East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 19, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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' 1 ' ' ' . ' 1 1 i
The net presa run of yterday'i Dally
Thl paper is member or and audited
by the Audit Bureau of Circulation.
The East Oreirontan H Baitem Ore
gon's greatest newspsper ni ea erH
Ins; force gives to the advertiser or
twice the guaranteed paid circulation ,
In Pendleton end I'matlila county of
any other newspaper.
NO. 9908
VOL. 33
Asa B. Thomson, Echo, is Ap
pointed Secretary Farm Loan ,
Bank for Twelfth District.
Carl G. Helm Will be Register
of La Grande Land Office; J.
H. Peare is Named Receiver.
PORTLAND, Aufc'. 19. (A. P.) A
Washington dispute!) to the Oregom
an nays Senator McNury and Klun
"ield liuvo agreed on the following ap
pointments: Collector of Internal
revenue, Clyde U. Huntley, of Oregon
City; collector of custom for the
Willamette district, George U. Piper,
of Portland; customs upirulner of the
Willamette district, K. N. Wheeler, of
Portland; United Htutes marshal,
Clarence H. Hotchklss; prohibition di
rector. Hr. Joseph IJnnvllle, of Carl
ton; receiver of the Itoseburg land of
llco, ircu v. iittne. oi
Dallas land office register. J. W. Don-
n-iiv nf Arlinrton: receiver T. t
tut, of PiuCMi;.rCtfLyj,r jtr Burns.
land office, J. J. Jonegan, of Hums;
fcceiver of the La Grande land office
J. JL. Peare, of La Grande, register
for ljk Grande land office, Carl G.
Helm of Stanfield; Vale receiver
Ueorge M. Love of Vale; register, of
Ihe lk8 View land office, Frank P.
Light, of 1-ake View; secretary of the
farm loan bank for the 12th district,
Asa H. Thomson, of Kcho.
A recommendation for surveyor
general was deferred. K. K. Ilrodle of
Oregon City is said to be favored for
minister to Slam and Pun V. noyd,
Of Enterprise Is In line for a diploma
tic appointment. ' ,
The foregoing bears out a Washing
ton report carried by the Kast Ore
onlan on August 10 that Asa H.
Vhomson would be recommended for
the farm loan bank appointment and
Jliat .Messrs Hotchklss nd Huntley
UuulU be named Us V. H. murslmll and
Internal revenue collector respect
A slight ndvance In the wheat price
is apparent In today's market, Sep
tember wheat closing at $1.17 and
December wheat at $1.18. Yester
day's closing prices were $1.16 3-4 and
$1.17 1-2, respectively.
Following ara the .quotations re
ceived by" Overbook & Cooke, local
Open High Low Close
Sept. $1.16 $1.18H $1.16 $1.17
Bee. 1.17V4 119H 1.16U 1.18
Sept. .65 .S3 .51H .S2tt
Dec. .53 4 .52 ft .53
Wheat Liquidation was renewed
Immediately after the opening but the
market showed more resistance to the
seller and sharp rally carried prices to
a premium over last night's close. The
local cash demand was fairly good and
premiums were slightly better for
choice grades. Outside market, how
ever, showed less strength. Exporters
continue to take fairly large quanti
ties but apparently have assumed a
waiting altitude, and are buying onlyj
on breaks, realizing that there is plen
ty of wheat for sale and that t'tiy r.re
not likely to encounter any difficulty
' securing immediate requirements.
The domestic milling demand also Ins
been quite active although flour sales
for the past two days show some fall
ing off. Practically all advices from
the northwest ore to the effect that the
spring wheat farmer will be u prompt
seller this year. Wo believe adverse
trade conditions will continue to ip
crate against price stability, at lei st
until the urgent marketing of new
crop Is out of the way.
CHICAGO, Aug". 19. (I. N. 8.)
The roll road labor board ordered pay
ment of time nnd half for overtime to
employes of the shoprrafts unions
a victory for (he rail unions. Approx
imately (i.OnO.AOO men were Involved
wioniwnTOW Atir. 1 .f A. P. i
appropriation cut from 1$00,000,000
to 175, 000, 000, passed the aenate,
Echo Expects Great Changes as
Developments in Irrigation
at Her Front Door are Made;
Wheat Yields High This Year
ECHO, Aug. 19. "Of all the dis
tricts In Umatilla county, as 1 hi p it,
none ha more to hope for In the way
of development thun Echo. We are
near the Ted Irrigation project which
when It is completed will bring In sev
eral hundred families and hnvo the
benef t of the advantages that will
come lo us, in addition to those that
we ulrendy njoy, we are going to lie
one of the best communities imagin
able In this county."
