East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 19, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton
August 26-30 Water First
Aid course at City Natatorium.
Direction of Joseph. C. Hedges.
September 10 Hermlston Ex-
pertinent Station Field Day.
September lt-2i Northwest
Grain and Hay Show.
September 21, It, 14 Annual
Pendleton Round-Up. .
October 7-8 Seventh Annual
Dairy and Hog Show, at Her-
mint on.
nrlffndicr Is CYmilng
Brigadier J. W. Hay. of Winnipeg,
Canada, o has been' appointed to
command the Salvation Army for the
Stnle of Oregon with headquarters In
Portland, wll lspeak here Tuesday
evening at S p. m. In the Salvation
Army hall. Brigadier Hay has spent
32 years as a Sulvatlon Army officer
and has had some very Important
commands, In the United 8tates and
Canada. This Is his flint visit to Pen
dleton and he will be welcomed by
Pendleton citizens as well as by mem
bers nf the Ministerial Association.
Mux Gorrklo Breaks Finger
, Max Gorfklc is wearing the fifth
finger of his right hand in a splint to
day. He broke the digit yesterday
while catching a chicken. Mr. Oorfklo
reports that he captured the fowl de
spite the Injury.
Are Fnjoylng Trip
Jim Welch, son Homer Welch of
this city, and Blaine Hallock, of Ba
ker, Mr. Welch's brother-in-law, are
enjoying an outing in the Cornucopia
region. They will return tho end of
next week.
Prniho Tourist Turk
A car of campers who were driving
through Pendleton yesterday report
ed to the Pendleton Service Station
that they have been all over the West
but that they never have received
more courteous treatment than they
were given at tho Pendleton camping
grounds. They were also loud , In
their praises of the scenic attractions
along the I.a Grande-Pendleton drive.
"We had been warned all along the
routo that this strelch of road would
be a bad one, but we enjoyed It very
much. We have motored every sum
mer for several years, and . we en-
Joyed tho drive over the mountain as
we have not enjoyed a drive for
many a day."
. I
Now Poles Put I'p
The work of Installing tho new
new poles for the Pacific Power &
Light Co. on Main street Is underway
today and already several poles have
been placed. The Installation of new
Poles will cost about $8000 and will
greatly Improve the appearance of the
wiring on Main street.
KprlngH Arc Installed
A 1350 set of scales, manufactured
by the Toledo Co., were Installed today
at the Economy Drug store for the
use of patrons. The scales, of tho
very latest type, give the weight free.
The scales have a table showing the
correct weight for men and women of
various heights and ages.
i iqi IQI 101-101101-
Please Place
Your order early tomorrow. It will help us
a lot in taking care of the big Saturday Rush.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc
301 E. Court Street.
Phones 101 Private Exchange Connects
both Departments.
r 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 T
Return From Portland.
Itichard Hlce and Allen Folsom re
turned this morning from Portland
where they attended the Y. M. C. A.
school during the summer months.
Waldon (Bus) Dyers and Richard
Lawrence who attended tho school
will return tomorrow, All four have
been taking a college preparatory
7 E
Watch our window and see the great values we are
offering you each week.
The very newest styles in Jewelrydom, each article
bears our guarantee if at any time an article does not
give satisfaction tell us, we can help you and if you tell
your neighbors, they can not and will not.
We are still offering you a big reduction on every ar
ticle in our line. Now is the time to make your dollar
which you have worked so hard for go almost twice as far.
Come in and look over our large stock. We are at youi
Hanscom's Jewelry Store
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
til tC
Use the Phohcs
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Apple Crop Sells Readily.
That the heavy apple crop produced
this year in the cast end of the county
in the Milton-Freewater district is be
ing sold at very satisfactory prloes to
the growers Is the report brought here
today by Attorney G. H. Bishop. He
has an orchard of 24 acres and has
Jest recently closed a contract for his
crop at a price that suits him.
Is In Frrcwau-r.
To encourage competition in the
coming contests for the Boys and Girls
Clubs to be held here during the
Northwest Grain and Hay Show, Mrs.
Edith G. Van Deusen, home demon
stration agent, left today for Fieewa
ter and Umapinc. Mrs. Van Deuren
spent yesterday In Athena on child
welfare work and reports that the
children are making good progress.
