattered than praised. ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR. Strengthen Your Bedding Supply Here This store has long been regarded as the econo mical place to buy blankets, comforters and bed linens. The new supply for this season shows pat terns, colors, quality and prices more pleasing than ever. You can buy here at the beginning of the season knowing the price is as low or lower than "special sales" at the season end. Nashua Woolnap Blankets 66x80, $3.98 These nationally known blankets have establish ed a standard all their own for high grade blan- kets. This number is shown in white, tan and gray with pretty blue and pink striped borders, lock stitched ends, pair $3.98 Nashua Woolnap Blankets 64x76, $3.49 A little smaller size of this soft fleecy blanket in tan, gray and white, lock stitched ends, pretty striped borders of pink or blue, pair $3.49 Nashua Woolnap Plaid Blankets 60x80, $3.98 Attractive broken plaids, one may choose from pink, blue, tan or eray. lockstitched ends, pr. $3.98 Nashua Block Plaid Blankets, 66x80, $4.50 An extremely fine looking blanket, of good gen erous size, large block pattern in pink, buff, blue or gray. Service and comfort for years at only pair . $4.50 Emmerich All New Feather and Down Pillows, $1.19, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98. 72x90 Tequot Sheets, each $1.69 81x90 Pequot Sheets, each $1.79 81x99 Pequot Sheets, each $1.98 81x90 good quality seamless sheets $1.49 42x36 Pequot Pillow Cases, each . . 43c 45x36 Pequot Pillow Cases, each 49c New Patterns Comforter Challis, 36 inches wide, yard 15c COTTON BATTS 1. Pound Pure White Cotton 15c 1 Pound Pure mite Cotton 29c 12 Ounce Pure White Cotton 29c 12 Ounce Pure White Cotton 33c 1 Pound Extra Quality Cotton 39c 1 pound Extra Quality Cotton 49c 3 Pound Comforter Size Cotton Batts, 79c, 89c, 98c, $1.10, $1.19. WOOL BATTS 3 Lb. Half Wool Batts, 72x84, each $3.49 2 Lb. Pure Wool Fleece, 72x84, each $2.98 3 Lb. Pure Wool Fleece, 72x84, each $-1.50 COMFORTERS. Small size comforters for hard service, each $2.23 Good size comforters, 100 per cent new cotton fill ing, pretty silkoline covering, each $3.49 Good size camp comforters, closely stitched, silko line covering, each $2.98 TUP. LARGEST CHAIN PnTu-VT I STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD 1 jiirrTTF.ii than ever KTRICTIY I'NIOX DANCE Return engagement of Shubert's Original Jazz of Chicago, 111. licnicnihcr the good time you Inul lust winter and como New Vocal and Instrumental NovelUe Union Hall, Tues., August 23 COME ON, BOYS, NOW IS THE TIME BICYCLES At Pre-War Prices Sale lasting one week, beginning August 22, ending August 29 All sales will be cash and a big saving for you Pendleton Cycle Co 228 E. Court Street Pendleton, Oregon Phone 144