That Is the kind of faith that F. O
George, president of the- 'HI: ho Com
mercial Club, and a leading merchant
In town, has In his community. And
(he spirit with which he tells one of
this faith Is the sort that makes one
realize that he believes it wllh all his
A survey of the resources of the ter
ritory adjacent to this town will help
one to appreciate the enthiiKiuMii
which Mr. George expresses. In the
first place, there Is a big acreage of
that old staple crop of Umatilla coun
ty ranches, wheat, which flows into
Echo. This year the yield has been a
banner one and farmers feel an pp-
!,mlKln th,lt comeg cf m0re monev
j,hlIl 1iy rxpeole(, to receive. rhp
average yield is estimated by Mr.
Qrorfm tn e Tcfntt'tnffa,''ri.;. .
Crops Are fwsl.
"I think we have a minimum of 12,
000 acres of grain land which is trib
utary to town," he said. "A ennserva-
live estimate of the yield on all of it
according to my observation, wouliT
be 22 bushels an acre this year, ynite
a lot of It has gone between 30 and
3", bushels, with a lot more between
35 and 30. Very little has fallen un
der 20 bushels. And on our HiUil so. I,
that Is good."
Something like Tnnfl acres are irri
gated, he thinks. The nutter Cr.ek
territory is near Kcho, and there Is a
minimum of BOOO acres under water
there. Then In Hie bottom lands of
the Umatilla, there is easily another
2U0.U acres that Is Irrigated. A great
deal of this Irrigated land Is prnduc- I
Ing alfalfa, and the crop this year is
Comparatively Little Dairying.
Xothwlthstamling there Is a great
deal of alfalfa produced here, every
one reports that there Is comparative
ly Lttle dairying and such a condition
naturally causes a stranger to wonder
why this should be. I wanted to know
about this, and I found that the rea-
(Continued on page 5.)
Professor Characterized Offer
as Great Honor But Does Not
Care to Leave Present Work.
REATTLR, Aug. 19. (U. P.) Fred
C. Ayer, professor of school adminis
tration and college education at the
University of Washington, regretted
being forced to refuse the appointment
as head of the Oregon State Normal
School nt Monmouth, Oregon Ho
characterized the offer as a great hon
or nnd temptation, but he does not
enre to leave the work he Is now do
PETALUMA, Cat., Aug. 19. (U. P.)
The body of Charles Hoffer, a pa
roled convict, was found at the end
of a bloody trail, leading from the
Ornnt home where the assailant broke
In, murdered Evelyn OVnnt, 14 years
of ago and fatally wounded the girl's
sister, grandmother and father. Hoff
ner is believed to be the assailant, as
he hnd been recently arrested for nn
attempted assault upon Evelyn.
er had slashed himself until he bled miles from Angora, the Turkish na
to death. Angry citizens threatened tlonallst capital in Anatolia, sa d nn
to burn Hoffer's body. Athens dispatch. Greek aeroplanes
bombed Angora and the aviators
"Wordometer" Is a new Invention ' claimed lo have made many dire;-!
which la hitched to the space bar tit
the typewriter and tells the number of
worda which has been written,
Stanfield Men Claim That
Reservoir Will Mean 1000
New Families in County;
Irrigation Makes Good.
STANFIELD, Aug. 19. "The one
supreme need of this section is more
water ior irriBttiiuii yui iuwi
the rest of the county can help us td j
fill this need, It will be tho greatest
possible boon to us, and It Will help
the rest of the county while it is help
ing us." .
That in substance was the -call
fn.iin Macedonia" that Claud Parr and
I heard here yesterdny from It. A.
Molte, cashier of the Punk of Stanfield
when we made a call on the tour of
the county In the interests of see ins
that the whole county is represented
In the booklet which is to be publish
ed some time this fall.
"We don't need any boosting be
cause there are enough people in the
world who already realize that we j
have a very productive soil, a plea-;
hie healthful climate, and tho other
essentials that go to make an ideal
Place to live. What we do need, and
what the other communities In the
county can help us to get, is more
water. To gel it, the .McKay Creek
reservoir project must be put
through. i
Kyle Says, Amen." lhc British proposals and are drafting
We found that Mr. Unite Is not the; counter proposals. The Irish parlia-rm!y-UM-who
huM Mm lika-thJ. 1 tnent la. ejijjeKlwl to jnet Monday and
flt'lier.' Jim Kyle, who deals In real I Pass upon the counter proposals, and
estate some, is vitally Interested in ir-1 make a public announcement Tuesday,
rlgatlon and who also owns a big farm, jThe situation ,s regarded as extiemc--wants
to see the big project realized ly Brave.
as quickly as possible. j While Lloyd George told the com-
"In my opinion the completion of;lnons tlf nr;taln's stand on the Irish
the .McKay Creek reservoir would add j peace, Lord Curzon explained the
1.0I1U families to the west end of l'ma mme attitude to the house of lords.
tllla comity and Morrow county with-
in two years," is the way Mr. Kyle i
expresses himself.