Wauls Data On Business
Information about the conditions
surrounding Pendleton as a ibusiness
center are sought by a resident of Bal
iboa. Canal Zone, In a letter that has
been received by the Pendleton Com
mercial Association. The Inquirer
has money to Invest and he Is seeking
all the facts possible about the com
munity. Another man from Holdcn,
Mo., wants data on the farming possi
bilities of Umatilla county. He ex
pects to come here to live.
"First the corset
then the gown" is al
ways the rule of the
woman who makes a
study of fashionable ap
parel. The new Fail MO
DART models still fur
ther reveal the fact that this corset is without an equal
as a figure shaping garment. It is beautifully designed to
mold the figure into lines of symmetry and will maintain
these lines when once developed.
All MODART Corsets lace in front because front ad
justment means right adjustment. The absence of laces
in the back gives better form and wonderful smoothness
in gown fitting.
You will be assured of being properly corseted if you
select your new MODART in opr corset section. When
vou have selected the correct MODART model and have
5 The Eoyish Form Braissiere is made up of differ
ent grades of materials. High Grade bkinnel s Corset
Satins, Silk Erocaded Irish Linen, Fancy Batiste batcen,
Cantell Heavy Mesh Corset, plain or fancy.
6he Boyish Form Brassiere sizes range from 32 to 46.
The Boyish Form prices range from $1.00 up per garment,
depending on the material used.
7 Our garments are guaranteed to fit with satisfaction.
An excellent quality Charmeuse, full 40 inches wide,
for dresses. The Styles demand this material the coming
season. Offered in the season's newest shades as well as
black or white. Let us help you plan your dresss.
WOMEN'S SILK HOSIERY, $1.15, $1.50, $1.75
Trio fin pst dualities in fashionable Hosiery in all the
become a new woman.
$4.00 to $20.00
Xo Violation i;cHrtcd
No traffic violations in Umatilla
county during the month of July are
reported In the monthly report of T.
A. Haffety, chief Inspector for the
state motor vehicle department. The
report shows that the seven traffic
officers employed by the state motor
vehicle department collected fines In
Oregon totaling (7,548.80. Outside of
Multnomah county, Columbia county
had the largest number of violations
and the largest total amount of fines.
About that
22. caL for
Helm Gets ApjKlntnicnt.
Carl G. Helm is named register of
the land office at la. Grande, accord
ing to official announcement which
lias been received from Washington.
Helm is a brother-in-law of Senator
Hob Stanficld. Mrs. Helm was for
merly Miss Cloe Stanfield. Her hus
band was manager of the Butter Creek
ranch owned by the senator. He Is a
graduate of Whitman college and later
was principal of the Sunnysicle, Wash.,
high school. He also practiced law
at Sunnyslde.
For Snako Itawo
Work of gettinff real, honest-to-John
rattlesnakes for the famous
snake dance at Happy Canyon during
the Round-Up has already been start
ed, and as a result of the search, a
railroad man at nieth has taken the
honor of securing the first reptile.
The rattler has three rattles, and he
Is on exhibition In the windows of Sol
Hnum's store. Just one snake Is only
a marter, however, and several more
are wanted. Chief Lakakohats puts on
the dance which has been a feature
of the show for many years. And
under these circumstances, rattle
snakes aro popular with the Happy
Canyon management. More are wanted.
for both Stout and Slim
1 The Boyish Form
Brassiere is a seamless,
one-piece garment, no
bones, no stays, no steel,
nothing to press into the
2 The Boyish Form
Brassiere is particularly
favored by stout and thin
wromen, because it gives
that boyish, youthful flat
appearance, yet holds the
3 The Boyish Form Brassiere can be worn under ex
treme gowns, or street costumes of the sheerest materials
without the use of camisole.
4 The Boyish Form Brassiere is the most perfect fit
ting Brassiere made, because the back is four or five
inches wider than any other, which prevents slipping up
when the wearer stoops. The waist is made of elastic fit
ting snugly, has'concealed hooks and eyes in back, and
positively holds the bust in perfect position without pres
sure anywhere, permitting full freedom of movement
without pinching.