I think the rest
of the county j
sometimes falls to realize the inirt- .
"nt f Irrigation and what It means8,lIt tie commons nnd secure its ap
now to I matilla county nnd what It ,
means to our future. Here is one way Br,ve,.nm,.nt proposed to take. The
to see what it has already meant. In'P,m0ns ndiourned following the
rOontmuert on page .)
ASTORIA, Aug. IS. (U. P.) The
dead body of bum In Wing, found
with a knife sunk deeply Into his neck,
is regarded as the opening of a tong
war here. The police were not able
to find n trace of Wing's nssailnnts.
His throat was cut from ear to ear.
Wing came to Astoria from San
Francisco nnd has been here
three years, it Is not known whether
he was a member of the tong but no
oilier motive is apparent as the body
was not robbed. The police are at
tempting to connect this murder with
thak of Murphy Chung, a wealthy Chl
MPHe, found clubbed to death six weeks
ago. Wing's mnrdet was apparently
carefully premeditated. Signs of a
bloody struggle were found along the
steps at the bottom of which Wing's
body was found.-
CHKVr.XNK, Wyo., Aug. 19. (U.
P.) Professor Heller's reported
"loss" in t lie Hoodoo mountains is re
gurded as absurd, Heller having been
seen repeatedly in Yellowstone Pnrk.
where he has talked with tourists and
guides, since Tuesday. New York dis- J
patches say the authorities regard thej
2(ien mile pigeon flight as a practical i
ioke on lan Singer, the actor, to I
whom the v'geon's message was mi
ll ressed.
IiOXOON". Aug. 19. (I. N. 1
The Greek ndvunce guards are only tin;
hits on the garrison. The civilian
population Is reported to be evacuat-l
Ing the city,
Lloyd George
Says English
Has Gone Limit
Irish Offer.
Irish Parliament rs Expected
to Meet Monday to Pass Up
on the Counter Proposals.
LONDON', Aug. 19. (U. P.) Pre
mier Lloyd George told the commons
the British government has said nil I
was going to say regarding De Valera's
letters. Tho government has gone the
limit in Irish offers and the only ob
jection to the terms is that they are
1 too generous.
Jt is inconceivable that
I Ireland will consent to resume the
I riuai rel, as It would mean lr.sh eco-
nomic ruin.
Reports from Dublin indicate the
Irish republican army Is making
preparations to renew the attack. Tin
Duil Kireann it is reported, rejected
n house of commons, Lloyd-Oeorse
term nuted his ech when he said In
(the event the Irish rejection of the
)P;lce terms is beyond hope of nego-
tjatlons. it would be necessary to con-
nroV(ii r disapproval of the steps the
' Ir sh discussion, until October IS.
I IaINDOX. Aug. 19. (A. P.) Lord
! Curzon, addressing the house of lords,
I said the government has offered Ire
liind all that could be given without
j compromising the safety of the realm,
sovereignty of the crown and dlgn'ty
of the emp re. In the commons Lloyd
j George said the whole terms were con
. lained in a letter to De Valera and
nothing was kept back. -
Alleged Murderer Told Officers
He Was Glad tO be Home;
Slept Shortly After Arrival. ,
nnsv-prpn iu P.l
Dr. Prumfleld was smuggled quMly
Into Jail
Sheriff Stunner and the two
deputies, left the Shasta L nuted nt ;
Kdenbower, n mile north of , Hose
hurg, took an automobile and placed j
the prisoner In Jail at midnight. There I
iwas no demonstration, few people- he-
Ing about the jail. Prumfield was
nappy when the Ja 1 doors cliiseu pro-
tecting h'ni from fear of the mob. Tr i
told the officers he was glad to get j
horn" and he w as asleep 15 minutes j
after his arrival. He wants.to see no I
one but his wife, children nnn
years today.
FIFI STILLMANicmniission.
K.VNSAP CITY. Auir. 19. fi.
X. S. 1 The Kansas City Post,
in n ropyrishted story, revealed
nn alleged plot to murder Mr.
Flfi Porter Stillman. of the Still
inan divorce case fame. The
amazing story was told by Sum
Harris, 20 years of use, who ad
mits he was hired w'th four oth
ers to tint Mrs. Stiliman out of
the way. He Is under arrest for
Invo'tbint'on of hs statements.
He declared the five were to get
S2T,.nn0 for "humping" Mrs.
Stillman. Harris said one of the
snog, while waiting for an oppo
tnn t'me to execute the plan,
robbed an apartment in Xew
York and was chased by detec-
the g;ng decided to
"beat It."
Where Is the best bucking hull
in this section of the country?
To find out, the management
of Happy Canyon offers a prize
of $25 which will be awarded in
a contest to be staged at the
night show during Flound-1'p. i
Fighting steers and bucking
steers there have been in plenty :
in years Rone by, but a real j
bucking bull is what is wanted j
to add color and atmosphere to j
thUi year's performance. And
j the management is looking for !
tho very best material available. ;
Any owners of candidates who
think their animals could qualify
as being real classy .in the ring
should get In touch with the
Wirth Intimated if he Signs U.
S Trfifttv Draft Government!
Would be Overthrown.
BERLIN. Aug. 19. (U. P.) Chan
cellor Wirth intimated to the United
ros that should he sign the Ameri-;
can draft of the German treaty, his
t-ivei-r.nient would be overthrown, as
the American proposals are regarded
to be rustic.
Treaty negotiations N-In fcaess
between I,oring Dresscl. the American
charae d'affaires ond Chancellor
Wirth. Germany's stand on the exces
sivenes of the treaty demands is be.
lieved to be strengthened by Frank
Vanderlip, who In Interviews with the
Herman press said Germany was un
able to fulfill the terms of the Versail
les treaty. Vanderlip is believed to be
President Harding' "colonel housf."
Gorman property holdings in th?
United States is the one clause which
is Under fire.
Would Unite ncii-liKtag
PKRLIX. Aug. 19. (A. P.) Chan
cellor Wirth is endeavoring to unite
all factions of the Reichstag on plans
for the negotiation of a peace treaty
with the United States.
One watch and J 7 SO In cash was se
cured last night in a roobery that wiu
perpetrated at Hilgard when three
men held up members of an extra
gang on the O-W. R. & X.
The holdup men made a clean get
iaway after securing the loot, nnd a
f report was received here to be on the
! lookout for three men riding the
; blinds on No. 19. There was no de-
jscription of tho men furnished. The
j police and members of the sheriff's
i.force rtopi-d nil freight und passen-
ra;n nd several vagrants were
watch couui im found. The theory is j
i entertained mat me ronoers uounieu
ibac'k and went oast after starting tow- j
ll,1. I'endleton.
WASHINGTON'. Aug. 19. (U.
P.) !
House representatives raised a pos-
..11... ilumipal 'r,riH'e ni1.
cepiance ii me b'm fi iii" p-iiii' 'L "
Philippines when members of the
house milit iry affairs committee by a
huge majority killed the senate resolu
tion allowing Wood to accept the np
,iiit without rpsicnintr his urmy
. . . t I,A
' The f'rst airplane garage has made
'its debut in London. Skilled median-
'lis under qualified ground engineers
!:r.i.ke repairs "while you wait."
! .
Aug. 19.
l.ciiKlen, the
MU. P.) Mile. Scianne
French tennis champion, will rlny
jMi-s. Mallory, the American champion
for the world tennis championship the
'first week in September, during the
e liivis cup mutches, It was Kunu-d to-
Prisoner Held at Walla Walla Admits He is Owner, of Blood
stained Blanket and Garments; Arrest Made at Daylight
Today After Long Chase in Mountains. ' , . '
Fred Patterson, alias Pat Anderson and also known as AMy
Anderson, was arrested about daylight this morning on a charge
of complicity in the murder of Matt Jepson, aged rancher whose
body was found in a -well last Saturday on his ranch 16 miles
east of Milton, according to a news report by the VallaWana
The arrest of Patterson was made by Sheriff Ho user, who
with Deputy E. B. F. Ridgeway and A. Van Orsdale, a Walla
Walla officer, comprised a posse t'nat had sought the man for
many hours. Patterson was arrested at Glassby's mill, 25 miles
southeast of Walla Walla. At 11 o'clock this forenoon he wa
being held in the Walla Walla county jail. ' ; ; , j
Oc tober 7 and S have been chosen
for the seventh annual Dairy and Hogjthe blo,Klhound, drew near he' came
Show to be hela at Hermiston, ac
cording to a decision of the Dairy and
How Show association of which
George H. Root is president, C. L.
Jackson, secretary, George Strobrh.-J-i eTsh!r?Wwnic15'he hasodrrritted. The
W. Campbell and P. B. Sisel, directors, j theory is held that Jepson was killed
Plans for the exhibition Indicate I with an axe some distance away from
that the show will be enlarged in ;his placa and that his body was plae
scope, with special attention to edu-ed on a horse and carried t the well
i rational and enterta nment features.