Full fashioned and in the sheerest gauze knit, just
what you want now, and note the price, 25c to 40c values,
Our price, 20c
You'll enjoy every word 6f it because its history. It's
a real story of the West, of Oregon and of the Round-Up
We can supply your needs nowr. Real Linen Damask,
Mercerized Damask and Cloths of beautiful patterns and
excellent finish.
Linen Damask $$2.50 to $4.00
Cotton Damask .' ..995c to $2.50
Cotton Cloths $1.85
llorsfslioc Match Sunday.
Arrangements have been completed
whereby a set of games of horseshoe
pitching will be held here Sunday af
ternoon. The contestants will bo an
Echo team which claims the honors of
the west end of the county, and Pen
dleton players, a majority of whom
are from Hamley and Co. According
to the arrangements the pitching dls
tance will be 40 feet. The shoes will
weigh 2 pounds each. Four or five
pitchers are exacted from Echo, and
two teams have been picked from the
Hamley crew to face the charge of
the Invaders. Henry Donis and H. J.
Klrby will compose the first team,
and J. H. Ellison and Joe Korenik are
the pair for the second team. The
game will be held back of Haniley's
store Sunday afternoon at 3 o"elock
sharp, and anyone can "swipe In" to
see tho contests.
ljirgo Shipment lOxpeoted.
The fruit shipments from this coun
ty wjII probably total about 750 cars
this year, estimates Fred Bennion.
county agent. The majorit.S of the
fruit will be apples. Milton and Free
water growers are now harvesting the
prima crop, the section being one of
the largest prune sections In the
Northwest. The prunes are no dricl
but shipped directly afl.er ricklnrv and
go to all parts of the United States.
The picking of apples will begin about
September IS and a good crop is Indi
cated, especially where the thinning
process has been used. Early sales
give promise that the prices will be
good. The apples now sold under con
tract are sold by the grower at from
It to $1.20 a box, the grower not pro
viding boxes. This price Is the equiv
alent of tl.75 to yi when the grower
sells boxed fruit.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. (U. I)
Chairman Lasker of tho shipping
board branded as "propaganda detri
mental to the United States merchant
marine" the report stating he was at
tempting to resign. "I will stick until
the Job is finished," he said. , ''I am
no quitter."
ATTLEBOnO. Mass.. Aug. 19. (I. !
X. S. ) Edward Alfred Schneider, of I
Bockville Center, Eong Island, is some
Romeo. He smashed all records for
marriage proposals when on a visit ,
to this city he proposed to Miss There
sa Hamill Simmons of Albany, N. Y.,
in the short period of one-half hour. ;
Schneider met Miss Simmons and in- j
vlted her for an automobile ride. Ho
proposed marriage, was accepted, and
was on his way to the District Court ;
House within a half hour's time.
Judge Charles C. Hargerty, after be
ing convinced that the case was "one
of love at first sight," granted a waiv
er of the five-day marriage law. The
next trip was to tho Methodist parson-
age, where He v. Edward E. Wells
made the couple man and wife. The
auto ride which started as n joy ride ,
was finished as a honeymoon. 1
Keep Your Blood
Pure In Summer
Many fever epidemics are
caused by impurities in the
water supply and are ended only
when the water is purified. Like
wise, many blood disorders such as ec
sema, tetter, pimple, boils, blackheads
and Rheumatism are caused by impuri
ties in the blood supply and can bo
stopped only when these are driven out.
Enrich your blood and keep It pure by
taking- S. S, 8. You could have no bet
ter health insurance
For Special Booklet or for inrff
viduml advice, without charge,
write Chief Medical Advittor,
S.S.S. Co.,Dep't4S9, Atlanta, Ga.
Get S. S. S. at your druggist.
The Standard Blood Purifier
Despain & Lee Cash Grocery
Phone 880 . 209 E. Court St.
Saturday's Specials
MELONS, Per pound
PEACHES, Alberta crate $1.40
Cantaloupes, crate of 45, $1.30
kw 23 few J
6 pounds $1.25
2 1-2 pound can 81.00
Pints 35c
Quarts 60c
1-2 Gallon $1.15
9 large cans $1.00
43 Cans, case $5.25
7 Cans, 1 lb $1.00
3 Pound Can (jOc