Cash prizes will total 1000, and will
be for cattle, hogs, horses, fruit and
other produce, with some of the
preminniH for Fnys' and Girls' Club
work and for home economic exhib
its by women. I'rizes for horses are
a new feature this year.
In addition to the $1000 prize list.
1250 will be donated by Hermiston
i,nUin.Uu r,.n ..,..... i,.,. i.
tares. This will be aw arded in prizes
fur pulling contests, grease
ied pig and
ere will i,e
hitching contests, etc. Th
.lances each evening.
All exhibits will be made on the
grounds and there will be more space
n addition to that used in previous
years. The show is hourfed in $2500
buildings which have been built by
the assoc'ntion during the past years.
The judges for exhibits will be fron(
the Oregon Agriculture college. Far
mers are showing much interest in
(he Dairy and How Show and exhibits
promise to excel those of former years.
French Won Diplomatic Victory
Over British; Announcement
Made Troops Would Go.
PA It IS. Aug. 19. (I. N". S.) The
French won a diplomatic victory over
te I'.ritish when the announcement
was made that the allies had agreed
to send reinforcements to Upper PI
lesia. According to the announce-
... I
ment. France will send one lirlgade.
Itritain two regiments and Italy a
Upon the adjournment of the su-
.nlllw.il f..uL- if U':Ll Ktttt. '
ed no reinforcements would be sent
unless the ullied commissioners In j
Upper Silesia agreed they were need-j
WASHINGTON. Aug. 19. (U. P.) ,
France is regarding the coming dis-1
armament conference seriously, ac
. ..r.lmi- to Marcel Hutln. the famous
' .-. i. , 11. ..-I... ili.pln-n,l ' "Iff.
r lem ii j"ui mi of-,. i." . ....
er the meeting in Washington we will
breathe again." President Harding Is
still working upon the personnel to the
I coming conference, especially tne
deniociatlc memler. Wilson and his
close followers on the league of na.
Hons ure eliminated. Senator Pome
rene of Ohio and Senator Underwood
of Alabama are being the two chiefly
considered. Roth are thought as
pleasing to the democrats.
Blood Stains Fwnd. ' -'.
- In the search for Patterson the offir 1
rs made use of three automobiles '
and the bloodhounds from the Walla'
Walla penitentiary. Sheriff Houaer
left Walla Walla about 1 o'clock, thin
morning with the hounds and the dis-
i tance to Glassby's mill was covered
j between that time and daylight. Pat-.
j teraon ,had le" his cabin n taken
out i f the brush and gave himself up
Evidcnce against Patterson la partly
based on bloodstains on a. -blanket.
saddle pad, chaps and a shirt the own-
where it was found. For this reason
1 the bloodstains oa the saddle blanket
I assume importance. A ahirt owned y
Patterson has something that looks
very much like blood on the right
sleeve. There Is also a blood stain onf ,
the right side of a belt on the rhaps.
I a iesi nine was iouna among me er.
' ' ecM raicersou ai.me canto out
Ith fe found- no other evidence ,.
! of a moonshine outfit. ' .
I Paon is a man of 40 or 46 year
antl na'' bcen around Walla Walla at
various times for" many years.' IJttle
is snown aooui mm excepting tnat ne
hangs about resorts there during the
winter, playing cards, and often dis- "
appears in the spring. .
A thumb lost through an accident,
has been replaced TT the fiatlent's bitf
toe, through the skill of a French aur-4
geon. - - , !
PAUNSTARUC llass "Aug 19.
(U. p.l A crowd of angry citizens
were prevented from lynching three
regroes accused of an attempted as
sault upon Miss Helen Butler and her
escort, when guards fired into the air
and drove the crowd back from the
jail. The militia and special officer
are being rushed to ruard the Jail.
Streets Lined With Auto .
The prisoners are West Indian ne.
groes. The jailers had their first IntU
matinn of the 'lynching when , the.
moonlight gleamed on the top of an
anti mobile entering the jail yard.' A
few minutes Inter the streets about
the jail were filled with automobiles
I with drivers at the wheels and the
eogines running, lteinrorcemenw are
I,,.:.... ...... U V. ...J ..Ml n..K,Kl,t
..n.i ..m
Insure the negroes safety, the authori
ties think.
Reported by Major I.ee Moorhouse,
weather observer,
Maximum, S2. '
Minimum, 47. j
Parameter, 29.S2. ' I
Tonight and
Baturduy fair
and warmer.